runtime error

0.00/159 [00:00<?, ?B/s] Downloading (…)rocessor_config.json: 100%|██████████| 159/159 [00:00<00:00, 1.13MB/s] downloading en/ljspeech/tacotron2-DDC > Downloading model to /home/user/.local/share/tts/tts_models--en--ljspeech--tacotron2-DDC > Model's license - apache 2.0 > Check for more info. > Downloading model to /home/user/.local/share/tts/vocoder_models--en--ljspeech--hifigan_v2 > Model's license - apache 2.0 > Check for more info. > Using model: Tacotron2 > Setting up Audio Processor... | > sample_rate:22050 | > resample:False | > num_mels:80 | > log_func:np.log | > min_level_db:-100 | > frame_shift_ms:None | > frame_length_ms:None | > ref_level_db:20 | > fft_size:1024 | > power:1.5 | > preemphasis:0.0 | > griffin_lim_iters:60 | > signal_norm:False | > symmetric_norm:True | > mel_fmin:0 | > mel_fmax:8000.0 | > pitch_fmin:1.0 | > pitch_fmax:640.0 | > spec_gain:1.0 | > stft_pad_mode:reflect | > max_norm:4.0 | > clip_norm:True | > do_trim_silence:True | > trim_db:60 | > do_sound_norm:False | > do_amp_to_db_linear:True | > do_amp_to_db_mel:True | > do_rms_norm:False | > db_level:None | > stats_path:None | > base:2.718281828459045 | > hop_length:256 | > win_length:1024 > Model's reduction rate `r` is set to: 1 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/user/app/", line 79, in <module> synthesizer = Synthesizer( File "/home/user/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/TTS/utils/", line 95, in __init__ self._load_vocoder(vocoder_checkpoint, vocoder_config, use_cuda) File "/home/user/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/TTS/utils/", line 218, in _load_vocoder self.vocoder_config = load_config(model_config) File "/home/user/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/TTS/config/", line 91, in load_config raise TypeError(f" [!] Unknown config file type {ext}") TypeError: [!] Unknown config file type

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