oskarastrom's picture
Update app.py
history blame
12.7 kB
import gradio as gr
from uploader import save_data, create_data_dir
from main import predict_task
from state_handler import load_example_result, reset_state
from file_reader import File
import numpy as np
from aws_handler import upload_file
from aris import create_metadata_table
import cv2
import base64
from bbox import draggable_js
from annotation_handler import load_frames
import json
from zipfile import ZipFile
import os
max_tabs = 10
table_headers = ["TOTAL" , "FRAME_NUM", "DIR", "R", "THETA", "L", "TIME", "DATE", "SPECIES"]
info_headers = [
css = """
#result_json {
height: 500px;
overflow: scroll !important;
#marking_json thead {
display: none !important;
#canvas {
align-self: center;
js_update_tabs = """
async () => {
let el_list = document.getElementById("result_handler").getElementsByClassName("svelte-1kcgrqr")
let idx = (el_list[1].value === "LOADING") ? 1 : parseInt(el_list[1].value)
style_sheet = document.getElementById("tab_style")
style_sheet.innerHTML = ""
for (let i = 1; i <= idx; i++) {
style_sheet.innerHTML += "#result_tabs button.svelte-kqij2n:nth-child(" + i + "):before {content: 'Result " + i + "';}"
#Initialize State & Result
state = {
'files': [],
'index': 1,
'total': 1
result = {}
# Start function, called on file upload
def on_input(file_list):
# Reset Result
reset_state(result, state)
state['files'] = file_list
state['total'] = len(file_list)
# Update loading_space to start inference on first file
return {
inference_handler: gr.update(value = str(np.random.rand()), visible=True)
# Iterative function that performs inference on the next file in line
def handle_next(_, progress=gr.Progress()):
if state['index'] >= state['total']:
return {
result_handler: gr.update(),
inference_handler: gr.update()
# Correct progress function for batch file input
set_progress = lambda pct, msg : progress(pct, desc=msg)
if state['total'] > 1:
set_progress = lambda pct, msg : progress(pct, desc="File " + str(state['index']+1) + "/" + str(state['total']) + ": " + msg)
set_progress(0, "Starting...")
# Save file and create a new directory for result
file_info = state['files'][state['index']]
file_name = file_info[0].split("/")[-1]
bytes = file_info[1]
valid, file_path, dir_name = save_data(bytes, file_name)
# Check that the file was valid
if not valid:
return {
result_handler: gr.update(),
inference_handler: gr.update()
# Send uploaded file to AWS
upload_file(file_path, "fishcounting", "webapp_uploads/" + file_name)
# Do inference
json_result, json_filepath, zip_filepath, video_filepath, marking_filepath = predict_task(file_path, gradio_progress=set_progress)
# Store result for that file
fish_table, fish_info = create_metadata_table(json_result, table_headers, info_headers)
# Increase file index
state['index'] += 1
# Send of update to result_handler to show new result
# Leave inference_handler update blank to avoid starting next inference until result is updated
return {
result_handler: gr.update(value = str(state["index"])),
inference_handler: gr.update()
# Show result UI based on example data
def show_example_data():
load_example_result(result, table_headers, info_headers)
state["index"] = 1
return gr.update(value=str(state["index"]))
def show_data():
# Get last index
i = state["index"] - 1
# If index is larger than max_tabs, only add file to zip list
if i >= max_tabs:
return {
zip_out: gr.update(value=result["path_zip"])
# Check if inference is done
not_done = state['index'] < state['total']
annotation_html = ""
if result["aris_input"][i]:
frame_info = load_frames(result["aris_input"][i], result['json_result'][i])
annotation_html = "<div style='display:flex'>"
annotation_html += "<canvas id='canvas' style='width:50%' onmousedown='mouse_down(event)' onmousemove='mouse_move(event)' onmouseup='mouse_up()' onmouseleave='mouse_up()'></canvas>"
annotation_html += "<div id='annotation_display' style='width:50%'></div>"
annotation_html += "</div>"
annotation_html += "<p id='annotation_info' style='display:none'>" + json.dumps(frame_info) + "</p>"
annotation_html += "<img id='annotation_img' onload='draw()' style='display:none'></img>"
# Send update to UI, and to inference_handler to start next file inference
return {
zip_out: gr.update(value=result["path_zip"]),
tabs[i]['tab']: gr.update(),
tabs[i]['video']: gr.update(value=result["path_video"][i], visible=True),
tabs[i]['metadata']: gr.update(value=result["fish_info"][i], visible=True),
tabs[i]['table']: gr.update(value=result["fish_table"][i], visible=True),
tabs[i]['annotation']: gr.update(value=annotation_html, visible=True),
tab_parent: gr.update(selected=i),
inference_handler: gr.update(value = str(np.random.rand()), visible=not_done)
def testing():
codec = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'avc1')
vr = cv2.VideoWriter("static/test.mp4", codec, 10, [ int(1.5*100), 100 ] )
codec = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v')
vr = cv2.VideoWriter("static/test.mp4", codec, 10, [ int(1.5*100), 100 ] )
vr = cv2.VideoWriter("static/test.mp4", -1, 10, [ int(1.5*100), 100 ] )
def preview_result(zip_info, aris_info):
zip_name = zip_info[0]
if (aris_info):
file_name = aris_info[0].split("/")[-1]
bytes = aris_info[1]
valid, file_path, dir_name = save_data(bytes, file_name)
dir_name = create_data_dir()
file_path = None
with ZipFile(zip_name) as zip_file:
ZipFile.extractall(zip_file, path=dir_name)
unzipped = os.listdir(dir_name)
reset_state(result, state)
state["index"] = 1
for file in unzipped:
if (file.endswith("_results.mp4")):
result["path_video"].append(os.path.join(dir_name, file))
elif (file.endswith("_results.json")):
result["path_json"].append(os.path.join(dir_name, file))
elif (file.endswith("_marking.txt")):
result["path_marking"].append(os.path.join(dir_name, file))
with open(result['path_json'][0]) as f:
json_result = json.load(f)
fish_table, fish_info = create_metadata_table(json_result, table_headers, info_headers)
return {
result_handler: gr.update(value = str(state["index"])),
inference_handler: gr.update()
demo = gr.Blocks()
with demo:
with gr.Blocks() as inner_body:
# Title of page
<h1 align="center" style="font-size:xxx-large">Caltech Fisheye</h1>
""" + css + """
<style id="tab_style"></style>
with gr.Tabs():
with gr.Tab("Infer ARIS"):
gr.HTML("<p align='center' style='font-size: large;font-style: italic;'>Submit an .aris file to analyze result.</p>")
#Input field for aris submission
input = File(file_types=[".aris", ".ddf"], type="binary", label="ARIS Input", file_count="multiple")
# Dummy element to call inference events, this also displays the inference progress
inference_handler = gr.Text(value=str(np.random.rand()), visible=False)
# Zip file output
zip_out = gr.File(label="ZIP Output", interactive=False)
with gr.Tab("Review Results"):
# Title of page
<p align='center' style='font-size: large;font-style: italic;'>Submit an old zip file of results to visualize.</p>
<p align='center' style='font-size: large;font-style: italic;'>If you want to edit annotations, also submit an aris file.</p>
result_input = File(file_types=[".zip"], type="binary", label="Upload result file")
result_aris_input = File(file_types=[".aris", ".ddf"], type="binary", label="Upload aris file (optional)")
preview_result_btn = gr.Button("Preview Result")
# Dummy element to call UI events
result_handler = gr.Text(value="LOADING", visible=False, elem_id="result_handler")
# List of all UI components that will recieve outputs from the result_handler
UI_components = []
# Create result tabs
tabs = []
with gr.Tabs(elem_id="result_tabs") as tab_parent:
for i in range(max_tabs):
with gr.Tab(label="", id=i, elem_id="result_tab"+str(i)) as tab:
metadata_out = gr.Matrix(label="Info", interactive=False, headers=[""]*6, datatype="markdown", visible=False, elem_id="marking_json")
table_out = gr.Matrix(label='Indentified Fish', headers=table_headers, interactive=False, visible=False)
video_out = gr.Video(label='Annotated Video', interactive=False, visible=False)
annotation_editor = gr.HTML("""""", visible=False)
with open('annotation_editor.js', 'r') as f:
js = f.read()
annotation_editor.change(lambda x: gr.update(), None, annotation_editor, _js=js)
'tab': tab,
'metadata': metadata_out,
'video': video_out,
'table': table_out,
'annotation': annotation_editor
UI_components.extend([tab, metadata_out, video_out, table_out, annotation_editor])
# Button to show example result
#gr.Button(value="Show Example Result").click(show_example_data, None, result_handler)
# Disclaimer at the bottom of page
<p align="center">
<b>Note</b>: The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement.
In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.
# When a file is uploaded to the input, tell the inference_handler to start inference
input.upload(fn=on_input, inputs=input, outputs=[inference_handler])
# When inference handler updates, tell result_handler to show the new result
# Also, add inference_handler as the output in order to have it display the progress
inference_handler.change(handle_next, None, [result_handler, inference_handler])
# Send UI changes based on the new results to the UI_components, and tell the inference_handler to start next inference
result_handler.change(show_data, None, UI_components + [inference_handler], _js=js_update_tabs)
# Button to load a previous result and view visualization
preview_result_btn.click(preview_result, [result_input, result_aris_input], [result_handler, inference_handler, preview_result_btn])