autocomplete /
Christopher Román Jaimes
chore: add bullet about the maximun input supported.
import gradio as gr
import folium
import geopandas as gpd
import requests
import unidecode
gdf_polygons = gpd.read_parquet("gdf_polygons_deploy.parquet")
def get_polygon(gdf_polygons,x):
polygon = gdf_polygons.query(f"(polygon_id == {x['polygon']['id']}) and (polygon_type == '{x['polygon']['type']}')")
polygon = polygon.iloc[0].geometry
return polygon
def standardize_user_input(user_input):
# lowercase
user_input = user_input.lower()
# strip
user_input = user_input.strip()
# remove accents
user_input = unidecode.unidecode(user_input)
return user_input
def get_autocomplete(polygon_id_general: str = None, user_input: str = None):
url = ''
data = {"last_search": polygon_id_general, "user_input": standardize_user_input(user_input) if user_input else None}
response =, json=data, timeout=1)
response_json = response.json()
for item in response_json:
item["polygon_id_general"] = str(item["polygon"]["type"]) + "_" + str(item["polygon"]["id"])
item["polygon"] = get_polygon(gdf_polygons,item)
item["latitude"] = item["centroid"]["latitude"]
item["longitude"] = item["centroid"]["longitude"]
return response_json
except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
return []
except Exception:
return []
# Function to query DynamoDB based on user input
def query_dynamodb(user_input, last_selection):
if user_input:
return get_autocomplete(user_input = user_input)
if last_selection and last_selection[0]:
return get_autocomplete(polygon_id_general = last_selection[0]["polygon_id_general"])
return []
# Function to update the dropdown based on user input
def update_dropdown(query, last_selection):
suggestions = query_dynamodb(query, last_selection)
selected_value = suggestions[0]["address_recommendation"] if suggestions else ""
return gr.update(choices=[s["address_recommendation"] for s in suggestions], value=selected_value), suggestions
def show_map(selected_address, suggestions, last_selection):
selected_coords = next((s for s in suggestions if s["address_recommendation"] == selected_address), None)
if selected_coords:
m = folium.Map(location=[selected_coords["latitude"], selected_coords["longitude"]], zoom_start=15)
location=[selected_coords["latitude"], selected_coords["longitude"]],
# Add the polygon to the map
if 'polygon' in selected_coords:
style_function=lambda x: {'color': 'orange', 'fillOpacity': 0.3}
map_html = m._repr_html_()
# Update last_selection
last_selection[0] = selected_coords # Update the last_selection with the current selection
return map_html, last_selection # Return the HTML and the updated last_selection
return None, last_selection # Return None if no selection
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
gr.Markdown("<h2 style='text-align: center; font-size: 40px;'>Address Autocomplete</h2>") # Larger Title
"<li>Type an address to see matching suggestions.</li>"
"<li>Selecting one will show its polygon.</li>"
"<li>Previous searches will also suggest addresses.</li>"
"<li>The service supports a maximum input of 15 characters.</li>"
query_input = gr.Textbox(label="Type your address")
address_dropdown = gr.Dropdown(label="Address Suggestions", choices=[], value="", interactive=True)
map_output = gr.HTML(label="Map")
suggestions = gr.State([])
last_selection = gr.State([None])
query_input.change(fn=update_dropdown, inputs=[query_input, last_selection], outputs=[address_dropdown, suggestions])
address_dropdown.change(fn=show_map, inputs=[address_dropdown, suggestions, last_selection], outputs=[map_output, last_selection])