fisheye-experimental /
oskarastrom's picture
First Commit
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11.8 kB
DIDSON and ARIS file and frame header formats
file_attributes_3 = {
'version': '4s',
'numframes': 'i',
'framerate': 'i',
'resolution': 'i', # 0=lo 1 = Hi
'numbeams': 'i', # 48 Lo 96 Hi for standard mode
'samplerate': 'f',
'samplesperchannel': 'i',
'receivergain': 'i', # 0-40 dB
'windowstart': 'i', # Windowstart 1 to 31
'windowlength': 'i', # Windowlength coded as 0 to 3
'reverse': 'i',
'serialnumber': 'i',
'date': '32s', # date file was made
'idstring': '256s', # User supplied identification notes
'id1': 'i', # four user supplied integers
'id2': 'i',
'id3': 'i',
'id4': 'i',
'startframe': 'i', # used if this is a snippet file from source file
'endframe': 'i', # Used if this is a snippet file from source file
'timelapse': 'i', # Logic 0 or 1 (1 = timelapse active);
'recordInterval': 'i', # Ask Bill
'radioseconds': 'i', # Needed for timelapse -- ask Bill
'frameinterval': 'i', # Interval between frames in time lapse
'userassigned': '136s', # User assigned space
file_attributes_4 = {
'version': '4s',
'numframes': 'i',
'framerate': 'i',
'resolution': 'i', # 0=lo 1 = Hi
'numbeams': 'i', # 48 Lo 96 Hi for standard mode
'samplerate': 'f',
'samplesperchannel': 'i',
'receivergain': 'i', # 0-40 dB
'windowstart': 'i', # Windowstart 1 to 31
'windowlength': 'i', # Windowlength coded as 0 to 3
'reverse': 'i',
'serialnumber': 'i',
'date': '32s', # date file was made
'idstring': '256s', # User supplied identification notes
'id1': 'i', # four user supplied integers
'id2': 'i',
'id3': 'i',
'id4': 'i',
'startframe': 'i', # used if this is a snippet file from source file
'endframe': 'i', # Used if this is a snippet file from source file
'timelapse': 'i', # Logic 0 or 1 (1 = timelapse active);
'recordInterval': 'i', # Ask Bill
'radioseconds': 'i', # Needed for timelapse -- ask Bill
'frameinterval': 'i', # Interval between frames in time lapse
'userassigned': '136s', # User assigned space
file_attributes_5 = {
'version': '4s',
'numframes': 'I', # Total frames in file
'framerate': 'I', # Initial recorded frame rate
'resolution': 'I', # Non-zero if HF, zero if LF
'numbeams': 'I', # ARIS 3000 = 128/64, ARIS 1800 = 96/48, ARIS 1200 = 48
'samplerate': 'f', # 1/Sample Period
'samplesperchannel': 'I', # Number of range samples in each beam
'receivergain': 'I', # Relative gain in dB: 0 - 40
'windowstart': 'f', # Image window start range in meters (code [0..31] in DIDSON)
'windowlength': 'f', # Image window length in meters (code [0..3] in DIDSON)
'reverse': 'I', # Non-zero = lens down (DIDSON) or lens up (ARIS), zero = opposite
'serialnumber': 'I', # Sonar serial number
'strdate': '32s', # Date that file was recorded
'idstring': '256s', # User input to identify file in 256 characters
'id1': 'i', # User-defined integer quantity
'id2': 'i', # User-defined integer quantity
'id3': 'i', # User-defined integer quantity
'id4': 'i', # User-defined integer quantity
'startframe': 'I', # First frame number from source file (for DIDSON snippet files)
'endframe': 'I', # Last frame number from source file (for DIDSON snippet files)
'timelapse': 'I', # Non-zero indicates time lapse recording
'recordInterval': 'I', # Number of frames/seconds between recorded frames
'radioseconds': 'I', # Frames or seconds interval
'frameinterval': 'I', # Record every Nth frame
'flags': 'I', # See DDF_04 file format document
'auxflags': 'I', # See DDF_04 file format document
'sspd': 'I', # Sound velocity in water
'flags3d': 'I', # See DDF_04 file format document
'softwareversion': 'I', # DIDSON software version that recorded the file
'watertemperature': 'I', # Water temperature code: 0 = 5-15C, 1 = 15-25C, 2 = 25-35C
'salinity': 'I', # Salinity code: 0 = fresh, 1 = brackish, 2 = salt
'pulselength': 'I', # Added for ARIS but not used
'txmode': 'I', # Added for ARIS but not used
'versionfgpa': 'I', # Reserved for future use
'versionpsuc': 'I', # Reserved for future use
'thumbnailfi': 'I', # Frame index of frame used for thumbnail image of file
'filesize': 'Q', # Total file size in bytes
'optionalheadersize': 'Q', # Reserved for future use
'optionaltailsize': 'Q', # Reserved for future use
'largelens': 'I', # Non-zero if telephoto lens (large lens, hi-res lens, big lens) is present
'userassigned': '568s', # Free space for user
frame_attributes_3 = {
'framenumber': 'i',
'frametime': 'i',
'frametime2': 'i',
'version': '4s',
'status': 'i',
'year': 'i',
'month': 'i',
'day': 'i',
'hour': 'i',
'minute': 'i',
'second': 'i',
'hsecond': 'i',
'transmit': 'i', # bit2 = 2.0 MHz, bit1 = Enable, bit0 = HF_MODE
'windowstart': 'i', # This will be updated at the end of this routine
'windowlength': 'i', # Add 2 if low resolution (index between 1 and 6)
'threshold': 'i',
'intensity': 'i',
'receivergain': 'i',
'degc1': 'i',
'degc2': 'i',
'humidity': 'i',
'focus': 'i',
'battery': 'i',
'status1': '16s', # User defined and supplied
'status2': '8s', # User defined and supplied
'panwcom': 'f', # Return from Pan/Tilt if used when compass present
'tiltwcom': 'f', # Return from Pan/Tilt if used when compass is present
'velocity': 'f', # Platform variables supplied by user
'depth': 'f',
'altitude': 'f',
'pitch': 'f',
'pitchrate': 'f',
'roll': 'f',
'rollrate': 'f',
'heading': 'f',
'headingrate': 'f',
'sonarpan': 'f',
'sonartilt': 'f', # Read from compass if used, Read from Pan/Tilt if used and no compass
'sonarroll': 'f', # Read from compass if used, Read from Pan/Tilt if used and no compass
'latitude': 'd',
'longitude': 'd',
'sonarposition': 'f',
'configflags': 'i', # bit0: 1=classic, 0=extended windows; bit1: 0=Standard, 1=LR
'userassigned': '60s', # Free space for user
frame_attributes_4 = {
'framenumber': 'i',
'frametime': 'i',
'frametime2': 'i',
'version': '4s',
'status': 'i',
'year': 'i',
'month': 'i',
'day': 'i',
'hour': 'i',
'minute': 'i',
'second': 'i',
'hsecond': 'i',
'transmit': 'i', # bit2 = 2.0 MHz, bit1 = Enable, bit0 = HF_MODE
'windowstart': 'i', # This will be updated at the end of this routine
'windowlength': 'i', # Add 2 if low resolution (index between 1 and 6)
'threshold': 'i',
'intensity': 'i',
'receivergain': 'i',
'degc1': 'i',
'degc2': 'i',
'humidity': 'i',
'focus': 'i',
'battery': 'i',
'status1': '16s', # User defined and supplied
'status2': '8s', # User defined and supplied
'panwcom': 'f', # Return from Pan/Tilt if used when compass present
'tiltwcom': 'f', # Return from Pan/Tilt if used when compass is present
'velocity': 'f', # Platform variables supplied by user
'depth': 'f',
'altitude': 'f',
'pitch': 'f',
'pitchrate': 'f',
'roll': 'f',
'rollrate': 'f',
'heading': 'f',
'headingrate': 'f',
'sonarpan': 'f',
'sonartilt': 'f', # Read from compass if used, Read from Pan/Tilt if used and no compass
'sonarroll': 'f', # Read from compass if used, Read from Pan/Tilt if used and no compass
'latitude': 'd',
'longitude': 'd',
'sonarposition': 'f',
'configflags': 'i', # bit0: 1=classic, 0=extended windows; bit1: 0=Standard, 1=LR
'userassigned': '828s', # Move pointer to end of frame header of length 1024 bytes
frame_attributes_5 = {
'framenumber': 'I',
'frametime': 'Q', # Recording timestamp
'version': '4s',
'status': 'I',
'sonartimestamp': 'Q',
'tsday': 'I',
'tshour': 'I',
'tsminute': 'I',
'tssecond': 'I',
'tshsecond': 'I',
'transmitmode': 'I',
'windowstart': 'f',
'windowlength': 'f',
'threshold': 'I',
'intensity': 'i',
'receivergain': 'I',
'degc1': 'I',
'degc2': 'I',
'humidity': 'I',
'focus': 'I',
'battery': 'I',
'uservalue1': 'f',
'uservalue2': 'f',
'uservalue3': 'f',
'uservalue4': 'f',
'uservalue5': 'f',
'uservalue6': 'f',
'uservalue7': 'f',
'uservalue8': 'f',
'velocity': 'f',
'depth': 'f',
'altitude': 'f',
'pitch': 'f',
'pitchrate': 'f',
'roll': 'f',
'rollrate': 'f',
'heading': 'f',
'headingrate': 'f',
'compassheading': 'f',
'compasspitch': 'f',
'compassroll': 'f',
'latitude': 'd',
'longitude': 'd',
'sonarposition': 'f',
'configflags': 'I',
'beamtilt': 'f',
'targetrange': 'f',
'targetbearing': 'f',
'targetpresent': 'I',
'firmwarerevision': 'I',
'flags': 'I',
'sourceframe': 'I',
'watertemp': 'f',
'timerperiod': 'I',
'sonarx': 'f',
'sonary': 'f',
'sonarz': 'f',
'sonarpan': 'f',
'sonartilt': 'f',
'sonarroll': 'f',
'panpnnl': 'f',
'tiltpnnl': 'f',
'rollpnnl': 'f',
'vehicletime': 'd',
'timeggk': 'f',
'dateggk': 'I',
'qualityggk': 'I',
'numsatsggk': 'I',
'dopggk': 'f',
'ehtggk': 'f',
'heavetss': 'f',
'yeargps': 'I',
'monthgps': 'I',
'daygps': 'I',
'hourgps': 'I',
'minutegps': 'I',
'secondgps': 'I',
'hsecondgps': 'I',
'sonarpanoffset': 'f',
'sonartiltoffset': 'f',
'sonarrolloffset': 'f',
'sonarxoffset': 'f',
'sonaryoffset': 'f',
'sonarzoffset': 'f',
'tmatrix': '64s',
'samplerate': 'f',
'accellx': 'f',
'accelly': 'f',
'accellz': 'f',
'pingmode': 'I',
'frequencyhilow': 'I',
'pulsewidth': 'I',
'cycleperiod': 'I',
'sampleperiod': 'I',
'transmitenable': 'I',
'framerate': 'f',
'soundspeed': 'f',
'samplesperbeam': 'I',
'enable150v': 'I',
'samplestartdelay': 'I',
'largelens': 'I',
'thesystemtype': 'I',
'sonarserialnumber': 'I',
'encryptedkey': 'Q',
'ariserrorflagsuint': 'I',
'missedpackets': 'I',
'arisappversion': 'I',
'available2': 'I',
'reorderedsamples': 'I',
'salinity': 'I',
'pressure': 'f',
'batteryvoltage': 'f',
'mainvoltage': 'f',
'switchvoltage': 'f',
'focusmotormoving': 'I',
'voltagechanging': 'I',
'focustimeoutfault': 'I',
'focusovercurrentfault': 'I',
'focusnotfoundfault': 'I',
'focusstalledfault': 'I',
'fpgatimeoutfault': 'I',
'fpgabusyfault': 'I',
'fpgastuckfault': 'I',
'cputempfault': 'I',
'psutempfault': 'I',
'watertempfault': 'I',
'humidityfault': 'I',
'pressurefault': 'I',
'voltagereadfault': 'I',
'voltagewritefault': 'I',
'focuscurrentposition': 'I',
'targetpan': 'f',
'targettilt': 'f',
'targetroll': 'f',
'panmotorerrorcode': 'I',
'tiltmotorerrorcode': 'I',
'rollmotorerrorcode': 'I',
'panabsposition': 'f',
'tiltabsposition': 'f',
'rollabsposition': 'f',
'panaccelx': 'f',
'panaccely': 'f',
'panaccelz': 'f',
'tiltaccelx': 'f',
'tiltaccely': 'f',
'tiltaccelz': 'f',
'rollaccelx': 'f',
'rollaccely': 'f',
'rollaccelz': 'f',
'appliedsettings': 'I',
'constrainedsettings': 'I',
'invalidsettings': 'I',
'enableinterpacketdelay': 'I',
'interpacketdelayperiod': 'I',
'uptime': 'I',
'arisappversionmajor': 'H',
'arisappversionminor': 'H',
'gotime': 'Q',
'panvelocity': 'f',
'tiltvelocity': 'f',
'rollvelocity': 'f',
'sentinel': 'I',
'userassigned': '292s', # Free space for user