#@title Load packages | |
import subprocess | |
import gc | |
import pandas as pd | |
import multiprocessing as mp | |
import datashader as ds | |
import panel as pn | |
import param | |
from holoviews.operation import decimate | |
from holoviews.operation.datashader import datashade, rasterize, dynspread | |
from holoviews import dim, opts | |
from holoviews.selection import link_selections | |
from holoviews.streams import Selection1D | |
import holoviews as hv | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import bokeh | |
import colorcet as cc | |
from colorcet.plotting import swatch | |
from matplotlib import cm, colors | |
from bokeh.settings import settings | |
from bokeh.models import HoverTool | |
from urllib import request | |
import numpy as np | |
np.random.seed(42) | |
from io import StringIO | |
from itertools import chain, combinations | |
from collections import defaultdict | |
hv.extension('bokeh', logo=False) | |
pn.extension(design="bootstrap") | |
pn.extension('tabulator') | |
from collections import Counter | |
from Bio.Blast.NCBIWWW import qblast | |
from Bio.Blast import NCBIXML | |
#@title Functions to read in dataset, set up plotting | |
def drop_samples(ix, max_reads): | |
"""Return indices of random samples from a batch of reads""" | |
if len(ix) > max_reads: | |
ix = np.random.choice(ix, size=max_reads, replace=False) | |
return ix | |
def downsample(a, max_reads=50, nbins=250): | |
"""Drop samples from dataset in regions of the 2D histogram that exceed a threshold (max_reads)""" | |
#nbins = 500 | |
h = np.histogram2d(a[:,0], a[:,1], bins=nbins) | |
bins_y = np.searchsorted(h[2], a[:,1]) | |
bins_x = np.searchsorted(h[1], a[:,0]) | |
d = defaultdict(list) | |
for i in range(len(a)): | |
d[(bins_x[i], bins_y[i])].append(i) | |
return np.array(list(chain.from_iterable(drop_samples(v,max_reads) for v in d.values()))) | |
def remove_ids(df, rm_list): | |
return df[~df['id'].isin(rm_list)] | |
def get_category_labels(read_ids, label_files): | |
"""Assign labels to reads based on files with lists. Reads that do not appear in a list are labelled 0. | |
All others are assigned integer labels corresponding to the order in which the files are listed - unless | |
they are present in more than one set, in which case they are assigned to an additional category.""" | |
mask = np.array(len(read_ids)*[0], dtype="int32") | |
if len(label_files) == 0: | |
print("Nothing to label.") | |
return mask | |
# iterate over lists of classified reads and assign integer labels | |
all_sets = [] | |
for i, cat in enumerate(label_files): | |
seq_set = {j.strip("\n") for j in open(cat)} | |
all_sets.append(seq_set) | |
np.put(mask, np.where([seqid in seq_set for seqid in read_ids]), [i+1]) | |
#check if lists overlap | |
print(f"{i+1} class(es).") | |
nt = lambda a, b: all_sets[a].intersection(all_sets[b]) | |
if in_multiple := set().union( | |
*[nt(*j) for j in combinations(range(i + 1), 2)] | |
): | |
np.put(mask, np.where([seqid in in_multiple for seqid in read_ids]), [i+2]) | |
print(f"Adding extra bin containing intersect of sets: {i + 2}") | |
return mask | |
def load_df(data, samples_bin=50, max_reads=50000000): | |
"""Determine whether to downsample the dataset and fetch indices, then load into dataframe""" | |
if len(data['vae']) > max_reads: | |
print("Downsampling data.") | |
idxs = downsample(data["vae"], samples_bin) | |
print("Downsampled.") | |
else: | |
idxs = np.array(range(len(data['vae']))) | |
df = pd.DataFrame(data=data['vae'][idxs,:], columns=['x', 'y']) | |
df['id'] = pd.Series(data["reads"][idxs]) | |
df['hex'] = pd.Series(data['annot'][idxs]) | |
df['fastk'] = pd.Series(data['slice'][idxs]) | |
df['bin'] = 99 | |
df['classes'] = pd.Categorical(data['classes'][idxs], ordered=True) | |
#print(df) | |
return df | |
clrs = ['#E8ECFB', '#D9CCE3', '#D1BBD7', '#CAACCB', '#BA8DB4', | |
'#AE76A3', '#AA6F9E', '#994F88', '#882E72', '#1965B0', | |
'#437DBF', '#5289C7', '#6195CF', '#7BAFDE', '#4EB265', | |
'#90C987', '#CAE0AB', '#F7F056', '#F7CB45', '#F6C141', | |
'#F4A736', '#F1932D', '#EE8026', '#E8601C', '#E65518', | |
'#DC050C', '#A5170E', '#72190E', '#42150A'] | |
indexes = [[9], [9, 25], [9, 17, 25], [9, 14, 17, 25], [9, 13, 14, 17, | |
25], [9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 25], [8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 25], [8, | |
9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 22, 25], [8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 22, 25, 27], | |
[8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20, 23, 25, 27], [8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, | |
17, 20, 23, 25, 27], [2, 5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20, 23, | |
25], [2, 5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 23, 25], [2, 5, | |
8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25], [2, 5, 8, 9, 11, | |
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27], [2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, | |
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27], [2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, | |
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27], [2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, | |
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27], [1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, | |
9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27], [1, 3, 4, | |
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 26, | |
27], [1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, | |
22, 24, 25, 26, 27], [1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, | |
16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28], [0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, | |
9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28]] | |
# Interactive plotting | |
class Scatter(param.Parameterized): | |
"""Build scatterplot for reads. Set up widgets to control display parameters, and | |
the number of discrete bins for the coding density annotation (num_bins) and the | |
coverage range displayed (upper, lower).""" | |
min_alpha = param.Integer(50, bounds=(10, 255), doc="Set the minimum alpha value for points.", label="Minimum alpha") | |
num_bins = param.Integer(5, bounds=(1, 10), doc="Select number of quantile bins for coding density (hex).", label="Number of bins") | |
upper = param.Integer(32767, doc="Maximum k-mer coverage to display.", label="Max k-mer coverage") | |
lower = param.Integer(0, doc="Minimum k-mer coverage to display.", label="Min k-mer coverage") | |
lim_upper_hist = param.Integer(10000, bounds=(2,32767), label="Coverage hist max") | |
lim_lower_hist = param.Integer(1, bounds=(1, 32766), label="Coverage hist min") | |
bg = param.Selector(["white", "grey", "black"], doc="Select the background colour for the plot.", label="Background colour") | |
show_class = param.ListSelector(default=[], objects=[], label='Select classes') | |
color_cat = param.Selector(["glasbey_hv", "colorblind_bokeh", "tol_rainbow"], label='Categorical colour scheme') | |
action = param.Action(lambda x: x.param.trigger('action'), label='Update histogram for current selection') | |
reverse_colours = param.Boolean(doc="Reverse colour map for binned annotations", label="Reverse colours") | |
#pn.config.throttled = True | |
def __init__(self, df_complete, sample_id, **kwargs): | |
super(Scatter, self).__init__(**kwargs) | |
#### | |
#FIXME | |
def column_width(plot, element): | |
"""Manually override column widths""" | |
plot.handles['table'].columns[2].width = 205 | |
for i in [0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6]: | |
plot.handles['table'].columns[i].width = 50 | |
#plot.handles['table'].autosize_mode = "none" | |
# Initialise dataframe | |
self.df_complete = df_complete | |
self.sample_id = sample_id | |
self.df = self.make_bins(self.num_bins) | |
# Get points, selection box, and summary t6able | |
self.points = hv.Points(data=self.df, kdims=['x','y'],vdims=['id']) | | = hv.streams.BoundsXY(source=self.points, bounds=(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) | |
#self.bounds, self.dmap = self.selections() | |
self.bounds = hv.DynamicMap(lambda bounds: hv.Bounds(bounds), streams=[]) | |
self.dmap = hv.DynamicMap(lambda bounds: hv.Table(self.df[(self.df['x'] > bounds[0]) & (self.df['x'] < bounds[2]) & \ | |
(self.df['y'] > bounds[1]) & (self.df['y'] < bounds[3])].head(n=5000).round(2)).opts(editable=True, width=600), \ | |
streams=[]) | |
# Set up colours for classes | |
self.n_classes = df_complete['classes'].nunique() | |
class_list = list(range(self.n_classes)) | |
self.param.show_class.objects = class_list | |
self.show_class = class_list | |
self.cat_maps = {'glasbey_hv': cc.b_glasbey_hv, | |
'colorblind_bokeh': list(hv.Cycle.default_cycles["Colorblind"]), | |
} | |
# Drop maps that are too short | |
if self.n_classes > 23: | |
self.param.color_cat.objects = ["glasbey_hv"] | |
else: | |
self.cat_maps["tol_rainbow"] = [clrs[i] for i in indexes[self.n_classes]] | |
if self.n_classes > 9: | |
self.param.color_cat.objects = ["glasbey_hv", "tol_rainbow"] | |
#self.colors_classes = self.colormap_classes() | |
def hist_coverage(self): | |
if () in | |
max_val =[()]["fastk"].max() | |
min_val =[()]["fastk"].min() | |
h_counts, h_bins = np.histogram([()]["fastk"], bins=min(50, max_val-min_val), range=(max(self.lim_lower_hist, min_val),min(self.lim_upper_hist, max_val))) | |
else: | |
h_counts, h_bins = np.histogram(self.df["fastk"], bins=50, range=(self.lim_lower_hist, self.lim_upper_hist)) | |
return hv.Histogram((np.log1p(h_counts), h_bins)).opts(width=600, height=150, shared_axes=False, ylabel="log(Frequency)", xlabel="fastk") | |
def hist_hexamer(self): | |
if () in | |
#max_val =[()]["hex"].max() | |
#min_val =[()]["hex"].min() | |
h_counts, h_bins = np.histogram([()]["hex"], bins=50) | |
#h_counts_base, h_bins_base = np.histogram(self.df["hex"], bins=50) | |
return hv.Histogram((np.log1p(h_counts), h_bins)).opts(width=600, height=150, shared_axes=False, ylabel="log(Frequency)", xlabel="hexamer") | |
# hv.Histogram((np.log1p(h_counts_base), h_bins_base)).opts(width=400, shared_axes=False, ylabel="log(Frequency)", xlabel="hexamer") + | |
else: | |
h_counts, h_bins = np.histogram(self.df["hex"], bins=50) | |
return hv.Histogram((np.log1p(h_counts), h_bins)).opts(width=600, height=150, shared_axes=False, ylabel="log(Frequency)", xlabel="hexamer") | |
def jitter(self, series): | |
eps = np.finfo(np.float32).eps | |
return (series + np.random.uniform(eps, 2*eps, len(series))).astype("float32") | |
#@pn.depends('num_bins', watch=True) | |
def make_bins(self, num_bins): | |
"""Bin coding density into quantiles, where num_bins is the number of bins. Then, call function to filter rows by coverage""" | |
# If no data provided, fill with 0 | |
if self.df_complete['hex'].min() == self.df_complete['hex'].max(): | |
self.df_complete['bin'] = 0 | |
else: | |
bins = pd.Categorical(pd.qcut(self.jitter(self.df_complete['hex']), num_bins, labels=False, duplicates='drop')) | |
self.df_complete['bin'] = bins | |
self.df = self.filter_df() | |
return self.df | |
def filter_df(self): | |
"""Get rows within specified coverage range, lower <= coverage <= upper. Filter selected classes""" | |
if self.lower <= self.upper: | |
self.df = self.df_complete.loc[(self.df_complete['fastk'] <= self.upper) & (self.df_complete['fastk'] >= self.lower)] | |
else: | |
self.df = self.df_complete | |
if (self.df_complete['classes'].nunique() > 1) & (len(self.show_class) > 0): | |
self.df = self.df[self.df['classes'].isin(self.show_class)] | |
return self.df | |
def colormap(self): | |
"""Set up colourmap using viridis, generate legend labels""" | |
v = cm.get_cmap('viridis') | |
colors_hex = [colors.rgb2hex(i) | |
for i in v(np.linspace(0, 1, self.num_bins))] | |
if self.reverse_colours is True: | |
colors_hex = colors_hex[::-1] | |
legend_labels = dict( | |
zip( | |
list(range(self.num_bins)), | |
[f"bin {i}" for i in range(self.num_bins)], | |
) | |
) | |
return colors_hex, legend_labels | |
def colormap_classes(self): | |
"""Set up categorical colourmap based on selection, generate legend labels""" | |
colors_hex = self.cat_maps[self.color_cat][:self.n_classes] | |
legend_labels = dict( | |
zip( | |
list(range(self.n_classes)), | |
[f"class {i}" for i in range(self.n_classes)], | |
) | |
) | |
return colors_hex, legend_labels | |
def update_points(self): | |
self.df = self.make_bins(self.num_bins) | |
self.points = hv.Points(data=self.df, kdims=['x','y'],vdims=['id', 'bin', 'classes']) | |
return 0 | |
def draw_scatter_table(self): | |
self.update_points() | |
colors_hex, legend_labels = self.colormap() | |
return self.draw_shaded(colors_hex, legend_labels, "bin") | |
def draw_scatter_table_classes(self): | |
self.update_points() | |
colors_hex, legend_labels = self.colormap_classes() | |
return self.draw_shaded(colors_hex, legend_labels, "classes") | |
def draw_shaded(self, colors_hex, legend_labels, col): | |
shaded = datashade( | |
self.points, | |
aggregator=ds.count_cat(col), | |
color_key=colors_hex, | |
min_alpha=self.min_alpha, | |
).opts( | |, | |
width=700, | |
height=700, | |
show_grid=True, | |
tools=["box_select"], | |
default_tools=[], | |
legend_labels=legend_labels, | |
legend_position='top_right', | |
legend_offset=(0, 0), | |
title=f'Reads for {self.sample_id}', | |
) | |
return hv.Overlay([dynspread(shaded, threshold=0.7, max_px=5)]).collate() * self.bounds.clone() | |
def get_seq_file(identifier, fasta, seq_preview): | |
seq_cmd = "{0} -A1 -m1 \"{1}\" {2}".format("zgrep", identifier, fasta) | |
seq =, capture_output=True, shell=True) | |
if seq.returncode != 0: | |
return 1 | |
seqrecord = seq.stdout.decode("utf-8") | |
seq_preview.object = "{}".format(seqrecord) | |
return seqrecord | |
def box_selected_data_dl(box, df): | |
"""Select rows in table corresponding to selected points""" | |
return df[(df['x'] > box.bounds[0]) & (df['x'] < box.bounds[2]) & \ | |
(df['y'] > box.bounds[1]) & (df['y'] < box.bounds[3])] | |
def blast_function(seq): | |
""" If you would like to use a custom command to run blast, replace this function. | |
For example. on local blast server: | |
blast_cmd = "timeout 300s curl -T temp.fa | head -n5" | |
blast =, capture_output=True, shell=True) | |
if blast.returncode == 0: | |
blast_pane.object = '{0}'.format(blast.stdout.decode('utf-8')) | |
else: | |
#text_blast.value | |
blast_pane.object = 'Non-zero return code {} {}'.format(blast, blast_cmd) | |
""" | |
#seq = "{}".format(open("temp.fa", "r").read()) | |
result_handle = qblast("blastn", "nt", seq, megablast=True) | |
blast_record = | |
if len(blast_record.alignments) > 0: | |
return "\n".join([t.title for t in blast_record.alignments[:5]])#blast_record.alignments[0].title | |
else: | |
return "No result" | |
def make_panel(scatter, fasta): | |
def button_readid_click(event): | |
text_readid.value = '{0}'.format([()]['id'][0]) | |
def button_click_seq(event): | |
if text_readid.value == "...": | |
text_readid.value = '{0}'.format([()]['id'][0]) | |
if get_seq_file(text_readid.value, fasta, seq_preview) == 0: | |
seq = "{}".format(open("temp.fa", "r").read()) | |
def button_click_blast(event): | |
if text_readid.value == "...": | |
text_readid.value = '{0}'.format([()]['id'][0]) | |
blast_pane.object = "...running..." | |
idle.value = True | |
seq = get_seq_file(text_readid.value, fasta, seq_preview) | |
if seq != 1: | |
#seq = get_seq_file(text_readid.value, fasta, seq_preview) #"{}".format(open("temp.fa", "r").read()) | |
blast_pane.object = blast_function(seq) | |
else: | |
blast_pane.object == 'Failed to get fasta' | |
idle.value = False | |
def find_read(event): | |
if text_readid.value == "...": | |
text_readid.value = '{0}'.format([()]['id'][0]) | |
coord.value = "" | |
locate = scatter.df.loc[scatter.df['id'] == text_readid.value] | |
coord.value = "X: {:.4g}, Y: {:.4g}".format( | |
locate['x'].values[0], locate['y'].values[0]) | |
def download_csv(): | |
reads = box_selected_data_dl(, scatter.df) | |
sio = StringIO() | |
reads.to_csv(sio) | | | |
sio.flush() | |
return sio | |
# Define buttons, panes, and actions | |
button_readid = pn.widgets.Button( | |
name='Get first sequence in selection', button_type='primary') | |
text_readid = pn.widgets.TextInput(value='...') | |
button_readid.on_click(button_readid_click) | |
idle = pn.indicators.LoadingSpinner(value=False, width=50, height=50) | |
button_blast = pn.widgets.Button( | |
name='blastn selected sequence', button_type='primary') | |
button_seq = pn.widgets.Button(name="Get sequence", button_type="primary") | |
blast_pane = pn.pane.HTML("""Do megablast""", styles={'background-color': '#fcfcfc', 'border': '1px solid black', | |
'padding': '5px', 'overflow': 'scroll', 'width': '310px', 'height': '100px'}) | |
button_blast.on_click(button_click_blast) | |
button_seq.on_click(button_click_seq) | |
coord = pn.widgets.StaticText(value="") | |
button_find = pn.widgets.Button( | |
name='Find read coordinates', button_type='primary') | |
button_find.on_click(find_read) | |
seq_preview = pn.pane.HTML(""" """, styles={'background-color': '#fcfcfc', 'border': '1px solid black', | |
'padding': '5px', 'overflow': 'scroll', 'width': '700px', 'height': '50px'}) | |
file_download = pn.widgets.FileDownload(callback=download_csv, filename='reads.txt', | |
label='Download selected reads', button_type='success', auto=True, embed=False) | |
def lay_out_elements(): | |
# Show class tab if multiple classes present | |
if scatter.n_classes > 1: | |
tabs = pn.Tabs(('Hexamer', scatter.draw_scatter_table), | |
('Classes', scatter.draw_scatter_table_classes), dynamic=True) | |
else: | |
tabs = pn.Tabs(('Hexamer', scatter.draw_scatter_table)) | |
#tabs = scatter.draw_scatter_table | |
# Widgets for blast, displaying sequence | |
widgets_read_selection = pn.WidgetBox(pn.Row(text_readid), pn.Row(button_readid), pn.Row(pn.widgets.StaticText( | |
name='Note', value='Click to update after drawing new selection')), pn.Row(button_seq), pn.Row(button_find), pn.Row(coord)) | |
widgets_blast = pn.WidgetBox( | |
pn.Row(blast_pane), pn.Row(button_blast), idle,) | |
# Configure class selection widget | |
if len(scatter.param.show_class.objects) <= 11: | |
multi_select = pn.widgets.CheckButtonGroup.from_param( | |
scatter.param.show_class) | |
else: | |
multi_select = pn.widgets.MultiChoice.from_param( | |
scatter.param.show_class) | |
# Lay out widgets for parameter settings | |
param_layout = pn.WidgetBox(scatter.param.min_alpha, scatter.param.num_bins, scatter.param.reverse_colours, scatter.param.upper, scatter.param.lower, | |
'Background colour', pn.widgets.RadioButtonGroup.from_param( | |, name="Background colour"), | |
) | |
# Add elements to right column, depending on available annotations | |
right_col = pn.Column(pn.WidgetBox(scatter.dmap)) | |
# Add histograms | |
if plain_scatter != "True": | |
#for el in [scatter.hist_coverage, scatter.hist_hexamer, scatter.param.lim_lower_hist, scatter.param.lim_upper_hist, scatter.param.action]: | |
# right_col.append(el) | |
right_col.append(pn.WidgetBox(scatter.hist_coverage, scatter.hist_hexamer, scatter.param.lim_lower_hist, scatter.param.lim_upper_hist, scatter.param.action, name="Histograms")) | |
else: | |
scatter.param.num_bins.constant = True | |
scatter.param.upper.constant = True | |
scatter.param.lower.constant = True | |
# Add widgets to filter by class | |
if scatter.n_classes > 1: | |
#def cell_bg(s): | |
# return [ f'background-color: {col}' for col in scatter.colors_classes[:scatter.n_classes-1] ] | |
all_cats = ["Unclassified", "Trypanosome"] | |
class_key = pn.widgets.Tabulator(pd.DataFrame({'list': all_cats}, index=range(len(all_cats)))) | | | |
param_layout_classes = pn.Accordion(pn.WidgetBox( | |
"Filter classified sequences", scatter.param.color_cat, multi_select, class_key, width=600, name="Filter classes")) | |
right_col.append(param_layout_classes) | |
filtered_view = pn.Row( | |
pn.Column(param_layout, | |
widgets_read_selection, | |
widgets_blast, | |
pn.Row(file_download)), | |
pn.Column(pn.panel(tabs), pn.Row(seq_preview)), | |
right_col | |
) | |
return filtered_view | |
return lay_out_elements() | |
data_path = "" | |
#request.urlretrieve("", "ilCarKade1_204_downsampled.npz") | |
#request.urlretrieve("", "Trypanosomatidae.finalreads") | |
#request.urlretrieve("", "downsampled.fa.gz") | |
use_own_data = False #@param {type:"boolean"} | |
import sys | |
def ids_width(reads): | |
#""" Get max length for read ids to prevent truncation by np.loadtxt() """ | |
wc =["wc", "-L", reads], capture_output=True) | |
if wc.returncode == 0: | |
width = int(wc.stdout.decode('utf-8').split()[0]) | |
return width | |
else: | |
sys.exit(1) | |
#@markdown Your sample's name. | |
sample_id = "my_species" #@param {type:"string"} | |
#@markdown Specify your file paths. | |
read_ids = "example.reads.ids.txt" #@param {type:"string"} | |
vae_file = "example.vae.out.2d.0" #@param {type:"string"} | |
coverage_file = "example.median_31mer.txt" #@param {type:"string"} | |
density_file = "example.reads.hexsum" #@param {type:"string"} | |
fasta = "reads.fa.gz" #@param {type:"string"} | |
labelled_reads = "example.reads" #@param {type:"string"} | |
if use_own_data == True: | |
width = ids_width(read_ids) | |
# load own data | |
data_dict = {"vae": np.loadtxt(vae_file, dtype="float32"), | |
"slice": np.loadtxt(coverage_file, dtype="int32"), | |
"annot": np.loadtxt(density_file, dtype="float32"), | |
"reads": np.loadtxt(read_ids, dtype="U{}".format(width)) | |
} | |
data_dict["classes"] = get_category_labels(data_dict["reads"], [labelled_reads]) | |
else: | |
fasta = "downsampled.fa.gz" | |
sample_id = "ilCarKade1" | |
data_dict = dict(np.load("ilCarKade1_204_downsampled.npz")) | |
data_dict["classes"] = get_category_labels(data_dict["reads"], ["Trypanosomatidae.finalreads"]) | |
import os | |
import gc | |
assert os.path.isfile(fasta) | |
xy = load_df(data_dict) | |
scatter = Scatter(xy, sample_id) | |
plain_scatter = "False" | |
view = make_panel(scatter, fasta) | |
gc.collect() | |
hv.extension("bokeh") | |
pn.extension() | |
view.servable("Read VAE") |