oskarastrom's picture
First Commit
history blame
21.3 kB
import project_path
import numpy as np
import cv2
import os
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
import struct
from PIL import Image
from tqdm import tqdm
import datetime
from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP
import json
import pytz
from copy import deepcopy
from multiprocessing import Pool
import pyARIS
from tracker import Tracker
BEAM_WIDTH_DIR = 'lib/fish_eye/beam_widths/'
ImageData = namedtuple('ImageData', [
'xdim', 'ydim',
'x_meter_start', 'y_meter_start', 'x_meter_stop', 'y_meter_stop',
'sample_read_rows', 'sample_read_cols', 'image_write_rows', 'image_write_cols'
def FastARISRead(ARIS_data, start_frame, end_frame):
""" Just read in the ARIS frame, and not the other meta data.
FrameSize = ARIS_data.SamplesPerChannel*ARIS_data.NumRawBeams
frames = np.empty([end_frame-start_frame, ARIS_data.SamplesPerChannel,
ARIS_data.NumRawBeams], dtype=np.uint8)
with open(ARIS_data.filename, 'rb') as data:
for i, j in enumerate(range(start_frame, end_frame)):
data.seek(j*(1024+(FrameSize))+2048, 0)
raw_data = struct.unpack("%dB" % FrameSize, data.read(FrameSize))
frames[i] = np.fliplr(np.reshape(
raw_data, [ARIS_data.SamplesPerChannel, ARIS_data.NumRawBeams]))
# Close the data file
return frames
def get_info(aris_fp, beam_width_dir=BEAM_WIDTH_DIR):
image_meter_width, image_meter_height, fps
ARISdata, aris_frame = pyARIS.DataImport(aris_fp)
beam_width_data = pyARIS.load_beam_width_data(aris_frame, beam_width_dir=beam_width_dir)[0]
min_pixel_size = pyARIS.get_minimum_pixel_meter_size(aris_frame, beam_width_data)
sample_length = aris_frame.sampleperiod * 0.000001 * aris_frame.soundspeed / 2
pixel_meter_size = max(min_pixel_size, sample_length)
xdim, ydim, x_meter_start, y_meter_start, x_meter_stop, y_meter_stop = pyARIS.compute_image_bounds(
pixel_meter_size, aris_frame, beam_width_data,
return pixel_meter_size * xdim, pixel_meter_size * ydim, aris_frame.framerate
def write_frames(aris_fp, out_dir, cb=None, max_mb=-1, beam_width_dir=BEAM_WIDTH_DIR, bg_out_dir=None, num_workers=0):
Write all frames from an ARIS file to disk, using our 3-channel format:
(raw img, blurred & mean subtracted img, optical flow approximation)
aris_fp: path to aris file
out_dir: directory for frame extraction. frames will be named 0.jpg, 1.jpg, ... {n}.jpg
cb: a callback function for updating progress
max_mb: maximum amount of the file to be processed, in megabytes
beam_width_dir: location of ARIS camera information
bg_out_dir: where to write the background frame; None disables writing
(float) image_meter_width - the width of each image, in meters
(float) image_meter_height
(float) fps
# Load in the ARIS file
ARISdata, aris_frame = pyARIS.DataImport(aris_fp)
if cb:
cb(2, msg="Decoding ARIS data...")
beam_width_data = pyARIS.load_beam_width_data(aris_frame, beam_width_dir=beam_width_dir)[0]
# What is the meter resolution of the smallest sample?
min_pixel_size = pyARIS.get_minimum_pixel_meter_size(aris_frame, beam_width_data)
# What is the meter resolution of the sample length?
sample_length = aris_frame.sampleperiod * 0.000001 * aris_frame.soundspeed / 2
# Choose the size of a pixel (or hard code it to some specific value)
pixel_meter_size = max(min_pixel_size, sample_length)
# Determine the image dimensions
xdim, ydim, x_meter_start, y_meter_start, x_meter_stop, y_meter_stop = pyARIS.compute_image_bounds(
pixel_meter_size, aris_frame, beam_width_data,
# Compute the mapping from the samples to the image
sample_read_rows, sample_read_cols, image_write_rows, image_write_cols = pyARIS.compute_mapping_from_sample_to_image(
xdim, ydim, x_meter_start, y_meter_start,
aris_frame, beam_width_data
image_data = ImageData(
xdim, ydim, x_meter_start, y_meter_start, x_meter_stop, y_meter_stop,
sample_read_rows, sample_read_cols, image_write_rows, image_write_cols
start_frame = 0
end_frame = ARISdata.FrameCount
bytes_per_frame = 1024+ARISdata.SamplesPerChannel*ARISdata.NumRawBeams
print("ARIS bytes per frame", bytes_per_frame)
img_bytes_per_frame = image_data.ydim * image_data.xdim * 4 # for fp32 frames
print("Image bytes per frame", img_bytes_per_frame)
max_bytes = max(bytes_per_frame, img_bytes_per_frame)
if max_mb > 0:
max_frames = int(max_mb*1000000 / (max_bytes))
if end_frame > max_frames:
end_frame = max_frames
# use a max of 4gb per batch to avoid memory errors (16gb RAM on a g4dn.xlarge)
batch_size = 1000 # int(4000*1000000 / (max_bytes))
clips = [[pos, pos+batch_size+1] for pos in range(0, end_frame, batch_size)]
clips[-1][1] = ARISdata.FrameCount
print("Batch size:", batch_size)
with tqdm(total=(end_frame-start_frame-1), desc="Extracting frames", ncols=0) as pbar:
# compute info for bg subtraction using first batch
# TODO: make this a sliding window
mean_blurred_frame, mean_normalization_value = write_frame_range(ARISdata, image_data, out_dir, clips[0][0], clips[0][1], None, None, cb, pbar)
# do rest of batches in parallel
if num_workers > 0:
args = [ (ARISdata, image_data, out_dir, start, end, mean_blurred_frame, mean_normalization_value, cb) for (start, end) in clips[1:] ] # TODO: can't pass pbar to thread
with Pool(num_workers) as pool:
results = [ pool.apply_async(write_frame_range, arg) for arg in args ]
results = [ r.get() for r in results ] # need this call to block on thread execution
pbar.update(sum([ arg[4] - arg[3] for arg in args ]))
for j, (start, end) in enumerate(clips[1:]):
write_frame_range(ARISdata, image_data, out_dir, start, end, mean_blurred_frame, mean_normalization_value, cb, pbar)
if bg_out_dir is not None:
bg_img = (mean_blurred_frame * 255).astype(np.uint8)
out_fp = os.path.join(bg_out_dir, 'bg_start.jpg')
Image.fromarray(bg_img).save(out_fp, quality=95)
return pixel_meter_size * xdim, pixel_meter_size * ydim, aris_frame.framerate
def write_frame_range(ARISdata, image_data, out_dir, start, end, mean_blurred_frame=None, mean_normalization_value=None, cb=None, pbar=None):
frames = np.zeros([end-start, image_data.ydim, image_data.xdim], dtype=np.uint8)
frames[:, image_data.image_write_rows, image_data.image_write_cols] = FastARISRead(ARISdata, start, end)[:, image_data.sample_read_rows, image_data.sample_read_cols]
print("Error extracting frames from", ARISdata.filename, "during batch", i)
blurred_frames = frames.astype(np.float32)
for i in range(frames.shape[0]):
blurred_frames[i] = cv2.GaussianBlur(
if mean_blurred_frame is None:
mean_blurred_frame = blurred_frames.mean(axis=0)
blurred_frames -= mean_blurred_frame
if mean_normalization_value is None:
mean_normalization_value = np.max(np.abs(blurred_frames))
blurred_frames /= mean_normalization_value
blurred_frames += 1
blurred_frames /= 2
# Because of the optical flow computation, we only go to end_frame - 1
for i, frame_offset in enumerate(range(start, end - 1)):
frame_image = np.dstack([
frames[i] / 255,
np.abs(blurred_frames[i+1] - blurred_frames[i])
frame_image = (frame_image * 255).astype(np.uint8)
out_fp = os.path.join(out_dir, f'{start+i}.jpg') # = frame_offset.jpg?
Image.fromarray(frame_image).save(out_fp, quality=95)
if pbar:
if cb:
pct = 2 + int( (start+i) / (end_frame - start_frame - 1) * 98)
cb(pct, msg=pbar.__str__())
return mean_blurred_frame, mean_normalization_value
def prep_for_mm(json_data):
"""Prepare json results for writing to a manual marking file."""
json_data = deepcopy(json_data)
# map fish id -> [ (bbox, frame_num), (bbox, frame_num), ... ]
tracks = defaultdict(list)
for frame in json_data['frames']:
for bbox in frame['fish']:
tracks[bbox['fish_id']].append((bbox['bbox'], frame['frame_num']))
# find frame number for manual marking
# look for first time a track crosses the center
# if it never crosses the center, use the closest box to the center
mm_frame_nums = {}
for f_id, track in tracks.items():
# keep track of frame closest to the center
closest_frame = 0
closest_dist = 1.0
for i, (box, frame) in enumerate(track):
x = (box[0] + box[2]) / 2.0
if i > 0:
last_x = (track[i-1][0][0] + track[i-1][0][2]) / 2.0
if (x < 0.5 and last_x >= 0.5) or (last_x < 0.5 and x >= 0.5):
closest_frame = frame
dist = abs(x - 0.5)
if dist < closest_dist:
closest_frame = frame
closest_dist = dist
mm_frame_nums[f_id] = closest_frame
# sort tracks by their frame numbers and re-key
# IDs are 1-indexed
id_frame = [ (k, v) for k,v in mm_frame_nums.items() ]
id_frame = sorted(id_frame, key=lambda x: x[1])
id_map = {}
for i, (f_id, frame) in enumerate(id_frame, start=1):
id_map[f_id] = i
# map IDs and keep frame['fish'] sorted by ID
for i, frame in enumerate(json_data['frames']):
new_frame_entries = []
for frame_entry in frame['fish']:
frame_entry['fish_id'] = id_map[frame_entry['fish_id']]
frame['fish'] = sorted(new_frame_entries, key=lambda k: k['fish_id'])
# store manual marking frame and re-map 'fish' field
for fish in json_data['fish']:
fish['marking_frame'] = mm_frame_nums[fish['id']] # mm_frame_nums refers to old IDs
fish['id'] = id_map[fish['id']]
json_data['fish'] = sorted(json_data['fish'], key=lambda x: x['id'])
return json_data
def create_metadata_dictionary(aris_fp, json_fp, beam_width_dir=BEAM_WIDTH_DIR):
dictionary, for manual marking
with open(json_fp) as json_file:
json_data = json.load(json_file)
metadata = {}
metadata["FILE_NAME"] = aris_fp
ARISdata, frame = pyARIS.DataImport(aris_fp)
metadata["FRAME_RATE"] = frame.framerate
# Load in the beam width information
beam_width_data, camera_type = pyARIS.load_beam_width_data(frame, beam_width_dir=beam_width_dir)
# What is the meter resolution of the smallest sample?
min_pixel_size = pyARIS.get_minimum_pixel_meter_size(frame, beam_width_data)
# What is the meter resolution of the sample length?
sample_length = frame.sampleperiod * 0.000001 * frame.soundspeed / 2
# Choose the size of a pixel
pixel_meter_size = max(min_pixel_size, sample_length)
# Determine the image dimensions
xdim, ydim, x_meter_start, y_meter_start, x_meter_stop, y_meter_stop = pyARIS.compute_image_bounds(
pixel_meter_size, frame, beam_width_data,
# Compute the mapping from the samples to the image
sample_read_rows, sample_read_cols, image_write_rows, image_write_cols = pyARIS.compute_mapping_from_sample_to_image(
xdim, ydim, x_meter_start, y_meter_start,
frame, beam_width_data
marking_mapping = dict(zip(zip(image_write_rows, image_write_cols),
zip(sample_read_rows, sample_read_cols)))
# Manual marking format rounds 0.5 to 1 instead of 0 in IEEE 754
def round(number, ndigits=0):
return float(Decimal(number).quantize(ndigits, ROUND_HALF_UP))
right, left, none = Tracker.count_dirs(json_data)
metadata["UPSTREAM_FISH"] = left # TODO
metadata["DOWNSTREAM_FISH"] = right # TODO
metadata["NONDIRECTIONAL_FISH"] = none # TODO
metadata["TOTAL_FISH"] = metadata["UPSTREAM_FISH"] + metadata["DOWNSTREAM_FISH"] + metadata["NONDIRECTIONAL_FISH"]
metadata["TOTAL_FRAMES"] = ARISdata.FrameCount
metadata["EXPECTED_FRAMES"] = -1 # What is this?
metadata["TOTAL_TIME"] = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=round(metadata["TOTAL_FRAMES"]/metadata["FRAME_RATE"])))
metadata["EXPECTED_TIME"] = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=round(metadata["EXPECTED_FRAMES"]/metadata["FRAME_RATE"])))
metadata["UPSTREAM_MOTION"] = 'Right To Left' or 'Left To Right' #TODO
metadata["COUNT_FILE_NAME"] = 'N/A'
metadata["EDITOR_ID"] = 'N/A'
metadata["INTENSITY"] = f'{round(frame.threshold, 1):.1f} dB' # Missing
metadata["THRESHOLD"] = f'{round(frame.threshold, 1):.1f} dB' # Missing
metadata["WINDOW_START"] = round(frame.windowstart, 2)
metadata["WINDOW_END"] = round(frame.windowstart + frame.windowlength, 2)
metadata["WATER_TEMP"] = f'{int(round(frame.watertemp))} degC'
s = f''''''
upstream_motion_map = {}
if (metadata["UPSTREAM_MOTION"] == 'Left To Right'):
upstream_motion_map = {
'right': ' Up',
'left': 'Down',
'none': ' N/A',
elif (metadata["UPSTREAM_MOTION"] == 'Right To Left'):
upstream_motion_map = {
'left': ' Up',
'right': 'Down',
'none': ' N/A',
def get_entry(fish):
if 'marking_frame' in fish:
frame_num = fish['marking_frame']
entry = None
for json_frame in json_data['frames']:
if json_frame['frame_num'] == frame_num:
for json_frame_entry in json_frame['fish']:
if json_frame_entry['fish_id'] == fish['id']:
json_frame_entry = json_frame_entry.copy()
json_frame_entry['frame_num'] = frame_num
return json_frame_entry
print("Warning: JSON not correctly formatted for manual marking creation. Use aris.prep_for_mm()")
entries = []
for json_frame in json_data['frames']:
for json_frame_entry in json_frame['fish']:
if json_frame_entry['fish_id'] == fish['id']:
entries.append({'frame_num': json_frame['frame_num'], **json_frame_entry})
entry = entries[len(entries)//2]
return entry
print("Error, could not find entry for", fish)
return None # TODO better error handling
entries = []
for fish in json_data['fish']:
entry = get_entry(fish)
entry['length'] = fish['length']*100
entry['direction'] = fish['direction']
metadata["FISH"] = []
for entry in sorted(entries, key=lambda x: x['fish_id']):
frame_num = entry['frame_num']
frame = pyARIS.FrameRead(ARISdata, frame_num)
y = (entry['bbox'][1]+entry['bbox'][3])/2
x = (entry['bbox'][0]+entry['bbox'][2])/2
h = np.max(image_write_rows)
w = np.max(image_write_cols)
# TODO actually fix this
bin_num, beam_num = marking_mapping[(round(y*h), round(x*w))]
bin_num = 0
beam_num = 0
fish_entry = {}
fish_entry['FILE'] = 1
fish_entry['TOTAL'] = entry['fish_id']
fish_entry['FRAME_NUM'] = entry['frame_num']
fish_entry['DIR'] = upstream_motion_map[entry['direction']]
fish_entry['R'] = bin_num * pixel_meter_size + frame.windowstart
fish_entry['THETA'] = beam_width_data['beam_center'][beam_num]
fish_entry['L'] = entry['length']
fish_entry['DR'] = -1.0 # What is this?
fish_entry['LDR'] = -1.0 # What is this?
fish_entry['ASPECT'] = -1.0 # What is this?
TIME, DATE = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(frame.sonartimestamp/1000000, pytz.timezone('UTC')).strftime('%H:%M:%S %Y-%m-%d').split()
fish_entry['TIME'] = TIME
fish_entry['DATE'] = DATE
fish_entry['LATITUDE'] = frame.latitude or 'N 00 d 0.00000 m'
fish_entry['LONGITUDE'] = frame.longitude or 'E 000 d 0.00000 m'
fish_entry['PAN'] = frame.sonarpan
fish_entry['TILT'] = frame.sonartilt
fish_entry['ROLL'] = frame.roll # May be wrong number but sonarroll was NaN
fish_entry['SPECIES'] = 'Unknown'
fish_entry['MOTION'] = 'Running <-->'
fish_entry['Q'] = -1 #5 # I don't know what this is or where it comes from
fish_entry['N'] = -1 #1 # I don't know what this is or where it comes from
fish_entry['COMMENT'] = ''
# What are these?
# Maybe the date and time range for the recording?
first_frame = pyARIS.FrameRead(ARISdata, 0)
last_frame = pyARIS.FrameRead(ARISdata, metadata["TOTAL_FRAMES"]-1)
start_time, start_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(first_frame.sonartimestamp/1000000, pytz.timezone('UTC')).strftime('%H:%M:%S %Y-%m-%d').split()
end_time, end_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(last_frame.sonartimestamp/1000000, pytz.timezone('UTC')).strftime('%H:%M:%S %Y-%m-%d').split()
metadata["DATE"] = start_date
metadata["START"] = start_time
metadata["END"] = end_time
return metadata
def create_metadata_table(metadata, table_headers, info_headers):
table = []
for fish in metadata["FISH"]:
row = []
for header in table_headers:
if len(metadata["FISH"]) == 0:
row = []
for header in table_headers:
info = {}
for header in info_headers:
info[header] = metadata[header]
return table, info
def create_manual_marking(metadata, out_path=None):
string, full contents of manual marking
s = f'''
Total Fish = {metadata["TOTAL_FISH"]}
Upstream = {metadata["UPSTREAM_FISH"]}
Downstream = {metadata["DOWNSTREAM_FISH"]}
?? = {metadata["NONDIRECTIONAL_FISH"]}
Total Frames = {metadata["TOTAL_FRAMES"]}
Expected Frames = {metadata["EXPECTED_FRAMES"]}
Total Time = {metadata["TOTAL_TIME"]}
Expected Time = {metadata["EXPECTED_TIME"]}
Upstream Motion = {metadata["UPSTREAM_MOTION"]}
Count File Name: {metadata["COUNT_FILE_NAME"]}
Editor ID = {metadata["EDITOR_ID"]}
Intensity = {metadata["INTENSITY"]}
Threshold = {metadata["THRESHOLD"]}
Window Start = {metadata["WINDOW_START"]:.2f}
Window End = {metadata["WINDOW_END"]:.2f}
Water Temperature = {metadata["WATER_TEMP"]}
*** Manual Marking (Manual Sizing: Q = Quality, N = Repeat Count) ***
File Total Frame# Dir R (m) Theta L(cm) dR(cm) L/dR Aspect Time Date Latitude Longitude Pan Tilt Roll Species Motion Q N Comment
for entry in metadata["FISH"]:
s += f'{entry["FILE"]:>4} {entry["TOTAL"]:>5} {entry["FRAME_NUM"]:>6} {entry["DIR"]:>3} {entry["R"]:>6.2f} {entry["THETA"]:>6.1f} {entry["L"]:>6.1f} {entry["DR"]:>6.1f} {entry["LDR"]:>6.2f} {entry["ASPECT"]:>6.1f} {entry["TIME"]:>8} {entry["DATE"]:>10} {entry["LATITUDE"]:>17} {entry["LONGITUDE"]:>18} {entry["PAN"]:>7.2f} {entry["TILT"]:>7.2f} {entry["ROLL"]:>7.2f} {entry["SPECIES"]:>8} {entry["MOTION"]:>37} {entry["Q"]:>5} {entry["N"]:>2} {entry["COMMENT"]}\n'
s += f'''
*** Source File Key ***
1. Source File Name: {metadata["FILE_NAME"]}
Source File Date: {metadata["DATE"]}
Source File Start: {metadata["START"]}
Source File End: {metadata["END"]}
Upstream: {metadata["UPSTREAM_MOTION"]}
Default Mark Direction: Upstream
Editor ID: {metadata["EDITOR_ID"]}
Show Marks: ??
Show marks for ?? seconds
Loop for ?? seconds
if out_path:
with open(out_path, 'w') as f:
return s