from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException, Request | |
from fastapi.responses import StreamingResponse | |
import lightgbm as lgb | |
from pydantic import BaseModel, validator | |
from datetime import datetime | |
import pandas as pd | |
import json | |
import io | |
import zipfile | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
from data import get_all_features | |
import warnings | |
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") | |
class DataPoint(BaseModel): | |
timestamp: datetime | |
storage_charge: float | |
heat_pump: float | |
circulation_pump: float | |
air_conditioning: float | |
ventilation: float | |
dishwasher: float | |
washing_machine: float | |
refrigerator: float | |
freezer: float | |
cooling_aggregate: float | |
facility: float | |
total: float | |
def parse_timestamp(cls, value): | |
if isinstance(value, str): | |
return datetime.fromisoformat(value) | |
return value | |
app = FastAPI() | |
devices = [ 'storage_charge', | |
'heat_pump', | |
'circulation_pump', | |
'air_conditioning', | |
'ventilation', | |
'dishwasher', | |
'washing_machine', | |
'refrigerator', | |
'freezer', | |
'cooling_aggregate', | |
'facility'] | |
models = dict() | |
for device in devices: | |
models[device] = lgb.Booster(model_file=f"models/model_{device}.txt") | |
def lowercase_keys_and_copy_values(list_of_dicts): | |
return [{key.lower(): value for key, value in d.items()} for d in list_of_dicts] | |
def greet_json(): | |
return {"Hello": str(models)} | |
async def get_data(request: Request): | |
data = await request.json() | |
#data = json.loads(data) | |
data = lowercase_keys_and_copy_values(data) | |
data_points = [DataPoint(**item) for item in data] | |
data_dicts = [item.dict() for item in data_points] | |
df = pd.DataFrame(data_dicts) | |
predictions = dict() | |
for i in devices: | |
predictions[i] = [] | |
return df, predictions | |
async def get_plots(request: Request, mode): | |
res = await request.json() | |
df = pd.DataFrame(res) | |
print(df) | |
if mode == 1: | |'dark_background') | |
else: | |'default') | |
plots = [] | |
d = devices + ['total'] | |
for i in d: | |
buf = io.BytesIO() | |
plt.figure() | |
plt.plot(list(range(1, len(df)+1)), df[i]) | |
plt.xticks(rotation=60) | |
plt.xlabel('Hour') | |
plt.ylabel('kWh') | |
plt.title(f'Energy consumption of {i}') | |
plt.savefig(buf, format='png', bbox_inches='tight') | | | |
plots.append(buf) | |
zip_buf = io.BytesIO() | |
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_buf, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as z: | |
for i, plot_buf in enumerate(plots): | |
z.writestr(f"{d[i]}.png", plot_buf.getvalue()) | | | |
return StreamingResponse(zip_buf, | |
media_type="application/zip", | |
headers={"Content-Disposition": "attachment;"}) | |
async def get_prediction(request, H): | |
df, predictions = await get_data(request) | |
predictions['total'] = [] | |
for _ in range(H): | |
res = get_all_features(df, devices) | |
p = dict() | |
predictions['total'].append(0) | |
for i in devices: | |
pred = (models[i].predict(res[i].iloc[-1]) * 0.8) | |
predictions[i].append(pred[0]) | |
predictions['total'][-1] += pred[0] | |
p[i] = pred | |
p['timestamp'] = df.iloc[-1]['timestamp'] + pd.to_timedelta(1, unit='h') | |
df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(p)], ignore_index=True) | |
return {"dataframe": pd.DataFrame(predictions).to_json()} | |
async def get_anomalies(request): | |
df, _ = await get_data(request) | |
res = get_all_features(df, devices) | |
for i in devices: | |
pred = (df[i] - models[i].predict(res[i].iloc[-1]) * 0.8).abs() | |
df[f"is_anomaly_{i}"] = pred > 3 | |
return {"dataframe": df.to_json(orient='records')} | |
async def predict(request: Request): | |
try: | |
res = await get_anomalies(request) | |
return res | |
except Exception as e: | |
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e)) | |
async def statistcks(request: Request): | |
try: | |
df, _ = await get_data(request) | |
res = get_all_features(df, devices) | |
json_dict = {key: df.to_json() for key, df in res.items()} | |
json_object = json.dumps(json_dict, indent=4) | |
return {"dataframe": json_object} | |
except Exception as e: | |
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e)) | |
async def predict(request: Request): | |
try: | |
H = 24 | |
res = await get_prediction(request, H) | |
return res | |
except Exception as e: | |
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e)) | |
async def predict(request: Request): | |
try: | |
H = 24 * 3 | |
res = await get_prediction(request, H) | |
return res | |
except Exception as e: | |
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e)) | |
async def predict(request: Request): | |
try: | |
H = 24 * 7 | |
res = await get_prediction(request, H) | |
return res | |
except Exception as e: | |
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e)) | |
async def predict(request: Request): | |
try: | |
zip_buf = await get_plots(request, 1) | |
return zip_buf | |
except Exception as e: | |
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e)) | |
async def predict(request: Request): | |
try: | |
zip_buf = await get_plots(request, 0) | |
return zip_buf | |
except Exception as e: | |
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e)) |