import discord | |
from discord import app_commands | |
import aiohttp | |
import random | |
import time | |
import asyncio | |
from cash import user_cash | |
luck_multipliers = {} | |
luck_expiration = {} | |
luck_opportunities = {} | |
used_luck_opportunities = {} | |
first_luck_claimed = set() | |
auto_roll_users = set() | |
auto_sell_users = set() | |
auto_sell_timers = {} | |
async def perform_roll(interaction: discord.Interaction): | |
async def fetch_data(url): | |
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: | |
async with session.get(url) as response: | |
if response.status == 200: | |
return await response.json() | |
return None | |
rap_data = await fetch_data("") | |
collection_data = await fetch_data("") | |
if not rap_data or not collection_data: | |
return None | |
pets = [pet for pet in collection_data['data'] if pet['configName'] in [p['configData']['id'] for p in rap_data['data']]] | |
if not pets: | |
return None | |
user_id = | |
luck_multiplier = luck_multipliers.get(user_id, 1) | |
sorted_pets = sorted(pets, key=lambda x: x['configData']['difficulty']) | |
max_index = len(sorted_pets) - 1 | |
index = int(max_index * (luck_multiplier - 1) / 9) | |
rolled_pet = random.choice(sorted_pets[:index+1]) | |
pet_rap = next((pet for pet in rap_data['data'] if pet['configData']['id'] == rolled_pet['configName']), None) | |
if not pet_rap: | |
return None | |
rap_value = pet_rap['value'] | |
thumbnail_id = rolled_pet['configData']['thumbnail'].split('://')[1] | |
thumbnail_url = f"{thumbnail_id}" | |
def format_difficulty(difficulty): | |
if difficulty >= 1_000_000_000: | |
return f"{difficulty / 1_000_000_000:.1f}B ({difficulty:,})" | |
elif difficulty >= 1_000_000: | |
return f"{difficulty / 1_000_000:.1f}M ({difficulty:,})" | |
elif difficulty >= 1_000: | |
return f"{difficulty / 1_000:.1f}K ({difficulty:,})" | |
else: | |
return f"{difficulty} ({difficulty:,})" | |
embed = discord.Embed(title=f"{} rolled: {rolled_pet['configData']['name']}", color=0x787878) | |
embed.add_field(name="Value", value=f"{rap_value:,} diamonds", inline=True) | |
embed.add_field(name="Difficulty", value=format_difficulty(rolled_pet['configData']['difficulty']), inline=True) | |
embed.add_field(name="Category", value=rolled_pet['category'], inline=True) | |
embed.set_thumbnail(url=thumbnail_url) | |
luck_text = "" | |
if user_id in luck_expiration: | |
remaining_time = int(luck_expiration[user_id] - time.time()) | |
if remaining_time > 0: | |
luck_percentage = (luck_multiplier - 1) * 100 | |
luck_text = f"\nYou have {remaining_time // 60} minutes and {remaining_time % 60} seconds of luck left! ({luck_percentage}% luck)" | |
else: | |
del luck_multipliers[user_id] | |
del luck_expiration[user_id] | |
embed.set_footer(text=f"Click 'Roll Again' to roll again!{luck_text}") | |
roll_again_button = discord.ui.Button(style=discord.ButtonStyle.primary, label="Roll Again", custom_id="roll_again") | |
async def roll_again_callback(interaction: discord.Interaction): | |
await interaction.response.defer() | |
result = await perform_roll(interaction) | |
if result: | |
await interaction.followup.send(embed=result[0], view=result[1]) | |
else: | |
await interaction.followup.send("An error occurred.") | |
roll_again_button.callback = roll_again_callback | |
view = discord.ui.View() | |
view.add_item(roll_again_button) | |
sell_button = discord.ui.Button(style=discord.ButtonStyle.success, label=f"Sell Pet for ${rap_value}", custom_id="sell_pet") | |
async def sell_pet_callback(interaction: discord.Interaction): | |
if != user_id: | |
await interaction.response.send_message("You cannot sell this pet.", ephemeral=True) | |
return | |
sell_value = rap_value | |
user_cash[user_id] = user_cash.get(user_id, 0) + sell_value | |
await interaction.response.send_message(f"You sold the pet for ${sell_value}. Your new balance is ${user_cash[user_id]}.", ephemeral=True) | |
for item in view.children: | |
if item.custom_id == "sell_pet": | |
view.remove_item(item) | |
break | |
await interaction.message.edit(view=view) | |
sell_button.callback = sell_pet_callback | |
view.add_item(sell_button) | |
if user_id not in first_luck_claimed: | |
first_luck_button = discord.ui.Button(style=discord.ButtonStyle.success, label="Claim 100% Luck Forever", custom_id="first_luck") | |
async def first_luck_callback(interaction: discord.Interaction): | |
if != user_id: | |
await interaction.response.send_message("You cannot use this button.", ephemeral=True) | |
return | |
luck_multipliers[user_id] = 10 # 100% luck | |
first_luck_claimed.add(user_id) | |
await interaction.response.send_message("You've claimed 100% luck forever!", ephemeral=True) | |
for item in view.children: | |
if item.custom_id == "first_luck": | |
view.remove_item(item) | |
break | |
await interaction.message.edit(view=view) | |
first_luck_button.callback = first_luck_callback | |
view.add_item(first_luck_button) | |
elif random.random() < 0.6 and luck_opportunities.get(user_id, 0) < 4: | |
luck_opportunities[user_id] = luck_opportunities.get(user_id, 0) + 1 | |
increase_luck_button = discord.ui.Button(style=discord.ButtonStyle.success, label="Increase Luck", custom_id=f"increase_luck_{luck_opportunities[user_id]}") | |
async def increase_luck_callback(interaction: discord.Interaction): | |
if != user_id: | |
await interaction.response.send_message("You cannot use this button.", ephemeral=True) | |
return | |
if user_id in used_luck_opportunities and len(used_luck_opportunities[user_id]) >= 4: | |
await interaction.response.send_message("You have already used all your luck opportunities.", ephemeral=True) | |
return | |
current_luck = luck_multipliers.get(user_id, 1) | |
new_luck = min(current_luck + 1, 10) | |
luck_multipliers[user_id] = new_luck | |
luck_expiration[user_id] = time.time() + 1800 | |
if user_id not in used_luck_opportunities: | |
used_luck_opportunities[user_id] = set() | |
used_luck_opportunities[user_id].add(luck_opportunities[user_id]) | |
luck_percentage = (new_luck - 1) * 100 | |
await interaction.response.send_message(f"Your luck has been increased to {luck_percentage}% for 30 minutes!", ephemeral=True) | |
for item in view.children: | |
if item.custom_id == interaction.custom_id: | |
view.remove_item(item) | |
break | |
await interaction.message.edit(view=view) | |
# Schedule the next luck opportunity | |
asyncio.create_task(schedule_next_luck_opportunity(interaction, user_id)) | |
increase_luck_button.callback = increase_luck_callback | |
view.add_item(increase_luck_button) | |
auto_roll_button = discord.ui.Button( | |
style=discord.ButtonStyle.primary if user_id not in auto_roll_users else discord.ButtonStyle.danger, | |
label="Auto Roll" if user_id not in auto_roll_users else "Stop Auto Roll", | |
custom_id="auto_roll" | |
) | |
async def auto_roll_callback(interaction: discord.Interaction): | |
if != user_id: | |
await interaction.response.send_message("You cannot use this button.", ephemeral=True) | |
return | |
if user_id in auto_roll_users: | |
auto_roll_users.remove(user_id) | | = discord.ButtonStyle.primary | |
auto_roll_button.label = "Auto Roll" | |
await interaction.response.send_message("Auto roll stopped.", ephemeral=True) | |
else: | |
auto_roll_users.add(user_id) | | = discord.ButtonStyle.danger | |
auto_roll_button.label = "Stop Auto Roll" | |
await interaction.response.send_message("Auto roll started.", ephemeral=True) | |
asyncio.create_task(auto_roll(interaction)) | |
await interaction.message.edit(view=view) | |
auto_roll_button.callback = auto_roll_callback | |
view.add_item(auto_roll_button) | |
auto_sell_button = discord.ui.Button( | |
style=discord.ButtonStyle.primary if user_id not in auto_sell_users else discord.ButtonStyle.danger, | |
label="Auto Sell" if user_id not in auto_sell_users else "Stop Auto Sell", | |
custom_id="auto_sell" | |
) | |
async def auto_sell_callback(interaction: discord.Interaction): | |
if != user_id: | |
await interaction.response.send_message("You cannot use this button.", ephemeral=True) | |
return | |
current_time = time.time() | |
if user_id in auto_sell_timers and current_time - auto_sell_timers[user_id] < 180: | |
remaining_time = int(180 - (current_time - auto_sell_timers[user_id])) | |
await interaction.response.send_message(f"You need to wait {remaining_time} seconds before using Auto Sell again.", ephemeral=True) | |
return | |
if user_id in auto_sell_users: | |
auto_sell_users.remove(user_id) | | = discord.ButtonStyle.primary | |
auto_sell_button.label = "Auto Sell" | |
await interaction.response.send_message("Auto sell stopped.", ephemeral=True) | |
else: | |
auto_sell_users.add(user_id) | | = discord.ButtonStyle.danger | |
auto_sell_button.label = "Stop Auto Sell" | |
auto_sell_timers[user_id] = current_time | |
await interaction.response.send_message("Auto sell started for 3 minutes.", ephemeral=True) | |
asyncio.create_task(auto_sell_timer(interaction, user_id)) | |
await interaction.message.edit(view=view) | |
auto_sell_button.callback = auto_sell_callback | |
view.add_item(auto_sell_button) | |
if user_id in auto_sell_users: | |
user_cash[user_id] = user_cash.get(user_id, 0) + rap_value | |
await interaction.followup.send(f"Auto-sold pet for ${rap_value}. Your new balance is ${user_cash[user_id]}.", ephemeral=True) | |
return embed, view | |
async def schedule_next_luck_opportunity(interaction: discord.Interaction, user_id: int): | |
await asyncio.sleep(1800) # Wait for 30 minutes | |
luck_opportunities[user_id] = luck_opportunities.get(user_id, 0) + 1 | |
increase_luck_button = discord.ui.Button(style=discord.ButtonStyle.success, label="Increase Luck", custom_id=f"increase_luck_{luck_opportunities[user_id]}") | |
async def increase_luck_callback(interaction: discord.Interaction): | |
if != user_id: | |
await interaction.response.send_message("You cannot use this button.", ephemeral=True) | |
return | |
if user_id in used_luck_opportunities and len(used_luck_opportunities[user_id]) >= 4: | |
await interaction.response.send_message("You have already used all your luck", ephemeral=True) | |
return | |
current_luck = luck_multipliers.get(user_id, 1) | |
new_luck = min(current_luck + 1, 10) | |
luck_multipliers[user_id] = new_luck | |
luck_expiration[user_id] = time.time() + 1800 | |
if user_id not in used_luck_opportunities: | |
used_luck_opportunities[user_id] = set() | |
used_luck_opportunities[user_id].add(luck_opportunities[user_id]) | |
luck_percentage = (new_luck - 1) * 100 | |
await interaction.response.send_message(f"Your luck has been increased to {luck_percentage}% for 30 minutes!", ephemeral=True) | |
view = interaction.message.components[0] | |
for item in view.children: | |
if item.custom_id == interaction.custom_id: | |
view.remove_item(item) | |
break | |
await interaction.message.edit(view=view) | |
# Schedule the next luck opportunity | |
asyncio.create_task(schedule_next_luck_opportunity(interaction, user_id)) | |
increase_luck_button.callback = increase_luck_callback | |
view = interaction.message.components[0] | |
view.add_item(increase_luck_button) | |
await interaction.message.edit(view=view) | |
async def auto_roll(interaction: discord.Interaction): | |
user_id = | |
while user_id in auto_roll_users: | |
result = await perform_roll(interaction) | |
if result: | |
await interaction.followup.send(embed=result[0], view=result[1]) | |
else: | |
await interaction.followup.send("An error occurred.") | |
await asyncio.sleep(5) # Wait for 5 seconds between rolls | |
async def auto_sell_timer(interaction: discord.Interaction, user_id: int): | |
await asyncio.sleep(180) # Wait for 3 minutes | |
if user_id in auto_sell_users: | |
auto_sell_users.remove(user_id) | |
await interaction.followup.send("Auto sell has been turned off after 3 minutes.", ephemeral=True) | |
async def petroll(interaction: discord.Interaction): | |
await interaction.response.defer() | |
result = await perform_roll(interaction) | |
if result: | |
await interaction.followup.send(embed=result[0], view=result[1]) | |
else: | |
await interaction.followup.send("errer") | |
async def balance(interaction: discord. |