importScripts("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/pyodide/v0.24.1/full/pyodide.js"); |
function sendPatch(patch, buffers, msg_id) { |
self.postMessage({ |
type: 'patch', |
patch: patch, |
buffers: buffers |
}) |
} |
async function startApplication() { |
console.log("Loading pyodide!"); |
self.postMessage({type: 'status', msg: 'Loading pyodide'}) |
self.pyodide = await loadPyodide(); |
self.pyodide.globals.set("sendPatch", sendPatch); |
console.log("Loaded!"); |
await self.pyodide.loadPackage("micropip"); |
const env_spec = ['https://cdn.holoviz.org/panel/wheels/bokeh-3.3.2-py3-none-any.whl', 'https://cdn.holoviz.org/panel/1.3.6/dist/wheels/panel-1.3.6-py3-none-any.whl', 'pyodide-http==0.2.1', 'holoviews', 'numpy', 'pandas', 'shapely'] |
for (const pkg of env_spec) { |
let pkg_name; |
if (pkg.endsWith('.whl')) { |
pkg_name = pkg.split('/').slice(-1)[0].split('-')[0] |
} else { |
pkg_name = pkg |
} |
self.postMessage({type: 'status', msg: `Installing ${pkg_name}`}) |
try { |
await self.pyodide.runPythonAsync(` |
import micropip |
await micropip.install('${pkg}'); |
`); |
} catch(e) { |
console.log(e) |
self.postMessage({ |
type: 'status', |
msg: `Error while installing ${pkg_name}` |
}); |
} |
} |
console.log("Packages loaded!"); |
self.postMessage({type: 'status', msg: 'Executing code'}) |
const code = ` |
import asyncio |
from panel.io.pyodide import init_doc, write_doc |
init_doc() |
""" |
Source: https://awesome-panel.org/resources/commuting_flows_italian_regions/ |
""" |
import holoviews as hv |
import numpy as np |
import pandas as pd |
import panel as pn |
from bokeh.models import HoverTool |
from shapely.geometry import LineString |
# Load the bokeh extension |
hv.extension("bokeh") |
# Set the sizing mode |
pn.extension(sizing_mode="stretch_width") |
# Dashboard title |
DASH_TITLE = "Commuting flows between Italian Regions" |
# Default colors for the dashboard |
ACCENT = "#2f4f4f" |
INCOMING_COLOR = "rgba(0, 108, 151, 0.75)" |
OUTGOING_COLOR = "rgba(199, 81, 51, 0.75)" |
INTERNAL_COLOR = "rgba(47, 79, 79, 0.55)" |
# Default colors for indicators |
DEFAULT_COLOR = "white" |
TITLE_SIZE = "18pt" |
FONT_SIZE = "20pt" |
# Min/Max node size |
MAX_PT_SIZE = 10 |
# Min/Max curve width |
MIN_LW = 1 |
MAX_LW = 10 |
# Dataframes dtypes |
"cod_reg": "uint8", |
"den_reg": "object", |
"x": "object", |
"y": "object", |
} |
"cod_reg": "uint8", |
"x": "float64", |
"y": "float64", |
} |
"motivo": "object", |
"interno": "bool", |
"flussi": "uint32", |
"reg_o": "uint8", |
"reg_d": "uint8", |
"x_o": "float64", |
"y_o": "float64", |
"x_d": "float64", |
"y_d": "float64", |
} |
# Dictionary that maps region code to its name |
1: "Piemonte", |
2: "Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste", |
3: "Lombardia", |
4: "Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol", |
5: "Veneto", |
6: "Friuli-Venezia Giulia", |
7: "Liguria", |
8: "Emilia-Romagna", |
9: "Toscana", |
10: "Umbria", |
11: "Marche", |
12: "Lazio", |
13: "Abruzzo", |
14: "Molise", |
15: "Campania", |
16: "Puglia", |
17: "Basilicata", |
18: "Calabria", |
19: "Sicilia", |
20: "Sardegna", |
} |
# Dictionary of options (Label/option) for commuting purpose |
"Work": "Lavoro", |
"Study": "Studio", |
"Total": "Totale", |
} |
# Dashboard description |
DASH_DESCR = f""" |
<div> |
<hr /> |
<p>A Panel dashboard showing <b style="color:{INCOMING_COLOR};">incoming</b> |
and <b style="color:{OUTGOING_COLOR};">outgoing</b> commuting flows |
for work and study between Italian Regions.</p> |
<p>The width of the curves reflects the magnitude of the flows.</p> |
<p> |
<a href="https://www.istat.it/it/archivio/139381" target="_blank">Commuting data</a> from the |
15th Population and Housing Census (Istat, 2011). |
</p> |
<p> |
<a href="https://www.istat.it/it/archivio/222527" target="_blank">Administrative boundaries</a> from |
</p> |
<hr /> |
</div> |
""" |
CSS_FIX = """ |
:host(.outline) .bk-btn.bk-btn-primary.bk-active, :host(.outline) .bk-btn.bk-btn-primary:active { |
color: var(--foreground-on-accent-rest) !important; |
} |
""" |
if not CSS_FIX in pn.config.raw_css: |
pn.config.raw_css.append(CSS_FIX) |
def get_incoming_numind(edges, region_code, comm_purpose): |
""" |
Returns the total incoming commuters to the selected Region. |
""" |
# Get the value of incoming commuters |
if comm_purpose == "Totale": |
query = f"reg_d == {region_code} & interno == 0" |
else: |
query = f"(reg_d == {region_code} & motivo == '{comm_purpose}' & interno == 0)" |
flows = edges.query(query)["flussi"].sum() |
return pn.indicators.Number( |
name="Incoming", |
value=flows, |
default_color=DEFAULT_COLOR, |
styles={"background": INCOMING_COLOR, "padding": "5px 10px 5px 10px", "border-radius": "5px"}, |
title_size=TITLE_SIZE, |
font_size=FONT_SIZE, |
sizing_mode="stretch_width", |
align="center", |
css_classes=["center_number"], |
) |
def get_outgoing_numind(edges, region_code, comm_purpose): |
""" |
Returns the outgoing commuters from |
the selected Region. |
""" |
# Get the value of outgoing commuters |
if comm_purpose == "Totale": |
query = f"reg_o == {region_code} & interno == 0" |
else: |
query = f"(reg_o == {region_code} & motivo == '{comm_purpose}' & interno == 0)" |
flows = edges.query(query)["flussi"].sum() |
return pn.indicators.Number( |
name="Outgoing", |
value=flows, |
default_color=DEFAULT_COLOR, |
styles={"background": OUTGOING_COLOR, "padding": "5px 10px 5px 10px", "border-radius": "5px"}, |
title_size=TITLE_SIZE, |
font_size=FONT_SIZE, |
sizing_mode="stretch_width", |
align="center", |
css_classes=["center_number"], |
) |
def get_internal_numind(edges, region_code, comm_purpose): |
""" |
Returns the number of internal commuters of |
the selected Region. |
""" |
# Get the value of internal commuters |
if comm_purpose == "Totale": |
query = f"reg_o == {region_code} & interno == 1" |
else: |
query = f"(reg_o == {region_code} & motivo == '{comm_purpose}' & interno == 1)" |
flows = edges.query(query)["flussi"].sum() |
return pn.indicators.Number( |
name="Internal mobility", |
value=flows, |
default_color=DEFAULT_COLOR, |
styles={"background": INTERNAL_COLOR, "padding": "5px 10px 5px 10px", "border-radius": "5px"}, |
title_size=TITLE_SIZE, |
font_size=FONT_SIZE, |
sizing_mode="stretch_width", |
align="center", |
css_classes=["center_number"], |
) |
def filter_edges(edges, region_code, comm_purpose): |
""" |
This function filters the rows of the edges for |
the selected Region and commuting purpose. |
""" |
if comm_purpose == "Totale": |
query = f"(reg_o == {region_code} & interno == 0) |" |
query += f" (reg_d == {region_code} & interno == 0)" |
else: |
query = f"(reg_o == {region_code} & motivo == '{comm_purpose}' & interno == 0) |" |
query += f" (reg_d == {region_code} & motivo == '{comm_purpose}' & interno == 0)" |
return edges.query(query) |
def get_nodes(nodes, edges, region_code, comm_purpose): |
""" |
Get the graph's nodes for the selected Region and commuting purpose |
""" |
# Filter the edges by Region and commuting purpose |
filt_edges = filter_edges(edges, region_code, comm_purpose) |
# Find the unique values of region codes |
region_codes = np.unique(filt_edges[["reg_o", "reg_d"]].values) |
# Filter the nodes |
nodes = nodes[nodes["cod_reg"].isin(region_codes)] |
# Reoder the columns for hv.Graph |
nodes = nodes[["x", "y", "cod_reg"]] |
# Assign the node size |
nodes["size"] = np.where( |
nodes["cod_reg"] == region_code, MAX_PT_SIZE, MIN_PT_SIZE |
) |
# Assigns a marker to the nodes |
nodes["marker"] = np.where( |
nodes["cod_reg"] == region_code, "square", "circle" |
) |
return nodes |
def get_bezier_curve(x_o, y_o, x_d, y_d, steps=25): |
""" |
Draw a Bézier curve defined by a start point, endpoint and a control points |
Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69804595/trying-to-make-a-bezier-curve-on-pygame-library |
""" |
# Generate the O/D linestring |
od_line = LineString([(x_o, y_o), (x_d, y_d)]) |
# Calculate the offset distance of the control point |
offset_distance = od_line.length / 2 |
# Create a line parallel to the original at the offset distance |
offset_pline = od_line.parallel_offset(offset_distance, "left") |
# Get the XY coodinates of the control point |
ctrl_x = offset_pline.centroid.x |
ctrl_y = offset_pline.centroid.y |
# Calculate the XY coordinates of the Bézier curve |
t = np.array([i * 1 / steps for i in range(0, steps + 1)]) |
x_coords = x_o * (1 - t) ** 2 + 2 * (1 - t) * t * ctrl_x + x_d * t**2 |
y_coords = y_o * (1 - t) ** 2 + 2 * (1 - t) * t * ctrl_y + y_d * t**2 |
return (x_coords, y_coords) |
def get_edge_width(flow, min_flow, max_flow): |
""" |
This function calculates the width of the curves |
according to the magnitude of the flow. |
""" |
return MIN_LW + np.power(flow - min_flow, 0.57) * ( |
) / np.power(max_flow - min_flow, 0.57) |
def get_edges(nodes, edges, region_code, comm_purpose): |
""" |
Get the graph's edges for the selected Region and commuting purpose |
""" |
# Filter the edges by Region and commuting purpose |
filt_edges = filter_edges(edges, region_code, comm_purpose).copy() |
# Aggregate the flows by Region of origin and destination |
if comm_purpose == "Totale": |
filt_edges = ( |
filt_edges.groupby(["reg_o", "reg_d"]) |
.agg( |
motivo=("motivo", "first"), |
interno=("interno", "first"), |
flussi=("flussi", "sum"), |
) |
.reset_index() |
) |
# Assign Region names |
filt_edges.loc[:,"den_reg_o"] = filt_edges["reg_o"].map(ITA_REGIONS) |
filt_edges.loc[:,"den_reg_d"] = filt_edges["reg_d"].map(ITA_REGIONS) |
# Add xy coordinates of origin |
filt_edges = filt_edges.merge( |
nodes.add_suffix("_o"), left_on="reg_o", right_on="cod_reg_o" |
) |
# Add xy coordinates of destination |
filt_edges = filt_edges.merge( |
nodes.add_suffix("_d"), left_on="reg_d", right_on="cod_reg_d" |
) |
# Get the Bézier curve |
filt_edges["curve"] = filt_edges.apply( |
lambda row: get_bezier_curve( |
row["x_o"], row["y_o"], row["x_d"], row["y_d"] |
), |
axis=1, |
) |
# Get the minimum/maximum flow |
min_flow = filt_edges["flussi"].min() |
max_flow = filt_edges["flussi"].max() |
# Calculate the curve width |
filt_edges["width"] = filt_edges.apply( |
lambda row: get_edge_width( |
row["flussi"], |
min_flow, |
max_flow, |
), |
axis=1, |
) |
# Assigns the color to the incoming/outgoing edges |
filt_edges["color"] = np.where( |
filt_edges["reg_d"] == region_code, INCOMING_COLOR, OUTGOING_COLOR |
) |
filt_edges = filt_edges.sort_values(by="flussi") |
return filt_edges |
def get_flow_map(nodes, edges, region_admin_bounds, region_code, comm_purpose): |
""" |
Returns a Graph showing incoming and outgoing commuting flows |
for the selected Region and commuting purpose. |
""" |
def hook(plot, element): |
""" |
Custom hook for disabling x/y tick lines/labels |
""" |
plot.state.xaxis.major_tick_line_color = None |
plot.state.xaxis.minor_tick_line_color = None |
plot.state.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = "0pt" |
plot.state.yaxis.major_tick_line_color = None |
plot.state.yaxis.minor_tick_line_color = None |
plot.state.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = "0pt" |
# Define a custom Hover tool |
flow_map_hover = HoverTool( |
tooltips=[ |
("Origin", "@den_reg_o"), |
("Destination", "@den_reg_d"), |
("Commuters", "@flussi"), |
] |
) |
# Get the Nodes of the selected Region and commuting purpose |
region_graph_nodes = get_nodes(nodes, edges, region_code, comm_purpose) |
# Get the Edges of the selected Region and commuting purpose |
region_graph_edges = get_edges(nodes, edges, region_code, comm_purpose) |
# Get the list of Bézier curves |
curves = region_graph_edges["curve"].to_list() |
# Get the administrative boundary of the selected Region |
region_admin_bound = region_admin_bounds[ |
(region_admin_bounds["cod_reg"] == region_code) |
].to_dict("records") |
# Draw the administrative boundary using hv.Path |
region_admin_bound_path = hv.Path(region_admin_bound) |
region_admin_bound_path.opts(color=ACCENT, line_width=1.0) |
# Build a Graph from Edges, Nodes and Bézier curves |
region_flow_graph = hv.Graph( |
(region_graph_edges.drop("curve", axis=1), region_graph_nodes, curves) |
) |
# Additional plot options |
region_flow_graph.opts( |
title="Incoming and outgoing commuting flows", |
xlabel="", |
ylabel="", |
node_color="white", |
node_hover_fill_color="magenta", |
node_line_color=ACCENT, |
node_size="size", |
node_marker="marker", |
edge_color="color", |
edge_hover_line_color="magenta", |
edge_line_width="width", |
inspection_policy="edges", |
tools=[flow_map_hover], |
hooks=[hook], |
frame_height=500, |
) |
# Compose the flow map |
flow_map = ( |
hv.element.tiles.CartoLight() |
* region_admin_bound_path |
* region_flow_graph |
) |
return flow_map |
# Load the edges as a Dataframe |
@pn.cache |
def get_edges_df(): |
return pd.read_json( |
"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ivandorte/panel-commuting-istat/main/data/edges.json", |
orient="split", |
) |
edges_df = get_edges_df() |
# Load the nodes as a Dataframe |
@pn.cache |
def get_nodes_df(): |
return pd.read_json( |
"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ivandorte/panel-commuting-istat/main/data/nodes.json", |
orient="split", |
) |
nodes_df = get_nodes_df() |
# Load the italian regions as a Dataframe |
def get_region_admin_bounds_df(): |
return pd.read_json( |
"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ivandorte/panel-commuting-istat/main/data/italian_regions.json", |
orient="split", |
) |
region_admin_bounds_df = get_region_admin_bounds_df() |
# Region selector |
region_options = dict(map(reversed, ITA_REGIONS.items())) |
region_options = dict(sorted(region_options.items())) |
region_select = pn.widgets.Select( |
name="Region:", |
options=region_options, |
sizing_mode="stretch_width", |
) |
# Toggle buttons to select the commuting purpose |
purpose_select = pn.widgets.ToggleGroup( |
name="", |
behavior="radio", |
sizing_mode="stretch_width", |
button_type="primary", button_style="outline" |
) |
# Description pane |
descr_pane = pn.pane.HTML(DASH_DESCR, styles={"text-align": "left"}) |
# Numeric indicator for incoming flows |
incoming_numind_bind = pn.bind( |
get_incoming_numind, |
edges=edges_df, |
region_code=region_select, |
comm_purpose=purpose_select, |
) |
# Numeric indicator for outgoing flows |
outgoing_numind_bind = pn.bind( |
get_outgoing_numind, |
edges=edges_df, |
region_code=region_select, |
comm_purpose=purpose_select, |
) |
# Numeric indicator for internal flows |
internal_numind_bind = pn.bind( |
get_internal_numind, |
edges=edges_df, |
region_code=region_select, |
comm_purpose=purpose_select, |
) |
# Flow map |
flowmap_bind = pn.bind( |
get_flow_map, |
nodes=nodes_df, |
edges=edges_df, |
region_admin_bounds=region_admin_bounds_df, |
region_code=region_select, |
comm_purpose=purpose_select, |
) |
# Compose the layout |
layout = pn.Row( |
pn.Column( |
region_select, |
purpose_select, |
pn.Row(incoming_numind_bind, outgoing_numind_bind), |
internal_numind_bind, |
descr_pane, |
width=350, |
), |
flowmap_bind, |
) |
pn.template.FastListTemplate( |
site="", |
logo="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ivandorte/panel-commuting-istat/main/icons/home_work.svg", |
title=DASH_TITLE, |
theme="default", |
theme_toggle=False, |
accent=ACCENT, |
neutral_color="white", |
main=[layout], |
main_max_width="1000px", |
).servable() |
await write_doc() |
` |
try { |
const [docs_json, render_items, root_ids] = await self.pyodide.runPythonAsync(code) |
self.postMessage({ |
type: 'render', |
docs_json: docs_json, |
render_items: render_items, |
root_ids: root_ids |
}) |
} catch(e) { |
const traceback = `${e}` |
const tblines = traceback.split('\n') |
self.postMessage({ |
type: 'status', |
msg: tblines[tblines.length-2] |
}); |
throw e |
} |
} |
self.onmessage = async (event) => { |
const msg = event.data |
if (msg.type === 'rendered') { |
self.pyodide.runPythonAsync(` |
from panel.io.state import state |
from panel.io.pyodide import _link_docs_worker |
_link_docs_worker(state.curdoc, sendPatch, setter='js') |
`) |
} else if (msg.type === 'patch') { |
self.pyodide.globals.set('patch', msg.patch) |
self.pyodide.runPythonAsync(` |
state.curdoc.apply_json_patch(patch.to_py(), setter='js') |
`) |
self.postMessage({type: 'idle'}) |
} else if (msg.type === 'location') { |
self.pyodide.globals.set('location', msg.location) |
self.pyodide.runPythonAsync(` |
import json |
from panel.io.state import state |
from panel.util import edit_readonly |
if state.location: |
loc_data = json.loads(location) |
with edit_readonly(state.location): |
state.location.param.update({ |
k: v for k, v in loc_data.items() if k in state.location.param |
}) |
`) |
} |
} |
startApplication() |