baiyanlali-zhao's picture
history blame
17 kB
import re
import glob
import numpy as np
from dtw import dtw
from itertools import product
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
from scipy.stats import entropy
from src.utils.img import make_img_sheet
from src.utils.mymath import jsdiv
from src.utils.filesys import getpath
X (00) -> Solid tile
S (01) -> Breakable block
- (02) -> Empty tile
% (03) -> Mushroom platform
t (04) -> Normal tube
T (05) -> Flower tube
b (06) -> Bullet bill body
B (07) -> Bullet bill head
o (08) -> Coin
Q (09) -> Coin question block
@ (10) -> Mushroom question block
U (11) -> Mushroom breakable block
L (12) -> 1UP block
1 (13) -> Invisible 1UP block
2 (14) -> Invisible coin block
g (15) -> Goomba
k (16) -> Koopa (green)
r (17) -> Koopa (red)
K (18) -> Flying Koopa (green)
R (19) -> Flying Koppa (red)
y (20) -> Spiky
class MarioLevel:
height = 16
seg_width = 16
mapping = {
'i-c': (
'X', 'S', '-', '%', 't', 'T', 'b', 'B', 'o', 'Q', '@',
'U', 'L', '1', '2', 'g', 'k', 'r', 'K', 'R', 'y'
'c-i': {
'X': 0, 'S': 1, '-': 2, '%': 3, 't': 4, 'T': 5, 'b': 6, 'B': 7, 'o': 8, 'Q': 9, '@': 10,
'U': 11, 'L': 12, '1': 13, '2': 14, 'g': 15, 'k': 16, 'r': 17, 'K': 18, 'R': 19, 'y': 20,
'#': 0, '|': 2, 'F': 2, 'M': 2, 'C': 8, '!': 9, '?': 10, 'E': 15
n_types = len(mapping['i-c'])
pipeset = {'<', '>', '[', ']'}
solidset = {'X', '#', 'S', 't', 'T', '%', 'Q', '@', '<', '>', '[', ']'}
def __init__(self, content):
# print(content)
if isinstance(content, np.ndarray):
self.content = content
tmp = [list(line) for line in content.split('\n')]
while not tmp[-1]:
self.content = np.array(tmp)
self.h, self.w = self.content.shape
self.__tile_pttr_cnts = {}
self.attr_dict = {}
def to_num_arr(self):
res = np.zeros((self.h, self.w), int)
for i, j in product(range(self.h), range(self.w)):
char = self.content[i, j]
res[i, j] = MarioLevel.mapping['c-i'][char]
return res
def to_img(self, save_path=None) -> Image:
img = LevelRender.render(self)
if save_path:
safe_path = getpath(save_path)
return img
def to_segs(self):
W = MarioLevel.seg_width
return [self[:, s:s+W] for s in range(0, self.w, W)]
def save(self, fpath):
safe_path = getpath(fpath)
if safe_path[-4:] != '.lvl':
safe_path += '.lvl'
with open(safe_path, 'w') as f:
def tile_pattern_counts(self, w=2):
if not w in self.__tile_pttr_cnts.keys():
counts = {}
for i, j in product(range(self.h - w + 1), range(self.w - w + 1)):
key = ''.join(self.content[i+x][j+y] for x, y in product(range(w), range(w)))
count = counts.setdefault(key, 0)
counts[key] = count + 1
self.__tile_pttr_cnts[w] = counts
return self.__tile_pttr_cnts[w]
def tile_pattern_distribution(self, w=2):
counts = self.tile_pattern_counts(w)
C = (self.h - w + 1) * (self.w - w + 1)
return {key: val / C for key, val in counts.items()}
def __getattr__(self, item):
if item == 'shape':
return self.content.shape
elif item == 'h':
return self.content.shape[0]
elif item == 'w':
return self.content.shape[1]
elif item not in self.attr_dict.keys():
if item == 'n_gaps':
empty_map1 = np.where(self.content[-1] in MarioLevel.empty_chars, 1, 0)
empty_map2 = np.where(self.content[-2] in MarioLevel.empty_chars, 1, 0)
res = len(np.where(empty_map1 + empty_map2 == 2))
self.attr_dict['n_ground'] = res
elif item == 'n_enemies':
self.attr_dict['n_enemies'] = str(self).count('E')
elif item == 'n_coins':
self.attr_dict['n_coins'] = str(self).count('o')
elif item == 'n_questions':
self.attr_dict['n_questions'] = str(self).count('Q')
elif item == 'n_empties':
empty_map = np.where(self.content in MarioLevel.empty_chars)
self.attr_dict['n_questions'] = len(empty_map)
return self.attr_dict[item]
def __str__(self):
lines = [''.join(line) + '\n' for line in self.content]
return ''.join(lines)
def __add__(self, other):
concated = np.concatenate([self.content, other.content], axis=1)
return MarioLevel(concated)
def __getitem__(self, item):
content = self.content[item]
if type(content) == np.ndarray:
return MarioLevel(self.content[item])
return str(content)
except IndexError:
return None
def copy(self):
return MarioLevel.from_num_arr(self.to_num_arr())
def from_num_arr(num_arr):
h, w = num_arr.shape
res = np.empty((h, w), str)
for i, j in product(range(h), range(w)):
if num_arr[i, j] == 0:
res[i, j] = 'X' if i >= MarioLevel.height - 2 else '#'
tile_id = num_arr[i, j]
if type(tile_id) != int:
tile_id = round(tile_id)
res[i, j] = MarioLevel.mapping['i-c'][tile_id]
visited = set()
for i, j in product(range(h), range(w)):
if res[i, j] == '%':
if f'{i}-{j}' in visited:
s, e = j, j
while e < w and res[i, e] == '%':
e += 1
if (e - s) <= 2:
stalk_cols = range(s, e)
stalk_cols = range(s + 1, e - 1)
for q in stalk_cols:
p = i + 1
while p < h and res[p, q] not in MarioLevel.solidset:
if res[p, q] == '-':
res[p, q] = '|'
p += 1
return MarioLevel(res)
def from_file(fpath):
safe_path = getpath(fpath)
with open(safe_path, 'r') as f:
return MarioLevel(
def from_one_hot_arr(one_hot_arr: np.ndarray):
num_lvl = one_hot_arr.argmax(axis=0)
return MarioLevel.from_num_arr(num_lvl)
class LevelRender:
# BG_COLOR = (109, 143, 252)
BG_COLOR = (138, 165, 253)
tubeset = {'t', 'T'}
tex_size = 16
textures = {
for fpath in glob.glob(getpath('smb/assets/*.png'))
def render(level):
ts = LevelRender.tex_size
img ='RGBA', (level.w * ts, level.h * ts), LevelRender.BG_COLOR)
# img.fill(LevelRender.BG_COLOR)
reconded_lvl = MarioLevel.from_num_arr(level.to_num_arr())
j_t_platforms, tubes, chompers = LevelRender.__get_objects(reconded_lvl)
LevelRender.__render_objects(img, j_t_platforms, tubes, chompers, reconded_lvl)
LevelRender.__render_tiles(img, reconded_lvl)
return img
def __get_objects(level):
h, w = level.shape
visited = set()
j_t_platforms = []
tubes = []
chompers = []
for i, j in product(range(h), range(w)):
c = level[i, j]
if f'{i}-{j}' in visited:
if c == '%':
s, e = j, j
while level[i, e] == '%':
e += 1
j_t_platforms.append({'row': i, 'col-start': s, 'col-end': e})
if c == 'T' and level[i, j - 1] not in LevelRender.tubeset and level[i, j + 1] in LevelRender.tubeset:
chompers.append((i - 1, j))
if c in LevelRender.tubeset:
single = level[i, j + 1] not in LevelRender.tubeset
start = (i, j)
left_height = 0
right_height = None if single else 0
if not single:
while level[i + left_height, j] in LevelRender.tubeset:
visited.add(f'{i + left_height}-{j}')
left_height += 1
if not single:
while level[i + right_height, j + 1] in LevelRender.tubeset:
visited.add(f'{i + right_height}-{j+1}')
right_height += 1
tubes.append({'start': start, 'left-height': left_height, 'right-height': right_height})
return j_t_platforms, tubes, chompers
def __render_objects(img, j_t_platforms, tubes, chompers, level):
ts = LevelRender.tex_size
textures = LevelRender.textures
for j_t_platform in j_t_platforms:
row, col_start, col_end = j_t_platform['row'], j_t_platform['col-start'], j_t_platform['col-end']
stalk_start, stalk_end = col_start, col_end
if col_end - col_start == 1:
img.paste(textures['MS'], (col_start * ts, row * ts), textures['MS'])
img.paste(textures['ML'], (col_start * ts, row * ts), textures['ML'])
img.paste(textures['MR'], ((col_end - 1) * ts, row * ts), textures['MR'])
for j in range(col_start + 1, col_end - 1):
img.paste(textures['MM'], (j * ts, row * ts), textures['MM'])
if col_end - col_start > 2:
stalk_start += 1
stalk_end -= 1
for j in range(stalk_start, stalk_end):
i = row + 1
while i < level.h and level[i, j] not in MarioLevel.solidset:
img.paste(textures['stalk'], (j * ts, i * ts), textures['stalk'])
i += 1
for chomper in chompers:
i, j = chomper
img.paste(textures['chomper'], (int((j + 0.5) * ts), i * ts), textures['chomper'])
for tube in tubes:
(i, j), left_height, right_height = tube['start'], tube['left-height'], tube['right-height']
if right_height is None:
img.paste(textures['TSP'], (j * ts, i * ts), textures['TSP'])
for k in range(1, left_height):
img.paste(textures['BSP'], (j * ts, (i + k) * ts), textures['BSP'])
img.paste(textures['TLP'], (j * ts, i * ts), textures['TLP'])
img.paste(textures['TRP'], ((j + 1) * ts, i * ts), textures['TRP'])
for k in range(1, left_height):
img.paste(textures['['], (j * ts, (i + k) * ts), textures['['])
for k in range(1, left_height):
img.paste(textures[']'], ((j + 1) * ts, (i + k) * ts), textures[']'])
def __render_tiles(img, level):
ts = LevelRender.tex_size
for i, j in product(range(level.h), range(level.w)):
target = (j * ts, i * ts)
tile = level[i, j]
if tile in {'-', 't', 'T', '%', '|', 'F', 'M'}:
elif tile == 'b':
t = level[i - 1, j]
if t == 'B':
img.paste(LevelRender.textures['CB1'], target, LevelRender.textures['CB1'])
img.paste(LevelRender.textures['CB2'], target, LevelRender.textures['CB2'])
elif tile == 'K':
img.paste(LevelRender.textures['wingk'], target, LevelRender.textures['wingk'])
elif tile == 'R':
img.paste(LevelRender.textures['wingr'], target, LevelRender.textures['wingr'])
img.paste(LevelRender.textures[tile], target, LevelRender.textures[tile])
def draw_trace_on(lvlimg, trace, color='black', lw=3):
p = 0
while p < len(trace) and trace[p][0] < lvlimg.get_width():
p += 1
drawer = ImageDraw.Draw(lvlimg)
drawer.line([(x, y-8) for x, y in trace[:p]], color, lw)
return lvlimg
def trace_div(trace1, trace2, w=10, trace_size_norm=False):
h, ts = MarioLevel.height, LevelRender.tex_size
t1, t2 = np.array(trace1) / ts, np.array(trace2) / ts
dist_metric = (lambda x, y: np.linalg.norm(x - y))
dtw_val, *_ = dtw(t1, t2, dist_metric, w=max(w, abs(len(t1) - len(t2))))
norm_factor = max(len(trace1), len(trace2)) * h if trace_size_norm else MarioLevel.seg_width * h
return dtw_val / norm_factor
def tile_pattern_kl_div(seg1: MarioLevel, seg2: MarioLevel, w=2, eps=1e-3):
counts1 = seg1.tile_pattern_counts(w)
counts2 = seg2.tile_pattern_counts(w)
all_keys = counts1.keys().__or__(counts2.keys())
p = np.array([counts1.setdefault(key, 0) for key in all_keys])
q = np.array([counts2.setdefault(key, 0) for key in all_keys])
p = p / p.sum() + eps
q = q / q.sum() + eps
return (entropy(p, q, base=2) + entropy(q, p, base=2)) / 2
def tile_pattern_js_div(seg1: MarioLevel, seg2: MarioLevel, w=2):
counts1 = seg1.tile_pattern_counts(w)
counts2 = seg2.tile_pattern_counts(w)
all_keys = counts1.keys().__or__(counts2.keys())
p = np.array([counts1.setdefault(key, 0) for key in all_keys])
q = np.array([counts2.setdefault(key, 0) for key in all_keys])
return jsdiv(p, q)
def lvl_js(lvl1: MarioLevel, lvl2: MarioLevel):
segs1 = lvl1.to_segs()
segs2 = lvl2.to_segs()
divs = [tile_pattern_js_div(s1, s2) for s1, s2 in zip(segs1, segs2)]
return np.mean(divs)
def hamming_dis(lvl1, lvl2):
assert lvl1.h == lvl2.h and lvl1.w == lvl2.w
differences = len(np.where(lvl1.content != lvl2.content)[0])
num_segs = lvl1.w / MarioLevel.seg_width
return differences
def lvl_dtw(lvl1, lvl2, w=5, distmtrc=hamming_dis):
segs1, segs2 = lvl1.to_segs(), lvl2.to_segs()
res, *_ = dtw(segs1, segs2, distmtrc, w=w)
return res / max(len(segs1), len(segs2))
def lvlhcat(lvls) -> MarioLevel:
if type(lvls[0]) == MarioLevel:
concated_content = np.concatenate([l.content for l in lvls], axis=1)
concated_content = np.concatenate([l for l in lvls], axis=1)
return MarioLevel(concated_content)
def save_batch(lvls, fname):
contents = [str(lvl).strip() for lvl in lvls]
content = '\n;\n'.join(contents)
if len(fname) <= 5 or fname[-5:] != '.lvls':
fname += '.lvls'
with open(getpath(fname), 'w') as f:
def load_batch(fname):
with open(getpath(fname), 'r') as f:
content =
return [MarioLevel(c) for c in content.split('\n;\n')]
def traverse_level_files(path):
for lvl_path in glob.glob(getpath(f'{path}/*.lvl')):
lvl = MarioLevel.from_file(lvl_path)
name = re.split('[/\\\\]', lvl_path)[-1][:-4]
yield lvl, name
def traverse_batched_level_files(path):
for lvl_path in glob.glob(getpath(f'{path}/*.lvls')):
name = re.split('[/\\\\]', lvl_path)[-1][:-5]
with open(lvl_path, 'r') as f:
txt =
lvls = []
for lvlstr in txt.split('\n;\n'):
if len(lvlstr) < 10:
yield lvls, name
if __name__ == '__main__':
for task in ('lgp', 'fhp'):
for t in range(1, 6):
lvls = load_batch(f'test_data/sac/{task}/t{t}/samples.lvls')
samples = [lvl[:, :16*16] for lvl in lvls[:10]]
make_img_sheet([s.to_img() for s in samples], 1, y_margin=12, save_path=f'test_data/sac/{task}/t{t}/samples.png')
for l in ('0.1', '0.3', '0.5'):
lvls = load_batch(f'test_data/varpm-{task}/l{l}_m5/t{t}/samples.lvls')
samples = [lvl[:, :16 * 16] for lvl in lvls[:10]]
make_img_sheet([s.to_img() for s in samples], 1, y_margin=12,
# for lvl, path in traverse_level_files('smb/levels'):
# lvl.to_img(f'smb/levels_render/{path}.png')
# tmp = lvl.to_num_arr()
# MarioLevel.from_num_arr(tmp).to_img(f'smb/levels_render/{path}-recoding.png')
# a = MarioLevel.from_file('smb/levels/lvl-1.lvl')
# b = MarioLevel.from_file('smb/levels/lvl-2.lvl')
# save_batch([a, b], 'smb/testbatch')
# levels = load_batch('smb/testbatch.lvls')
# print(levels[0], levels[1])