brainblow's picture
Duplicate from dpe1/beat_manipulator
history blame
11.8 kB
from .utils import C_SLICE, C_JOIN, C_MISC, C_MATH
import numpy as np
from . import io, utils, main
def _getnum(pattern, cur, symbols = '+-*/'):
number = ''
while pattern[cur].isdecimal() or pattern[cur] in symbols:
return number, cur-1
def parse(pattern:str, samples:dict, pattern_length:int = None,
c_slice:str = C_SLICE,
c_join:str = C_JOIN,
c_misc:str = C_MISC,
log = True,
simple_mode = False):
"""Returns (beats, operators, pattern_length, c_slice, c_misc, c_join)"""
if log is True: print(f'Beatswapping with `{pattern}`')
#load samples:
if isinstance(samples, str): samples = (samples,)
if not isinstance(samples, dict):
samples = {str(i+1):samples[i] for i in range(len(samples))}
#preprocess pattern
separator = c_join[0]
#forgot separator
if simple_mode is True:
if c_join[0] not in pattern and c_join[1] not in pattern and c_join[2] not in pattern and c_join[3] not in pattern: pattern = pattern.replace(' ', separator)
if ' ' not in c_join: pattern = pattern.replace(' ', '') # ignore spaces
for i in c_join:
while i+i in pattern: pattern = pattern.replace(i+i, i) #double separator
while pattern.startswith(i): pattern = pattern[1:]
while pattern.endswith(i): pattern = pattern[:-1]
# Creates a list of beat strings so that I can later see if there is a `!` in the string
separated = pattern
for i in c_join:
separated = separated.replace(i, c_join[0])
separated = separated.split(c_join[0])
pattern = pattern.replace(c_misc[6], '')
# parsing
length = 0
num = ''
cur = 0
beats = []
operators = [separator]
shuffle_beats = []
shuffle_groups = []
current_beat = 0
effect = None
pattern += ' '
sample_toadd = None
# Loops over all characters
while cur < len(pattern):
char = pattern[cur]
#print(f'char = {char}, cur = {cur}, num = {num}, current_beat = {current_beat}, effect = {effect}, len(beats) = {len(beats)}, length = {length}')
if char == c_misc[3]: char = str(current_beat+1) # Replaces `i` with current number
# If character is `", ', `, or [`: searches for closing quote and gets the sample rate,
# moves cursor to the character after last quote/bracket, creates a sample_toadd variable with the sample.
elif char in c_misc[0:3]+c_misc[10:12]:
quote = char
if quote == c_misc[10]: quote = c_misc[11] # `[` is replaced with `]`
cur += 1
sample = ''
# Gets sample name between quote characters, moves cursor to the ending quote.
while pattern[cur] != quote:
sample += pattern[cur]
cur += 1
assert sample in samples, f"No sample named `{sample}` found in samples. Available samples: {samples.keys()}"
# If sample is a song, it will be converted to a song if needed, and beatmap will be generated
if quote == c_misc[11]:
if not isinstance(samples[sample], samples[sample] =[sample])
if samples[sample].beatmap is None:
# Else sample is a sound file
elif not isinstance(samples[sample], np.ndarray): samples[sample] = io._load(samples[sample])[0]
sample_toadd = [samples[sample], [], quote, None] # Creates the sample_toadd variable
cur += 1
char = pattern[cur]
# If character is a math character, a slice character, or `@_?!%` - random, not count, skip, create variable -
# - it gets added to `num`, and the loop repeats.
# _safer_eval only takes part of the expression to the left of special characters (@%#), so it won't affect length calculation
if char.isdecimal() or char in (C_MATH + c_slice + c_misc[4:8] + c_misc[9]):
num += char
#print(f'char = {char}, added it to num: num = {num}')
# If character is `%` and beat hasn't been created yet, it takes the next character as well
if char == c_misc[7] and len(beats) == current_beat:
cur += 1
char = pattern[cur]
num += char
# If character is a shuffle character `#` + math expression, beat number gets added to `shuffle_beats`,
# beat shuffle group gets added to `shuffle_groups`, cursor is moved to the character after the math expression, and loop repeats.
# That means operations after this will only execute once character is not a math character.
elif char == c_misc[8]:
number, cur = _getnum(pattern, cur)
char = pattern[cur]
# If character is not math/shuffle, that means math expression has ended. Now it tries to figure out where the expression belongs,
# and parses the further characters
# If the beat has not been added, it adds the beat. Also figures out pattern length.
if len(beats) == current_beat and len(num) > 0:
# Checks all slice characters in the beat expression. If slice character is found, splits the slice and breaks.
for c in c_slice:
if c in num:
num = num.split(c)[:2] + [c]
#print(f'slice: split num by `{c}`, num = {num}, whole beat is {separated[current_beat]}')
if pattern_length is None and c_misc[6] not in separated[current_beat]:
num0, num1 = utils._safer_eval(num[0]), utils._safer_eval(num[1])
if c == c_slice[0]: length = max(num0, num1, length)
if c == c_slice[1]: length = max(num0-1, num0+num1-1, length)
if c == c_slice[2]: length = max(num0-num1, num0, length)
# If it didn't break, the expression is not a slice, so it pattern length is just compared with the beat number.
#print(f'single beat: {num}. Whole beat is {separated[current_beat]}')
if c_misc[6] not in separated[current_beat]: length = max(utils._safer_eval(num), length)
# If there no sample saved in `sample_toadd`, adds the beat to list of beats.
if sample_toadd is None: beats.append([num, []])
# If `sample_toadd` is not None, beat is a sample/song. Adds the beat and sets sample_toadd to None
sample_toadd[3] = num
sample_toadd = None
#print(f'char = {char}, got num = {num}, appended beat {len(beats)}')
# Sample might not have a `num` with a slice, this adds the sample without a slice
elif len(beats) == current_beat and len(num) == 0 and sample_toadd is not None:
sample_toadd = None
# If beat has been added, it now parses beats.
if len(beats) == current_beat+1:
#print(f'char = {char}, parsing effects:')
# If there is an effect and current character is not a math character, effect and value are added to current beat, and effect is set to None
if effect is not None:
#print(f'char = {char}, adding effect: type = {effect}, value = {num}')
beats[current_beat][1].append([effect, num if num!='' else None])
effect = None
# If current character is a letter, it sets that letter to `effect` variable.
# Since loop repeats after that, that while current character is a math character, it gets added to `num`.
if char.isalpha() and effect is None:
#print(f'char = {char}, effect type is {effect}')
effect = char
# If character is a beat separator, it starts parsing the next beat in the next loop.
if char in c_join and len(beats) == current_beat + 1:
#print(f'char = {char}, parsing next beat')
current_beat += 1
effect = None
num = '' # `num` is set to empty string. btw `num` is only used in this loop so it needs to be here
cur += 1 # cursor goes to the next character
#for i in beats: print(i)
import math
if pattern_length is None: pattern_length = int(math.ceil(length))
return beats, operators, pattern_length, shuffle_groups, shuffle_beats, c_slice, c_misc, c_join
# I can't be bothered to annotate this one. It just works, okay?
def _random(beat:str, length:int, rchar = C_MISC[4], schar = C_MISC[5]) -> str:
"""Takes a string and replaces stuff like `@1_4_0.5` with randomly generated number where 1 - start, 4 - stop, 0.5 - step. Returns string."""
import random
beat+=' '
while rchar in beat:
rand_index = beat.find(rchar)+1
char = beat[rand_index]
number = ''
while char.isdecimal() or char in '.+-*/':
number += char
char = beat[rand_index]
if number != '': start = utils._safer_eval(number)
else: start = 0
if char == schar:
char = beat[rand_index]
number = ''
while char.isdecimal() or char in '.+-*/':
number += char
char = beat[rand_index]
if number != '': stop = utils._safer_eval(number)
else: stop = length
if char == schar:
char = beat[rand_index]
number = ''
while char.isdecimal() or char in '.+-*/':
number += char
char = beat[rand_index]
if number != '': step = utils._safer_eval(number)
else: step = length
choices = []
while start <= stop:
beat = list(beat)
beat[beat.index(rchar):rand_index] = list(str(random.choice(choices)))
beat = ''.join(beat)
return beat
def _shuffle(pattern: list, shuffle_beats: list, shuffle_groups: list) -> list:
"""Shuffles pattern according to shuffle_beats and shuffle_groups"""
import random
done = []
result = pattern.copy()
for group in shuffle_groups:
if group not in done:
shuffled = [i for n, i in enumerate(shuffle_beats) if shuffle_groups[n] == group]
unshuffled = shuffled.copy()
for i in range(len(shuffled)):
result[unshuffled[i]] = pattern[shuffled[i]]
return result
def _metric_get(v, beat, metrics, c_misc7 = C_MISC[7]):
assert v[v.find(c_misc7)+1] in metrics, f'`%{v[v.find(c_misc7)+1]}`: No metric called `{v[v.find(c_misc7)+1]}` found in metrics. Available metrics: {metrics.keys()}'
metric = metrics[v[v.find(c_misc7)+1]](beat)
return metric
def _metric_replace(v, metric, c_misc7 = C_MISC[7]):
for _ in range(v.count(c_misc7)):
v= v[:v.find(c_misc7)] + str(metric) + v[v.find(c_misc7)+2:]
return v