test / modules /images.py
bilegentile's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
c19ca42 verified
import io
import re
import os
import sys
import math
import json
import uuid
import queue
import string
import random
import hashlib
import datetime
import threading
from pathlib import Path
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
import piexif
import piexif.helper
from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw, PngImagePlugin, ExifTags
from modules import sd_samplers, shared, script_callbacks, errors, paths
debug = errors.log.trace if os.environ.get('SD_PATH_DEBUG', None) is not None else lambda *args, **kwargs: None
from pi_heif import register_heif_opener
except Exception:
def check_grid_size(imgs):
mp = 0
for img in imgs:
mp += img.width * img.height
mp = round(mp / 1000000)
ok = mp <= shared.opts.img_max_size_mp
if not ok:
shared.log.warning(f'Maximum image size exceded: size={mp} maximum={shared.opts.img_max_size_mp} MPixels')
return ok
def image_grid(imgs, batch_size=1, rows=None):
if rows is None:
if shared.opts.n_rows > 0:
rows = shared.opts.n_rows
elif shared.opts.n_rows == 0:
rows = batch_size
rows = math.floor(math.sqrt(len(imgs)))
while len(imgs) % rows != 0:
rows -= 1
if rows > len(imgs):
rows = len(imgs)
cols = math.ceil(len(imgs) / rows)
params = script_callbacks.ImageGridLoopParams(imgs, cols, rows)
w, h = imgs[0].size
grid = Image.new('RGB', size=(params.cols * w, params.rows * h), color=shared.opts.grid_background)
for i, img in enumerate(params.imgs):
grid.paste(img, box=(i % params.cols * w, i // params.cols * h))
return grid
Grid = namedtuple("Grid", ["tiles", "tile_w", "tile_h", "image_w", "image_h", "overlap"])
def split_grid(image, tile_w=512, tile_h=512, overlap=64):
w = image.width
h = image.height
non_overlap_width = tile_w - overlap
non_overlap_height = tile_h - overlap
cols = math.ceil((w - overlap) / non_overlap_width)
rows = math.ceil((h - overlap) / non_overlap_height)
dx = (w - tile_w) / (cols - 1) if cols > 1 else 0
dy = (h - tile_h) / (rows - 1) if rows > 1 else 0
grid = Grid([], tile_w, tile_h, w, h, overlap)
for row in range(rows):
row_images = []
y = int(row * dy)
if y + tile_h >= h:
y = h - tile_h
for col in range(cols):
x = int(col * dx)
if x + tile_w >= w:
x = w - tile_w
tile = image.crop((x, y, x + tile_w, y + tile_h))
row_images.append([x, tile_w, tile])
grid.tiles.append([y, tile_h, row_images])
return grid
def combine_grid(grid):
def make_mask_image(r):
r = r * 255 / grid.overlap
r = r.astype(np.uint8)
return Image.fromarray(r, 'L')
mask_w = make_mask_image(np.arange(grid.overlap, dtype=np.float32).reshape((1, grid.overlap)).repeat(grid.tile_h, axis=0))
mask_h = make_mask_image(np.arange(grid.overlap, dtype=np.float32).reshape((grid.overlap, 1)).repeat(grid.image_w, axis=1))
combined_image = Image.new("RGB", (grid.image_w, grid.image_h))
for y, h, row in grid.tiles:
combined_row = Image.new("RGB", (grid.image_w, h))
for x, w, tile in row:
if x == 0:
combined_row.paste(tile, (0, 0))
combined_row.paste(tile.crop((0, 0, grid.overlap, h)), (x, 0), mask=mask_w)
combined_row.paste(tile.crop((grid.overlap, 0, w, h)), (x + grid.overlap, 0))
if y == 0:
combined_image.paste(combined_row, (0, 0))
combined_image.paste(combined_row.crop((0, 0, combined_row.width, grid.overlap)), (0, y), mask=mask_h)
combined_image.paste(combined_row.crop((0, grid.overlap, combined_row.width, h)), (0, y + grid.overlap))
return combined_image
class GridAnnotation:
def __init__(self, text='', is_active=True):
self.text = text
self.is_active = is_active
self.size = None
def get_font(fontsize):
return ImageFont.truetype(shared.opts.font or "javascript/notosans-nerdfont-regular.ttf", fontsize)
except Exception:
return ImageFont.truetype("javascript/notosans-nerdfont-regular.ttf", fontsize)
def draw_grid_annotations(im, width, height, hor_texts, ver_texts, margin=0, title=None):
def wrap(drawing, text, font, line_length):
lines = ['']
for word in text.split():
line = f'{lines[-1]} {word}'.strip()
if drawing.textlength(line, font=font) <= line_length:
lines[-1] = line
return lines
def draw_texts(drawing: ImageDraw, draw_x, draw_y, lines, initial_fnt, initial_fontsize):
for line in lines:
font = initial_fnt
fontsize = initial_fontsize
while drawing.multiline_textbbox((0,0), text=line.text, font=font)[2] > line.allowed_width and fontsize > 0:
fontsize -= 1
font = get_font(fontsize)
drawing.multiline_text((draw_x, draw_y + line.size[1] / 2), line.text, font=font, fill=shared.opts.font_color if line.is_active else color_inactive, anchor="mm", align="center")
if not line.is_active:
drawing.line((draw_x - line.size[0] // 2, draw_y + line.size[1] // 2, draw_x + line.size[0] // 2, draw_y + line.size[1] // 2), fill=color_inactive, width=4)
draw_y += line.size[1] + line_spacing
fontsize = (width + height) // 25
line_spacing = fontsize // 2
font = get_font(fontsize)
color_inactive = (127, 127, 127)
pad_left = 0 if sum([sum([len(line.text) for line in lines]) for lines in ver_texts]) == 0 else width * 3 // 4
cols = im.width // width
rows = im.height // height
assert cols == len(hor_texts), f'bad number of horizontal texts: {len(hor_texts)}; must be {cols}'
assert rows == len(ver_texts), f'bad number of vertical texts: {len(ver_texts)}; must be {rows}'
calc_img = Image.new("RGB", (1, 1), shared.opts.grid_background)
calc_d = ImageDraw.Draw(calc_img)
title_texts = [title] if title else [[GridAnnotation()]]
for texts, allowed_width in zip(hor_texts + ver_texts + title_texts, [width] * len(hor_texts) + [pad_left] * len(ver_texts) + [(width+margin)*cols]):
items = [] + texts
for line in items:
wrapped = wrap(calc_d, line.text, font, allowed_width)
texts += [GridAnnotation(x, line.is_active) for x in wrapped]
for line in texts:
bbox = calc_d.multiline_textbbox((0, 0), line.text, font=font)
line.size = (bbox[2] - bbox[0], bbox[3] - bbox[1])
line.allowed_width = allowed_width
hor_text_heights = [sum([line.size[1] + line_spacing for line in lines]) - line_spacing for lines in hor_texts]
ver_text_heights = [sum([line.size[1] + line_spacing for line in lines]) - line_spacing * len(lines) for lines in ver_texts]
pad_top = 0 if sum(hor_text_heights) == 0 else max(hor_text_heights) + line_spacing * 2
title_pad = 0
if title:
title_text_heights = [sum([line.size[1] + line_spacing for line in lines]) - line_spacing for lines in title_texts] # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
title_pad = 0 if sum(title_text_heights) == 0 else max(title_text_heights) + line_spacing * 2
result = Image.new("RGB", (im.width + pad_left + margin * (cols-1), im.height + pad_top + title_pad + margin * (rows-1)), shared.opts.grid_background)
for row in range(rows):
for col in range(cols):
cell = im.crop((width * col, height * row, width * (col+1), height * (row+1)))
result.paste(cell, (pad_left + (width + margin) * col, pad_top + title_pad + (height + margin) * row))
d = ImageDraw.Draw(result)
if title:
x = pad_left + ((width+margin)*cols) / 2
y = title_pad / 2 - title_text_heights[0] / 2
draw_texts(d, x, y, title_texts[0], font, fontsize)
for col in range(cols):
x = pad_left + (width + margin) * col + width / 2
y = (pad_top / 2 - hor_text_heights[col] / 2) + title_pad
draw_texts(d, x, y, hor_texts[col], font, fontsize)
for row in range(rows):
x = pad_left / 2
y = (pad_top + (height + margin) * row + height / 2 - ver_text_heights[row] / 2) + title_pad
draw_texts(d, x, y, ver_texts[row], font, fontsize)
return result
def draw_prompt_matrix(im, width, height, all_prompts, margin=0):
prompts = all_prompts[1:]
boundary = math.ceil(len(prompts) / 2)
prompts_horiz = prompts[:boundary]
prompts_vert = prompts[boundary:]
hor_texts = [[GridAnnotation(x, is_active=pos & (1 << i) != 0) for i, x in enumerate(prompts_horiz)] for pos in range(1 << len(prompts_horiz))]
ver_texts = [[GridAnnotation(x, is_active=pos & (1 << i) != 0) for i, x in enumerate(prompts_vert)] for pos in range(1 << len(prompts_vert))]
return draw_grid_annotations(im, width, height, hor_texts, ver_texts, margin)
def resize_image(resize_mode, im, width, height, upscaler_name=None, output_type='image'):
if im.width == width and im.height == height:
shared.log.debug(f'Image resize: input={im} target={width}x{height} mode={shared.resize_modes[resize_mode]} upscaler="{upscaler_name}" fn={sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name}') # pylint: disable=protected-access
upscaler_name = upscaler_name or shared.opts.upscaler_for_img2img
def latent(im, w, h, upscaler):
from modules.processing_vae import vae_encode, vae_decode
import torch
latents = vae_encode(im, shared.sd_model, full_quality=False) # TODO enable full VAE mode
latents = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(latents, size=(int(h // 8), int(w // 8)), mode=upscaler["mode"], antialias=upscaler["antialias"])
im = vae_decode(latents, shared.sd_model, output_type='pil', full_quality=False)[0]
return im
def resize(im, w, h):
w = int(w)
h = int(h)
if upscaler_name is None or upscaler_name == "None" or im.mode == 'L':
return im.resize((w, h), resample=Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) # force for mask
scale = max(w / im.width, h / im.height)
if scale > 1.0:
upscalers = [x for x in shared.sd_upscalers if x.name == upscaler_name]
if len(upscalers) > 0:
upscaler = upscalers[0]
im = upscaler.scaler.upscale(im, scale, upscaler.data_path)
upscaler = shared.latent_upscale_modes.get(upscaler_name, None)
if upscaler is not None:
im = latent(im, w, h, upscaler)
upscaler = upscalers[0]
shared.log.warning(f"Resize upscaler: invalid={upscaler_name} fallback={upscaler.name}")
if im.width != w or im.height != h: # probably downsample after upscaler created larger image
im = im.resize((w, h), resample=Image.Resampling.LANCZOS)
return im
def crop(im):
ratio = width / height
src_ratio = im.width / im.height
src_w = width if ratio > src_ratio else im.width * height // im.height
src_h = height if ratio <= src_ratio else im.height * width // im.width
resized = resize(im, src_w, src_h)
res = Image.new(im.mode, (width, height))
res.paste(resized, box=(width // 2 - src_w // 2, height // 2 - src_h // 2))
return res
def fill(im, color=None):
color = color or shared.opts.image_background
ratio = round(width / height, 1)
src_ratio = round(im.width / im.height, 1)
src_w = width if ratio < src_ratio else im.width * height // im.height
src_h = height if ratio >= src_ratio else im.height * width // im.width
resized = resize(im, src_w, src_h)
res = Image.new(im.mode, (width, height))
res.paste(resized, box=(width // 2 - src_w // 2, height // 2 - src_h // 2))
if ratio < src_ratio:
fill_height = height // 2 - src_h // 2
if width > 0 and fill_height > 0:
res.paste(resized.resize((width, fill_height), box=(0, 0, width, 0)), box=(0, 0))
res.paste(resized.resize((width, fill_height), box=(0, resized.height, width, resized.height)), box=(0, fill_height + src_h))
elif ratio > src_ratio:
fill_width = width // 2 - src_w // 2
if height > 0 and fill_width > 0:
res.paste(resized.resize((fill_width, height), box=(0, 0, 0, height)), box=(0, 0))
res.paste(resized.resize((fill_width, height), box=(resized.width, 0, resized.width, height)), box=(fill_width + src_w, 0))
return res
ratio = min(width / im.width, height / im.height)
im = resize(im, int(im.width * ratio), int(im.height * ratio))
res = Image.new(im.mode, (width, height), color=color)
res.paste(im, box=((width - im.width)//2, (height - im.height)//2))
return res
if resize_mode == 0 or (im.width == width and im.height == height): # none
res = im.copy()
elif resize_mode == 1: # fixed
res = resize(im, width, height)
elif resize_mode == 2: # crop
res = crop(im)
elif resize_mode == 3: # fill
res = fill(im)
elif resize_mode == 4: # edge
from modules import masking
res = fill(im, color=0)
res, _mask = masking.outpaint(res)
if output_type == 'np':
return np.array(res)
return res
re_nonletters = re.compile(r'[\s' + string.punctuation + ']+')
re_pattern = re.compile(r"(.*?)(?:\[([^\[\]]+)\]|$)")
re_pattern_arg = re.compile(r"(.*)<([^>]*)>$")
re_attention = re.compile(r'[\(*\[*](\w+)(:\d+(\.\d+))?[\)*\]*]|')
re_network = re.compile(r'\<\w+:(\w+)(:\d+(\.\d+))?\>|')
re_brackets = re.compile(r'[\([{})\]]')
NOTHING = object()
class FilenameGenerator:
replacements = {
'width': lambda self: self.image.width,
'height': lambda self: self.image.height,
'batch_number': lambda self: self.batch_number,
'iter_number': lambda self: self.iter_number,
'num': lambda self: NOTHING if self.p.n_iter == 1 and self.p.batch_size == 1 else self.p.iteration * self.p.batch_size + self.p.batch_index + 1,
'generation_number': lambda self: NOTHING if self.p.n_iter == 1 and self.p.batch_size == 1 else self.p.iteration * self.p.batch_size + self.p.batch_index + 1,
'date': lambda self: datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
'datetime': lambda self, *args: self.datetime(*args), # accepts formats: [datetime], [datetime<Format>], [datetime<Format><Time Zone>]
'hasprompt': lambda self, *args: self.hasprompt(*args), # accepts formats:[hasprompt<prompt1|default><prompt2>..]
'hash': lambda self: self.image_hash(),
'image_hash': lambda self: self.image_hash(),
'timestamp': lambda self: getattr(self.p, "job_timestamp", shared.state.job_timestamp),
'job_timestamp': lambda self: getattr(self.p, "job_timestamp", shared.state.job_timestamp),
'model': lambda self: shared.sd_model.sd_checkpoint_info.title,
'model_shortname': lambda self: shared.sd_model.sd_checkpoint_info.model_name,
'model_name': lambda self: shared.sd_model.sd_checkpoint_info.model_name,
'model_hash': lambda self: shared.sd_model.sd_checkpoint_info.shorthash,
'prompt': lambda self: self.prompt_full(),
'prompt_no_styles': lambda self: self.prompt_no_style(),
'prompt_words': lambda self: self.prompt_words(),
'prompt_hash': lambda self: hashlib.sha256(self.prompt.encode()).hexdigest()[0:8],
'sampler': lambda self: self.p and self.p.sampler_name,
'seed': lambda self: self.seed and str(self.seed) or '',
'steps': lambda self: self.p and self.p.steps,
'styles': lambda self: self.p and ", ".join([style for style in self.p.styles if not style == "None"]) or "None",
'uuid': lambda self: str(uuid.uuid4()),
default_time_format = '%Y%m%d%H%M%S'
def __init__(self, p, seed, prompt, image, grid=False):
if p is None:
debug('Filename generator init skip')
debug(f'Filename generator init: {seed} {prompt}')
self.p = p
if seed is not None and int(seed) > 0:
self.seed = seed
elif hasattr(p, 'all_seeds'):
self.seed = p.all_seeds[0]
self.seed = 0
self.prompt = prompt
self.image = image
if not grid:
self.batch_number = NOTHING if self.p is None or getattr(self.p, 'batch_size', 1) == 1 else (self.p.batch_index + 1 if hasattr(self.p, 'batch_index') else NOTHING)
self.iter_number = NOTHING if self.p is None or getattr(self.p, 'n_iter', 1) == 1 else (self.p.iteration + 1 if hasattr(self.p, 'iteration') else NOTHING)
self.batch_number = NOTHING
self.iter_number = NOTHING
def hasprompt(self, *args):
lower = self.prompt.lower()
if getattr(self, 'p', None) is None or getattr(self, 'prompt', None) is None:
return None
outres = ""
for arg in args:
if arg != "":
division = arg.split("|")
expected = division[0].lower()
default = division[1] if len(division) > 1 else ""
if lower.find(expected) >= 0:
outres = f'{outres}{expected}'
outres = outres if default == "" else f'{outres}{default}'
return outres
def image_hash(self):
if getattr(self, 'image', None) is None:
return None
import base64
from io import BytesIO
buffered = BytesIO()
self.image.save(buffered, format="JPEG")
img_str = base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue())
shorthash = hashlib.sha256(img_str).hexdigest()[0:8]
return shorthash
def prompt_full(self):
return self.prompt_sanitize(self.prompt)
def prompt_words(self):
if getattr(self, 'prompt', None) is None:
return ''
no_attention = re_attention.sub(r'\1', self.prompt)
no_network = re_network.sub(r'\1', no_attention)
no_brackets = re_brackets.sub('', no_network)
words = [x for x in re_nonletters.split(no_brackets or "") if len(x) > 0]
prompt = " ".join(words[0:shared.opts.directories_max_prompt_words])
return self.prompt_sanitize(prompt)
def prompt_no_style(self):
if getattr(self, 'p', None) is None or getattr(self, 'prompt', None) is None:
return None
prompt_no_style = self.prompt
for style in shared.prompt_styles.get_style_prompts(self.p.styles):
if len(style) > 0:
for part in style.split("{prompt}"):
prompt_no_style = prompt_no_style.replace(part, "").replace(", ,", ",")
prompt_no_style = prompt_no_style.replace(style, "")
return self.prompt_sanitize(prompt_no_style)
def datetime(self, *args):
import pytz
time_datetime = datetime.datetime.now()
time_format = args[0] if len(args) > 0 and args[0] != "" else self.default_time_format
time_zone = pytz.timezone(args[1]) if len(args) > 1 else None
except pytz.exceptions.UnknownTimeZoneError:
time_zone = None
time_zone_time = time_datetime.astimezone(time_zone)
formatted_time = time_zone_time.strftime(time_format)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
formatted_time = time_zone_time.strftime(self.default_time_format)
return formatted_time
def prompt_sanitize(self, prompt):
invalid_chars = '#<>:\'"\\|?*\n\t\r'
sanitized = prompt.translate({ ord(x): '_' for x in invalid_chars }).strip()
debug(f'Prompt sanitize: input="{prompt}" output={sanitized}')
return sanitized
def sanitize(self, filename):
invalid_chars = '\'"|?*\n\t\r' # <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/naming-a-file>
invalid_folder = ':'
invalid_files = ['CON', 'PRN', 'AUX', 'NUL', 'NULL', 'COM0', 'COM1', 'LPT0', 'LPT1']
invalid_prefix = ', '
invalid_suffix = '.,_ '
fn, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
parts = Path(fn).parts
newparts = []
for i, part in enumerate(parts):
part = part.translate({ ord(x): '_' for x in invalid_chars })
if i > 0 or (len(part) >= 2 and part[1] != invalid_folder): # skip drive, otherwise remove
part = part.translate({ ord(x): '_' for x in invalid_folder })
part = part.lstrip(invalid_prefix).rstrip(invalid_suffix)
if part in invalid_files: # reserved names
[part := part.replace(word, '_') for word in invalid_files] # pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned
fn = str(Path(*newparts))
max_length = max(256 - len(ext), os.statvfs(__file__).f_namemax - 32 if hasattr(os, 'statvfs') else 256 - len(ext))
while len(os.path.abspath(fn)) > max_length:
fn = fn[:-1]
fn += ext
debug(f'Filename sanitize: input="{filename}" parts={parts} output="{fn}" ext={ext} max={max_length} len={len(fn)}')
return fn
def sequence(self, x, dirname, basename):
if shared.opts.save_images_add_number or '[seq]' in x:
if '[seq]' not in x:
x = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(x), f"[seq]-{os.path.basename(x)}")
basecount = get_next_sequence_number(dirname, basename)
for i in range(9999):
seq = f"{basecount + i:05}" if basename == '' else f"{basename}-{basecount + i:04}"
filename = x.replace('[seq]', seq)
if not os.path.exists(filename):
debug(f'Prompt sequence: input="{x}" seq={seq} output="{filename}"')
x = filename
return x
def apply(self, x):
res = ''
for m in re_pattern.finditer(x):
text, pattern = m.groups()
if pattern is None:
res += text
pattern_args = []
while True:
m = re_pattern_arg.match(pattern)
if m is None:
pattern, arg = m.groups()
pattern_args.insert(0, arg)
fun = self.replacements.get(pattern.lower(), None)
if fun is not None:
debug(f'Filename apply: pattern={pattern.lower()} args={pattern_args}')
replacement = fun(self, *pattern_args)
except Exception as e:
replacement = None
shared.log.error(f'Filename apply pattern: {x} {e}')
if replacement == NOTHING:
if replacement is not None:
res += text + str(replacement).replace('/', '-').replace('\\', '-')
res += text + f'[{pattern}]' # reinsert unknown pattern
return res
def get_next_sequence_number(path, basename):
Determines and returns the next sequence number to use when saving an image in the specified directory.
result = -1
if basename != '':
basename = f"{basename}-"
prefix_length = len(basename)
if not os.path.isdir(path):
return 0
for p in os.listdir(path):
if p.startswith(basename):
parts = os.path.splitext(p[prefix_length:])[0].split('-') # splits the filename (removing the basename first if one is defined, so the sequence number is always the first element)
result = max(int(parts[0]), result)
except ValueError:
return result + 1
def atomically_save_image():
Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = None # disable check in Pillow and rely on check below to allow large custom image sizes
while True:
image, filename, extension, params, exifinfo, filename_txt = save_queue.get()
with open(os.path.join(paths.data_path, "params.txt"), "w", encoding="utf8") as file:
fn = filename + extension
filename = filename.strip()
if extension[0] != '.': # add dot if missing
extension = '.' + extension
image_format = Image.registered_extensions()[extension]
except Exception:
shared.log.warning(f'Saving: unknown image format: {extension}')
image_format = 'JPEG'
if shared.opts.image_watermark_enabled or (shared.opts.image_watermark_position != 'none' and shared.opts.image_watermark_image != ''):
image = set_watermark(image, shared.opts.image_watermark)
size = os.path.getsize(fn) if os.path.exists(fn) else 0
shared.log.info(f'Saving: image="{fn}" type={image_format} resolution={image.width}x{image.height} size={size}')
# additional metadata saved in files
if shared.opts.save_txt and len(exifinfo) > 0:
with open(filename_txt, "w", encoding="utf8") as file:
shared.log.info(f'Saving: text="{filename_txt}" len={len(exifinfo)}')
except Exception as e:
shared.log.warning(f'Saving failed: description={filename_txt} {e}')
# actual save
exifinfo = (exifinfo or "") if shared.opts.image_metadata else ""
if image_format == 'PNG':
pnginfo_data = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
for k, v in params.pnginfo.items():
pnginfo_data.add_text(k, str(v))
save_args = { 'compress_level': 6, 'pnginfo': pnginfo_data if shared.opts.image_metadata else None }
elif image_format == 'JPEG':
if image.mode == 'RGBA':
shared.log.warning('Saving: removing alpha channel')
image = image.convert("RGB")
elif image.mode == 'I;16':
image = image.point(lambda p: p * 0.0038910505836576).convert("L")
exif_bytes = piexif.dump({ "Exif": { piexif.ExifIFD.UserComment: piexif.helper.UserComment.dump(exifinfo, encoding="unicode") } })
save_args = { 'optimize': True, 'quality': shared.opts.jpeg_quality, 'exif': exif_bytes if shared.opts.image_metadata else None }
elif image_format == 'WEBP':
if image.mode == 'I;16':
image = image.point(lambda p: p * 0.0038910505836576).convert("RGB")
exif_bytes = piexif.dump({ "Exif": { piexif.ExifIFD.UserComment: piexif.helper.UserComment.dump(exifinfo, encoding="unicode") } })
save_args = { 'optimize': True, 'quality': shared.opts.jpeg_quality, 'exif': exif_bytes if shared.opts.image_metadata else None, 'lossless': shared.opts.webp_lossless }
save_args = { 'quality': shared.opts.jpeg_quality }
image.save(fn, format=image_format, **save_args)
except Exception as e:
shared.log.error(f'Saving failed: file="{fn}" format={image_format} {e}')
if shared.opts.save_log_fn != '' and len(exifinfo) > 0:
fn = os.path.join(paths.data_path, shared.opts.save_log_fn)
if not fn.endswith('.json'):
fn += '.json'
entries = shared.readfile(fn, silent=True)
idx = len(list(entries))
if idx == 0:
entries = []
entry = { 'id': idx, 'filename': filename, 'time': datetime.datetime.now().isoformat(), 'info': exifinfo }
shared.writefile(entries, fn, mode='w', silent=True)
shared.log.info(f'Saving: json="{fn}" records={len(entries)}')
save_queue = queue.Queue()
save_thread = threading.Thread(target=atomically_save_image, daemon=True)
def save_image(image, path, basename='', seed=None, prompt=None, extension=shared.opts.samples_format, info=None, short_filename=False, no_prompt=False, grid=False, pnginfo_section_name='parameters', p=None, existing_info=None, forced_filename=None, suffix='', save_to_dirs=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
debug(f'Save: fn={sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name}') # pylint: disable=protected-access
if image is None:
shared.log.warning('Image is none')
return None, None
if not check_grid_size([image]):
return None, None
if path is None or path == '': # set default path to avoid errors when functions are triggered manually or via api and param is not set
path = shared.opts.outdir_save
namegen = FilenameGenerator(p, seed, prompt, image, grid=grid)
suffix = suffix if suffix is not None else ''
basename = basename if basename is not None else ''
if shared.opts.save_to_dirs:
dirname = namegen.apply(shared.opts.directories_filename_pattern or "[prompt_words]")
path = os.path.join(path, dirname)
if forced_filename is None:
if shared.opts.samples_filename_pattern and len(shared.opts.samples_filename_pattern) > 0:
file_decoration = shared.opts.samples_filename_pattern
file_decoration = "[seq]-[prompt_words]"
file_decoration = namegen.apply(file_decoration)
file_decoration += suffix if suffix is not None else ''
filename = os.path.join(path, f"{file_decoration}.{extension}") if basename == '' else os.path.join(path, f"{basename}-{file_decoration}.{extension}")
forced_filename += suffix if suffix is not None else ''
filename = os.path.join(path, f"{forced_filename}.{extension}") if basename == '' else os.path.join(path, f"{basename}-{forced_filename}.{extension}")
pnginfo = existing_info or {}
if info is not None:
pnginfo[pnginfo_section_name] = info
params = script_callbacks.ImageSaveParams(image, p, filename, pnginfo)
params.filename = namegen.sanitize(filename)
dirname = os.path.dirname(params.filename)
if dirname is not None and len(dirname) > 0:
os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)
params.filename = namegen.sequence(params.filename, dirname, basename)
params.filename = namegen.sanitize(params.filename)
# callbacks
exifinfo = params.pnginfo.get('UserComment', '')
exifinfo = (exifinfo + ', ' if len(exifinfo) > 0 else '') + params.pnginfo.get(pnginfo_section_name, '')
filename, extension = os.path.splitext(params.filename)
filename_txt = f"{filename}.txt" if shared.opts.save_txt and len(exifinfo) > 0 else None
save_queue.put((params.image, filename, extension, params, exifinfo, filename_txt)) # actual save is executed in a thread that polls data from queue
if not hasattr(params.image, 'already_saved_as'):
debug(f'Image marked: "{params.filename}"')
params.image.already_saved_as = params.filename
return params.filename, filename_txt
def save_video_atomic(images, filename, video_type: str = 'none', duration: float = 2.0, loop: bool = False, interpolate: int = 0, scale: float = 1.0, pad: int = 1, change: float = 0.3):
import cv2
except Exception as e:
shared.log.error(f'Save video: cv2: {e}')
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True)
if video_type.lower() == 'mp4':
frames = images
if interpolate > 0:
import modules.rife
frames = modules.rife.interpolate(images, count=interpolate, scale=scale, pad=pad, change=change)
except Exception as e:
shared.log.error(f'RIFE interpolation: {e}')
errors.display(e, 'RIFE interpolation')
video_frames = [np.array(frame) for frame in frames]
fourcc = "mp4v"
h, w, _c = video_frames[0].shape
video_writer = cv2.VideoWriter(filename, fourcc=cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*fourcc), fps=len(frames)/duration, frameSize=(w, h))
for i in range(len(video_frames)):
img = cv2.cvtColor(video_frames[i], cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
size = os.path.getsize(filename)
shared.log.info(f'Save video: file="{filename}" frames={len(frames)} duration={duration} fourcc={fourcc} size={size}')
if video_type.lower() == 'gif' or video_type.lower() == 'png':
append = images.copy()
image = append.pop(0)
if loop:
append += append[::-1]
frames=len(append) + 1
save_all = True,
append_images = append,
optimize = False,
duration = 1000.0 * duration / frames,
loop = 0 if loop else 1,
size = os.path.getsize(filename)
shared.log.info(f'Save video: file="{filename}" frames={len(append) + 1} duration={duration} loop={loop} size={size}')
def save_video(p, images, filename = None, video_type: str = 'none', duration: float = 2.0, loop: bool = False, interpolate: int = 0, scale: float = 1.0, pad: int = 1, change: float = 0.3, sync: bool = False):
if images is None or len(images) < 2 or video_type is None or video_type.lower() == 'none':
image = images[0]
if p is not None:
namegen = FilenameGenerator(p, seed=p.all_seeds[0], prompt=p.all_prompts[0], image=image)
namegen = FilenameGenerator(None, seed=0, prompt='', image=image)
if filename is None and p is not None:
filename = namegen.apply(shared.opts.samples_filename_pattern if shared.opts.samples_filename_pattern and len(shared.opts.samples_filename_pattern) > 0 else "[seq]-[prompt_words]")
filename = os.path.join(shared.opts.outdir_video, filename)
filename = namegen.sequence(filename, shared.opts.outdir_video, '')
if os.pathsep not in filename:
filename = os.path.join(shared.opts.outdir_video, filename)
if not filename.lower().endswith(video_type.lower()):
filename += f'.{video_type.lower()}'
filename = namegen.sanitize(filename)
if not sync:
threading.Thread(target=save_video_atomic, args=(images, filename, video_type, duration, loop, interpolate, scale, pad, change)).start()
save_video_atomic(images, filename, video_type, duration, loop, interpolate, scale, pad, change)
return filename
def safe_decode_string(s: bytes):
remove_prefix = lambda text, prefix: text[len(prefix):] if text.startswith(prefix) else text # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda-assignment
for encoding in ['utf-8', 'utf-16', 'ascii', 'latin_1', 'cp1252', 'cp437']: # try different encodings
s = remove_prefix(s, b'UNICODE')
s = remove_prefix(s, b'ASCII')
s = remove_prefix(s, b'\x00')
val = s.decode(encoding, errors="strict")
val = re.sub(r'[\x00-\x09]', '', val).strip() # remove remaining special characters
if len(val) == 0: # remove empty strings
val = None
return val
except Exception:
return None
def read_info_from_image(image: Image):
items = image.info or {}
geninfo = items.pop('parameters', None)
if geninfo is None:
geninfo = items.pop('UserComment', None)
if geninfo is not None and len(geninfo) > 0:
if 'UserComment' in geninfo:
geninfo = geninfo['UserComment']
items['UserComment'] = geninfo
if "exif" in items:
exif = piexif.load(items["exif"])
except Exception as e:
shared.log.error(f'Error loading EXIF data: {e}')
exif = {}
for _key, subkey in exif.items():
if isinstance(subkey, dict):
for key, val in subkey.items():
if isinstance(val, bytes): # decode bytestring
val = safe_decode_string(val)
if isinstance(val, tuple) and isinstance(val[0], int) and isinstance(val[1], int) and val[1] > 0: # convert camera ratios
val = round(val[0] / val[1], 2)
if val is not None and key in ExifTags.TAGS: # add known tags
if ExifTags.TAGS[key] == 'UserComment': # add geninfo from UserComment
geninfo = val
items['parameters'] = val
items[ExifTags.TAGS[key]] = val
elif val is not None and key in ExifTags.GPSTAGS:
items[ExifTags.GPSTAGS[key]] = val
wm = get_watermark(image)
if wm != '':
# geninfo += f' Watermark: {wm}'
items['watermark'] = wm
for key, val in items.items():
if isinstance(val, bytes): # decode bytestring
items[key] = safe_decode_string(val)
for key in ['exif', 'ExifOffset', 'JpegIFOffset', 'JpegIFByteCount', 'ExifVersion', 'icc_profile', 'jfif', 'jfif_version', 'jfif_unit', 'jfif_density', 'adobe', 'photoshop', 'loop', 'duration', 'dpi']: # remove unwanted tags
items.pop(key, None)
if items.get("Software", None) == "NovelAI":
json_info = json.loads(items["Comment"])
sampler = sd_samplers.samplers_map.get(json_info["sampler"], "Euler a")
geninfo = f"""{items["Description"]}
Negative prompt: {json_info["uc"]}
Steps: {json_info["steps"]}, Sampler: {sampler}, CFG scale: {json_info["scale"]}, Seed: {json_info["seed"]}, Size: {image.width}x{image.height}, Clip skip: 2, ENSD: 31337"""
except Exception as e:
errors.display(e, 'novelai image parser')
items['width'] = image.width
items['height'] = image.height
items['mode'] = image.mode
except Exception:
return geninfo, items
def image_data(data):
import gradio as gr
if data is None:
return gr.update(), None
err1 = None
err2 = None
image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(data))
info, _ = read_info_from_image(image)
errors.log.debug(f'Decoded object: image={image} metadata={info}')
return info, None
except Exception as e:
err1 = e
if len(data) > 1024 * 10:
errors.log.warning(f'Error decoding object: data too long: {len(data)}')
return gr.update(), None
info = data.decode('utf8')
errors.log.debug(f'Decoded object: data={len(data)} metadata={info}')
return info, None
except Exception as e:
err2 = e
errors.log.error(f'Error decoding object: {err1 or err2}')
return gr.update(), None
def flatten(img, bgcolor):
"""replaces transparency with bgcolor (example: "#ffffff"), returning an RGB mode image with no transparency"""
if img.mode == "RGBA":
background = Image.new('RGBA', img.size, bgcolor)
background.paste(img, mask=img)
img = background
return img.convert('RGB')
def set_watermark(image, watermark):
if shared.opts.image_watermark_position != 'none': # visible watermark
wm_image = None
wm_image = Image.open(shared.opts.image_watermark_image)
except Exception as e:
shared.log.warning(f'Set image watermark: fn="{shared.opts.image_watermark_image}" {e}')
if wm_image is not None:
if shared.opts.image_watermark_position == 'top/left':
position = (0, 0)
elif shared.opts.image_watermark_position == 'top/right':
position = (image.width - wm_image.width, 0)
elif shared.opts.image_watermark_position == 'bottom/left':
position = (0, image.height - wm_image.height)
elif shared.opts.image_watermark_position == 'bottom/right':
position = (image.width - wm_image.width, image.height - wm_image.height)
elif shared.opts.image_watermark_position == 'center':
position = ((image.width - wm_image.width) // 2, (image.height - wm_image.height) // 2)
position = (random.randint(0, image.width - wm_image.width), random.randint(0, image.height - wm_image.height))
for x in range(wm_image.width):
for y in range(wm_image.height):
r, g, b, _a = wm_image.getpixel((x, y))
if not (r == 0 and g == 0 and b == 0):
image.putpixel((x+position[0], y+position[1]), (r, g, b))
shared.log.debug(f'Set image watermark: fn="{shared.opts.image_watermark_image}" image={wm_image} position={position}')
except Exception as e:
shared.log.warning(f'Set image watermark: image={wm_image} {e}')
if shared.opts.image_watermark_enabled: # invisible watermark
from imwatermark import WatermarkEncoder
wm_type = 'bytes'
wm_method = 'dwtDctSvd'
wm_length = 32
length = wm_length // 8
info = image.info
data = np.asarray(image)
encoder = WatermarkEncoder()
text = f"{watermark:<{length}}"[:length]
bytearr = text.encode(encoding='ascii', errors='ignore')
encoder.set_watermark(wm_type, bytearr)
encoded = encoder.encode(data, wm_method)
image = Image.fromarray(encoded)
image.info = info
shared.log.debug(f'Set invisible watermark: {watermark} method={wm_method} bits={wm_length}')
except Exception as e:
shared.log.warning(f'Set invisible watermark error: {watermark} method={wm_method} bits={wm_length} {e}')
return image
def get_watermark(image):
from imwatermark import WatermarkDecoder
wm_type = 'bytes'
wm_method = 'dwtDctSvd'
wm_length = 32
data = np.asarray(image)
decoder = WatermarkDecoder(wm_type, wm_length)
decoded = decoder.decode(data, wm_method)
wm = decoded.decode(encoding='ascii', errors='ignore')
except Exception:
wm = ''
return wm