Arxiv-CS-RAG /
bishmoy's picture
Added info for setting up retriever for the first time
3c305fd verified
history blame
No virus
2.94 kB
import torch
import transformers
import gradio as gr
from ragatouille import RAGPretrainedModel
from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient
client = InferenceClient("mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1")
generate_kwargs = dict(
temperature = None,
max_new_tokens = 512,
top_p = None,
do_sample = False,
RAG = RAGPretrainedModel.from_index("colbert/indexes/arxiv_colbert")
gr.Info("Setting up retriever, please wait...")
_ ="what is Mistral?", k = 1)
gr.Info("Retriever working successfully!")
gr.Warning("Retriever not working!")
mark_text = '# 📚 Search Results\n'
def rag_cleaner(inp):
rank = inp['rank']
title = inp['document_metadata']['title']
content = inp['content']
return f"{rank}. <b> {title} </b> \n Abstract: {content}"
def get_prompt_text(question, context, formatted = True):
if formatted:
sys_instruction = f"Context:\n {context} \n Given the following scientific paper abstracts, take a deep breath and lets think step by step to answer what the question. Cite the titles of your sources when answering."
message = f"Question: {question}"
return f"<s>" + f"[INST] {sys_instruction} " + f" {message} [/INST] </s> "
return f"Context:\n {context} \n Given the following info, take a deep breath and lets think step by step to answer the question: {question}. Cite the titles of your sources when answering.\n\n"
def get_references(question, retriever, k = 10):
rag_out =, k=k)
return rag_out
def get_rag(message):
return get_references(message, RAG)
with gr.Blocks(theme = gr.themes.Soft()) as demo:
with gr.Group():
msg = gr.Textbox(label = 'Search')
output_text = gr.Textbox(show_label = True, container = True, label = 'LLM Answer', visible = True)
input = gr.Textbox(show_label = False, visible = False)
gr_md = gr.Markdown(mark_text)
def update_with_rag_md(message):
rag_out = get_rag(message)
md_text_updated = mark_text
for i in range(10):
rag_answer = rag_out[i]
title = rag_answer['document_metadata']['title'].replace('\n','')
paper_title = f'''### [{title}]({rag_answer['document_id']})\n'''
paper_abs = rag_answer['content']
md_text_updated += paper_title + paper_abs + '\n---------------\n'+ '\n'
prompt = get_prompt_text(message, '\n\n'.join(rag_cleaner(out) for out in rag_out))
return md_text_updated, prompt
def ask_llm(prompt):
output = client.text_generation(prompt, **generate_kwargs, stream=False, details=False, return_full_text=False)
output = output.lstrip(' \n') if output.lstrip().startswith('\n') else output
return gr.Textbox(output, visible = True)
msg.submit(update_with_rag_md, msg, [gr_md, input]).success(ask_llm, input, output_text)
demo.launch(debug = True)