import streamlit as st | |
import pandas as pd | |
import numpy as np | |
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, precision_score, recall_score | |
from pandas.tseries.offsets import BDay | |
import streamlit as st | |
from datetime import datetime | |
import pytz | |
import holidays | |
from getDailyData import get_daily | |
st.set_page_config( | |
page_title="Gameday $SPX", | |
page_icon="๐ฎ" | |
) | |
# Function to convert UTC to PST | |
def convert_to_pst(utc_time): | |
utc_timezone = pytz.timezone('UTC') | |
pst_timezone = pytz.timezone('America/Los_Angeles') | |
utc_time = utc_timezone.localize(utc_time) | |
pst_time = utc_time.astimezone(pst_timezone) | |
return pst_time | |
# Get the current UTC time | |
utc_now = datetime.utcnow() | |
# Convert UTC to PST | |
pst_now = convert_to_pst(utc_now) | |
# Function to check if a date is a business day (Monday to Friday) | |
def is_business_day(date): | |
return date.weekday() < 5 # Monday = 0, Friday = 4 | |
# Function to get the list of holidays in the US for the current year | |
def get_us_holidays(): | |
return holidays.US( | |
# Function to convert the time string to a datetime object | |
def convert_to_datetime(time_str, pst_now): | |
time_obj = datetime.strptime(time_str, "%H:%M") | |
# Combine the time with the current date to get the full datetime in PST | |
return datetime.combine(, time_obj.time()) | |
# Function to determine the emoji for each time | |
def get_time(_times, _pst_now): | |
pst_now_time = pst_now.time() | |
us_holidays = get_us_holidays() | |
idxs = [] | |
for t in _times: | |
time_obj = convert_to_datetime(t, _pst_now) | |
# Check if the time is less than or equal to the current time in PST | |
if time_obj.time() <= pst_now_time: | |
idxs.append(True) | |
else: | |
# Check if it's a business day or a holiday | |
if is_business_day(time_obj) or in us_holidays: | |
idxs.append(False) | |
else: | |
idxs.append(True) | |
return idxs | |
# Example usage: | |
times_list = ['06:30', '07:00', '07:30', '08:00', '08:30', '09:00', '09:30', '10:00', '10:30', '11:00', '11:30', '12:00', '12:30'] | |
idxs = get_time(times_list, pst_now) | |
def get_last_idx(arr): | |
try: | |
return len(arr) - 1 - arr[::-1].index(True) | |
except ValueError: | |
return 0 | |
idx_use = get_last_idx(idxs) | |
st.title('๐ฎ Gameday Model for $SPX') | |
st.markdown('**PLEASE NOTE:** Model should be run at or after market open. Documentation on the model and its features [can be found here.](') | |
if "mode" not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.mode = "Auto" | |
st.session_state.option = times_list[idx_use] | |
with st.form("choose_model"): | |
t1, t2 = st.columns(2) | |
with t1: | |
mode ='Choose mode', options=['Auto','Manual'], horizontal=True, label_visibility='collapsed') | |
change_mode = st.form_submit_button('๐๐ฝ Confirm Mode',use_container_width=True) | |
with t2: | |
submitted = st.form_submit_button('๐๐ฝโโ๏ธ Run',use_container_width=True) | |
cleared = st.form_submit_button('๐งน Clear',use_container_width=True) | |
option = st.select_slider( | |
f"""Change mode to Manual, and select time ๐๐ฝ Run.""", | |
times_list, | |
# format_func=lambda x: f"{emojis_list[times_list.index(x)]} {x}", | |
disabled = mode == 'Auto' | |
) | |
if mode == 'Auto': | |
option = times_list[idx_use] | |
else: | |
option = option | |
if change_mode: | |"Changed to {mode}.{' Model will run for {}.'.format(option) if mode == 'Auto' else ''}") | |
if cleared: | |
st.cache_data.clear() | |
if option == '': | |'No model selected.') | |
if submitted: | |
my_bar = st.progress(0) | |
fname=f'performance_for_{option}_model.csv' | |
if option == '06:30': | |
from model_day_v2 import * | |
fname='performance_for_open_model.csv' | |
my_bar.progress(0.33, 'Loading data...') | |
data, df_final, final_row = get_daily() | |
# st.success("โ Historical data") | |
my_bar.progress(0.66, "Training models...") | |
def train_models(): | |
res1, xgbr, seq2 = walk_forward_validation_seq(df_final.dropna(), 'Target_clf', 'Target', 200, 1) | |
return res1, xgbr, seq2 | |
res1, xgbr, seq2 = train_models() | |
# st.success("โ Models trained") | |
my_bar.progress(0.99, "Getting new prediction...") | |
my_bar.empty() | |
# Get last row | |
new_pred = data.loc[final_row, model_cols] | |
new_pred = pd.DataFrame(new_pred).T | |
# new_pred_show = pd.DataFrame(index=[new_pred.columns], columns=[new_pred.index], data=[[v] for v in new_pred.values]) | |
# last_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(data.loc[final_row], '%Y-%m-%d') | |
curr_date = final_row + BDay(1) | |
curr_date = curr_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') | |
new_pred['BigNewsDay'] = new_pred['BigNewsDay'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['Quarter'] = new_pred['Quarter'].astype(int) | |
new_pred['Perf5Day'] = new_pred['Perf5Day'].astype(bool) | |
new_pred['Perf5Day_n1'] = new_pred['Perf5Day_n1'].astype(bool) | |
new_pred['DaysGreen'] = new_pred['DaysGreen'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['DaysRed'] = new_pred['DaysRed'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['CurrentGap'] = new_pred['CurrentGap'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['RangePct'] = new_pred['RangePct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['RangePct_n1'] = new_pred['RangePct_n1'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['RangePct_n2'] = new_pred['RangePct_n2'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['OHLC4_VIX'] = new_pred['OHLC4_VIX'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['OHLC4_VIX_n1'] = new_pred['OHLC4_VIX_n1'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['OHLC4_VIX_n2'] = new_pred['OHLC4_VIX_n2'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['VIXOpen'] = new_pred['VIXOpen'].astype(bool) | |
new_pred['VVIXOpen'] = new_pred['VVIXOpen'].astype(bool) | |
# new_pred['OHLC4_Current_Trend'] = new_pred['OHLC4_Current_Trend'].astype(bool) | |
# new_pred['OHLC4_Trend'] = new_pred['OHLC4_Trend'].astype(bool) | |
new_pred['OpenL1'] = new_pred['OpenL1'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['OpenL2'] = new_pred['OpenL2'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['OpenH1'] = new_pred['OpenH1'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['OpenH2'] = new_pred['OpenH2'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['L1TouchPct'] = new_pred['L1TouchPct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['L2TouchPct'] = new_pred['L2TouchPct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['H1TouchPct'] = new_pred['H1TouchPct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['H2TouchPct'] = new_pred['H2TouchPct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['L1BreakPct'] = new_pred['L1BreakPct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['L2BreakPct'] = new_pred['L2BreakPct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['H1BreakPct'] = new_pred['H1BreakPct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['H2BreakPct'] = new_pred['H2BreakPct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['H1BreakTouchPct'] = new_pred['H1BreakTouchPct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['H2BreakTouchPct'] = new_pred['H2BreakTouchPct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['L1BreakTouchPct'] = new_pred['L1BreakTouchPct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['L2BreakTouchPct'] = new_pred['L2BreakTouchPct'].astype(float) | |
seq_proba = seq_predict_proba(new_pred, xgbr, seq2) | |
else: | |
from model_intra_v2 import * | |
idx = times_list.index(option) | |
my_bar.progress(0.33, 'Loading data...') | |
data, df_final, final_row = get_daily(mode='intra', periods_30m=idx) | |
# st.success("โ Historical data") | |
my_bar.progress(0.66, "Training models...") | |
def train_models(): | |
res1, xgbr = walk_forward_validation(df_final.dropna(), 'Target_clf', 1) | |
return res1, xgbr | |
res1, xgbr = train_models() | |
# st.success("โ Models trained") | |
my_bar.progress(0.99, "Getting new prediction...") | |
my_bar.empty() | |
# Get last row | |
new_pred = data.loc[final_row, model_cols] | |
new_pred = pd.DataFrame(new_pred).T | |
# new_pred_show = pd.DataFrame(index=[new_pred.columns], columns=[new_pred.index], data=[[v] for v in new_pred.values]) | |
# last_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(data.loc[final_row], '%Y-%m-%d') | |
curr_date = final_row + BDay(1) | |
curr_date = curr_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') | |
new_pred['BigNewsDay'] = new_pred['BigNewsDay'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['Quarter'] = new_pred['Quarter'].astype(int) | |
new_pred['Perf5Day'] = new_pred['Perf5Day'].astype(bool) | |
new_pred['Perf5Day_n1'] = new_pred['Perf5Day_n1'].astype(bool) | |
new_pred['DaysGreen'] = new_pred['DaysGreen'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['DaysRed'] = new_pred['DaysRed'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['CurrentHigh30toClose'] = new_pred['CurrentHigh30toClose'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['CurrentLow30toClose'] = new_pred['CurrentLow30toClose'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['CurrentClose30toClose'] = new_pred['CurrentClose30toClose'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['CurrentRange30'] = new_pred['CurrentRange30'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['GapFill30'] = new_pred['GapFill30'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['CurrentGap'] = new_pred['CurrentGap'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['RangePct'] = new_pred['RangePct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['RangePct_n1'] = new_pred['RangePct_n1'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['RangePct_n2'] = new_pred['RangePct_n2'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['OHLC4_VIX'] = new_pred['OHLC4_VIX'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['OHLC4_VIX_n1'] = new_pred['OHLC4_VIX_n1'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['OHLC4_VIX_n2'] = new_pred['OHLC4_VIX_n2'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['CurrentVIXTrend'] = new_pred['CurrentVIXTrend'].astype(bool) | |
new_pred['SPX30IntraPerf'] = new_pred['SPX30IntraPerf'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['VIX30IntraPerf'] = new_pred['VIX30IntraPerf'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['VVIX30IntraPerf'] = new_pred['VVIX30IntraPerf'].astype(float) | |
# new_pred['OpenL1'] = new_pred['OpenL1'].astype(float) | |
# new_pred['OpenL2'] = new_pred['OpenL2'].astype(float) | |
# new_pred['OpenH1'] = new_pred['OpenH1'].astype(float) | |
# new_pred['OpenH2'] = new_pred['OpenH2'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['L1TouchPct'] = new_pred['L1TouchPct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['L2TouchPct'] = new_pred['L2TouchPct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['H1TouchPct'] = new_pred['H1TouchPct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['H2TouchPct'] = new_pred['H2TouchPct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['L1BreakPct'] = new_pred['L1BreakPct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['L2BreakPct'] = new_pred['L2BreakPct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['H1BreakPct'] = new_pred['H1BreakPct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['H2BreakPct'] = new_pred['H2BreakPct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['H1BreakTouchPct'] = new_pred['H1BreakTouchPct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['H2BreakTouchPct'] = new_pred['H2BreakTouchPct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['L1BreakTouchPct'] = new_pred['L1BreakTouchPct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['L2BreakTouchPct'] = new_pred['L2BreakTouchPct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['H1BreakH2TouchPct'] = new_pred['H1BreakH2TouchPct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['L1BreakL2TouchPct'] = new_pred['L1BreakL2TouchPct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['GreenProbas'] = new_pred['GreenProbas'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['OHLC4_Current_Trend'] = new_pred['OHLC4_Current_Trend'].astype(bool) | |
new_pred['OHLC4_Trend'] = new_pred['OHLC4_Trend'].astype(bool) | |
new_pred['H1TouchGreenPct'] = new_pred['H1TouchGreenPct'].astype(float) | |
new_pred['L1TouchRedPct'] = new_pred['L1TouchRedPct'].astype(float) | |
seq_proba = seq_predict_proba(new_pred, xgbr) | |'as of {option} on {curr_date} ๐๐ฝ', icon="๐ฎ") | |
# st.subheader('New Prediction') | |
# int_labels = ['(0, .20]', '(.20, .40]', '(.40, .60]', '(.60, .80]', '(.80, .1]'] | |
# df_probas = res1.groupby(pd.qcut(res1['Predicted'],5)).agg({'True':[np.mean,len,np.sum]}) | |
_q = 7 | |
lo_thres = 0.4 # res1.loc[middle_quantiles, 'Predicted'].min() | |
hi_thres = 0.6 # res1.loc[middle_quantiles, 'Predicted'].max() | |
data['ClosePct'] = (data['Close'] / data['PrevClose']) - 1 | |
data['ClosePct'] = data['ClosePct'].shift(-1) | |
res1 = res1.merge(data['ClosePct'], left_index=True,right_index=True) | |
# df_probas = res1.groupby(pd.cut(res1['Predicted'], bins = [-np.inf, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, np.inf], labels = int_labels)).agg({'True':[np.mean,len,np.sum],'ClosePct':[np.mean]}) | |
df_probas = res1.groupby(pd.cut(res1['Predicted'], _q)).agg({ | |
'True':[np.mean,len,np.sum], | |
'ClosePct':[np.mean, | |
lambda x: np.mean([r for r in x if r < 0]), | |
lambda x: np.mean([r for r in x if r > 0])]}) | |
df_probas.columns = ['PctGreen','NumObs','NumGreen','AvgPerf','AvgDown','AvgUp'] | |
df_probas['AvgPerf'] = df_probas['AvgPerf'].apply(lambda x: f'{x:.2%}') | |
df_probas['AvgDown'] = df_probas['AvgDown'].apply(lambda x: f'{x:.2%}') | |
df_probas['AvgUp'] = df_probas['AvgUp'].apply(lambda x: f'{x:.2%}') | |
green_proba = seq_proba[0] | |
red_proba = 1 - green_proba | |
do_not_play = (seq_proba[0] > lo_thres) and (seq_proba[0] <= hi_thres) | |
stdev = 0.01 | |
score = None | |
calib_score = None | |
num_obs = None | |
cond = None | |
historical_proba = None | |
red_hist_proba = None | |
mid = None | |
lo = None | |
hi = None | |
text_cond = None | |
operator = None | |
intv = None | |
for q in df_probas.index: | |
if q.left <= green_proba <= q.right: | |
historical_proba = df_probas.loc[q, 'PctGreen'] | |
red_hist_proba = 1 - historical_proba | |
num_obs = df_probas.loc[q, 'NumObs'] | |
mid = df_probas.loc[q, 'AvgPerf'] | |
lo = df_probas.loc[q, 'AvgDown'] | |
hi = df_probas.loc[q, 'AvgUp'] | |
intv = f'({q.left:.03f}, {q.right:.03f}])' | |
qs = [f'({q.left:.2f}, {q.right:.2f}]' for q in df_probas.index] | |
df_probas.index = qs | |
if do_not_play: | |
text_cond = '๐จ' | |
operator = '' | |
score = seq_proba[0] | |
calib_score = historical_proba | |
cond = (res1['Predicted'] > lo_thres) & (res1['Predicted'] <= hi_thres) | |
# num_obs = len(res1.loc[cond]) | |
# historical_proba = res1.loc[cond, 'True'].mean() | |
elif green_proba > red_proba: | |
# If the day is predicted to be green, say so | |
text_cond = '๐ฉ' | |
operator = '>=' | |
score = green_proba | |
calib_score = historical_proba | |
# How many with this score? | |
cond = (res1['Predicted'] >= green_proba) | |
# num_obs = len(res1.loc[cond]) | |
# How often green? | |
# historical_proba = res1.loc[cond, 'True'].mean() | |
# print(cond) | |
elif green_proba <= red_proba: | |
# If the day is predicted to be green, say so | |
text_cond = '๐ฅ' | |
operator = '<=' | |
score = red_proba | |
calib_score = red_hist_proba | |
# How many with this score? | |
cond = (res1['Predicted'] <= seq_proba[0]) | |
# num_obs = len(res1.loc[cond]) | |
# How often green? | |
# historical_proba = 1 - res1.loc[cond, 'True'].mean() | |
# print(cond) | |
score_fmt = f'{score:.1%}' | |
calib_score_fmt = f'{calib_score:.1%}' | |
prev_close = data.loc[final_row,'Close'] | |
curr_close = data['Close'].iloc[-1] | |
curr_open = data['Open'].iloc[-1] | |
curr_close30 = curr_open if option == '06:30' else data['CurrentClose30'].iloc[-2] | |
# confidence, success, nn = st.columns(3) | |
# confidence.metric('Confidence',value=f'{text_cond} {score:.1%}') | |
# success.metric('SuccessRate',value=f'{historical_proba:.1%}') | |
# nn.metric(f'N{operator}{"" if do_not_play else score_fmt}',value=num_obs) | |
top_of_fold = pd.DataFrame( | |
index=['Results'], | |
data = { | |
'Confidence':[f'{text_cond} {score:.1%}'], | |
# 'Calib. Proba':[f'{historical_proba:.1%}'], | |
'Calib. Proba':[f'{text_cond} {calib_score_fmt}'], | |
f'{intv}':[f'{num_obs}'], | |
'Prev / Curr':[f'{prev_close:.2f} / {curr_close:.2f}'] | |
}) | |
prices = pd.DataFrame(index=[ | |
'PrevClose', | |
'CurrClose' | |
], data = [ | |
f"{prev_close:.2f}", | |
f"{curr_close:.2f}" | |
]) | |
prices.columns = [''] | |
targets = pd.DataFrame( | |
index=[ | |
f'Close @ {option} ({(curr_close30 / prev_close) - 1:.2%})', | |
f'Low ({lo})', | |
f'Mid ({mid})', | |
f'High ({hi})' | |
], | |
data=[ | |
[f"{curr_close30:.0f}"], | |
[f"{(1+float(lo.strip('%'))/100) * prev_close:.0f}"], | |
[f"{(1+float(mid.strip('%'))/100) * prev_close:.0f}"], | |
[f"{(1+float(hi.strip('%'))/100) * prev_close:.0f}"] | |
], | |
columns=['Targets']) | |
roc_auc_score_all = roc_auc_score(res1['True'].astype(int), res1['Predicted'].values) | |
roc_auc_score_calib = roc_auc_score(res1.dropna(subset='CalibPredicted')['True'].astype(int), res1.dropna(subset='CalibPredicted')['CalibPredicted'].values) | |
precision_score_all = precision_score(res1['True'].astype(int), res1['Predicted'] > 0.5) | |
recall_score_all = recall_score(res1['True'].astype(int), res1['Predicted'] > 0.5) | |
len_all = len(res1) | |
res2_filtered = res1.loc[(res1['Predicted'] > hi_thres) | (res1['Predicted'] <= lo_thres)] | |
roc_auc_score_hi = roc_auc_score(res2_filtered['True'].astype(int), res2_filtered['Predicted'].values) | |
roc_auc_score_hi_calib = roc_auc_score(res2_filtered.dropna(subset='CalibPredicted')['True'].astype(int), res2_filtered.dropna(subset='CalibPredicted')['CalibPredicted'].values) | |
precision_score_hi = precision_score(res2_filtered['True'].astype(int), res2_filtered['Predicted'] > 0.5) | |
recall_score_hi = recall_score(res2_filtered['True'].astype(int), res2_filtered['Predicted'] > 0.5) | |
len_hi = len(res2_filtered) | |
df_performance = pd.DataFrame( | |
index=[ | |
'N', | |
'ROC AUC', | |
'Calib. AUC', | |
'Precision', | |
'Recall' | |
], | |
columns = [ | |
'All', | |
'High Confidence' | |
], | |
data = [ | |
[len_all, len_hi], | |
[roc_auc_score_all, roc_auc_score_hi], | |
[roc_auc_score_calib, roc_auc_score_hi_calib], | |
[precision_score_all, precision_score_hi], | |
[recall_score_all, recall_score_hi] | |
] | |
).round(2) | |
def get_acc(t, p): | |
if t == False and p <= lo_thres: | |
return 'โ ' # ✅</p> | |
elif t == True and p > hi_thres: | |
return 'โ ' # | |
elif t == False and p > hi_thres: | |
return 'โ' # ❌</p> | |
elif t == True and p <= lo_thres: | |
return 'โ' | |
else: | |
return '๐จ' # ⬜</p> | |
def get_acc_html(t, p): | |
if t == False and p <= lo_thres: | |
return '✅' | |
elif t == True and p > hi_thres: | |
return '✅' | |
elif t == False and p > hi_thres: | |
return '❌' | |
elif t == True and p <= lo_thres: | |
return '❌' | |
else: | |
return '⬜' | |
def get_acc_text(t, p): | |
if t == False and p <= lo_thres: | |
return 'Correct' | |
elif t == True and p > hi_thres: | |
return 'Correct' | |
elif t == False and p > hi_thres: | |
return 'Incorrect' | |
elif t == True and p <= lo_thres: | |
return 'Incorrect' | |
else: | |
return 'No Action' | |
perf_daily = res1.copy() | |
perf_daily['TargetDate'] = perf_daily.index + BDay(1) | |
perf_daily['Accuracy'] = [get_acc(t, p) for t, p in zip(perf_daily['True'], perf_daily['Predicted'])] | |
perf_daily['AccuracyText'] = [get_acc_text(t, p) for t, p in zip(perf_daily['True'], perf_daily['Predicted'])] | |
perf_daily['ConfidenceScore'] = [x if x > 0.6 else 1-x if x <= 0.4 else x for x in perf_daily['Predicted']] | |
perf_daily = perf_daily[['TargetDate','Predicted','True','Accuracy','AccuracyText','ConfidenceScore']] | |
def convert_df(df): | |
# IMPORTANT: Cache the conversion to prevent computation on every rerun | |
return df.to_csv() | |
csv = convert_df(perf_daily) | |
check = data.tail(1) | |
df_levels = pd.DataFrame( | |
index=['H2','H1','L1','L2'], | |
columns=['Level','BreakPct(100)','TouchPct(100)','BreakGivenTouch(100)'], | |
data=[ | |
[f"{data['H2'].iloc[-1]:.2f}",f"{data['H2BreakPct'].iloc[-2]:.1%}",f"{data['H2TouchPct'].iloc[-2]:.1%}",f"{data['H2BreakTouchPct'].iloc[-2]:.1%}"], | |
[f"{data['H1'].iloc[-1]:.2f}",f"{data['H1BreakPct'].iloc[-2]:.1%}",f"{data['H1TouchPct'].iloc[-2]:.1%}",f"{data['H1BreakTouchPct'].iloc[-2]:.1%}"], | |
[f"{data['L1'].iloc[-1]:.2f}",f"{data['L1BreakPct'].iloc[-2]:.1%}",f"{data['L1TouchPct'].iloc[-2]:.1%}",f"{data['L1BreakTouchPct'].iloc[-2]:.1%}"], | |
[f"{data['L2'].iloc[-1]:.2f}",f"{data['L2BreakPct'].iloc[-2]:.1%}",f"{data['L2TouchPct'].iloc[-2]:.1%}",f"{data['L2BreakTouchPct'].iloc[-2]:.1%}"] | |
] | |
) | |
# Cache all DFs | |
all_dfs = [] | |
top1, top2 = st.columns(2) | |
# st.dataframe(top_of_fold.set_index('Confidence',drop=True), use_container_width=True) | |
with top1: | |
st.dataframe(top_of_fold.T, use_container_width=True) | |
with top2: | |
st.dataframe(targets, use_container_width=True) | |
tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4 = st.tabs(["๐ค Stats", "โจ New Data", "๐ Historical", "๐ Performance"]) | |
with tab1: | |
# st.dataframe(prices.T.set_index('PrevClose', drop=True)) | |
st.write(df_probas) | |
st.write(f'๐ JC Levels') | |
st.write(df_levels) | |
with tab2: | |
st.subheader('Latest Data for Pred') | |
st.write(new_pred) | |
with tab3: | |
st.subheader('Historical Data') | |
st.write(df_final) | |
with tab4: | |
st.subheader('Performance') | |
st.write(df_performance) | |
st.text('Performance last 10 days (download for all)') | |
st.write(perf_daily[['TargetDate','Predicted','True','Accuracy']].iloc[-10:]) | |
# st.download_button( | |
# label="Download Historical Performance", | |
# data=csv, | |
# ) | |
if submitted: | |
st.download_button( | |
label="Download Historical Performance", | |
data=csv, | |
file_name=fname, | |
) | |
st.caption('โ ๏ธ Downloading the CSV will reload the page. โ ๏ธ') |