test / modules /hypernetworks /hypernetwork.py
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import os
import inspect
from statistics import stdev, mean
from rich import progress
import torch
from torch import einsum
from torch.nn.init import normal_, xavier_normal_, xavier_uniform_, kaiming_normal_, kaiming_uniform_, zeros_
from einops import rearrange, repeat
from ldm.util import default
from modules import devices, shared, hashes, errors, files_cache
class HypernetworkModule(torch.nn.Module):
activation_dict = {
"linear": torch.nn.Identity,
"relu": torch.nn.ReLU,
"leakyrelu": torch.nn.LeakyReLU,
"elu": torch.nn.ELU,
"swish": torch.nn.Hardswish,
"tanh": torch.nn.Tanh,
"sigmoid": torch.nn.Sigmoid,
activation_dict.update({cls_name.lower(): cls_obj for cls_name, cls_obj in inspect.getmembers(torch.nn.modules.activation) if inspect.isclass(cls_obj) and cls_obj.__module__ == 'torch.nn.modules.activation'})
def __init__(self, dim, state_dict=None, layer_structure=None, activation_func=None, weight_init='Normal',
add_layer_norm=False, activate_output=False, dropout_structure=None):
self.multiplier = 1.0
assert layer_structure is not None, "layer_structure must not be None"
assert layer_structure[0] == 1, "Multiplier Sequence should start with size 1!"
assert layer_structure[-1] == 1, "Multiplier Sequence should end with size 1!"
linears = []
for i in range(len(layer_structure) - 1):
# Add a fully-connected layer
linears.append(torch.nn.Linear(int(dim * layer_structure[i]), int(dim * layer_structure[i+1])))
# Add an activation func except last layer
if activation_func == "linear" or activation_func is None or (i >= len(layer_structure) - 2 and not activate_output):
elif activation_func in self.activation_dict:
raise RuntimeError(f'hypernetwork uses an unsupported activation function: {activation_func}')
# Add layer normalization
if add_layer_norm:
linears.append(torch.nn.LayerNorm(int(dim * layer_structure[i+1])))
# Everything should be now parsed into dropout structure, and applied here.
# Since we only have dropouts after layers, dropout structure should start with 0 and end with 0.
if dropout_structure is not None and dropout_structure[i+1] > 0:
assert 0 < dropout_structure[i+1] < 1, "Dropout probability should be 0 or float between 0 and 1!"
# Code explanation : [1, 2, 1] -> dropout is missing when last_layer_dropout is false. [1, 2, 2, 1] -> [0, 0.3, 0, 0], when its True, [0, 0.3, 0.3, 0].
self.linear = torch.nn.Sequential(*linears)
if state_dict is not None:
for layer in self.linear:
if type(layer) == torch.nn.Linear or type(layer) == torch.nn.LayerNorm:
w, b = layer.weight.data, layer.bias.data
if weight_init == "Normal" or type(layer) == torch.nn.LayerNorm:
normal_(w, mean=0.0, std=0.01)
normal_(b, mean=0.0, std=0)
elif weight_init == 'XavierUniform':
elif weight_init == 'XavierNormal':
elif weight_init == 'KaimingUniform':
kaiming_uniform_(w, nonlinearity='leaky_relu' if 'leakyrelu' == activation_func else 'relu')
elif weight_init == 'KaimingNormal':
kaiming_normal_(w, nonlinearity='leaky_relu' if 'leakyrelu' == activation_func else 'relu')
raise KeyError(f"Key {weight_init} is not defined as initialization!")
def fix_old_state_dict(self, state_dict):
changes = {
'linear1.bias': 'linear.0.bias',
'linear1.weight': 'linear.0.weight',
'linear2.bias': 'linear.1.bias',
'linear2.weight': 'linear.1.weight',
for fr, to in changes.items():
x = state_dict.get(fr, None)
if x is None:
del state_dict[fr]
state_dict[to] = x
def forward(self, x):
return x + self.linear(x) * (self.multiplier if not self.training else 1)
def trainables(self):
layer_structure = []
for layer in self.linear:
if type(layer) == torch.nn.Linear or type(layer) == torch.nn.LayerNorm:
layer_structure += [layer.weight, layer.bias]
return layer_structure
#param layer_structure : sequence used for length, use_dropout : controlling boolean, last_layer_dropout : for compatibility check.
def parse_dropout_structure(layer_structure, use_dropout, last_layer_dropout):
if layer_structure is None:
layer_structure = [1, 2, 1]
if not use_dropout:
return [0] * len(layer_structure)
dropout_values = [0]
dropout_values.extend([0.3] * (len(layer_structure) - 3))
if last_layer_dropout:
return dropout_values
class Hypernetwork:
filename = None
name = None
def __init__(self, name=None, enable_sizes=None, layer_structure=None, activation_func=None, weight_init=None, add_layer_norm=False, use_dropout=False, activate_output=False, **kwargs):
self.filename = None
self.name = name
self.layers = {}
self.step = 0
self.sd_checkpoint = None
self.sd_checkpoint_name = None
self.layer_structure = layer_structure
self.activation_func = activation_func
self.weight_init = weight_init
self.add_layer_norm = add_layer_norm
self.use_dropout = use_dropout
self.activate_output = activate_output
self.last_layer_dropout = kwargs.get('last_layer_dropout', True)
self.dropout_structure = kwargs.get('dropout_structure', None)
if self.dropout_structure is None:
self.dropout_structure = parse_dropout_structure(self.layer_structure, self.use_dropout, self.last_layer_dropout)
self.optimizer_name = None
self.optimizer_state_dict = None
self.optional_info = None
for size in enable_sizes or []:
self.layers[size] = (
HypernetworkModule(size, None, self.layer_structure, self.activation_func, self.weight_init,
self.add_layer_norm, self.activate_output, dropout_structure=self.dropout_structure),
HypernetworkModule(size, None, self.layer_structure, self.activation_func, self.weight_init,
self.add_layer_norm, self.activate_output, dropout_structure=self.dropout_structure),
def weights(self):
res = []
for layers in self.layers.values():
for layer in layers:
res += layer.parameters()
return res
def train(self, mode=True):
for layers in self.layers.values():
for layer in layers:
for param in layer.parameters():
param.requires_grad = mode
def to(self, device):
for layers in self.layers.values():
for layer in layers:
return self
def set_multiplier(self, multiplier):
for layers in self.layers.values():
for layer in layers:
layer.multiplier = multiplier
return self
def eval(self):
for layers in self.layers.values():
for layer in layers:
for param in layer.parameters():
param.requires_grad = False
def save(self, filename):
state_dict = {}
optimizer_saved_dict = {}
for k, v in self.layers.items():
state_dict[k] = (v[0].state_dict(), v[1].state_dict())
state_dict['step'] = self.step
state_dict['name'] = self.name
state_dict['layer_structure'] = self.layer_structure
state_dict['activation_func'] = self.activation_func
state_dict['is_layer_norm'] = self.add_layer_norm
state_dict['weight_initialization'] = self.weight_init
state_dict['sd_checkpoint'] = self.sd_checkpoint
state_dict['sd_checkpoint_name'] = self.sd_checkpoint_name
state_dict['activate_output'] = self.activate_output
state_dict['use_dropout'] = self.use_dropout
state_dict['dropout_structure'] = self.dropout_structure
state_dict['last_layer_dropout'] = (self.dropout_structure[-2] != 0) if self.dropout_structure is not None else self.last_layer_dropout
state_dict['optional_info'] = self.optional_info if self.optional_info else None
if self.optimizer_name is not None:
optimizer_saved_dict['optimizer_name'] = self.optimizer_name
torch.save(state_dict, filename)
if shared.opts.save_optimizer_state and self.optimizer_state_dict:
optimizer_saved_dict['hash'] = self.shorthash()
optimizer_saved_dict['optimizer_state_dict'] = self.optimizer_state_dict
torch.save(optimizer_saved_dict, f"{filename}.optim")
def load(self, filename):
self.filename = filename if os.path.exists(filename) else os.path.join(shared.opts.hypernetwork_dir, filename)
if self.name is None:
self.name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.filename))[0]
with progress.open(self.filename, 'rb', description=f'Load hypernetwork: [cyan]{self.filename}', auto_refresh=True, console=shared.console) as f:
state_dict = torch.load(f, map_location='cpu')
self.layer_structure = state_dict.get('layer_structure', [1, 2, 1])
self.optional_info = state_dict.get('optional_info', None)
self.activation_func = state_dict.get('activation_func', None)
self.weight_init = state_dict.get('weight_initialization', 'Normal')
self.add_layer_norm = state_dict.get('is_layer_norm', False)
self.dropout_structure = state_dict.get('dropout_structure', None)
self.use_dropout = True if self.dropout_structure is not None and any(self.dropout_structure) else state_dict.get('use_dropout', False)
self.activate_output = state_dict.get('activate_output', True)
self.last_layer_dropout = state_dict.get('last_layer_dropout', False)
# Dropout structure should have same length as layer structure, Every digits should be in [0,1), and last digit must be 0.
if self.dropout_structure is None:
self.dropout_structure = parse_dropout_structure(self.layer_structure, self.use_dropout, self.last_layer_dropout)
if shared.opts.print_hypernet_extra:
if self.optional_info is not None:
print(f" INFO:\n {self.optional_info}\n")
print(f" Layer structure: {self.layer_structure}")
print(f" Activation function: {self.activation_func}")
print(f" Weight initialization: {self.weight_init}")
print(f" Layer norm: {self.add_layer_norm}")
print(f" Dropout usage: {self.use_dropout}" )
print(f" Activate last layer: {self.activate_output}")
print(f" Dropout structure: {self.dropout_structure}")
optimizer_saved_dict = torch.load(self.filename + '.optim', map_location='cpu') if os.path.exists(self.filename + '.optim') else {}
if self.shorthash() == optimizer_saved_dict.get('hash', None):
self.optimizer_state_dict = optimizer_saved_dict.get('optimizer_state_dict', None)
self.optimizer_state_dict = None
if self.optimizer_state_dict:
self.optimizer_name = optimizer_saved_dict.get('optimizer_name', 'AdamW')
if shared.opts.print_hypernet_extra:
print("Load existing optimizer from checkpoint")
print(f"Optimizer name is {self.optimizer_name}")
self.optimizer_name = "AdamW"
if shared.opts.print_hypernet_extra:
print("No saved optimizer exists in checkpoint")
for size, sd in state_dict.items():
if type(size) == int:
self.layers[size] = (
HypernetworkModule(size, sd[0], self.layer_structure, self.activation_func, self.weight_init,
self.add_layer_norm, self.activate_output, self.dropout_structure),
HypernetworkModule(size, sd[1], self.layer_structure, self.activation_func, self.weight_init,
self.add_layer_norm, self.activate_output, self.dropout_structure),
self.name = state_dict.get('name', self.name)
self.step = state_dict.get('step', 0)
self.sd_checkpoint = state_dict.get('sd_checkpoint', None)
self.sd_checkpoint_name = state_dict.get('sd_checkpoint_name', None)
def shorthash(self):
sha256 = hashes.sha256(self.filename, f'hypernet/{self.name}')
return sha256[0:10] if sha256 else None
def list_hypernetworks(path):
hypernetworks = {
os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(hypernetwork_path))[0]: hypernetwork_path
for hypernetwork_path
in files_cache.list_files(path, ext_filter=['.pt'], recursive=files_cache.not_hidden)
return hypernetworks
def load_hypernetwork(name):
path = shared.hypernetworks.get(name, None)
if path is None:
return None
hypernetwork = Hypernetwork()
except Exception as e:
errors.display(e, f'hypernetwork load: {path}')
return None
return hypernetwork
def load_hypernetworks(names, multipliers=None):
already_loaded = {}
for hypernetwork in shared.loaded_hypernetworks:
if hypernetwork.name in names:
already_loaded[hypernetwork.name] = hypernetwork
for i, name in enumerate(names):
hypernetwork = already_loaded.get(name, None)
if hypernetwork is None:
hypernetwork = load_hypernetwork(name)
if hypernetwork is None:
hypernetwork.set_multiplier(multipliers[i] if multipliers else 1.0)
def find_closest_hypernetwork_name(search: str):
if not search:
return None
search = search.lower()
applicable = [name for name in shared.hypernetworks if search in name.lower()]
if not applicable:
return None
applicable = sorted(applicable, key=lambda name: len(name))
return applicable[0]
def apply_single_hypernetwork(hypernetwork, context_k, context_v, layer=None):
hypernetwork_layers = (hypernetwork.layers if hypernetwork is not None else {}).get(context_k.shape[2], None)
if hypernetwork_layers is None:
return context_k, context_v
if layer is not None:
layer.hyper_k = hypernetwork_layers[0]
layer.hyper_v = hypernetwork_layers[1]
context_k = devices.cond_cast_unet(hypernetwork_layers[0](devices.cond_cast_float(context_k)))
context_v = devices.cond_cast_unet(hypernetwork_layers[1](devices.cond_cast_float(context_v)))
return context_k, context_v
def apply_hypernetworks(hypernetworks, context, layer=None):
context_k = context
context_v = context
for hypernetwork in hypernetworks:
context_k, context_v = apply_single_hypernetwork(hypernetwork, context_k, context_v, layer)
return context_k, context_v
def attention_CrossAttention_forward(self, x, context=None, mask=None):
h = self.heads
q = self.to_q(x)
context = default(context, x)
context_k, context_v = apply_hypernetworks(shared.loaded_hypernetworks, context, self)
k = self.to_k(context_k)
v = self.to_v(context_v)
q, k, v = (rearrange(t, 'b n (h d) -> (b h) n d', h=h) for t in (q, k, v))
sim = einsum('b i d, b j d -> b i j', q, k) * self.scale
if mask is not None:
mask = rearrange(mask, 'b ... -> b (...)')
max_neg_value = -torch.finfo(sim.dtype).max
mask = repeat(mask, 'b j -> (b h) () j', h=h)
sim.masked_fill_(~mask, max_neg_value)
# attention, what we cannot get enough of
attn = sim.softmax(dim=-1)
out = einsum('b i j, b j d -> b i d', attn, v)
out = rearrange(out, '(b h) n d -> b n (h d)', h=h)
return self.to_out(out)
def stack_conds(conds):
if len(conds) == 1:
return torch.stack(conds)
# same as in reconstruct_multicond_batch
token_count = max([x.shape[0] for x in conds])
for i in range(len(conds)):
if conds[i].shape[0] != token_count:
last_vector = conds[i][-1:]
last_vector_repeated = last_vector.repeat([token_count - conds[i].shape[0], 1])
conds[i] = torch.vstack([conds[i], last_vector_repeated])
return torch.stack(conds)
def statistics(data):
if len(data) < 2:
std = 0
std = stdev(data)
total_information = f"loss:{mean(data):.3f}" + "\u00B1" + f"({std/ (len(data) ** 0.5):.3f})"
recent_data = data[-32:]
if len(recent_data) < 2:
std = 0
std = stdev(recent_data)
recent_information = f"recent 32 loss:{mean(recent_data):.3f}" + "\u00B1" + f"({std / (len(recent_data) ** 0.5):.3f})"
return total_information, recent_information
def report_statistics(loss_info:dict):
keys = sorted(loss_info.keys(), key=lambda x: sum(loss_info[x]) / len(loss_info[x]))
for key in keys:
print("Loss statistics for file " + key)
info, recent = statistics(list(loss_info[key]))
except Exception as e: