source("utils.R") | |
source("inat-ranges.R") | |
url <- "" | |
#url <- "" | |
url <- "" | |
#x <- jsonlite::read_json(url) | |
m = maplibre(center = c(-110,37), zoom=3) |> | |
add_draw_control() |> | |
add_h3j_source("h3j_source", | |
url = url | |
) |> | |
add_fill_extrusion_layer( | |
id = "h3j_layer", | |
source = "h3j_source", | |
tooltip = "n", | |
fill_extrusion_color = viridis_pal("height"), | |
fill_extrusion_height = list( | |
"interpolate", | |
list("linear"), | |
list("zoom"), | |
0, | |
0, 1, | |
list("*", 100000, list("get", "height")) | |
), | |
fill_extrusion_opacity = 0.7 | |
) | |
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(m, "test2.html") | |
## Illustrate/test core app functionality without shiny | |
library(dplyr) | |
library(duckdbfs) | |
library(ggplot2) | |
library(mapgl) | |
library(glue) | |
library(jsonlite) | |
load_h3() | |
load_spatial() | |
source("utils.R") | |
source("inat-ranges.R") | |
duckdbfs::duckdb_secrets() | |
inat <- open_dataset("s3://public-inat/hex") | |
aoi <- spData::us_states | |
aoi <- spData::world | |
# publish richness at the aoi (bbox or poly) | |
meta <- richness(inat, aoi) | |
m <- richness_map(meta) | |
m | |
library(htmlwidgets) | |
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(m, "total-richness.html") | |
# publish richness at the aoi (bbox or poly) | |
meta <- richness(inat, aoi, rank = "class", taxon = "Aves") | |
m <- richness_map(meta) | |
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(m, "aves-richness.html") | |
# publish richness at the aoi (bbox or poly) | |
meta <- richness(inat, aoi, rank = "class", taxon = "Mammalia") | |
m <- richness_map(meta) | |
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(m, "mammals-richness.html") | |
## UGH can't deal with antimeridian | |
# dropme <- antimeridian_hexes(3) | |
# dropme <- antimeridian_hexes(4) |> rename(h4 = h3id) | |
# inat |> anti_join(dropme) |> write_dataset("s3://public-inat/ranges.parquet") | |
# inat <- open_dataset("s3://public-inat/ranges.parquet", recursive = FALSE) | |
# mutate(h3 = h3_cell_to_parent(h4, 3L)) | |
m <- maplibre(center = c(-110.5, 34.8), zoom = 4) |> add_draw_control() | |
richness_map(m, "") | |
library(htmlwidgets) | |
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(m, "example.html") | |
amphib = open_dataset("s3://public-inat/polygon/Amphibia.parquet", recursive = FALSE) | |
gdf <- amphib |> | |
filter(name == "Ambystoma californiense") |> | |
to_sf(crs=4326) | |
maplibre(center = c(-122.5, 37.8), zoom = 4) |> | |
add_source(id = "gdf", gdf) |> | |
add_layer("gdf-layer", | |
type = "fill", | |
source = "gdf", | |
paint = list( | |
"fill-color" = "darkgreen", | |
"fill-opacity" = .9 | |
) | |
) | |
# Access SVI | |
#svi = open_dataset("") | |
#tracts = open_dataset("") # Access CalEnviroScreen | |
# ces = open_dataset("", format="parquet") | |
# Filter GBIF to our area-of-interest (h-index) and species of interest | |
ca <- tracts |> | |
filter(STATE == "California") |> | |
mutate(h4 = h3_cell_to_parent(h5, 4L)) |> | |
mutate(h4 = tolower(as.character(h4))) | |
out <- ca |> | |
inner_join(inat, by = "h4") |> | |
count(STATE, COUNTY, FIPS, h5) | |
# mutate(height = n / max(n)) |> | |
url = "" | |
maplibre() |> | |
add_draw_control() |> | |
add_h3j_source("h3j_source", | |
url = url | |
) |> | |
add_fill_extrusion_layer( | |
id = "h3j_layer", | |
source = "h3j_source", | |
tooltip = "n", | |
fill_extrusion_color = viridis_pal("height"), | |
fill_extrusion_height = list( | |
"interpolate", | |
list("linear"), | |
list("zoom"), | |
0, | |
0, 1, | |
list("*", 100000, list("get", "height")) | |
), | |
fill_extrusion_opacity = 0.7 | |
) | |