cr7-gjx's picture
import gradio as gr
import requests
import json
import os
from pathlib import Path
import inquirer
import typer
from rich.console import Console
from rich.prompt import IntPrompt, Prompt, Confirm
import argparse
import logging
import util
from model import get_all_embeddings, get_all_llms
from setting import Settings, get_all_model_settings, load_model_setting
# import Settings, get_all_model_settings, load_model_setting
from model import agi_init
import gym
from retriever import (
import gym_coup
import random
from rlcard.utils import set_seed
import rlcard
from rlcard import models
from rlcard.models import leducholdem_rule_models
#Inferenec function
def predict(openai_gpt4_key, game_selection, action, inputs, top_p, temperature, chat_counter, dialogue_chatbot=[], system_chatbot=[], history=[]):
verified, settings, env, ctx = history['verified'], history['settings'], history['env'], history['ctx']
bot_long_memory, bot_short_memory = history['bot_long_memory'], history['bot_short_memory']
agents_num, chips, user_index, game_idx, mode = history['agents_num'], history['chips'], history['user_index'], history['game_idx'], history['mode']
status_message = ''
valid_actions = gr.Dropdown.update(choices=[], value=None)
if env is None: #settings.model.llm.openai_api_key is None:
if not verified:
res = util.verify_openai_token(openai_gpt4_key)
if res != "OK":
return system_chatbot, dialogue_chatbot, valid_actions, history, chat_counter, res
history['verified'] = True
if game_selection == '' or game_selection is None:
return system_chatbot, dialogue_chatbot, valid_actions, history, chat_counter, "Please select a game."
settings = Settings()
settings.model = load_model_setting("openai-gpt-4-0613")
#settings.model.llm.openai_api_key = None
#settings.model.embedding.openai_api_key = None
settings.model.llm.openai_api_key = openai_gpt4_key
settings.model.embedding.openai_api_key = openai_gpt4_key
res = util.verify_model_initialization(settings)
if res != "OK":
return system_chatbot, dialogue_chatbot, valid_actions, history, chat_counter, res
# read agents configs
agent1_file = 'person_config/Persuader.json'
agent1_config = util.load_json(Path(agent1_file))
agent1_config["path"] = agent1_file
agent2_file = 'person_config/GoodGuy.json'
agent2_config = util.load_json(Path(agent2_file))
agent2_config["path"] = agent2_file
agent_configs = [agent1_config, agent2_config]
agent_names = [agent1_config["name"], agent2_config["name"]]
if game_selection == 'coup':
game_config_file = 'game_config/coup.json'
elif game_selection == 'leduc-holdem':
game_config_file = 'game_config/leduc_limit.json'
elif game_selection == 'limit-holdem':
game_config_file = 'game_config/limit_holdem.json'
game_config = util.load_json(Path(game_config_file))
game_config["path"] = game_config_file
user_index = 1
console = Console()
ctx = agi_init(agent_configs, game_config, console, settings, user_index)
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = openai_gpt4_key
if game_selection != 'coup':
env = rlcard.make(game_selection)
env = gym.make('coup-v0')
history['env'] = env
history['ctx'] = ctx
#valid_actions['label'] = 'hello there'
for i in range(agents_num):
bot_short_memory.append([f'{game_idx+1}th Game Start'])
bot_long_memory.append([f'{game_idx+1}th Game Start'])
status_message = 'Verified.'
if game_selection != 'coup':
valid_actions = f"{env.get_state(env.get_player_id())['raw_legal_actions']}"
valid_action_list = env.get_valid_actions(text=True)
# check if opponent makes move first
if game_selection != 'coup':
idx = env.get_player_id()
idx =
if idx != user_index:
amy = ctx.robot_agents[idx]
if game_selection != 'coup':
amy_obs = env.get_state(env.get_player_id())['raw_obs']
amy_index = env.get_player_id()
amy_obs['game_num'] = game_idx+1
amy_obs['rest_chips'] = chips[idx]
amy_obs['opponent_rest_chips'] = chips[(idx+1)%agents_num]
valid_action_list = env.get_state(env.get_player_id())['raw_legal_actions']
amy_obs =env.get_obs(text=True,p2_view = (idx==1))
amy_index =
valid_action_list = env.get_valid_actions(text=True)
opponent_name = ctx.robot_agents[(idx+1)%agents_num].name
act, comm, bot_short_memory, bot_long_memory = amy.make_act(amy_obs, opponent_name, amy_index, valid_action_list, verbose_print=False,
game_idx=game_idx, round=0, bot_short_memory=bot_short_memory, bot_long_memory=bot_long_memory, console=Console(),
log_file_name=None, mode=mode)
if game_selection != 'coup':
env.step(act, raw_action=True)
win_message =
# print(win_message)
if win_message is not None:
win_message = win_message.replace('Player 0',ctx.robot_agents[0].name)
win_message = win_message.replace('Player 1',ctx.robot_agents[1].name)
win_message = win_message.replace('I',ctx.robot_agents[idx].name)
win_message = win_message.replace('the opponent',ctx.robot_agents[(idx + 1) % agents_num].name)
dialogue_chatbot.append((None, comm))
system_chatbot.append((None, f'Suspicion-Agent action: {act}'))
# get user observation
idx = user_index #env.get_player_id()
if game_selection != 'coup':
amy_obs = env.get_state(idx)['raw_obs']
#amy_obs['game_num'] = game_idx+1
amy_obs['rest_chips'] = chips[idx]
amy_obs['opponent_rest_chips'] = chips[(idx+1)%agents_num]
valid_actions = env.get_state(idx)['raw_legal_actions']
amy_obs =env.get_obs(text=True,p2_view = (idx==1))
valid_actions = env.get_valid_actions(text=True)
if game_selection != 'coup':
game_state_string = ""
for key, value in amy_obs.items():
if key != 'legal_actions':
game_state_string += f"{key}: {value}\n"
system_chatbot.append((f'Game state:\n{game_state_string}', None))
system_chatbot.append((f'Game state:\n{amy_obs}', None))
#system_chatbot.append((f'{amy_obs}', None))
valid_actions = gr.Dropdown.update(choices=valid_actions, value=None)
return system_chatbot, dialogue_chatbot, valid_actions, history, chat_counter, status_message
# return system_chatbot, dialogue_chatbot, history, chat_counter, "Already Verified."
# check if game is over
if game_selection != 'coup':
game_over = env.is_over()
game_over =
if game_over:
status_message = "Game ended."
return system_chatbot, dialogue_chatbot, valid_actions, history, chat_counter, status_message
if action is None:
status_message = "No action received."
return system_chatbot, dialogue_chatbot, valid_actions, history, chat_counter, status_message
if game_selection != 'coup':
if action not in env.get_state(env.get_player_id())['raw_legal_actions']:
status_message = "Not a valid action. Please enter a valid action."
return system_chatbot, dialogue_chatbot, valid_actions, history, chat_counter, status_message
if action not in env.get_valid_actions(text=True):
status_message = "Not a valid action. Please enter a valid action."
return system_chatbot, dialogue_chatbot, valid_actions, history, chat_counter, status_message
# message can be empty
#if inputs is None or inputs == "":
# status_message += " No message received."
# return system_chatbot, dialogue_chatbot, history, chat_counter, status_message
# user takes action
if game_selection != 'coup':
env_state = env.get_state(env.get_player_id())['raw_obs']
env_state = env.get_obs(text=True,p2_view = (
# here action comes from user input
#act,_ = rule_model.eval_step(env.get_state(env.get_player_id()))
act = action #env.get_state(env.get_player_id())['raw_legal_actions'][0]
if game_selection != 'coup':
bot_short_memory[(user_index + 1) % agents_num].append(
f"The valid action list of {ctx.robot_agents[user_index].name} is {env.get_state(env.get_player_id())['raw_legal_actions']}, and he tries to take action: {act}. He said, {inputs}")
# bot_short_memory[(args.user_index) % args.agents_num].append(
# f"{ctx.robot_agents[args.user_index].name} have the observation: {env.get_state(env.get_player_id())['raw_obs']}, and try to take action: {act}.")
bot_long_memory[(user_index) % agents_num].append(
f"{ctx.robot_agents[user_index].name} have the observation: {env.get_state(env.get_player_id())['raw_obs']}, and try to take action: {act}.")
# bot_long_memory[(args.user_index) % args.agents_num].append(
# f"{ctx.robot_agents[args.user_index].name} try to take action: {act}.")
bot_short_memory[(user_index + 1) % agents_num].append(
f"The valid action list of {ctx.robot_agents[user_index].name} is {env.get_valid_actions(text=True)}, and he tries to take action: {act}. He said, {inputs}")
# bot_short_memory[(args.user_index) % args.agents_num].append(
# f"{ctx.robot_agents[args.user_index].name} have the observation: {env.get_state(env.get_player_id())['raw_obs']}, and try to take action: {act}.")
bot_long_memory[(user_index) % agents_num].append(
f"{ctx.robot_agents[user_index].name} have the observation: {env.get_obs(text=True,p2_view = (}, and try to take action: {act}.")
# bot_long_memory[(args.user_index) % args.agents_num].append(
# f"{ctx.robot_agents[args.user_index].name} try to take action: {act}.")
if game_selection != 'coup':
env.step(act, raw_action=True)
comm = None
if game_selection != 'coup':
game_over = env.is_over()
game_over =
if not game_over:
# opponent move
# bot reaction
if game_selection != 'coup':
idx = env.get_player_id()
amy = ctx.robot_agents[idx]
amy_index = env.get_player_id()
amy_obs = env.get_state(env.get_player_id())['raw_obs']
amy_obs['game_num'] = game_idx+1
amy_obs['rest_chips'] = chips[idx]
amy_obs['opponent_rest_chips'] = chips[(idx+1)%agents_num]
valid_action_list = env.get_state(env.get_player_id())['raw_legal_actions']
idx =
amy = ctx.robot_agents[idx]
amy_index =
amy_obs = env.get_obs(text=True,p2_view = (idx==1))
valid_action_list = env.get_valid_actions(text=True)
opponent_name = ctx.robot_agents[(idx+1)%agents_num].name
act, comm, bot_short_memory, bot_long_memory = amy.make_act(amy_obs, opponent_name, amy_index, valid_action_list, verbose_print=False,
game_idx=game_idx, round=0, bot_short_memory=bot_short_memory, bot_long_memory=bot_long_memory, console=Console(),
log_file_name=None, mode=mode)
if game_selection != 'coup':
env.step(act, raw_action=True)
idx = user_index # env.get_player_id()
if game_selection != 'coup':
amy_obs = env.get_state(idx)['raw_obs']
amy_obs = env.get_obs(text=True,p2_view = (idx==1))
#amy_obs['game_num'] = game_idx+1
if game_selection != 'coup':
amy_obs['rest_chips'] = chips[idx]
amy_obs['opponent_rest_chips'] = chips[(idx+1)%agents_num]
valid_actions = env.get_state(idx)['raw_legal_actions']
valid_actions = env.get_valid_actions(text=True)
game_state_string = ""
for key, value in amy_obs.items():
if key != 'legal_actions':
game_state_string += f"{key}: {value}\n"
dialogue_chatbot.append((inputs if inputs != "" else None, comm))
system_chatbot.append((f'My action: {action}', f'Suspicion-Agent action: {act}'))
system_chatbot.append((f'Game state:\n{game_state_string}', None))
if game_selection != 'coup':
if env.is_over():
pay_offs = env.get_payoffs()
for idx in range(len(pay_offs)):
pay_offs[idx] = pay_offs[idx]*2
chips[idx] += pay_offs[idx]
if pay_offs[user_index] > 0:
win_message = f'You win {pay_offs[user_index]} chips, Suspicion-Agent lose {pay_offs[user_index]} chips'
win_message = f'Suspicion-Agent win {pay_offs[(user_index+1)%agents_num]} chips, you lose {pay_offs[(user_index+1)%agents_num]} chips'
idx = (user_index + 1)%agents_num
amy_obs = env.get_state(idx)['raw_obs']
bot_hand = amy_obs['hand']
system_chatbot.append((None, f'Suspicion-Agent hand: {bot_hand}'))
system_chatbot.append((f'Gameover.\n {win_message}', None))
valid_actions = []
idx = (user_index + 1)%agents_num
amy_obs = env.get_obs(text=True,p2_view = (idx==1))
bot_hand = amy_obs
system_chatbot.append((None, f'Suspicion-Agent hand: {bot_hand}'))
system_chatbot.append((f'Gameover.\n {win_message}', None))
valid_actions = []
status_message += " Message received."
valid_actions = gr.Dropdown.update(choices=valid_actions, value=None)
return system_chatbot, dialogue_chatbot, valid_actions, history, 1, status_message
#Resetting to blank
def reset_textbox():
return gr.update(value='')
#to set a component as visible=False
def set_visible_false():
return gr.update(visible=False)
#to set a component as visible=True
def set_visible_true():
return gr.update(visible=True)
def update_instruction(game_selection):
if game_selection is not None and game_selection != '':
if game_selection == 'coup':
with open('./game_config/coup.json') as file:
contents = json.load(file)
elif game_selection == 'leduc-holdem':
with open('./game_config/leduc_limit.json') as file:
contents = json.load(file)
elif game_selection == 'limit-holdem':
with open('./game_config/limit_holdem.json') as file:
contents = json.load(file)
return f"Game rule: {contents['game_rule']}\n\n\nObservation Rule: {contents['observation_rule']}"
# update valid actions list
def set_valid_actions():
if game_selection != 'coup':
if env is None:
return gr.update(value='')
if game_selection != 'coup':
valid_actions_list = env.get_state(env.get_player_id())['raw_legal_actions']
valid_actions_list = env.get_valid_actions(text=True)
return gr.update(value=f'{valid_actions_list}')
title = """<h1 align="center">Suspicion-Agent Demo</h1>"""
#display message for themes feature
theme_addon_msg = """<center>This is an official Demo for <b>Suspicion-Agent: Playing Imperfect Information Games with Theory of Mind Aware GPT4</b>. Check out our paper for more details <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>! Some Notes: In the initial games in the demo, Suspicion Agent typically exhibits aggressive play. This is because of the nature of GPT-4 and it is also observed in <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. </center>
#Using info to add additional information about System message in GPT4
system_msg_info = """A conversation could begin with a system message to gently instruct the assistant.
System message helps set the behavior of the AI Assistant. For example, the assistant could be instructed with 'You are a helpful assistant.'"""
#Modifying existing Gradio Theme
theme = gr.themes.Soft(primary_hue="zinc", secondary_hue="blue", neutral_hue="blue",
with gr.Blocks(css = """#col_container { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;} #chatbot {height: 520px; overflow: auto;}""",
theme=theme) as demo:
gr.HTML("""<h3 align="center">🔥This Huggingface Gradio Demo provides a variety of game matches against a GPT4 agent. Please note that you would be needing an OPENAI API key for GPT4 access</h1>""")
gr.HTML("""<center><a href="" target="_blank">Github Codes</a></center>""")
gr.HTML('''<center><a href=""><img src="" alt="Duplicate Space"></a>Duplicate the Space and run securely with your OpenAI API Key</center>''')
initial_state = {
'verified': False,
'settings': None,
'env': None,
'ctx': None,
'bot_long_memory': [],
'bot_short_memory': [],
'agents_num': 2,
'chips': [50,50],
'user_index': 1,
'game_idx': 0,
'mode': 'first_tom',
with gr.Column(elem_id = "col_container"):
#Users need to provide their own GPT4 API key, it is no longer provided by Huggingface
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
openai_gpt4_key = gr.Textbox(label="OpenAI GPT4 Key", value="", type="password", placeholder="sk..", info = "You have to provide your own GPT4 keys for this app to function properly",)
with gr.Column():
game_selection = gr.Dropdown(
["leduc-holdem", "limit-holdem","coup"], label="Game Selections", info="Select the game to play from the dropdown"
#with gr.Accordion(label="System message:", open=False):
# system_msg = gr.Textbox(label="Instruct the AI Assistant to set its beaviour", info = system_msg_info, value="",placeholder="Type here..")
# accordion_msg = gr.HTML(value="🚧 To set System message you will have to refresh the app", visible=False)
with gr.Row():
instruction_panel = gr.Textbox(label='Game Instructions')
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
system_chatbot = gr.Chatbot(label='Game Status', elem_id="system_chatbot")
with gr.Column():
dialogue_chatbot = gr.Chatbot(label='Dialogue with GPT4', elem_id="dialogue_chatbot")
#chatbot = gr.Chatbot(label='GPT4', elem_id="chatbot")
#action = gr.Radio(['call', 'raise', 'fold'], label="Actions", info="Select the action to play")
action = gr.Dropdown(placeholder="", label="Select an action.", info="")
inputs = gr.Textbox(placeholder="", label="Type a message for the opponent. Messages are optional.")
state = gr.State(initial_state)
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=7):
b1 = gr.Button().style(full_width=True)
with gr.Column(scale=3):
server_status_code = gr.Textbox(label="Status code from OpenAI server", )
#top_p, temperature
with gr.Accordion("Parameters", open=False):
top_p = gr.Slider(minimum=-0, maximum=1.0, value=1.0, step=0.05, interactive=True, label="Top-p (nucleus sampling)",)
temperature = gr.Slider(minimum=-0, maximum=5.0, value=1.0, step=0.1, interactive=True, label="Temperature",)
chat_counter = gr.Number(value=0, visible=False, precision=0)
#Event handling
inputs.submit(predict, [openai_gpt4_key, game_selection, action, inputs, top_p, temperature, chat_counter, dialogue_chatbot, system_chatbot, state], [system_chatbot, dialogue_chatbot, action, state, chat_counter, server_status_code],) #openai_api_key, [openai_gpt4_key, game_selection, action, inputs, top_p, temperature, chat_counter, dialogue_chatbot, system_chatbot, state], [system_chatbot, dialogue_chatbot, action, state, chat_counter, server_status_code],) #openai_api_key
#inputs.submit(set_visible_false, [], [system_msg]), [], [system_msg])
#inputs.submit(set_visible_true, [], [accordion_msg]), [], [accordion_msg]), [game_selection], [instruction_panel]), [], [inputs])
inputs.submit(reset_textbox, [], [inputs]), [], [valid_actions])
#inputs.submit(set_valid_actions, [], [valid_actions])
demo.queue(max_size=99, concurrency_count=20).launch(debug=True)