Runtime error
Runtime error
import streamlit as st | |
import re | |
import datetime | |
import copy | |
# Absolute Date [or pieces of it] | |
mdy_abs_1 = re.compile('[^0-9][0-9]{1,2}[-\/.][0-9]{1,2}([-\/.][0-9]{4})?([^a-z]|$)', re.IGNORECASE) #12-13-2023, and no digits before" | |
mdy_abs_3 = re.compile('(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec|january|february|march|april|may|june|july|august|sept|september|october|november|december)\.? ?[0-9]{1,2}(th|st|nd|rd)*,? ?([0-9]{4})?', re.IGNORECASE) # July 3 | |
mdy_abs_2 = re.compile('[0-9]{1,2}(th|st|nd|rd)* ?(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec|january|february|march|april|may|june|july|august|sept|september|october|november|december),? ?([0-9]{4})?', re.IGNORECASE) | |
m_abs_1 = re.compile('(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec|january|february|march|april|may|june|july|august|sept|september|october|november|december)', re.IGNORECASE) # Just month | |
d_abs_1 = re.compile('[0-9]{1,2}(th|st|nd|rd)*', re.IGNORECASE) # Just date | |
# Relative Date | |
mdy_rel_1 = re.compile('((monday|mon)|(tuesday|tue)|(wednesday|wed)|(thursday|thu)|(friday|fri)|(saturday|sat)|(sunday|sun))([^a-z]|)', re.IGNORECASE) # Days of week. Fully resolves. | |
mdy_rel_2 = re.compile('((tom)(orrow)?.?)|(today)|(tonight)|(now)|((week)(end)?)', re.IGNORECASE) # Tomorrow. Fully resolves | |
del_days_rel_1 = re.compile('([0-9]|( |a|the|one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine)) ?days? ?', re.IGNORECASE) # "X days". Fully resolves | |
# Absolute Time | |
hhmm_abs_1 = re.compile('[0-9]{1,2}:?([^-\/][0-9]{0,2})? ?(am|pm|a\.m\.|p\.m\.|a m|p m|a([^a-z]|)|p([^a-z]|))', re.IGNORECASE) | |
hhmm_abs_2 = re.compile(' (noon|midnight)', re.IGNORECASE) | |
# Relative Time | |
del_hours_rel_1 = re.compile('([0-9]{1,2}|(|a|the|one|two|three|few|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine|ten)) ?((hour|hrs.?)|(min(ute)?))s?', re.IGNORECASE) | |
adverbs = re.compile('(from|after|before|next|end|this|past) ', re.IGNORECASE) # Adverbs used to resolve if multiple patterns are "hit". This leads to the "addition" problem (described on notion). | |
def abs_date_parse(snip): | |
month_dict = {'jan': 1, 'january': 1, 'feb': 2, 'february': 2, 'mar': 3, 'march': 3, 'apr': 4, 'april': 4, 'may': 5, 'jun': 6, 'june': 6, 'jul': 7, 'july': 7, 'aug': 8, 'august': 8, 'sep': 9, 'sept': 9, 'september': 9, 'oct': 10, 'october': 10, 'nov': 11, 'november': 11, 'dec': 12, 'december': 12} | |
month, date, year = None, None, None | |
snip = snip.replace(',', '').lower() | |
m ='[a-zA-Z]{3}', snip) | |
d = | |
current_month, current_date, current_year = d.month,, d.year | |
if m is not None: | |
words = snip.split(' ') | |
for w in words: | |
if w in month_dict: | |
month = month_dict[w] | |
continue | |
w = w.replace('st', '').replace('nd', '').replace('rd', '').replace('th', '') | |
if w.isdigit() and int(w) > 31: | |
year = int(w) | |
if w.isdigit() and int(w) <= 31: | |
date = int(w) | |
if month is None: | |
raise Exception("There should have been a month, but could not identify") | |
if date is None: | |
raise Exception("There should have been a date, but could not identify") | |
if year is None: # May need to check around year-changes if this gets funky | |
year = d.year | |
if datetime.datetime(year, month, date) < | |
year = d.year + 1 | |
else: | |
if '-' in snip: | |
tokens = snip.split('-') | |
if '/' in snip: | |
tokens = snip.split('/') | |
if '.' in snip: | |
tokens = snip.split('.') | |
remainder = copy.deepcopy(tokens) | |
for (i,t) in enumerate(tokens): | |
if int(t) > 31 and year is None: | |
year = int(t) | |
remainder.remove(t) | |
if int(t) > 12 and int(t) <= 31 and date is None: | |
date = int(t) | |
remainder.remove(t) | |
if len(remainder) == 1: # Just fit it where it belongs | |
if month is None: | |
month = int(remainder[0]) | |
if date is None: | |
date = int(remainder[0]) | |
if len(remainder) == 2: # Probably lack of clarity on month and date | |
print("There are multiple options for what this could mean. Going to select shortest one.") | |
test_date_1 = datetime.datetime(d.year, int(remainder[0]), int(remainder[1])) | |
test_date_2 = datetime.datetime(d.year, int(remainder[1]), int(remainder[0])) | |
d1, d2 = (test_date_1-d).total_seconds(), (test_date_2-d).total_seconds() | |
year = d.year | |
if d1 < 0 and d2 < 0: | |
test_date_1 = datetime.datetime(d.year+1, int(remainder[0]), int(remainder[1])) | |
test_date_2 = datetime.datetime(d.year+1, int(remainder[1]), int(remainder[0])) | |
d1, d2 = (test_date_1-d).total_seconds(), (test_date_2-d).total_seconds() | |
year = d.year+1 | |
if d1 > 0 and (d2 < 0 or d1 < d2): | |
month, date = remainder[0], remainder[1] | |
if d2 > 0 and (d1 < 0 or d2 < d1): | |
month, date = remainder[1], remainder[0] | |
if len(remainder) == 3: | |
raise Exception("Something OOFED") | |
if year is None: # May need to check around year-changes if this gets funky | |
year = d.year | |
if datetime.datetime(year, month, date) < | |
year = d.year + 1 | |
return datetime.datetime(int(year), int(month), int(date)) | |
def rel_date_parse(snip): | |
snip = snip.lower() | |
d = | |
dow_dict = {'monday':0, 'mon':0, 'tue':1, 'tues':1, 'tuesday':1, 'wed':2, 'weds':2, 'wednesday':2, 'thu':3, 'thurs':3, 'fri':4, 'friday':4, 'sat':5, 'saturday':5, 'sun':6, 'sunday':6} | |
dow_list = list(dow_dict.keys()) | |
for dow in dow_list: | |
if dow in snip: | |
current_dow = d.weekday() | |
dow = dow_dict[dow] | |
if dow < current_dow: # If they say same day, should that be next week? Or this week?. Need to fix eventyally | |
print("--------------THIS DAY-OF-WEEK HAS PASSED----ADDING +7 DAYS------------------") | |
dow += 7 | |
return datetime.timedelta(days=dow-current_dow) | |
if "tomorrow" in snip: | |
return datetime.timedelta(days=1) | |
if "now" in snip or "today" in snip or "tonight" in snip: | |
return datetime.timedelta(days=0) | |
if "day" in snip.split(' ') or "days" in snip.split(' '): | |
if "one" in snip.split(' ') or " day" and "days" not in snip.split(' '): | |
return datetime.timedelta(days=1) | |
if "two" in snip.split(' ') or "2" in snip.split(' '): | |
return datetime.timedelta(days=2) | |
if "three" in snip.split(' ') or "3" in snip.split(' '): | |
return datetime.timedelta(days=3) | |
if "four" in snip.split(' ') or "4" in snip.split(' '): | |
return datetime.timedelta(days=4) | |
if "five" in snip.split(' ') or "5" in snip.split(' '): | |
return datetime.timedelta(days=5) | |
if "six" in snip.split(' ') or "6" in snip.split(' '): | |
return datetime.timedelta(days=6) | |
if "seven" in snip.split(' ') or "7" in snip.split(' '): | |
return datetime.timedelta(days=7) | |
if "eight" in snip.split(' ') or "8" in snip.split(' '): | |
return datetime.timedelta(days=8) | |
if "nine" in snip.split(' ') or "9" in snip.split(' '): | |
return datetime.timedelta(days=9) | |
if "ten" in snip.split(' ') or "10" in snip.split(' '): | |
return datetime.timedelta(days=10) | |
def abs_time_parse(snip, inp): | |
snip = snip.lower() | |
if ':' in snip: | |
hours = int(snip.split(':')[0].strip()) | |
minutes = int(snip.split(':')[1][0:2].strip()) | |
elif 'noon' in snip: | |
hours, minutes = 12, 0 | |
elif 'midnight' in snip: | |
hours, minutes = 0, 0 | |
else: | |
digits = [c for c in snip if c.isdigit()] | |
if len(digits) >= 3: | |
hours = int("".join(digits[:-2])) | |
minutes = int("".join(digits[-2:])) | |
if len(digits) <= 2: | |
hours = int("".join(digits)) | |
minutes = 0 | |
if 'p' in snip and hours < 12: | |
hours += 12 | |
if 'a' in snip and hours >= 12: | |
hours -= 12 | |
if 'p' not in snip and 'a' not in snip: | |
print("\nNo 'AM' or 'PM' provided. Making assumptions.") | |
pass | |
return datetime.time(hour=hours, minute=minutes) | |
def rel_time_parse(snip): | |
snip = snip.lower() | |
digits = [c for c in snip if c.isdigit()] | |
val = 0 | |
if len(digits) > 0: | |
val = int("".join(digits)) | |
else: | |
if ("hour" in snip and "hours" not in snip) or ("minute" in snip and "minutes" not in snip): | |
val = 1 | |
if "two" in snip: | |
val = 2 | |
if "three" in snip or "few" in snip: | |
val = 3 | |
if "four" in snip: | |
val = 4 | |
if "five" in snip: | |
val = 5 | |
if "six" in snip: | |
val = 6 | |
if "seven" in snip: | |
val = 7 | |
if "eight" in snip: | |
val = 8 | |
if "nine" in snip: | |
val = 9 | |
if "ten" in snip: | |
val = 10 | |
if "hour" in snip and "minute" not in snip: | |
return datetime.timedelta(hours=val) | |
if "minute" in snip and "hour" not in snip: | |
return datetime.timedelta(minutes=val) | |
if "hour" in snip and "minute" in snip: | |
raise Exception("Does not support a relative time input with both (i) hours and (ii) minutes") | |
def get_relevant_adverb(inp, term_1, term_2, adverbs, adv_inds): | |
m_1 =, re.IGNORECASE), inp) | |
m_2 =,re.IGNORECASE), inp) | |
if m_1.span()[1] < m_2.span()[0]: | |
start, end = m_1.span()[1], m_2.span()[0] | |
if m_2.span()[1] < m_1.span()[0]: | |
start, end = m_2.span()[1], m_1.span()[0] | |
for (i, (s, e)) in enumerate(adv_inds): | |
if s >= start and e <= end: | |
return i, adverbs[i] | |
return None, None | |
def rel_rel_date_resolver(inp, term_1, term_2, td_1, td_2, adverbs, adv_inds): | |
term_1_start =, re.IGNORECASE), inp).span()[0] | |
term_2_start =, re.IGNORECASE), inp).span()[0] | |
adv_ind, adv = get_relevant_adverb(inp, term_1, term_2, adverbs, adv_inds) | |
if adv in ["after", "from", "past"]: | |
return td_1 + td_2, adv_ind | |
if adv in ["before"]: | |
if term_1_start < term_2_start: | |
return td_2-td_1, adv_ind | |
else: | |
return td_1-td_2, adv_ind | |
if adv is None: | |
if td_1 == td_2: # Assume that they are the same | |
print("-------------------ASSUMING CONSISTENCY BETWEEN RELATIVES-------------------------") | |
return td_1, adv_ind | |
else: | |
raise Exception("There is a conflict with the datetimes provided. '" + term_1.upper() + "' != '" + term_2.upper() + "'") | |
def abs_rel_date_resolver(inp, term_abs, term_rel, abs_dt, rel_td, adverbs, adv_inds): | |
term_abs_start =, re.IGNORECASE), inp).span()[0] | |
term_rel_start =, re.IGNORECASE), inp).span()[0] | |
adv_ind, adv = get_relevant_adverb(inp, term_abs, term_rel, adverbs, adv_inds) | |
if adv in ["after", "from", "past"]: | |
return rel_td | |
if adv in ["before"]: | |
return -rel_td | |
if adv is None: # Check consistency | |
if abs_dt.month == ( and == ( # The same | |
print("-------------------------REDUNDANCY DETECTED--------------------------------------") | |
return datetime.timedelta(days=0, hours=0, minutes=0) | |
else: | |
raise Exception("There is a conflict with the datetimes provided. '" + str(abs_dt).upper() + "' != '" + term_rel.upper() + "'") | |
def time_parse(inp, debug=False): | |
match_mdy_abs_1 =, inp) | |
match_mdy_abs_2 =, inp) | |
match_mdy_abs_3 =, inp) | |
match_m_abs_1 =, inp) | |
match_d_abs_1 =, inp) | |
match_mdy_rel_1 =, inp) | |
match_mdy_rel_2 =, inp) | |
match_del_days_rel_1 =, inp) # Should be re.finditer in case people go crazy | |
m_adverbs =, inp) | |
abs_date_extracted = False | |
rel_date_extracted = False | |
abs_date_extraction = "" | |
rel_date_extraction = [] | |
adv = [] | |
if match_mdy_abs_1 is not None: # Unclear, do nearest neighbor | |
abs_date_extraction = inp[match_mdy_abs_1.span()[0]:match_mdy_abs_1.span()[1]].strip() | |
abs_date_extracted = True | |
if match_mdy_abs_2 is not None and not abs_date_extracted: # Month first | |
abs_date_extraction = inp[match_mdy_abs_2.span()[0]:match_mdy_abs_2.span()[1]].strip() | |
abs_date_extracted = True | |
if match_mdy_abs_3 is not None and not abs_date_extracted: # Date first | |
abs_date_extraction = inp[match_mdy_abs_3.span()[0]:match_mdy_abs_3.span()[1]].strip() | |
abs_date_extracted = True | |
if match_m_abs_1 is not None and match_d_abs_1 is not None and not abs_date_extracted: # Fix this to be in order? Or make this a new regex? | |
abs_date_extraction = inp[match_m_abs_1.span()[0]:match_m_abs_1.span()[1]].strip() | |
abs_date_extraction += inp[match_d_abs_1.span()[0]:match_d_abs_1.span()[1]].strip() | |
if match_mdy_rel_1 is not None: | |
rel_date_extracted = True | |
rel_date_extraction.append(inp[match_mdy_rel_1.span()[0]:match_mdy_rel_1.span()[1]].strip()) | |
if match_mdy_rel_2 is not None: # Technically, should do re.finditer in case it appears multiple times | |
rel_date_extracted = True | |
rel_date_extraction.append(inp[match_mdy_rel_2.span()[0]:match_mdy_rel_2.span()[1]].strip()) | |
if match_del_days_rel_1 is not None: # Technically, should do re.finditer in case it appears multiple times | |
rel_date_extracted = True | |
rel_date_extraction.append(inp[match_del_days_rel_1.span()[0]:match_del_days_rel_1.span()[1]].strip()) | |
adv_inds = [] | |
advs = [] | |
if m_adverbs is not None: # Remember, this is used for addition | |
adv_inds = ([(m.start(0), m.end(0)) for m in re.finditer(adverbs,inp)]) | |
for (s,e) in adv_inds: | |
advs.append(inp[s:e].strip()) | |
purged = inp | |
purged = inp.replace(abs_date_extraction, '') | |
for rde in rel_date_extraction: | |
purged = purged.replace(rde, '') | |
abs_time_extracted = False | |
rel_time_extracted = False | |
abs_time_extraction = [] | |
rel_time_extraction = [] | |
match_hhmm_abs_1 =, purged) # Remember, we should technically only operate on non-months | |
match_hhmm_abs_2 =, purged) | |
match_del_hours_rel_1 =, purged) | |
if match_hhmm_abs_1 is not None: | |
abs_time_extracted = True | |
abs_time_extraction.append(purged[match_hhmm_abs_1.span()[0]:match_hhmm_abs_1.span()[1]].strip()) | |
if match_hhmm_abs_2 is not None: | |
abs_time_extracted = True | |
abs_time_extraction.append(purged[match_hhmm_abs_2.span()[0]:match_hhmm_abs_2.span()[1]].strip()) | |
if match_del_hours_rel_1 is not None: | |
rel_time_extraction.append(purged[match_del_hours_rel_1.span()[0]:match_del_hours_rel_1.span()[1]].strip()) | |
if debug: | |
print("Abs Date: \t\t" + abs_date_extraction) | |
print("Rel Date: \t\t" + str(rel_date_extraction)) | |
print("Abs Time: \t\t" + str(abs_time_extraction)) | |
print("Rel Time: \t\t" + str(rel_time_extraction)) | |
print("Adverbs: \t\t" + str(advs)) | |
d = | |
abs_date = None | |
rel_date_deltas = [] | |
abs_times = [] | |
rel_time_deltas = [] | |
if abs_date_extraction != "": | |
abs_date = abs_date_parse(abs_date_extraction) | |
for rde in rel_date_extraction: | |
rel_date_deltas.append(rel_date_parse(rde)) | |
for ate in abs_time_extraction: | |
abs_times.append(abs_time_parse(ate, inp)) | |
for rte in rel_time_extraction: | |
rel_time_deltas.append(rel_time_parse(rte)) | |
if debug: | |
print('\n\n') | |
print('Current Date: \t\t' + str(d)) | |
print('Abs Date: \t\t' + str(abs_date)) | |
print('Rel Date Deltas: \t' + str(rel_date_deltas)) | |
print('Abs Time: \t\t' + str(abs_times)) | |
print('Rel Time Deltas: \t' + str(rel_time_deltas)) | |
if len(abs_times) == 0 and len(rel_time_deltas) == 0: | |
raise Exception("Could not identify a time. Be sure to use 'AM/PM' if you specify an absolute time") | |
datetime_request = None | |
# Relative Time Deltas Resolved Everythign Else | |
if len(rel_time_deltas) == 1 and abs_date is None and len(rel_date_deltas) == 0 and len(abs_times) == 0: # Straight up "in X hours" | |
datetime_request = d + rel_time_deltas[0] | |
return datetime_request | |
if len(rel_time_deltas) == 1 and abs_date is None and len(rel_date_deltas) == 1 and len(abs_times) == 0: | |
datetime_request = d + rel_time_deltas[0] + rel_date_deltas[0] | |
return datetime_request | |
if abs_date is not None and len(rel_date_deltas) == 0: # Regular abs date | |
datetime_request = abs_date | |
if len(rel_date_deltas) == 1 and abs_date is None: | |
datetime_request = d + rel_date_deltas[0] | |
if len(rel_date_deltas) == 2 and abs_date is None: # Two conflicting relative | |
datetime_request = d + rel_rel_date_resolver(inp, rel_date_extraction[0], rel_date_extraction[1], rel_date_deltas[0], rel_date_deltas[1], advs, adv_inds)[0] | |
if len(rel_date_deltas) == 1 and abs_date is not None: # Abs date conflicting with rel | |
datetime_request = abs_date + abs_rel_date_resolver(inp, abs_date_extraction, rel_date_extraction[0], abs_date, rel_date_deltas[0], advs, adv_inds) | |
###### EXPERIMENTAL########### | |
if len(rel_date_deltas) == 2 and abs_date is not None: | |
print("--------------------------------TRYING EXPERIMENTAL CODE (METHOD 1)---------------------------") | |
# Method 1: Resolve rel-rel, then resolve that with abs | |
# Method 2: Resolve rel-abs, then resolve that with additional rel? For now, I only do method 1 | |
rel_td_resolved, adv_ind = rel_rel_date_resolver(inp, rel_date_extraction[0], rel_date_extraction[1], rel_date_deltas[0], rel_date_deltas[1], advs, adv_inds) | |
print(rel_td_resolved) | |
if adv_ind is None: # Assuming consistency between adverbs | |
datetime_request = abs_date + abs_rel_date_resolver(inp, abs_date_extraction, rel_date_extraction[0], abs_date, rel_td_resolved, advs, adv_inds) | |
if adv_ind is not None: | |
adv_inds.pop(adv_ind) | |
advs.pop(adv_ind) | |
datetime_request = abs_date + abs_rel_date_resolver(inp, abs_date_extraction, rel_date_extraction[0], abs_date, rel_td_resolved, advs, adv_inds) | |
# Additional Rules: (1) 3+ Rel-rel date conflicts | |
if len(rel_date_deltas) == 3: | |
raise Exception("Have not yet implemented Resolver for 3 rel-rel dates") | |
# If no date, then assume today | |
if datetime_request is None: | |
print("------------------Assuming datetime--------------") | |
datetime_request = | |
if len(abs_times) == 1 and len(rel_time_deltas) == 0: | |
datetime_request = datetime_request.replace(hour=abs_times[0].hour, minute=abs_times[0].minute) | |
# Final check: if there total time is less, then just add a day? | |
if datetime_request < | |
print("Requested datetime is less than current one. Adding a day") | |
datetime_request += datetime.timedelta(days=1) | |
return datetime_request | |
x = st.text_input("Request", value="") | |
d = time_parse(x, debug=True) | |
st.code('Request Time: \t\t' + d.strftime("%m/%d @ %I:%M %p")) | |