import gradio as gr |
import subprocess, os |
import scripts.runSQ |
def setup(): |
r0 = subprocess.run(["pwd"], capture_output=True, text=True) |
print('PWD::', r0.stdout) |
r1 = subprocess.run(["wget", "https://github.com/google/REAPER/archive/refs/heads/master.zip"], capture_output=True, text=True) |
print(r1.stdout) |
subprocess.run(["unzip", "./master.zip"]) |
subprocess.run(["mv", "REAPER-master", "REAPER"]) |
subprocess.run(["rm", "./master.zip"]) |
os.chdir('./REAPER') |
subprocess.run(["mkdir", "build"]) |
os.chdir('./build') |
r2 = subprocess.run(["cmake", ".."], capture_output=True, text=True) |
print(r2.stdout) |
r3 = subprocess.run(["make"], capture_output=True, text=True) |
print(r3.stdout) |
os.chdir('../..') |
r9 = subprocess.run(["ls", "-la"], capture_output=True, text=True) |
print('LS::', r9.stdout) |
print('about to setup') |
setup() |
def f1(voices, sent, indices): |
tts_audio, tts_score, graph = scripts.runSQ.run(sent, [voices], indices) |
score_report = f'Difference from TTS to real speech: {round(tts_score,2)}' |
return (tts_audio, score_report, graph) |
def label_indices(sentence): |
sentence = scripts.runSQ.snorm(sentence) |
sentence = sentence.split(' ') |
labelled = [(f'{word} {i+1} ', str(i+1)) for i, word in enumerate(sentence)] |
return labelled |
bl = gr.Blocks() |
with bl: |
temp_sentences = ['Litlaus græn hugmynd?','Var það ekki nóg?', 'Ef svo er hvað heita þau þá?','Eru maríuhænur á Íslandi?'] |
voices = ['Alfur','Dilja'] |
temp_sentmenu = gr.Dropdown(temp_sentences, label="Sentence") |
marked_sentence = gr.HighlightedText(interactive=False,label="Word selection key",color_map = {str(i):"#dcfce7" for i in range(333)}) |
with gr.Row(): |
spanselect = gr.Textbox(value='1-3',label="Select words",info='Enter the index of the word(s) to analyse, according to the key above. It can be a single word: 4 or a span of words separated by a dash: 2-3') |
voiceselect = gr.Radio(voices, label="TTS voice",value='Alfur') |
temp_button = gr.Button(value="Run with selected options") |
tts_output = gr.Audio(interactive=False) |
report_score = gr.Markdown('Difference from TTS to real speech:') |
pl1 = gr.Plot() |
temp_sentmenu.input(label_indices,temp_sentmenu,marked_sentence) |
temp_button.click(f1,[voiceselect,temp_sentmenu,spanselect],[tts_output,report_score,pl1]) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
bl.launch() |