import streamlit as st | |
import streamlit.components.v1 as components | |
import base64 | |
import leafmap.maplibregl as leafmap | |
import altair as alt | |
import ibis | |
from ibis import _ | |
import ibis.selectors as s | |
from typing import Optional | |
def to_streamlit( | |
self, | |
width: Optional[int] = None, | |
height: Optional[int] = 600, | |
scrolling: Optional[bool] = False, | |
**kwargs, | |
): | |
try: | |
import streamlit.components.v1 as components | |
import base64 | |
raw_html = self.to_html().encode("utf-8") | |
raw_html = base64.b64encode(raw_html).decode() | |
return components.iframe( | |
f"data:text/html;base64,{raw_html}", | |
width=width, | |
height=height, | |
scrolling=scrolling, | |
**kwargs, | |
) | |
except Exception as e: | |
raise Exception(e) | |
# ca_pmtiles = "" | |
# ca_parquet = "" | |
ca_pmtiles = "" | |
ca_parquet = "" | |
ca_area_acres = 1.014e8 #acres | |
style_choice = "GAP Status Code" | |
con = ibis.duckdb.connect(extensions=["spatial"]) | |
ca = (con | |
.read_parquet(ca_parquet) | |
.cast({"geom": "geometry"}) | |
.cast({"crop_expansion": "int64"}) | |
) | |
private_access_color = "#DE881E" # orange | |
public_access_color = "#3388ff" # blue | |
tribal_color = "#BF40BF" # purple | |
mixed_color = "#005a00" # green | |
year2023_color = "#26542C" # green | |
year2024_color = "#F3AB3D" # orange | |
federal_color = "#529642" # green | |
state_color = "#A1B03D" # light green | |
local_color = "#365591" # blue | |
special_color = "#529642" # brown | |
private_color = "#7A3F1A" # brown | |
joint_color = "#DAB0AE" # pink | |
county_color = "#BFD76B" # green | |
city_color = "#BDC368" #green | |
hoa_color = "#A89BBC" # purple | |
nonprofit_color = "#D77031" #orange | |
from functools import reduce | |
def get_summary(ca, combined_filter, column, colors=None): | |
df = ca.filter(combined_filter) | |
# if colors is not None and not colors.empty: # df used for chart. | |
# df = df.filter(_.reGAP <3) # only show gaps 1 and 2 for chart. | |
df = (df | |
.group_by(*column) # unpack the list for grouping | |
.aggregate(percent_protected=100 * _.Acres.sum() / ca_area_acres, | |
mean_richness = (_.richness * _.Acres).sum() / _.Acres.sum(), | |
mean_rsr = (_.rsr * _.Acres).sum() / _.Acres.sum(), | |
all_rsr = (_.all_species_rwr * _.Acres).sum() / _.Acres.sum(), | |
all_richness = (_.all_species_richness * _.Acres).sum() / _.Acres.sum(), | |
irrecoverable_carbon = (_.irrecoverable_carbon * _.Acres).sum() / _.Acres.sum(), | |
manageable_carbon = (_.manageable_carbon * _.Acres).sum() / _.Acres.sum(), | |
carbon_lost = (_.deforest_carbon * _.Acres).sum() / _.Acres.sum(), | |
human_impact = (_.human_impact * _.Acres).sum() / _.Acres.sum(), | |
svi = (_.svi * _.Acres).sum() / _.Acres.sum(), | |
svi_socioeconomic_status = (_.svi_socioeconomic_status * _.Acres).sum() / _.Acres.sum(), | |
svi_household_char = (_.svi_household_char * _.Acres).sum() / _.Acres.sum(), | |
svi_racial_ethnic_minority = (_.svi_racial_ethnic_minority * _.Acres).sum() / _.Acres.sum(), | |
svi_housing_transit = (_.svi_housing_transit * _.Acres).sum() / _.Acres.sum(), | |
# biodiversity_intactness_loss = (_.biodiversity_intactness_loss * _.Acres).sum() / _.Acres.sum(), | |
# crop_reduction = (_.crop_reduction * _.Acres).sum() / _.Acres.sum(), | |
# crop_expansion = (_.crop_expansion * _.Acres).sum() / _.Acres.sum(), | |
# forest_loss = (_.forest_integrity_loss * _.Acres).sum() / _.Acres.sum(), | |
) | |
.mutate(percent_protected=_.percent_protected.round(1)) | |
) | |
if colors is not None and not colors.empty: # | |
df = df.inner_join(colors, column) # chart colors | |
df = df.cast({col: "string" for col in column}) | |
df = df.to_pandas() | |
return df | |
def summary_table(column, colors, filter_cols, filter_vals,colorby_vals): | |
filters = [] | |
if filter_cols and filter_vals: #if a filter is selected, add to list of filters | |
for filter_col, filter_val in zip(filter_cols, filter_vals): | |
if len(filter_val) > 1: | |
filters.append(getattr(_, filter_col).isin(filter_val)) | |
else: | |
filters.append(getattr(_, filter_col) == filter_val[0]) | |
if column not in filter_cols: #show color_by variable in table | |
filter_cols.append(column) | |
filters.append(getattr(_, column).isin(colorby_vals[column])) | |
combined_filter = reduce(lambda x, y: x & y, filters) | |
df = get_summary(ca, combined_filter, [column], colors) # df used for charts | |
df_tab = get_summary(ca, combined_filter, filter_cols, colors = None) #df used for printed table | |
return df, df_tab | |
def area_plot(df, column): | |
base = alt.Chart(df).encode( | |
alt.Theta("percent_protected:Q").stack(True), | |
) | |
pie = ( base | |
.mark_arc(innerRadius= 40, outerRadius=100) | |
.encode(alt.Color("color:N").scale(None).legend(None), | |
tooltip=['percent_protected', column]) | |
) | |
text = ( base | |
.mark_text(radius=80, size=14, color="white") | |
.encode(text = column + ":N") | |
) | |
plot = pie # pie + text | |
return"container", height=300) | |
def get_pmtiles_style(paint, alpha, cols, values): | |
filters = [] | |
for col, val in zip(cols, values): | |
filter_condition = ["match", ["get", col], val, True, False] | |
filters.append(filter_condition) | |
combined_filter = ["all"] + filters | |
return { | |
"version": 8, | |
"sources": { | |
"ca": { | |
"type": "vector", | |
"url": "pmtiles://" + ca_pmtiles, | |
} | |
}, | |
"layers": [{ | |
"id": "ca30x30", | |
"source": "ca", | |
"source-layer": "layer", | |
# "source-layer": "ca202430m", | |
# "source-layer": "ca2024", | |
"type": "fill", | |
"filter": combined_filter, # Use the combined filter | |
"paint": { | |
"fill-color": paint, | |
"fill-opacity": alpha | |
} | |
}] | |
} | |
def bar_chart(df, x, y): | |
chart = alt.Chart(df).mark_bar().encode( | |
x=x, | |
y=y, | |
color=alt.Color('color').scale(None) | |
).properties(width="container", height=300) | |
return chart | |
def getButtons(style_options, style_choice, default_gap=None): | |
column = style_options[style_choice]['property'] | |
opts = [style[0] for style in style_options[style_choice]['stops']] | |
default_gap = default_gap or {} | |
buttons = { | |
name: st.checkbox(f"{name}", value=default_gap.get(name, False), key=column + str(name)) | |
for name in opts | |
} | |
filter_choice = [key for key, value in buttons.items() if value] # return only selected | |
d = {} | |
d[column] = filter_choice | |
return d | |
default_gap = { | |
1: True, | |
2: True, | |
} | |
def getColorVals(style_options, style_choice): #adding "color by" values to table | |
column = style_options[style_choice]['property'] | |
opts = [style[0] for style in style_options[style_choice]['stops']] | |
d = {} | |
d[column] = opts | |
return d | |
manager = { | |
'property': 'manager_type', | |
'type': 'categorical', | |
'stops': [ | |
['Federal', federal_color], | |
['State', state_color], | |
['Non Profit', nonprofit_color], | |
['Special District', special_color], | |
['Unknown', "grey"], | |
['County', county_color], | |
['City', city_color], | |
['Joint', joint_color], | |
['Tribal', tribal_color], | |
['Private', private_color], | |
['Home Owners Association', hoa_color] | |
] | |
} | |
easement = { | |
'property': 'Easement', | |
'type': 'categorical', | |
'stops': [ | |
[0, public_access_color], | |
[1, private_access_color] | |
] | |
} | |
year = { | |
'property': 'established', | |
'type': 'categorical', | |
'stops': [ | |
[2023, year2023_color], | |
[2024, year2024_color] | |
] | |
} | |
access = { | |
'property': 'access_type', | |
'type': 'categorical', | |
'stops': [ | |
['Open Access', public_access_color], | |
['No Public Access', private_access_color], | |
['Unknown Access', "grey"], | |
['Restricted Access', tribal_color] | |
] | |
} | |
gap = { | |
'property': 'reGAP', | |
'type': 'categorical', | |
'stops': [ | |
[1, "#26633d"], | |
[2, "#879647"], | |
[3, "#BBBBBB"], | |
[4, "#F8F8F8"] | |
] | |
} | |
# area_type = { | |
# 'property': 'type', | |
# 'type': 'categorical', | |
# 'stops': [ | |
# ["Land", "green"], | |
# ["Water", "blue"] | |
# ] | |
# } | |
style_options = { | |
"Year": year, | |
"GAP Status Code": gap, | |
"Manager Type": manager, | |
"Easement": easement, | |
"Public Access": access, | |
# "Type": area_type | |
} | |
justice40 = "" | |
justice40_fill = { | |
'property': 'Disadvan', | |
'type': 'categorical', | |
'stops': [ | |
[0, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)"], | |
[1, "rgba(0, 0, 139, 1)"]]} | |
justice40_style = { | |
"version": 8, | |
"sources": { | |
"source1": { | |
"type": "vector", | |
"url": "pmtiles://" + justice40, | |
"attribution": "Justice40"} | |
}, | |
"layers": [{ | |
"id": "layer1", | |
"source": "source1", | |
"source-layer": "DisadvantagedCommunitiesCEJST", | |
"filter": ["match", ["get", "StateName"], "California", True, False], | |
"type": "fill", | |
"paint": {"fill-color": justice40_fill, "fill-opacity": 0.6}}] | |
} | |
sv_pmtiles = "" | |
def get_sv_style(column): | |
return { | |
"layers": [ | |
{ | |
"id": "SVI", | |
"source": "Social Vulnerability Index", | |
"source-layer": "SVI2020_US_county", | |
"filter": ["match", ["get", "STATE"], "California", True, False], | |
"type": "fill", | |
"paint": { | |
"fill-color": | |
["interpolate", ["linear"], ["get", column], | |
0, "#FFE6EE", | |
1, "#850101"] | |
} | |
} | |
] | |
} | |
st.set_page_config(layout="wide", page_title="CA Protected Areas Explorer", page_icon=":globe:") | |
''' | |
# CA 30X30 Prototype | |
''' | |
m = leafmap.Map(style="positron") | |
filters = {} | |
with st.sidebar: | |
color_choice ="Color by:", style_options) | |
colorby_vals = getColorVals(style_options, color_choice) | |
alpha = st.slider("transparency", 0.0, 1.0, 0.5) | |
st.divider() | |
"Filters:" | |
for label in style_options: | |
with st.expander(label): | |
if label == "GAP Status Code": # gap code 1 and 2 are on by default | |
opts = getButtons(style_options, label, default_gap) | |
else: | |
opts = getButtons(style_options, label) | |
filters.update(opts) | |
selected = {k: v for k, v in filters.items() if v} #get selected filters | |
if selected: | |
filter_cols = list(selected.keys()) | |
filter_vals = list(selected.values()) | |
else: | |
filter_cols = [] | |
filter_vals = [] | |
style = get_pmtiles_style(style_options[color_choice], alpha, filter_cols, filter_vals) | |
m.add_pmtiles(ca_pmtiles, style=style, visible=True, name="CA", opacity=alpha, tooltip=True) | |
st.divider() | |
"Data Layers:" | |
with st.expander("🦜 Biodiversity"): | |
alpha_bio = st.slider("transparency", 0.0, 1.0, 0.4, key = "biodiversity") | |
show_richness = st.toggle("Species Richness", False) | |
if show_richness: | |
m.add_tile_layer( | |
url = "{z}/{x}/{y}.png", | |
name="MOBI Species Richness", | |
opacity=alpha_bio | |
) | |
show_rsr = st.toggle("Range-Size Rarity") | |
if show_rsr: | |
m.add_tile_layer( | |
url="{z}/{x}/{y}.png", | |
name="MOBI Range-Size Rarity", | |
opacity=alpha_bio) | |
with st.expander("⛅ Carbon & Climate"): | |
alpha_climate = st.slider("transparency", 0.0, 1.0, 0.3, key = "climate") | |
show_irrecoverable_carbon = st.toggle("Irrecoverable Carbon") | |
if show_irrecoverable_carbon: | |
m.add_cog_layer("", | |
palette="reds", name="Irrecoverable Carbon", transparent_bg=True, opacity = alpha_climate, fit_bounds=False, bidx=[1]) | |
show_manageable_carbon = st.toggle("Manageable Carbon") | |
if show_manageable_carbon: | |
m.add_cog_layer("", | |
palette="purples", name="Manageable Carbon", transparent_bg=True, opacity = alpha_climate, fit_bounds=False) | |
with st.expander("Climate and Economic Justice"): | |
alpha_justice40 = st.slider("transparency", 0.0, 1.0, 0.3, key = "social justice") | |
show_justice40 = st.toggle("Justice40") | |
if show_justice40: | |
m.add_pmtiles(justice40, style=justice40_style, visible=True, name="Justice40", opacity=alpha_justice40, tooltip=False, fit_bounds = False) | |
with st.expander("Social Vulnerability"): | |
alpha_justice = st.slider("transparency", 0.0, 1.0, 0.3, key = "SVI") | |
show_sv = st.toggle("Social Vulnerability Index (SVI)") | |
if show_sv: | |
m.add_pmtiles(sv_pmtiles, style = get_sv_style("RPL_THEMES") ,visible=True, opacity=alpha_justice, tooltip=False, fit_bounds = False) | |
show_sv_socio = st.toggle("Socioeconomic Status") | |
if show_sv_socio: | |
m.add_pmtiles(sv_pmtiles, style = get_sv_style("RPL_THEME1") ,visible=True, opacity=alpha_justice, tooltip=False, fit_bounds = False) | |
show_sv_household = st.toggle("Household Characteristics") | |
if show_sv_household: | |
m.add_pmtiles(sv_pmtiles, style = get_sv_style("RPL_THEME2") ,visible=True, opacity=alpha_justice, tooltip=False, fit_bounds = False) | |
show_sv_minority = st.toggle("Racial & Ethnic Minority Status") | |
if show_sv_minority: | |
m.add_pmtiles(sv_pmtiles, style = get_sv_style("RPL_THEME3") ,visible=True, opacity=alpha_justice, tooltip=False, fit_bounds = False) | |
show_sv_housing = st.toggle("Housing Type & Transportation") | |
if show_sv_housing: | |
m.add_pmtiles(sv_pmtiles, style = get_sv_style("RPL_THEME4") ,visible=True, opacity=alpha_justice, tooltip=False, fit_bounds = False) | |
with st.expander("🚜 Human Impacts"): | |
alpha_hi = st.slider("transparency", 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, key = "hi") | |
show_carbon_lost = st.toggle("Carbon Lost (2002-2022)") | |
if show_carbon_lost: | |
m.add_tile_layer( | |
url="{z}/{x}/{y}.png", | |
name="Carbon Lost (2002-2022)", | |
opacity = alpha_hi) | |
show_human_impact = st.toggle("Human Impact") | |
if show_human_impact: | |
m.add_cog_layer( | |
url = "", name="Human Impact", transparent_bg=True, opacity = alpha_hi, fit_bounds=False) | |
select_column = { | |
"Year": "established", | |
"GAP Status Code": "reGAP", | |
"Manager Type": "manager_type", | |
"Easement": "Easement", | |
"Public Access": "access_type", | |
# "Type": "type", | |
} | |
column = select_column[color_choice] | |
select_colors = { | |
"Year": year["stops"], | |
"GAP Status Code": gap["stops"], | |
"Manager Type": manager["stops"], | |
"Easement": easement["stops"], | |
"Public Access": access["stops"], | |
# "Type": area_type["stops"] | |
} | |
colors = (ibis | |
.memtable(select_colors[color_choice], columns = [column, "color"]) | |
.to_pandas() | |
) | |
main = st.container() | |
df,df_tab = summary_table(column, colors, filter_cols, filter_vals, colorby_vals) | |
with main: | |
map_col, stats_col = st.columns([2,1]) | |
with map_col: | |
to_streamlit(m, height=700) | |
st.dataframe(df_tab, use_container_width = True) | |
svi = bar_chart(df, column, 'svi') | |
svi_socioeconomic_status = bar_chart(df, column, 'svi_socioeconomic_status') | |
svi_household_char = bar_chart(df, column, 'svi_household_char') | |
svi_racial_ethnic_minority = bar_chart(df, column, 'svi_racial_ethnic_minority') | |
svi_housing_transit = bar_chart(df, column, 'svi_housing_transit') | |
richness_chart = bar_chart(df, column, 'mean_richness') | |
rsr_chart = bar_chart(df, column, 'mean_rsr') | |
# all_rsr = bar_chart(df, column, 'all_rsr') | |
# all_richness = bar_chart(df, column, 'all_richness') | |
irrecoverable_carbon = bar_chart(df, column, 'irrecoverable_carbon') | |
manageable_carbon = bar_chart(df, column, 'manageable_carbon') | |
carbon_lost = bar_chart(df, column, 'carbon_lost') | |
human_impact = bar_chart(df, column, 'human_impact') | |
# crop_expansion = bar_chart(df, column, 'crop_expansion') | |
# biodiversity_intactness_loss = bar_chart(df, column, biodiversity_intactness_loss') | |
# crop_reduction = bar_chart(df, column, 'crop_reduction') | |
# forest_loss = bar_chart(df, column, 'forest_loss') | |
total_percent = df.percent_protected.sum().round(1) | |
with stats_col: | |
with st.container(): | |
f"{total_percent}% CA Covered" | |
st.altair_chart(area_plot(df, column), use_container_width=True) | |
with st.container(): | |
if show_richness: | |
"Species Richness" | |
st.altair_chart(richness_chart, use_container_width=True) | |
if show_rsr: | |
"Range-Size Rarity" | |
st.altair_chart(rsr_chart, use_container_width=True) | |
if show_irrecoverable_carbon: | |
"Irrecoverable Carbon" | |
st.altair_chart(irrecoverable_carbon, use_container_width=True) | |
if show_manageable_carbon: | |
"Manageable Carbon" | |
st.altair_chart(manageable_carbon, use_container_width=True) | |
if show_sv: | |
"Social Vulnerability Index" | |
st.altair_chart(svi, use_container_width=True) | |
if show_sv_socio: | |
"SVI - Socioeconomic Status" | |
st.altair_chart(svi_socioeconomic_status, use_container_width=True) | |
if show_sv_household: | |
"SVI - Household Characteristics" | |
st.altair_chart(svi_household_char, use_container_width=True) | |
if show_sv_minority: | |
"SVI - Racial and Ethnic Minority" | |
st.altair_chart(svi_racial_ethnic_minority, use_container_width=True) | |
if show_sv_housing: | |
"SVI - Housing Type and Transit" | |
st.altair_chart(svi_housing_transit, use_container_width=True) | |
if show_carbon_lost: | |
"Carbon Lost ('02-'22)" | |
st.altair_chart(carbon_lost, use_container_width=True) | |
if show_human_impact: | |
"Human Impact" | |
st.altair_chart(human_impact, use_container_width=True) | |
st.divider() | |
footer = st.container() | |
''' | |
## Credits | |
Authors: Cassie Buhler & Carl Boettiger, UC Berkeley | |
License: BSD-2-clause | |
### Data sources | |
- California Protected Areas Database by CA Nature. Data: License: Public Domain | |
- Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool, US Council on Environmental Quality, Justice40, data:, License: Public Domain | |
- CDC 2020 Social Vulnerability Index by US Census Track. Data: License: Public Domain | |
- Imperiled Species Richness and Range-Size-Rarity from NatureServe (2022). Data: License CC-BY-NC-ND | |
- Carbon-loss and farming impact by Vizzuality, on Citation:, License: CC-BY | |
- Human Footprint by Vizzuality, on Citation:, License: Public Domain | |
- Irrecoverable Carbon from Conservation International, reprocessed to COG on, citation:, License: CC-BY-NC | |
''' | |