import os |
import signal |
import time |
import csv |
import sys |
import warnings |
import random |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
import torch.distributed as dist |
from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel as DDP |
import torch.multiprocessing as mp |
import numpy as np |
import time |
import pprint |
from loguru import logger |
import smplx |
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter |
import wandb |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
from utils import config, logger_tools, other_tools, metric, data_transfer |
from dataloaders import data_tools |
from dataloaders.build_vocab import Vocab |
from optimizers.optim_factory import create_optimizer |
from optimizers.scheduler_factory import create_scheduler |
from optimizers.loss_factory import get_loss_func |
from dataloaders.data_tools import joints_list |
from utils import rotation_conversions as rc |
class BaseTrainer(object): |
def __init__(self, args): |
self.args = args |
self.rank = dist.get_rank() |
self.checkpoint_path = args.out_path + "custom/" + args.name + args.notes + "/" |
if self.rank == 0: |
self.test_data = __import__(f"dataloaders.{args.dataset}", fromlist=["something"]).CustomDataset(args, "test") |
self.test_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader( |
self.test_data, |
batch_size=1, |
shuffle=False, |
num_workers=args.loader_workers, |
drop_last=False, |
) |
logger.info(f"Init test dataloader success") |
model_module = __import__(f"models.{args.model}", fromlist=["something"]) |
if args.ddp: |
self.model = getattr(model_module, args.g_name)(args).to(self.rank) |
process_group = torch.distributed.new_group() |
self.model = torch.nn.SyncBatchNorm.convert_sync_batchnorm(self.model, process_group) |
self.model = DDP(self.model, device_ids=[self.rank], output_device=self.rank, |
broadcast_buffers=False, find_unused_parameters=False) |
else: |
self.model = torch.nn.DataParallel(getattr(model_module, args.g_name)(args), args.gpus).cuda() |
if self.rank == 0: |
logger.info(self.model) |
logger.info(f"init {args.g_name} success") |
self.smplx = smplx.create( |
self.args.data_path_1+"smplx_models/", |
model_type='smplx', |
gender='NEUTRAL_2020', |
use_face_contour=False, |
num_betas=300, |
num_expression_coeffs=100, |
ext='npz', |
use_pca=False, |
).to(self.rank).eval() |
self.args = args |
self.joints = self.test_data.joints |
self.ori_joint_list = joints_list[self.args.ori_joints] |
self.tar_joint_list_face = joints_list["beat_smplx_face"] |
self.tar_joint_list_upper = joints_list["beat_smplx_upper"] |
self.tar_joint_list_hands = joints_list["beat_smplx_hands"] |
self.tar_joint_list_lower = joints_list["beat_smplx_lower"] |
self.joint_mask_face = np.zeros(len(list(self.ori_joint_list.keys()))*3) |
self.joints = 55 |
for joint_name in self.tar_joint_list_face: |
self.joint_mask_face[self.ori_joint_list[joint_name][1] - self.ori_joint_list[joint_name][0]:self.ori_joint_list[joint_name][1]] = 1 |
self.joint_mask_upper = np.zeros(len(list(self.ori_joint_list.keys()))*3) |
for joint_name in self.tar_joint_list_upper: |
self.joint_mask_upper[self.ori_joint_list[joint_name][1] - self.ori_joint_list[joint_name][0]:self.ori_joint_list[joint_name][1]] = 1 |
self.joint_mask_hands = np.zeros(len(list(self.ori_joint_list.keys()))*3) |
for joint_name in self.tar_joint_list_hands: |
self.joint_mask_hands[self.ori_joint_list[joint_name][1] - self.ori_joint_list[joint_name][0]:self.ori_joint_list[joint_name][1]] = 1 |
self.joint_mask_lower = np.zeros(len(list(self.ori_joint_list.keys()))*3) |
for joint_name in self.tar_joint_list_lower: |
self.joint_mask_lower[self.ori_joint_list[joint_name][1] - self.ori_joint_list[joint_name][0]:self.ori_joint_list[joint_name][1]] = 1 |
self.tracker = other_tools.EpochTracker(["fid", "l1div", "bc", "rec", "trans", "vel", "transv", 'dis', 'gen', 'acc', 'transa', 'exp', 'lvd', 'mse', "cls", "rec_face", "latent", "cls_full", "cls_self", "cls_word", "latent_word","latent_self"], [False,True,True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,False,False,False]) |
vq_model_module = __import__(f"models.motion_representation", fromlist=["something"]) |
self.args.vae_layer = 2 |
self.args.vae_length = 256 |
self.args.vae_test_dim = 106 |
self.vq_model_face = getattr(vq_model_module, "VQVAEConvZero")(self.args).to(self.rank) |
other_tools.load_checkpoints(self.vq_model_face, self.args.data_path_1 + "pretrained_vq/last_790_face_v2.bin", args.e_name) |
self.args.vae_test_dim = 78 |
self.vq_model_upper = getattr(vq_model_module, "VQVAEConvZero")(self.args).to(self.rank) |
other_tools.load_checkpoints(self.vq_model_upper, self.args.data_path_1 + "pretrained_vq/upper_vertex_1layer_710.bin", args.e_name) |
self.args.vae_test_dim = 180 |
self.vq_model_hands = getattr(vq_model_module, "VQVAEConvZero")(self.args).to(self.rank) |
other_tools.load_checkpoints(self.vq_model_hands, self.args.data_path_1 + "pretrained_vq/hands_vertex_1layer_710.bin", args.e_name) |
self.args.vae_test_dim = 61 |
self.args.vae_layer = 4 |
self.vq_model_lower = getattr(vq_model_module, "VQVAEConvZero")(self.args).to(self.rank) |
other_tools.load_checkpoints(self.vq_model_lower, self.args.data_path_1 + "pretrained_vq/lower_foot_600.bin", args.e_name) |
self.args.vae_test_dim = 61 |
self.args.vae_layer = 4 |
self.global_motion = getattr(vq_model_module, "VAEConvZero")(self.args).to(self.rank) |
other_tools.load_checkpoints(self.global_motion, self.args.data_path_1 + "pretrained_vq/last_1700_foot.bin", args.e_name) |
self.args.vae_test_dim = 330 |
self.args.vae_layer = 4 |
self.args.vae_length = 240 |
self.vq_model_face.eval() |
self.vq_model_upper.eval() |
self.vq_model_hands.eval() |
self.vq_model_lower.eval() |
self.global_motion.eval() |
self.cls_loss = nn.NLLLoss().to(self.rank) |
self.reclatent_loss = nn.MSELoss().to(self.rank) |
self.vel_loss = torch.nn.L1Loss(reduction='mean').to(self.rank) |
self.rec_loss = get_loss_func("GeodesicLoss").to(self.rank) |
self.log_softmax = nn.LogSoftmax(dim=2).to(self.rank) |
def inverse_selection(self, filtered_t, selection_array, n): |
original_shape_t = np.zeros((n, selection_array.size)) |
selected_indices = np.where(selection_array == 1)[0] |
for i in range(n): |
original_shape_t[i, selected_indices] = filtered_t[i] |
return original_shape_t |
def inverse_selection_tensor(self, filtered_t, selection_array, n): |
selection_array = torch.from_numpy(selection_array).cuda() |
original_shape_t = torch.zeros((n, 165)).cuda() |
selected_indices = torch.where(selection_array == 1)[0] |
for i in range(n): |
original_shape_t[i, selected_indices] = filtered_t[i] |
return original_shape_t |
def _load_data(self, dict_data): |
tar_pose_raw = dict_data["pose"] |
tar_pose = tar_pose_raw[:, :, :165].to(self.rank) |
tar_contact = tar_pose_raw[:, :, 165:169].to(self.rank) |
tar_trans = dict_data["trans"].to(self.rank) |
tar_exps = dict_data["facial"].to(self.rank) |
in_audio = dict_data["audio"].to(self.rank) |
in_word = dict_data["word"].to(self.rank) |
tar_beta = dict_data["beta"].to(self.rank) |
tar_id = dict_data["id"].to(self.rank).long() |
bs, n, j = tar_pose.shape[0], tar_pose.shape[1], self.joints |
tar_pose_jaw = tar_pose[:, :, 66:69] |
tar_pose_jaw = rc.axis_angle_to_matrix(tar_pose_jaw.reshape(bs, n, 1, 3)) |
tar_pose_jaw = rc.matrix_to_rotation_6d(tar_pose_jaw).reshape(bs, n, 1*6) |
tar_pose_face = torch.cat([tar_pose_jaw, tar_exps], dim=2) |
tar_pose_hands = tar_pose[:, :, 25*3:55*3] |
tar_pose_hands = rc.axis_angle_to_matrix(tar_pose_hands.reshape(bs, n, 30, 3)) |
tar_pose_hands = rc.matrix_to_rotation_6d(tar_pose_hands).reshape(bs, n, 30*6) |
tar_pose_upper = tar_pose[:, :, self.joint_mask_upper.astype(bool)] |
tar_pose_upper = rc.axis_angle_to_matrix(tar_pose_upper.reshape(bs, n, 13, 3)) |
tar_pose_upper = rc.matrix_to_rotation_6d(tar_pose_upper).reshape(bs, n, 13*6) |
tar_pose_leg = tar_pose[:, :, self.joint_mask_lower.astype(bool)] |
tar_pose_leg = rc.axis_angle_to_matrix(tar_pose_leg.reshape(bs, n, 9, 3)) |
tar_pose_leg = rc.matrix_to_rotation_6d(tar_pose_leg).reshape(bs, n, 9*6) |
tar_pose_lower = torch.cat([tar_pose_leg, tar_trans, tar_contact], dim=2) |
tar4dis = torch.cat([tar_pose_jaw, tar_pose_upper, tar_pose_hands, tar_pose_leg], dim=2) |
tar_index_value_face_top = self.vq_model_face.map2index(tar_pose_face) |
tar_index_value_upper_top = self.vq_model_upper.map2index(tar_pose_upper) |
tar_index_value_hands_top = self.vq_model_hands.map2index(tar_pose_hands) |
tar_index_value_lower_top = self.vq_model_lower.map2index(tar_pose_lower) |
latent_face_top = self.vq_model_face.map2latent(tar_pose_face) |
latent_upper_top = self.vq_model_upper.map2latent(tar_pose_upper) |
latent_hands_top = self.vq_model_hands.map2latent(tar_pose_hands) |
latent_lower_top = self.vq_model_lower.map2latent(tar_pose_lower) |
latent_in = torch.cat([latent_upper_top, latent_hands_top, latent_lower_top], dim=2) |
index_in = torch.stack([tar_index_value_upper_top, tar_index_value_hands_top, tar_index_value_lower_top], dim=-1).long() |
tar_pose_6d = rc.axis_angle_to_matrix(tar_pose.reshape(bs, n, 55, 3)) |
tar_pose_6d = rc.matrix_to_rotation_6d(tar_pose_6d).reshape(bs, n, 55*6) |
latent_all = torch.cat([tar_pose_6d, tar_trans, tar_contact], dim=-1) |
return { |
"tar_pose_jaw": tar_pose_jaw, |
"tar_pose_face": tar_pose_face, |
"tar_pose_upper": tar_pose_upper, |
"tar_pose_lower": tar_pose_lower, |
"tar_pose_hands": tar_pose_hands, |
'tar_pose_leg': tar_pose_leg, |
"in_audio": in_audio, |
"in_word": in_word, |
"tar_trans": tar_trans, |
"tar_exps": tar_exps, |
"tar_beta": tar_beta, |
"tar_pose": tar_pose, |
"tar4dis": tar4dis, |
"tar_index_value_face_top": tar_index_value_face_top, |
"tar_index_value_upper_top": tar_index_value_upper_top, |
"tar_index_value_hands_top": tar_index_value_hands_top, |
"tar_index_value_lower_top": tar_index_value_lower_top, |
"latent_face_top": latent_face_top, |
"latent_upper_top": latent_upper_top, |
"latent_hands_top": latent_hands_top, |
"latent_lower_top": latent_lower_top, |
"latent_in": latent_in, |
"index_in": index_in, |
"tar_id": tar_id, |
"latent_all": latent_all, |
"tar_pose_6d": tar_pose_6d, |
"tar_contact": tar_contact, |
} |
def _g_test(self, loaded_data): |
mode = 'test' |
bs, n, j = loaded_data["tar_pose"].shape[0], loaded_data["tar_pose"].shape[1], self.joints |
tar_pose = loaded_data["tar_pose"] |
tar_beta = loaded_data["tar_beta"] |
in_word = loaded_data["in_word"] |
tar_exps = loaded_data["tar_exps"] |
tar_contact = loaded_data["tar_contact"] |
in_audio = loaded_data["in_audio"] |
tar_trans = loaded_data["tar_trans"] |
remain = n%8 |
if remain != 0: |
tar_pose = tar_pose[:, :-remain, :] |
tar_beta = tar_beta[:, :-remain, :] |
tar_trans = tar_trans[:, :-remain, :] |
in_word = in_word[:, :-remain] |
tar_exps = tar_exps[:, :-remain, :] |
tar_contact = tar_contact[:, :-remain, :] |
n = n - remain |
tar_pose_jaw = tar_pose[:, :, 66:69] |
tar_pose_jaw = rc.axis_angle_to_matrix(tar_pose_jaw.reshape(bs, n, 1, 3)) |
tar_pose_jaw = rc.matrix_to_rotation_6d(tar_pose_jaw).reshape(bs, n, 1*6) |
tar_pose_face = torch.cat([tar_pose_jaw, tar_exps], dim=2) |
tar_pose_hands = tar_pose[:, :, 25*3:55*3] |
tar_pose_hands = rc.axis_angle_to_matrix(tar_pose_hands.reshape(bs, n, 30, 3)) |
tar_pose_hands = rc.matrix_to_rotation_6d(tar_pose_hands).reshape(bs, n, 30*6) |
tar_pose_upper = tar_pose[:, :, self.joint_mask_upper.astype(bool)] |
tar_pose_upper = rc.axis_angle_to_matrix(tar_pose_upper.reshape(bs, n, 13, 3)) |
tar_pose_upper = rc.matrix_to_rotation_6d(tar_pose_upper).reshape(bs, n, 13*6) |
tar_pose_leg = tar_pose[:, :, self.joint_mask_lower.astype(bool)] |
tar_pose_leg = rc.axis_angle_to_matrix(tar_pose_leg.reshape(bs, n, 9, 3)) |
tar_pose_leg = rc.matrix_to_rotation_6d(tar_pose_leg).reshape(bs, n, 9*6) |
tar_pose_lower = torch.cat([tar_pose_leg, tar_trans, tar_contact], dim=2) |
tar_pose_6d = rc.axis_angle_to_matrix(tar_pose.reshape(bs, n, 55, 3)) |
tar_pose_6d = rc.matrix_to_rotation_6d(tar_pose_6d).reshape(bs, n, 55*6) |
latent_all = torch.cat([tar_pose_6d, tar_trans, tar_contact], dim=-1) |
rec_index_all_face = [] |
rec_index_all_upper = [] |
rec_index_all_lower = [] |
rec_index_all_hands = [] |
roundt = (n - self.args.pre_frames) // (self.args.pose_length - self.args.pre_frames) |
remain = (n - self.args.pre_frames) % (self.args.pose_length - self.args.pre_frames) |
round_l = self.args.pose_length - self.args.pre_frames |
for i in range(0, roundt): |
in_word_tmp = in_word[:, i*(round_l):(i+1)*(round_l)+self.args.pre_frames] |
in_audio_tmp = in_audio[:, i*(16000//30*round_l):(i+1)*(16000//30*round_l)+16000//30*self.args.pre_frames] |
in_id_tmp = loaded_data['tar_id'][:, i*(round_l):(i+1)*(round_l)+self.args.pre_frames] |
mask_val = torch.ones(bs, self.args.pose_length, self.args.pose_dims+3+4).float().cuda() |
mask_val[:, :self.args.pre_frames, :] = 0.0 |
if i == 0: |
latent_all_tmp = latent_all[:, i*(round_l):(i+1)*(round_l)+self.args.pre_frames, :] |
else: |
latent_all_tmp = latent_all[:, i*(round_l):(i+1)*(round_l)+self.args.pre_frames, :] |
latent_all_tmp[:, :self.args.pre_frames, :] = latent_last[:, -self.args.pre_frames:, :] |
net_out_val = self.model( |
in_audio = in_audio_tmp, |
in_word=in_word_tmp, |
mask=mask_val, |
in_motion = latent_all_tmp, |
in_id = in_id_tmp, |
use_attentions=True,) |
if self.args.cu != 0: |
rec_index_upper = self.log_softmax(net_out_val["cls_upper"]).reshape(-1, self.args.vae_codebook_size) |
_, rec_index_upper = torch.max(rec_index_upper.reshape(-1, self.args.pose_length, self.args.vae_codebook_size), dim=2) |
else: |
_, rec_index_upper, _, _ = self.vq_model_upper.quantizer(net_out_val["rec_upper"]) |
if self.args.cl != 0: |
rec_index_lower = self.log_softmax(net_out_val["cls_lower"]).reshape(-1, self.args.vae_codebook_size) |
_, rec_index_lower = torch.max(rec_index_lower.reshape(-1, self.args.pose_length, self.args.vae_codebook_size), dim=2) |
else: |
_, rec_index_lower, _, _ = self.vq_model_lower.quantizer(net_out_val["rec_lower"]) |
if self.args.ch != 0: |
rec_index_hands = self.log_softmax(net_out_val["cls_hands"]).reshape(-1, self.args.vae_codebook_size) |
_, rec_index_hands = torch.max(rec_index_hands.reshape(-1, self.args.pose_length, self.args.vae_codebook_size), dim=2) |
else: |
_, rec_index_hands, _, _ = self.vq_model_hands.quantizer(net_out_val["rec_hands"]) |
if self.args.cf != 0: |
rec_index_face = self.log_softmax(net_out_val["cls_face"]).reshape(-1, self.args.vae_codebook_size) |
_, rec_index_face = torch.max(rec_index_face.reshape(-1, self.args.pose_length, self.args.vae_codebook_size), dim=2) |
else: |
_, rec_index_face, _, _ = self.vq_model_face.quantizer(net_out_val["rec_face"]) |
if i == 0: |
rec_index_all_face.append(rec_index_face) |
rec_index_all_upper.append(rec_index_upper) |
rec_index_all_lower.append(rec_index_lower) |
rec_index_all_hands.append(rec_index_hands) |
else: |
rec_index_all_face.append(rec_index_face[:, self.args.pre_frames:]) |
rec_index_all_upper.append(rec_index_upper[:, self.args.pre_frames:]) |
rec_index_all_lower.append(rec_index_lower[:, self.args.pre_frames:]) |
rec_index_all_hands.append(rec_index_hands[:, self.args.pre_frames:]) |
if self.args.cu != 0: |
rec_upper_last = self.vq_model_upper.decode(rec_index_upper) |
else: |
rec_upper_last = self.vq_model_upper.decoder(rec_index_upper) |
if self.args.cl != 0: |
rec_lower_last = self.vq_model_lower.decode(rec_index_lower) |
else: |
rec_lower_last = self.vq_model_lower.decoder(rec_index_lower) |
if self.args.ch != 0: |
rec_hands_last = self.vq_model_hands.decode(rec_index_hands) |
else: |
rec_hands_last = self.vq_model_hands.decoder(rec_index_hands) |
rec_pose_legs = rec_lower_last[:, :, :54] |
bs, n = rec_pose_legs.shape[0], rec_pose_legs.shape[1] |
rec_pose_upper = rec_upper_last.reshape(bs, n, 13, 6) |
rec_pose_upper = rc.rotation_6d_to_matrix(rec_pose_upper) |
rec_pose_upper = rc.matrix_to_axis_angle(rec_pose_upper).reshape(bs*n, 13*3) |
rec_pose_upper_recover = self.inverse_selection_tensor(rec_pose_upper, self.joint_mask_upper, bs*n) |
rec_pose_lower = rec_pose_legs.reshape(bs, n, 9, 6) |
rec_pose_lower = rc.rotation_6d_to_matrix(rec_pose_lower) |
rec_pose_lower = rc.matrix_to_axis_angle(rec_pose_lower).reshape(bs*n, 9*3) |
rec_pose_lower_recover = self.inverse_selection_tensor(rec_pose_lower, self.joint_mask_lower, bs*n) |
rec_pose_hands = rec_hands_last.reshape(bs, n, 30, 6) |
rec_pose_hands = rc.rotation_6d_to_matrix(rec_pose_hands) |
rec_pose_hands = rc.matrix_to_axis_angle(rec_pose_hands).reshape(bs*n, 30*3) |
rec_pose_hands_recover = self.inverse_selection_tensor(rec_pose_hands, self.joint_mask_hands, bs*n) |
rec_pose = rec_pose_upper_recover + rec_pose_lower_recover + rec_pose_hands_recover |
rec_pose = rc.axis_angle_to_matrix(rec_pose.reshape(bs, n, j, 3)) |
rec_pose = rc.matrix_to_rotation_6d(rec_pose).reshape(bs, n, j*6) |
rec_trans_v_s = rec_lower_last[:, :, 54:57] |
rec_x_trans = other_tools.velocity2position(rec_trans_v_s[:, :, 0:1], 1/self.args.pose_fps, tar_trans[:, 0, 0:1]) |
rec_z_trans = other_tools.velocity2position(rec_trans_v_s[:, :, 2:3], 1/self.args.pose_fps, tar_trans[:, 0, 2:3]) |
rec_y_trans = rec_trans_v_s[:,:,1:2] |
rec_trans = torch.cat([rec_x_trans, rec_y_trans, rec_z_trans], dim=-1) |
latent_last = torch.cat([rec_pose, rec_trans, rec_lower_last[:, :, 57:61]], dim=-1) |
rec_index_face = torch.cat(rec_index_all_face, dim=1) |
rec_index_upper = torch.cat(rec_index_all_upper, dim=1) |
rec_index_lower = torch.cat(rec_index_all_lower, dim=1) |
rec_index_hands = torch.cat(rec_index_all_hands, dim=1) |
if self.args.cu != 0: |
rec_upper = self.vq_model_upper.decode(rec_index_upper) |
else: |
rec_upper = self.vq_model_upper.decoder(rec_index_upper) |
if self.args.cl != 0: |
rec_lower = self.vq_model_lower.decode(rec_index_lower) |
else: |
rec_lower = self.vq_model_lower.decoder(rec_index_lower) |
if self.args.ch != 0: |
rec_hands = self.vq_model_hands.decode(rec_index_hands) |
else: |
rec_hands = self.vq_model_hands.decoder(rec_index_hands) |
if self.args.cf != 0: |
rec_face = self.vq_model_face.decode(rec_index_face) |
else: |
rec_face = self.vq_model_face.decoder(rec_index_face) |
rec_exps = rec_face[:, :, 6:] |
rec_pose_jaw = rec_face[:, :, :6] |
rec_pose_legs = rec_lower[:, :, :54] |
bs, n = rec_pose_jaw.shape[0], rec_pose_jaw.shape[1] |
rec_pose_upper = rec_upper.reshape(bs, n, 13, 6) |
rec_pose_upper = rc.rotation_6d_to_matrix(rec_pose_upper) |
rec_pose_upper = rc.matrix_to_axis_angle(rec_pose_upper).reshape(bs*n, 13*3) |
rec_pose_upper_recover = self.inverse_selection_tensor(rec_pose_upper, self.joint_mask_upper, bs*n) |
rec_pose_lower = rec_pose_legs.reshape(bs, n, 9, 6) |
rec_pose_lower = rc.rotation_6d_to_matrix(rec_pose_lower) |
rec_lower2global = rc.matrix_to_rotation_6d(rec_pose_lower.clone()).reshape(bs, n, 9*6) |
rec_pose_lower = rc.matrix_to_axis_angle(rec_pose_lower).reshape(bs*n, 9*3) |
rec_pose_lower_recover = self.inverse_selection_tensor(rec_pose_lower, self.joint_mask_lower, bs*n) |
rec_pose_hands = rec_hands.reshape(bs, n, 30, 6) |
rec_pose_hands = rc.rotation_6d_to_matrix(rec_pose_hands) |
rec_pose_hands = rc.matrix_to_axis_angle(rec_pose_hands).reshape(bs*n, 30*3) |
rec_pose_hands_recover = self.inverse_selection_tensor(rec_pose_hands, self.joint_mask_hands, bs*n) |
rec_pose_jaw = rec_pose_jaw.reshape(bs*n, 6) |
rec_pose_jaw = rc.rotation_6d_to_matrix(rec_pose_jaw) |
rec_pose_jaw = rc.matrix_to_axis_angle(rec_pose_jaw).reshape(bs*n, 1*3) |
rec_pose = rec_pose_upper_recover + rec_pose_lower_recover + rec_pose_hands_recover |
rec_pose[:, 66:69] = rec_pose_jaw |
to_global = rec_lower |
to_global[:, :, 54:57] = 0.0 |
to_global[:, :, :54] = rec_lower2global |
rec_global = self.global_motion(to_global) |
rec_trans_v_s = rec_global["rec_pose"][:, :, 54:57] |
rec_x_trans = other_tools.velocity2position(rec_trans_v_s[:, :, 0:1], 1/self.args.pose_fps, tar_trans[:, 0, 0:1]) |
rec_z_trans = other_tools.velocity2position(rec_trans_v_s[:, :, 2:3], 1/self.args.pose_fps, tar_trans[:, 0, 2:3]) |
rec_y_trans = rec_trans_v_s[:,:,1:2] |
rec_trans = torch.cat([rec_x_trans, rec_y_trans, rec_z_trans], dim=-1) |
tar_pose = tar_pose[:, :n, :] |
tar_exps = tar_exps[:, :n, :] |
tar_trans = tar_trans[:, :n, :] |
tar_beta = tar_beta[:, :n, :] |
rec_pose = rc.axis_angle_to_matrix(rec_pose.reshape(bs*n, j, 3)) |
rec_pose = rc.matrix_to_rotation_6d(rec_pose).reshape(bs, n, j*6) |
tar_pose = rc.axis_angle_to_matrix(tar_pose.reshape(bs*n, j, 3)) |
tar_pose = rc.matrix_to_rotation_6d(tar_pose).reshape(bs, n, j*6) |
return { |
'rec_pose': rec_pose, |
'rec_trans': rec_trans, |
'tar_pose': tar_pose, |
'tar_exps': tar_exps, |
'tar_beta': tar_beta, |
'tar_trans': tar_trans, |
'rec_exps': rec_exps, |
} |
def test_demo(self, epoch): |
''' |
input audio and text, output motion |
do not calculate loss and metric |
save video |
''' |
results_save_path = self.checkpoint_path + f"/{epoch}/" |
if os.path.exists(results_save_path): |
return 0 |
os.makedirs(results_save_path) |
start_time = time.time() |
total_length = 0 |
test_seq_list = self.test_data.selected_file |
align = 0 |
latent_out = [] |
latent_ori = [] |
l2_all = 0 |
lvel = 0 |
self.model.eval() |
self.smplx.eval() |
with torch.no_grad(): |
for its, batch_data in enumerate(self.test_loader): |
loaded_data = self._load_data(batch_data) |
net_out = self._g_test(loaded_data) |
tar_pose = net_out['tar_pose'] |
rec_pose = net_out['rec_pose'] |
tar_exps = net_out['tar_exps'] |
tar_beta = net_out['tar_beta'] |
rec_trans = net_out['rec_trans'] |
tar_trans = net_out['tar_trans'] |
rec_exps = net_out['rec_exps'] |
bs, n, j = tar_pose.shape[0], tar_pose.shape[1], self.joints |
if (30/self.args.pose_fps) != 1: |
assert 30%self.args.pose_fps == 0 |
n *= int(30/self.args.pose_fps) |
tar_pose = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(tar_pose.permute(0, 2, 1), scale_factor=30/self.args.pose_fps, mode='linear').permute(0,2,1) |
rec_pose = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(rec_pose.permute(0, 2, 1), scale_factor=30/self.args.pose_fps, mode='linear').permute(0,2,1) |
rec_pose = rc.rotation_6d_to_matrix(rec_pose.reshape(bs*n, j, 6)) |
rec_pose = rc.matrix_to_axis_angle(rec_pose).reshape(bs*n, j*3) |
tar_pose = rc.rotation_6d_to_matrix(tar_pose.reshape(bs*n, j, 6)) |
tar_pose = rc.matrix_to_axis_angle(tar_pose).reshape(bs*n, j*3) |
tar_pose_np = tar_pose.detach().cpu().numpy() |
rec_pose_np = rec_pose.detach().cpu().numpy() |
rec_trans_np = rec_trans.detach().cpu().numpy().reshape(bs*n, 3) |
rec_exp_np = rec_exps.detach().cpu().numpy().reshape(bs*n, 100) |
tar_exp_np = tar_exps.detach().cpu().numpy().reshape(bs*n, 100) |
tar_trans_np = tar_trans.detach().cpu().numpy().reshape(bs*n, 3) |
gt_npz = np.load(self.args.data_path+self.args.pose_rep +"/"+test_seq_list.iloc[its]['id']+".npz", allow_pickle=True) |
np.savez(results_save_path+"gt_"+test_seq_list.iloc[its]['id']+'.npz', |
betas=gt_npz["betas"], |
poses=tar_pose_np, |
expressions=tar_exp_np, |
trans=tar_trans_np, |
model='smplx2020', |
gender='neutral', |
mocap_frame_rate = 30 , |
) |
np.savez(results_save_path+"res_"+test_seq_list.iloc[its]['id']+'.npz', |
betas=gt_npz["betas"], |
poses=rec_pose_np, |
expressions=rec_exp_np, |
trans=rec_trans_np, |
model='smplx2020', |
gender='neutral', |
mocap_frame_rate = 30, |
) |
total_length += n |
end_time = time.time() - start_time |
logger.info(f"total inference time: {int(end_time)} s for {int(total_length/self.args.pose_fps)} s motion") |
@logger.catch |
def main_worker(rank, world_size, args): |
if not sys.warnoptions: |
warnings.simplefilter("ignore") |
dist.init_process_group(backend="nccl", rank=rank, world_size=world_size) |
logger_tools.set_args_and_logger(args, rank) |
other_tools.set_random_seed(args) |
other_tools.print_exp_info(args) |
other_tools.write_wav_names_to_csv(args.data_path, args.data_path+"test.csv") |
trainer = BaseTrainer(args) |
other_tools.load_checkpoints(trainer.model, args.test_ckpt, args.g_name) |
trainer.test_demo(999) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
os.environ["MASTER_ADDR"]='' |
os.environ["MASTER_PORT"]='8675' |
args = config.parse_args() |
if args.ddp: |
mp.set_start_method("spawn", force=True) |
mp.spawn( |
main_worker, |
args=(len(args.gpus), args,), |
nprocs=len(args.gpus), |
) |
else: |
main_worker(0, 1, args) |