No-More-Plag /
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lllllllllllllll, llllllllllllllI, lllllllllllllIl, lllllllllllllII = list, __name__, enumerate, int
IIIIllIlllllIIlIlI = 'xSeQ v1'
import gradio as IllIIllIllIIIl, random as IllIlIIIlIIlll
def IIlIIlIlIIIIlllIIl(lIlIIllIIllllIlIIl):
IIllIlIlllIllIllll = lllllllllllllll(lIlIIllIIllllIlIIl)
lllIlllllIlIIlIIlI = IIllIlIlllIllIllll.count(' ')
lIlIIlIIllIlllllll = lllllllllllllII(lllIlllllIlIIlIIlI * 0.33)
lllIIlIllIlIlIlIlI = [IIllIlIlllIllIllll for (IIllIlIlllIllIllll, lllIlllllIlIIlIIlI) in lllllllllllllIl(IIllIlIlllIllIllll) if lllIlllllIlIIlIIlI == ' ']
IllllIlIIIlIIllIII = IllIlIIIlIIlll.sample(lllIIlIllIlIlIlIlI, lIlIIlIIllIlllllll)
for lIllIllllIlIIllIlI in IllllIlIIIlIIllIII:
IIllIlIlllIllIllll[lIllIllllIlIIllIlI] = '\u200e\xa0'
IIlIlIlllIllllIlIl = ''.join(IIllIlIlllIllIllll)
return IIlIlIlllIllllIlIl
with IllIIllIllIIIl.Blocks(title='No More AI Plagiarism!') as llllIIIIlllIIlIIII:
IllIIllIllIIIl.Markdown('# No More AI Plagiarism!')
IllIIllIllIIIl.Markdown('**This app modifies your text by encypting the text. This can help you to Highly reduce AI & Normal Plagiarism.** Check you AI Plagrisim Score at these Sites: [Grammarly](, [Quetext](, [Plagscan](, [Unicheck](, [Turnitin](')
with IllIIllIllIIIl.Row():
with IllIIllIllIIIl.Column():
IllIIllIllIIIl.Dropdown(label='Select Encryptor:', choices=[IIIIllIlllllIIlIlI], value=IIIIllIlllllIIlIlI)
IlIIIIlIlllIIIllIl = IllIIllIllIIIl.Textbox(lines=5, placeholder='Enter your text here...', label='Input Text')
with IllIIllIllIIIl.Accordion(label='I auto accpet the Terms & Conditions', open=False):
IllIIllIllIIIl.Markdown('\nWelcome to the Plagiarism Remover, where creativity reigns and imitation takes a hike! Here are the terms and conditions you should read (yes, we know, it\'s like reading a novel without any cats):\n\n1. **No Copy-Paste Shenanigans:** You agree not to use our tool to replicate someone else\'s work. If you do, we\'ll unleash our team of legal wizards faster than you can say "Ctrl+C."\n\n2. **Respect the Copyright Realm:** Obey copyright laws. Seriously, our legal team is tougher than a crossword puzzle on a Monday morning.\n\n3. **Keep it Original:** Only utilize the program for your own content. Don\'t go copying everything like a kid with a new coloring book.\n\n4. **Accuracy Guaranteed (Almost):** While our tool is pretty darn accurate, we can\'t promise it\'s infallible. Even the best software sometimes misses the mark, like predictive text on a Monday.\n\n5. **Consequences are on You:** We\'re not liable for any repercussions from using our tool. If your professor gives you the side-eye for miraculously clean content, it\'s all on you.\n\n6. **Fortress-Like Security:** Your data is locked down tighter than a bank vault. We won\'t share it with anyone, not even for a chest of doubloons.\n\n7. **Stay Updated:** These terms might change occasionally. Check back here so you\'re not left in the dark like a power outage.\n')
IllIIllIllllIIIlll = IllIIllIllIIIl.Button('Modify Text')
with IllIIllIllIIIl.Column():
IIlIlllllllllllIIl = IllIIllIllIIIl.Textbox(lines=5, label='Encrypted Text', show_copy_button=True)
IllIIllIllIIIl.Markdown('**Made by [Ayush Thakur]( - Make sure to give this project a like if you want it more to develop.**'), inputs=IlIIIIlIlllIIIllIl, outputs=IIlIlllllllllllIIl)
if llllllllllllllI == '__main__':