fisheye-experimental / frontend /
oskarastrom's picture
Compatability with backend
history blame contribute delete
No virus
5.82 kB
import cv2
import base64
import gradio as gr
import json
import numpy as np
# annotation_btn.clock - switches to annotation tab and starts load_annotation
def prepare_annotation(state, result, result_index):
state['annotation_index'] = result_index
state['frame_index'] = 0
# output for [annotation_progress, master_tabs]
if result["aris_input"][result_index]:
return [
gr.update(value="<p id='annotation_info' style='display:none'>[]</p><!--" + str(np.random.rand()) + "-->", visible=True),
return [gr.update(), gr.update()]
# annotation_progress.change - loads annotation frames in batches - called after prepare_annotation
def load_annotation(state, result, progress_bar):
# Get result index
result_index = state['annotation_index']
set_progress = lambda pct, msg: progress_bar(pct, desc=msg)
if state['frame_index'] == 0:
if set_progress: set_progress(0, "Loading Frames")
# Check that frames remain to be loaded
if state['frame_index'] < len(result['json_result'][result_index]['frames']):
# load frames and annotation
annotation_info, state['frame_index'] = init_frames(result["aris_input"][result_index], result['json_result'][result_index], state['frame_index'], gp=set_progress)
# save as html element
annotation_content = "<p id='annotation_info' style='display:none'>" + json.dumps(annotation_info) + "</p>"
# output for [annotation_editor, annotation_progress]
return [gr.update(), gr.update(value=annotation_content)]
# If complete, start annotation editor
annotation_html = ""
# Header
annotation_html += "<div id='annotation_header'>"
annotation_html += " <h1 id='annotation_frame_nbr'>Frame 0/100</h1>"
annotation_html += " <p id='annotation_edited'>(edited)</p>"
annotation_html += "</div>"
# Annotation Body
annotation_html += "<div style='display:flex'>"
annotation_html += " <canvas id='canvas' style='width:50%' onmousedown='mouse_down(event)' onmousemove='mouse_move(event)' onmouseup='mouse_up()' onmouseleave='mouse_up()'></canvas>"
annotation_html += " <div id='annotation_display' style='width:50%'></div>"
annotation_html += "</div>"
# Dummy objects
annotation_html += "<img id='annotation_img' onload='draw()' style='display:none'></img>"
annotation_html += "<!--" + str(np.random.rand()) + "-->"
# output for [annotation_editor, annotation_progress]
return [gr.update(value=annotation_html, visible=True), gr.update(visible=False)]
# called by load_annotation - read frames from dataloader and formats tracks
def init_frames(dataset, preds, index, gp=None):
"""Load frames for annotation editing
frame: frame image as base64 string,
annotations: list(
bbox: dict of int defining bounding box {left, right, top, bottom},
id: id of fish as int,
conf: confidence in bbox as float
images = dataset.didson.load_frames(start_frame=0, end_frame=1)
# assumes all frames the same size
h, w = images[0].shape
# enforce a standard size so that text/box thickness is consistent
scale_factor = VIDEO_HEIGHT / h
w = int(scale_factor*w)
annotations = []
if gp: gp(0, "Extracting Frames")
if len(preds['frames']):
end_index = min(index+1000, len(preds['frames']))
for i, frame_info in enumerate(preds['frames'][index:end_index]):
if gp: gp((index + i)/len(preds['frames']), "Extracting Frames")
# Extract frames
img_raw = dataset.didson.load_frames(start_frame=index+i, end_frame=index+i+1)[0]
image = cv2.resize(cv2.cvtColor(img_raw, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR), (w, h))
retval, buffer = cv2.imencode('.jpg', image)
b64 = base64.b64encode(buffer).decode("utf-8")
# Extract annotations
frame = {
'annotations': [],
'base64': b64
for fish in frame_info['fish']:
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = fish['bbox']
'bbox': {
'left': int(round(xmin * w)),
'right': int(round(xmax * w)),
'top': int(round(ymin * h)),
'bottom': int(round(ymax * h)),
'id': str(fish['fish_id']),
'conf': fish['conf']
return annotations, end_index
# javascript code that retrieves the data from load_annotation and saves it to the javascript window
js_store_frame_info = """
() => {
info_string = document.getElementById("annotation_info").innerHTML;
info = JSON.parse(info_string);
if (info.length == 0) {
window.annotation_info = [];
return false;
window.annotation_info = window.annotation_info.concat(info)
return true;
annotation_css = """
#annotation_frame_nbr {
left: calc(50% - 100px);
position: absolute;
width: 200px;
text-align: center;
font-size: x-large;
#annotation_header {
height: 40px;
#annotation_frame_nbr {
left: calc(50% - 100px);
position: absolute;
width: 200px;
text-align: center;
font-size: x-large;
#annotation_edited {
right: 0px;
position: absolute;
margin-top: 5px;