EmotionPlaylist / app.py
ccolas's picture
Update app.py
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14.9 kB
from PIL import Image
from utils import *
from app_utils import *
import time
debug = False
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
# os.environ['FLASK_APP'] = dir_path + 'app2.py'
# if debug: os.environ['FLASK_ENV'] = 'development'
# app = Flask(__name__)
# app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = os.urandom(64)
# app.config['SESSION_TYPE'] = 'filesystem'
# app.config['SESSION_FILE_DIR'] = './.flask_session/'
# Session(app)
st.title('Customize Emotional Playlists')
def log_to_spotify():
st.subheader("Step 1: Connect to your Spotify app")
st.markdown("Log into your Spotify account to let the app create the custom playlist.")
if 'login' not in st.session_state:
sp, user_id = new_get_client(session=st.session_state)
if sp != None:
legit_genres = sp.recommendation_genre_seeds()['genres']
st.session_state['login'] = (sp, user_id, legit_genres)
def get_user_playlists(users_links):
global sp
# Scanning users
n_playlists = 0
all_uris, all_names = [], []
if users_links != "":
all_uris, all_names = get_all_playlists_uris_from_users(users_links.split('\n'))
n_playlists = len(all_uris)
st.warning('Please enter a valid list of user names (one url per line)')
return all_uris, all_names, n_playlists
def get_filtered_user_playlists(user_links):
global sp
st.spinner(text="Scanning users..")
all_uris, all_names, n_playlists = get_user_playlists(user_links)
if n_playlists <= 1:
st.success(f'Currently {len(all_uris)} user playlists taken into account.')
return all_uris
# let the user uncheck playlists
st.markdown("Check boxes to select playlists from the selected users."
"Note: to check all, first uncheck all (bug).")
columns = st.columns(np.ones(5))
with columns[1]:
check_all_playlists = st.button('Check all')
with columns[3]:
uncheck_all_playlists = st.button('Uncheck all')
if 'checkboxes' not in st.session_state.keys():
st.session_state['checkboxes_playlists'] = [True] * n_playlists
empty_checkboxes = wall_of_checkboxes(all_names, max_width=5)
if check_all_playlists:
st.session_state['checkboxes_playlists'] = [True] * n_playlists
if uncheck_all_playlists:
st.session_state['checkboxes_playlists'] = [False] * n_playlists
for i_emc, emc in enumerate(empty_checkboxes):
st.session_state['checkboxes_playlists'][i_emc] = emc.checkbox(all_names[i_emc], value=st.session_state['checkboxes_playlists'][i_emc])
filter_playlist = st.button('Update user playlists')
if filter_playlist:
return list(np.array(all_uris)[np.where(st.session_state['checkboxes_playlists'])])
return []
def get_non_user_playlists(playlist_links):
# Scanning playlists
new_playlist_uris = []
if playlist_links != "":
st.spinner(text="Scanning playlists..")
new_playlist_uris = extract_uris_from_links(playlist_links, url_type='playlist')
st.warning('Please enter a valid list of playlists (one url per line)')
return new_playlist_uris
def extract_tracks(playlist_uris):
global sp
# extracting tracks
data_tracks = get_all_tracks_from_playlists(sp, playlist_uris, verbose=True)
return data_tracks
def extract_audio_features(data_tracks, legit_genres):
# Extract audio features
all_tracks_uris = np.array(list(data_tracks.keys()))
all_audio_features = [data_tracks[uri]['track']['audio_features'] for uri in all_tracks_uris]
all_tracks_audio_features = dict(zip(relevant_audio_features, [[audio_f[k] for audio_f in all_audio_features] for k in relevant_audio_features]))
genres = dict()
for index, uri in enumerate(all_tracks_uris):
track = data_tracks[uri]
track_genres = track['track']['genres']
for g in track_genres:
if g not in genres.keys():
genres[g] = [index]
genres = aggregate_genres(genres, legit_genres)
genres_labels = sorted(genres.keys())
return all_tracks_uris, all_tracks_audio_features, genres, genres_labels
# st.session_state['music_extracted'] = dict(all_tracks_uris=all_tracks_uris,
# all_tracks_audio_features=all_tracks_audio_features,
# genres=genres,
# genres_labels=genres_labels)
def select_songs(legit_genres):
global sp
st.subheader("Step 2: Select candidate songs")
st.markdown("This can be done in two ways: \n"
"1. Get songs from a list of users (and their playlists)\n"
"2. Get songs from a list of playlists.\n"
"For this you'll need to collect user names (e.g. 'bkayf') and/or playlist urls (e.g. "
"https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1H7a4q8JZArMQiidRy6qon) by clicking on 'Share' and copying the url. "
"You need to provide at least one source of music.")
users_playlists = "Add a list of user names, one per line (optional)"
users_links = st.text_area(users_playlists, value="")
label_playlists = "Add a list of playlists urls, one per line (optional)"
playlist_links = st.text_area(label_playlists, value="https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1H7a4q8JZArMQiidRy6qon")
extract_button = centered_button(st.button, 'Extract music', n_columns=5)
all_tracks_uris, all_tracks_audio_features, genres, genres_labels = [None] * 4
if extract_button or debug or 'extract_button' in st.session_state.keys():
st.session_state['extract_button'] = True
# check the user input music sources
if playlist_links == "" and users_links == "":
st.warning('Please enter at least one source of music.')
st.spinner(text="Scanning music sources..")
playlist_uris = []
init_time = time.time()
init_time_tot = init_time
user_playlists = get_filtered_user_playlists(users_links)
playlist_uris += user_playlists
print(f'1. user playlist: {time.time() - init_time:.2f}')
init_time = time.time()
new_playlist_uris = get_non_user_playlists(playlist_links)
playlist_uris += new_playlist_uris
st.success(f'{len(new_playlist_uris)} new playlists added from {len(user_playlists)} users.')
print(f'2. non user playlist: {time.time() - init_time:.2f}')
init_time = time.time()
if str(playlist_uris) in st.session_state.keys():
data_tracks = st.session_state[str(playlist_uris)]
data_tracks = extract_tracks(playlist_uris)
st.session_state[str(playlist_uris)] = data_tracks
print(f'3. track extraction: {time.time() - init_time:.2f}')
init_time = time.time()
all_tracks_uris, all_tracks_audio_features, genres, genres_labels = extract_audio_features(data_tracks, legit_genres)
print(f'4. audio feature extraction: {time.time() - init_time:.2f}')
print(f'\t total extraction: {time.time() - init_time_tot:.2f}')
st.success(f'{len(data_tracks.keys())} tracks found!')
return all_tracks_uris, all_tracks_audio_features, genres, genres_labels
def customize_widgets(genres_labels):
st.subheader("Step 3: Customize it!")
st.markdown("##### Which genres?")
st.markdown("Check boxes to select genres, see how many tracks were selected below. Note: to check all, first uncheck all (bug).")
columns = st.columns(np.ones(5))
with columns[1]:
check_all = st.button('Check all')
with columns[3]:
uncheck_all = st.button('Uncheck all')
if 'checkboxes' not in st.session_state.keys():
st.session_state['checkboxes'] = [True] * len(genres_labels)
empty_checkboxes = wall_of_checkboxes(genres_labels, max_width=5)
if check_all:
st.session_state['checkboxes'] = [True] * len(genres_labels)
if uncheck_all:
st.session_state['checkboxes'] = [False] * len(genres_labels)
for i_emc, emc in enumerate(empty_checkboxes):
st.session_state['checkboxes'][i_emc] = emc.checkbox(genres_labels[i_emc], value=st.session_state['checkboxes'][i_emc])
st.markdown("##### What's the mood?")
valence = st.slider('Valence (0 negative, 100 positive)', min_value=0, max_value=100, value=100, step=1) / 100
energy = st.slider('Energy (0 low, 100 high)', min_value=0, max_value=100, value=100, step=1) / 100
danceability = st.slider('Danceability (0 low, 100 high)', min_value=0, max_value=100, value=100, step=1) / 100
target_mood = np.array([valence, energy, danceability]).reshape(1, 3)
return target_mood
def filter_songs_by_genre(checkboxes, genres_labels, genres):
# filter songs by genres
selected_labels = [genres_labels[i] for i in range(len(genres_labels)) if checkboxes[i]]
genre_selected_indexes = []
for label in selected_labels:
genre_selected_indexes += genres[label]
genre_selected_indexes = np.array(sorted(set(genre_selected_indexes)))
return genre_selected_indexes
def find_best_songs_for_mood(all_tracks_audio_features, genre_selected_indexes, target_mood):
candidate_moods = np.array([np.array(all_tracks_audio_features[feature])[genre_selected_indexes] for feature in ['valence', 'energy', 'danceability']]).T
distances = np.sqrt(((candidate_moods - target_mood) ** 2).sum(axis=1))
min_dist_indexes = np.argsort(distances)
n_candidates = distances.shape[0]
return min_dist_indexes, n_candidates
def run_app():
image = Image.open(dir_path + '/image.png')
st.markdown("This app let's you quickly build playlists in a customized way: ")
st.markdown("* **It's easy**: you won't have to add songs one by one,\n"
"* **You're in control**: you provide a source of candidate songs, select a list of genres and choose the mood for the playlist.")
fake = centered_button(st.button, "Let's go", n_columns=7, disabled=True)
if 'login' in st.session_state or debug:
global sp
if not debug: sp, user_id, legit_genres = st.session_state['login']
st.success('You are logged in.')
all_tracks_uris, all_tracks_audio_features, genres, genres_labels = select_songs(legit_genres)
if all_tracks_uris is not None:
target_mood = customize_widgets(genres_labels)
custom_button = centered_button(st.button, 'Run customization', n_columns=5)
if custom_button or 'run_custom' in st.session_state.keys():
st.session_state['run_custom'] = True
checkboxes = st.session_state['checkboxes'].copy()
init_time = time.time()
genre_selected_indexes = filter_songs_by_genre(checkboxes, genres_labels, genres)
if len(genre_selected_indexes) < 10:
genre_selected_indexes = None
st.warning('Please select more genres or add more music sources.')
st.success(f'{len(genre_selected_indexes)} candidate tracks selected.')
print(f'6. filter by genre: {time.time() - init_time:.2f}')
init_time = time.time()
if genre_selected_indexes is not None:
min_dist_indexes, n_candidates = find_best_songs_for_mood(all_tracks_audio_features, genre_selected_indexes, target_mood)
print(f'7. filter by mood: {time.time() - init_time:.2f}')
init_time = time.time()
if n_candidates < 25:
st.warning('Please add more music sources or select more genres.')
playlist_length = st.number_input(f'Pick a playlist length, given {n_candidates} candidates.', min_value=5,
value=min(10, n_candidates//5), max_value=n_candidates//5)
selected_tracks_indexes = genre_selected_indexes[min_dist_indexes[:playlist_length]]
selected_tracks_uris = all_tracks_uris[selected_tracks_indexes]
playlist_name = st.text_input('Playlist name', value='Mood Playlist')
if playlist_name == '':
st.warning('Please enter a playlist name.')
print(f'8. build playlist: {time.time() - init_time:.2f}')
init_time = time.time()
generation_button = centered_button(st.button, 'Generate playlist', n_columns=5)
if generation_button:
description = f'Emotion Playlist for Valence: {target_mood[0]}, ' \
f'Energy: {target_mood[1]}, ' \
f'Danceability: {target_mood[2]}). ' \
f'Playlist generated by the EmotionPlaylist app: https://huggingface.co/spaces/ccolas/EmotionPlaylist.'
playlist_info = sp.user_playlist_create(user_id, playlist_name, public=True, collaborative=False, description=description)
playlist_uri = playlist_info['uri'].split(':')[-1]
sp.playlist_add_items(playlist_uri, selected_tracks_uris)
<iframe style = "border-radius:12px" src="https://open.spotify.com/embed/playlist/{playlist_uri}" allowtransparency="true"
allow="encrypted-media" width="80%" height="580" frameborder="0"></iframe></center></body></html>
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
st.success(f'The playlist has been generated, find it [here](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/{playlist_uri}).')
stop = 1
if __name__ == '__main__':