slide-deck-ai / helpers /
barunsaha's picture
Update signatures of the content display functions and fix empty bullet point at the beginning to text placeholders
history blame
18.6 kB
import logging
import pathlib
import re
import tempfile
from typing import List, Tuple
import json5
import pptx
from pptx.enum.shapes import MSO_AUTO_SHAPE_TYPE
from global_config import GlobalConfig
# English Metric Unit (used by PowerPoint) to inches
INCHES_1_5 = pptx.util.Inches(1.5)
INCHES_1 = pptx.util.Inches(1)
INCHES_0_5 = pptx.util.Inches(0.5)
INCHES_0_4 = pptx.util.Inches(0.4)
INCHES_0_3 = pptx.util.Inches(0.3)
PATTERN = re.compile(r"^slide[ ]+\d+:", re.IGNORECASE)
"title": "Understanding AI",
"slides": [
"heading": "Introduction",
"bullet_points": [
"Brief overview of AI",
"Importance of understanding AI"
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def remove_slide_number_from_heading(header: str) -> str:
Remove the slide number from a given slide header.
:param header: The header of a slide.
if PATTERN.match(header):
idx = header.find(':')
header = header[idx + 1:]
return header
def generate_powerpoint_presentation(
structured_data: str,
slides_template: str,
output_file_path: pathlib.Path
) -> List:
Create and save a PowerPoint presentation file containing the content in JSON format.
:param structured_data: The presentation contents as "JSON" (may contain trailing commas).
:param slides_template: The PPTX template to use.
:param output_file_path: The path of the PPTX file to save as.
:return A list of presentation title and slides headers.
# The structured "JSON" might contain trailing commas, so using json5
parsed_data = json5.loads(structured_data)
'*** Using PPTX template: %s',
presentation = pptx.Presentation(GlobalConfig.PPTX_TEMPLATE_FILES[slides_template]['file'])
slide_width_inch, slide_height_inch = _get_slide_width_height_inches(presentation)
# The title slide
title_slide_layout = presentation.slide_layouts[0]
slide = presentation.slides.add_slide(title_slide_layout)
title = slide.shapes.title
subtitle = slide.placeholders[1]
title.text = parsed_data['title']
'PPT title: %s | #slides: %d',
title.text, len(parsed_data['slides'])
subtitle.text = 'by Myself and SlideDeck AI :)'
all_headers = [title.text, ]
# Add content in a loop
for a_slide in parsed_data['slides']:
is_processing_done = _handle_double_col_layout(
if not is_processing_done:
is_processing_done = _handle_step_by_step_process(
if not is_processing_done:
# The thank-you slide
last_slide_layout = presentation.slide_layouts[0]
slide = presentation.slides.add_slide(last_slide_layout)
title = slide.shapes.title
title.text = 'Thank you!'
return all_headers
def get_flat_list_of_contents(items: list, level: int) -> List[Tuple]:
Flatten a (hierarchical) list of bullet points to a single list containing each item and
its level.
:param items: A bullet point (string or list).
:param level: The current level of hierarchy.
:return: A list of (bullet item text, hierarchical level) tuples.
flat_list = []
for item in items:
if isinstance(item, str):
flat_list.append((item, level))
elif isinstance(item, list):
flat_list = flat_list + get_flat_list_of_contents(item, level + 1)
return flat_list
def _handle_default_display(
presentation: pptx.Presentation,
slide_json: dict,
slide_width_inch: float,
slide_height_inch: float
Display a list of text in a slide.
:param presentation: The presentation object.
:param slide_json: The content of the slide as JSON data.
:param slide_width_inch: The width of the slide in inches.
:param slide_height_inch: The height of the slide in inches.
bullet_slide_layout = presentation.slide_layouts[1]
slide = presentation.slides.add_slide(bullet_slide_layout)
shapes = slide.shapes
title_shape = shapes.title
body_shape = shapes.placeholders[1]
title_shape.text = remove_slide_number_from_heading(slide_json['heading'])
text_frame = body_shape.text_frame
# The bullet_points may contain a nested hierarchy of JSON arrays
# In some scenarios, it may contain objects (dictionaries) because the LLM generated so
# ^ The second scenario is not covered
flat_items_list = get_flat_list_of_contents(slide_json['bullet_points'], level=0)
for idx, an_item in enumerate(flat_items_list):
if idx == 0:
text_frame.text = an_item[0].removeprefix(STEP_BY_STEP_PROCESS_MARKER)
paragraph = text_frame.add_paragraph()
paragraph.text = an_item[0].removeprefix(STEP_BY_STEP_PROCESS_MARKER)
paragraph.level = an_item[1]
def _handle_double_col_layout(
presentation: pptx.Presentation(),
slide_json: dict,
slide_width_inch: float,
slide_height_inch: float
) -> bool:
Add a slide with a double column layout for comparison.
:param presentation: The presentation object.
:param slide_json: The content of the slide as JSON data.
:param slide_width_inch: The width of the slide in inches.
:param slide_height_inch: The height of the slide in inches.
:return: True if double col layout has been added; False otherwise.
if 'bullet_points' in slide_json and slide_json['bullet_points']:
double_col_content = slide_json['bullet_points']
if double_col_content and (
len(double_col_content) == 2
) and isinstance(double_col_content[0], dict) and isinstance(double_col_content[1], dict):
slide = presentation.slide_layouts[4]
slide = presentation.slides.add_slide(slide)
shapes = slide.shapes
title_placeholder = shapes.title
title_placeholder.text = remove_slide_number_from_heading(slide_json['heading'])
left_heading, right_heading = shapes.placeholders[1], shapes.placeholders[3]
left_col, right_col = shapes.placeholders[2], shapes.placeholders[4]
left_col_frame, right_col_frame = left_col.text_frame, right_col.text_frame
if 'heading' in double_col_content[0]:
left_heading.text = double_col_content[0]['heading']
if 'bullet_points' in double_col_content[0]:
flat_items_list = get_flat_list_of_contents(
double_col_content[0]['bullet_points'], level=0
for idx, an_item in enumerate(flat_items_list):
if idx == 0:
left_col_frame.text = an_item[0].removeprefix(STEP_BY_STEP_PROCESS_MARKER)
paragraph = left_col_frame.add_paragraph()
paragraph.text = an_item[0].removeprefix(STEP_BY_STEP_PROCESS_MARKER)
paragraph.level = an_item[1]
if 'heading' in double_col_content[1]:
right_heading.text = double_col_content[1]['heading']
if 'bullet_points' in double_col_content[1]:
flat_items_list = get_flat_list_of_contents(
double_col_content[1]['bullet_points'], level=0
for idx, an_item in enumerate(flat_items_list):
if idx == 0:
right_col_frame.text = an_item[0].removeprefix(STEP_BY_STEP_PROCESS_MARKER)
paragraph = right_col_frame.add_paragraph()
paragraph.text = an_item[0].removeprefix(STEP_BY_STEP_PROCESS_MARKER)
paragraph.level = an_item[1]
return True
return False
def _handle_step_by_step_process(
presentation: pptx.Presentation,
slide_json: dict,
slide_width_inch: float,
slide_height_inch: float
) -> bool:
Add shapes to display a step-by-step process in the slide, if available.
:param presentation: The presentation object.
:param slide_json: The content of the slide as JSON data.
:param slide_width_inch: The width of the slide in inches.
:param slide_height_inch: The height of the slide in inches.
:return True if this slide has a step-by-step process depiction added; False otherwise.
if 'bullet_points' in slide_json and slide_json['bullet_points']:
steps = slide_json['bullet_points']
no_marker_count = 0.0
n_steps = len(steps)
# Ensure that it is a single list of strings without any sub-list
for step in steps:
if not isinstance(step, str):
return False
# In some cases, one or two steps may not begin with >>, e.g.:
# {
# "heading": "Step-by-Step Process: Creating a Legacy",
# "bullet_points": [
# "Identify your unique talents and passions",
# ">> Develop your skills and knowledge",
# ">> Create meaningful work",
# ">> Share your work with the world",
# ">> Continuously learn and adapt"
# ],
# "key_message": ""
# },
# Use a threshold, e.g., at most 20%
if not step.startswith(STEP_BY_STEP_PROCESS_MARKER):
no_marker_count += 1
slide_header = slide_json['heading'].lower()
if (no_marker_count / n_steps > 0.25) and not (
('step-by-step' in slide_header) or ('step by step' in slide_header)
return False
bullet_slide_layout = presentation.slide_layouts[1]
slide = presentation.slides.add_slide(bullet_slide_layout)
shapes = slide.shapes
shapes.title.text = remove_slide_number_from_heading(slide_json['heading'])
if 3 <= n_steps <= 4:
# Horizontal display
height = INCHES_1_5
width = pptx.util.Inches(slide_width_inch / n_steps - 0.01)
top = pptx.util.Inches(slide_height_inch / 2)
left = pptx.util.Inches((slide_width_inch - width.inches * n_steps) / 2 + 0.05)
for step in steps:
shape = shapes.add_shape(MSO_AUTO_SHAPE_TYPE.CHEVRON, left, top, width, height)
shape.text = step.removeprefix(STEP_BY_STEP_PROCESS_MARKER)
left += width - INCHES_0_4
elif 4 < n_steps <= 6:
# Vertical display
height = pptx.util.Inches(0.65)
top = pptx.util.Inches(slide_height_inch / 4)
left = INCHES_1 # slide_width_inch - width.inches)
# Find the close to median width, based on the length of each text, to be set
# for the shapes
width = pptx.util.Inches(slide_width_inch * 2 / 3)
lengths = [len(step) for step in steps]
font_size_20pt = pptx.util.Pt(20)
widths = sorted(
pptx.util.Inches(font_size_20pt.inches * a_len),
) for a_len in lengths
width = widths[len(widths) // 2]
for step in steps:
shape = shapes.add_shape(MSO_AUTO_SHAPE_TYPE.PENTAGON, left, top, width, height)
shape.text = step.removeprefix(STEP_BY_STEP_PROCESS_MARKER)
top += height + INCHES_0_3
left += INCHES_0_5
# Two steps -- probably not a process
# More than 5--6 steps -- would likely cause a visual clutter
return False
return True
def _handle_key_message(
the_slide: pptx.slide.Slide,
slide_json: dict,
slide_width_inch: float,
slide_height_inch: float
Add a shape to display the key message in the slide, if available.
:param the_slide: The slide to be processed.
:param slide_json: The content of the slide as JSON data.
:param slide_width_inch: The width of the slide in inches.
:param slide_height_inch: The height of the slide in inches.
if 'key_message' in slide_json and slide_json['key_message']:
height = pptx.util.Inches(1.6)
width = pptx.util.Inches(slide_width_inch / 2.3)
top = pptx.util.Inches(slide_height_inch - height.inches - 0.1)
left = pptx.util.Inches((slide_width_inch - width.inches) / 2)
shape = the_slide.shapes.add_shape(
shape.text = slide_json['key_message']
def _get_slide_width_height_inches(presentation: pptx.Presentation) -> Tuple[float, float]:
Get the dimensions of a slide in inches.
:param presentation: The presentation object.
:return: The width and the height.
slide_width_inch = EMU_TO_INCH_SCALING_FACTOR * presentation.slide_width
slide_height_inch = EMU_TO_INCH_SCALING_FACTOR * presentation.slide_height
# logger.debug('Slide width: %f, height: %f', slide_width_inch, slide_height_inch)
return slide_width_inch, slide_height_inch
if __name__ == '__main__':
_JSON_DATA = '''
"title": "Understanding AI",
"slides": [
"heading": "Introduction",
"bullet_points": [
"Brief overview of AI",
"Importance of understanding AI"
"key_message": ""
"heading": "What is AI?",
"bullet_points": [
"Definition of AI",
"Types of AI",
"Narrow or weak AI",
"General or strong AI"
"Differences between AI and machine learning"
"key_message": ""
"heading": "How AI Works",
"bullet_points": [
"Overview of AI algorithms",
"Types of AI algorithms",
"Rule-based systems",
"Decision tree systems",
"Neural networks"
"How AI processes data"
"key_message": ""
"heading": "Building AI Models",
"bullet_points": [
">> Collect data",
">> Select model or architecture to use",
">> Set appropriate parameters",
">> Train model with data",
">> Run inference",
"key_message": ""
"heading": "Pros and Cons: Deep Learning vs. Classical Machine Learning",
"bullet_points": [
"heading": "Classical Machine Learning",
"bullet_points": [
"Interpretability: Easy to understand the model",
"Faster Training: Quicker to train models",
"Scalability: Can handle large datasets"
"heading": "Deep Learning",
"bullet_points": [
"Handling Complex Data: Can learn from raw data",
"Feature Extraction: Automatically learns features",
"Improved Accuracy: Achieves higher accuracy"
"key_message": ""
"heading": "Pros of AI",
"bullet_points": [
"Increased efficiency and productivity",
"Improved accuracy and precision",
"Enhanced decision-making capabilities",
"Personalized experiences"
"key_message": "AI can be used for many different purposes"
"heading": "Cons of AI",
"bullet_points": [
"Job displacement and loss of employment",
"Bias and discrimination",
"Privacy and security concerns",
"Dependence on technology"
"key_message": ""
"heading": "Future Prospects of AI",
"bullet_points": [
"Advancements in fields such as healthcare and finance",
"Increased use"
"key_message": ""
temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.pptx')
path = pathlib.Path(
print(f'File path: {path}')