ccm's picture
Less repetition
history blame
15.3 kB
import random
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.offsetbox import OffsetImage, AnnotationBbox
import tensorflow
from tensorflow.python.framework.ops import disable_eager_execution
import pandas as pd
import math
load_data = np.load('data/train_test_split_data.npz') # Data saved by the VAE
# Convert Data to Tuples and Assign to respective variables
box_matrix_train, box_density_train, additional_pixels_train, box_shape_train = tuple(load_data['box_matrix_train']), tuple(load_data['box_density_train']), tuple(load_data['additional_pixels_train']), tuple(load_data['box_shape_train'])
box_matrix_test, box_density_test, additional_pixels_test, box_shape_test = tuple(load_data['box_matrix_test']), tuple(load_data['box_density_test']), tuple(load_data['additional_pixels_test']), tuple(load_data['box_shape_test'])
testX = box_matrix_test # Shows the relationship to the MNIST Dataset vs the Shape Dataset
image_size = np.shape(testX)[-1] # Determines the size of the images
test_data = np.reshape(testX, (len(testX), image_size, image_size, 1))
# Creates tuples that contain all of the data generated
allX = np.append(box_matrix_train,box_matrix_test, axis=0)
all_box_density = np.append(box_density_train, box_density_test, axis=0)
all_additional_pixels = np.append(additional_pixels_train, additional_pixels_test,axis=0)
all_box_shape = np.append(box_shape_train, box_shape_test,axis=0)
all_data = np.reshape(allX, (len(allX), image_size, image_size, 1))
# train_latent_points = []
# train_data = np.reshape(box_matrix_train, (len(box_matrix_train), image_size, image_size, 1))
# for i in range(len(box_shape_train)):
# predicted_train = encoder_model_boxes.predict(np.array([train_data[i]]))
# train_latent_points.append(predicted_train[0])
# train_latent_points = np.array(train_latent_points)
shapes = ("basic_box", "diagonal_box_split", "horizontal_vertical_box_split", "back_slash_box", "forward_slash_box",
"back_slash_plus_box", "forward_slash_plus_box", "hot_dog_box", "hamburger_box", "x_hamburger_box",
"x_hot_dog_box", "x_plus_box")
import math
def basic_box_array(image_size):
A = np.zeros((int(image_size), int(image_size))) # Initializes A matrix with 0 values
# Creates the outside edges of the box
for i in range(image_size):
for j in range(image_size):
if i == 0 or j == 0 or i == image_size - 1 or j == image_size - 1:
A[i][j] = 1
return A
def back_slash_array(image_size):
A = np.zeros((int(image_size), int(image_size))) # Initializes A matrix with 0 values
for i in range(image_size):
for j in range(image_size):
if i == j:
A[i][j] = 1
return A
def forward_slash_array(image_size):
A = np.zeros((int(image_size), int(image_size))) # Initializes A matrix with 0 values
for i in range(image_size):
for j in range(image_size):
if i == (image_size-1)-j:
A[i][j] = 1
return A
def hot_dog_array(image_size):
# Places pixels down the vertical axis to split the box
A = np.zeros((int(image_size), int(image_size))) # Initializes A matrix with 0 values
for i in range(image_size):
for j in range(image_size):
if j == math.floor((image_size - 1) / 2) or j == math.ceil((image_size - 1) / 2):
A[i][j] = 1
return A
def hamburger_array(image_size):
# Places pixels across the horizontal axis to split the box
A = np.zeros((int(image_size), int(image_size))) # Initializes A matrix with 0 values
for i in range(image_size):
for j in range(image_size):
if i == math.floor((image_size - 1) / 2) or i == math.ceil((image_size - 1) / 2):
A[i][j] = 1
return A
def center_array(image_size):
A = np.zeros((int(image_size), int(image_size))) # Initializes A matrix with 0 values
for i in range(image_size):
for j in range(image_size):
if i == math.floor((image_size-1)/2) and j == math.ceil((image_size-1)/2):
A[i][j] = 1
if i == math.floor((image_size-1)/2) and j == math.floor((image_size-1)/2):
A[i][j] = 1
if j == math.ceil((image_size-1)/2) and i == math.ceil((image_size-1)/2):
A[i][j] = 1
if j == math.floor((image_size-1)/2) and i == math.ceil((image_size-1)/2):
A[i][j] = 1
return A
def update_array(array_original, array_new, image_size):
A = array_original
for i in range(image_size):
for j in range(image_size):
if array_new[i][j] == 1:
A[i][j] = 1
return A
def add_pixels(array_original, additional_pixels, image_size):
# Adds pixels to the thickness of each component of the box
A = array_original
A_updated = np.zeros((int(image_size), int(image_size))) # Initializes A matrix with 0 values
for dens in range(additional_pixels):
for i in range(1, image_size - 1):
for j in range(1, image_size - 1):
if A[i - 1][j] + A[i + 1][j] + A[i][j - 1] + A[i][j + 1] > 0:
A_updated[i][j] = 1
A = update_array(A, A_updated,image_size)
return A
def basic_box(additional_pixels, density, image_size):
A = basic_box_array(image_size) # Creates the outside edges of the box
# Increase the thickness of each part of the box
A = add_pixels(A, additional_pixels, image_size)
return A*density
def horizontal_vertical_box_split(additional_pixels, density, image_size):
A = basic_box_array(image_size) # Creates the outside edges of the box
# Place pixels across the horizontal and vertical axes to split the box
A = update_array(A, hot_dog_array(image_size), image_size)
A = update_array(A, hamburger_array(image_size), image_size)
# Increase the thickness of each part of the box
A = add_pixels(A, additional_pixels, image_size)
return A*density
def diagonal_box_split(additional_pixels, density, image_size):
A = basic_box_array(image_size) # Creates the outside edges of the box
# Add pixels along the diagonals of the box
A = update_array(A, back_slash_array(image_size), image_size)
A = update_array(A, forward_slash_array(image_size), image_size)
# Adds pixels to the thickness of each component of the box
# Increase the thickness of each part of the box
A = add_pixels(A, additional_pixels, image_size)
return A*density
def back_slash_box(additional_pixels, density, image_size):
A = basic_box_array(image_size) # Initializes A matrix with 0 values
A = update_array(A, back_slash_array(image_size), image_size)
A = add_pixels(A, additional_pixels, image_size)
return A * density
def forward_slash_box(additional_pixels, density, image_size):
A = basic_box_array(image_size) # Initializes A matrix with 0 values
A = update_array(A, forward_slash_array(image_size), image_size)
A = add_pixels(A, additional_pixels, image_size)
return A * density
def hot_dog_box(additional_pixels, density, image_size):
A = basic_box_array(image_size) # Initializes A matrix with 0 values
A = update_array(A, hot_dog_array(image_size), image_size)
A = add_pixels(A, additional_pixels, image_size)
return A * density
def hamburger_box(additional_pixels, density, image_size):
A = basic_box_array(image_size) # Initializes A matrix with 0 values
A = update_array(A, hamburger_array(image_size), image_size)
A = add_pixels(A, additional_pixels, image_size)
return A * density
def x_plus_box(additional_pixels, density, image_size):
A = basic_box_array(image_size) # Initializes A matrix with 0 values
A = update_array(A, hot_dog_array(image_size), image_size)
A = update_array(A, hamburger_array(image_size), image_size)
A = update_array(A, forward_slash_array(image_size), image_size)
A = update_array(A, back_slash_array(image_size), image_size)
A = add_pixels(A, additional_pixels, image_size)
return A * density
def forward_slash_plus_box(additional_pixels, density, image_size):
A = basic_box_array(image_size) # Initializes A matrix with 0 values
A = update_array(A, hot_dog_array(image_size), image_size)
A = update_array(A, hamburger_array(image_size), image_size)
A = update_array(A, forward_slash_array(image_size), image_size)
# A = update_array(A, back_slash_array(image_size), image_size)
A = add_pixels(A, additional_pixels, image_size)
return A * density
def back_slash_plus_box(additional_pixels, density, image_size):
A = basic_box_array(image_size) # Initializes A matrix with 0 values
A = update_array(A, hot_dog_array(image_size), image_size)
A = update_array(A, hamburger_array(image_size), image_size)
# A = update_array(A, forward_slash_array(image_size), image_size)
A = update_array(A, back_slash_array(image_size), image_size)
A = add_pixels(A, additional_pixels, image_size)
return A * density
def x_hot_dog_box(additional_pixels, density, image_size):
A = basic_box_array(image_size) # Initializes A matrix with 0 values
A = update_array(A, hot_dog_array(image_size), image_size)
# A = update_array(A, hamburger_array(image_size), image_size)
A = update_array(A, forward_slash_array(image_size), image_size)
A = update_array(A, back_slash_array(image_size), image_size)
A = add_pixels(A, additional_pixels, image_size)
return A * density
def x_hamburger_box(additional_pixels, density, image_size):
A = basic_box_array(image_size) # Initializes A matrix with 0 values
# A = update_array(A, hot_dog_array(image_size), image_size)
A = update_array(A, hamburger_array(image_size), image_size)
A = update_array(A, forward_slash_array(image_size), image_size)
A = update_array(A, back_slash_array(image_size), image_size)
A = add_pixels(A, additional_pixels, image_size)
return A * density
def center_box(additional_pixels, density, image_size):
A = basic_box_array(image_size) # Initializes A matrix with 0 values
A = update_array(A, center_array(image_size), image_size)
A = add_pixels(A, additional_pixels, image_size)
return A * density
import tensorflow as tf
sess = tf.compat.v1.Session()
from keras import backend as K
# Gradio Interface
import gradio
import numpy
endpoint_types = shapes
density_options = ["{:.2f}".format(x) for x in numpy.linspace(0.1, 1, 10)]
thickness_options = [str(int(x)) for x in numpy.linspace(0, 10, 11)]
interpolation_options = [str(int(x)) for x in [3, 5, 10, 20]]
def interpolate(t1, t2, d1, d2, th1, th2, steps):
# Load the decoder model
decoder_model_boxes = tensorflow.keras.models.load_model('data/decoder_model_boxes', compile=False)
# # import the encoder model architecture
json_file_loaded = open('data/model.json', 'r')
loaded_model_json =
# load model using the saved json file
encoder_model_boxes = tensorflow.keras.models.model_from_json(loaded_model_json)
# load weights into newly loaded_model
num_internal = int(steps)
number_1 = globals()[t1](int(th1), float(d1), 28)
number_2 = globals()[t2](int(th2), float(d2), 28)
# resize the array to match the prediction size requirement
number_1_expand = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(number_1, axis=2), axis=0)
number_2_expand = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(number_2, axis=2), axis=0)
# Determine the latent point that will represent our desired number
latent_point_1 = encoder_model_boxes.predict(number_1_expand)[0]
latent_point_2 = encoder_model_boxes.predict(number_2_expand)[0]
latent_dimensionality = len(latent_point_1) # define the dimensionality of the latent space
num_interp = num_internal # the number of images to be pictured
latent_matrix = [] # This will contain the latent points of the interpolation
for column in range(latent_dimensionality):
new_column = np.linspace(latent_point_1[column], latent_point_2[column], num_interp)
latent_matrix = np.array(latent_matrix).T # Transposes the matrix so that each row can be easily indexed
plot_rows = 2
plot_columns = num_interp + 2
predicted_interps = [number_1_expand[0, :, :, 0]]
for latent_point in range(2, num_interp + 2): # cycles the latent points through the decoder model to create images
generated_image = decoder_model_boxes.predict(np.array([latent_matrix[latent_point - 2]]))[0] # generates an interpolated image based on the latent point
predicted_interps.append(generated_image[:, :, -1])
predicted_interps.append(number_2_expand[0, :, :, 0])
transition_region = predicted_interps[0]
for i in range(len(predicted_interps)-1):
transition_region = numpy.hstack((transition_region, predicted_interps[i+1]))
return transition_region
def generate_unit_cell(t, d, th):
number_1 = globals()[t](int(th), float(d), 28)
# resize the array to match the prediction size requirement
number_1_expand = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(number_1, axis=2), axis=0)
return number_1_expand[0, :, :, 0]
with gradio.Blocks() as demo:
with gradio.Row():
with gradio.Column():
t1 = gradio.Dropdown(endpoint_types, label="Type 1", value=random.choice(endpoint_types))
d1 = gradio.Dropdown(density_options, label="Density 1", value=random.choice(density_options))
th1 = gradio.Dropdown(thickness_options, label="Thickness 1", value=random.choice(thickness_options))
img1 = gradio.Image(label="Endpoint 1")
t1.change(fn=generate_unit_cell, inputs=[t1, d1, th1], outputs=[img1])
d1.change(fn=generate_unit_cell, inputs=[t1, d1, th1], outputs=[img1])
th1.change(fn=generate_unit_cell, inputs=[t1, d1, th1], outputs=[img1])
with gradio.Column():
t2 = gradio.Dropdown(endpoint_types, label="Type 2", value=random.choice(endpoint_types))
d2 = gradio.Dropdown(density_options, label="Density 2", value=random.choice(density_options))
th2 = gradio.Dropdown(thickness_options, label="Thickness 2", value=random.choice(thickness_options))
img2 = gradio.Image(label="Endpoint 2")
t2.change(fn=generate_unit_cell, inputs=[t2, d2, th2], outputs=[img1])
d2.change(fn=generate_unit_cell, inputs=[t2, d2, th2], outputs=[img1])
th2.change(fn=generate_unit_cell, inputs=[t2, d2, th2], outputs=[img1])
steps = gradio.Dropdown(interpolation_options, label="Interpolation Length", value=random.choice(interpolation_options))
btn = gradio.Button("Run")
img = gradio.Image(label="Transition"), inputs=[t1, t2, d1, d2, th1, th2, steps], outputs=[img])
examples = gradio.Examples(examples=[["hamburger_box", "hot_dog_box", "1.00", "1.00", "2", "2", "20"], ["hamburger_box", "hot_dog_box", "0.10", "1.00", "10", "10", "5"]], fn=interpolate, inputs=[t1, t2, d1, d2, th1, th2, steps], outputs=[img], cache_examples = True)