HebEMO_demo / pyplutchik.py
avichr's picture
Create pyplutchik.py
This package contains a data visualization tool for corpora annotated with emotions.
Given a JSON representation of the Plutchik's emotions (or dyads) in a text or in a group of texts,
it draws the corresponding Plutchik's flower.
See Plutchik, Robert. "A general psychoevolutionary theory of emotion." Theories of emotion. Academic press, 1980. 3-33.
repository available at https://www.github.com/alfonsosemeraro/pyplutchik
@author: Alfonso Semeraro <alfonso.semeraro@gmail.com>
import shapely.geometry as sg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import descartes
from math import sqrt, cos, sin, radians
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import colors
__author__ = """Alfonso Semeraro (alfonso.semeraro@gmail.com)"""
__all__ = ['emo_params',
def emo_params(emotion):
Gets color and angle for drawing a petal.
Color and angle depend on the emotion name.
Required arguments:
Emotion's name. Possible values:
['joy', 'trust', 'fear', 'surprise', 'sadness', 'disgust', 'anger', 'anticipation']
Matplotlib color for the petal. See: https://matplotlib.org/3.1.0/gallery/color/named_colors.html
Each subsequent petal is rotated 45° around the origin.
This function allows also 8 principal emotions, one for each Plutchik's flower petal.
No high or low intensity emotions are allowed (no 'ecstasy' or 'serenity', for instance).
if emotion == 'joy':
color = 'gold'
angle = 0
elif emotion == 'trust':
color = 'olivedrab'
angle = -45
elif emotion == 'fear':
color = 'forestgreen'
angle = -90
elif emotion == 'surprise':
color = 'skyblue'
angle = -135
elif emotion == 'sadness':
color = 'dodgerblue'
angle = -180
elif emotion == 'disgust':
color = 'slateblue'
angle = -225
elif emotion == 'anger':
color = 'orangered'
angle = -270
elif emotion == 'anticipation':
color = 'darkorange'
angle = -315
raise Exception("""Bad input: {} is not an accepted emotion.
Must be one of 'joy', 'trust', 'fear', 'surprise', 'sadness', 'disgust', 'anger', 'anticipation'""".format(emotion))
return color, angle, 0
def dyad_params(dyad):
Gets colormap and angle for drawing a dyad.
Colormap and angle depend on the dyad name.
Required arguments:
Dyad's name. Possible values:
{"primary": ['love', 'submission', 'alarm', 'disappointment', 'remorse', 'contempt', 'aggression', 'optimism'],
"secondary": ['guilt', 'curiosity', 'despair', '', 'envy', 'cynism', 'pride', 'fatalism'],
"tertiary": ['delight', 'sentimentality', 'shame', 'outrage', 'pessimism', 'morbidness', 'dominance', 'anxiety']}
Matplotlib colormap for the dyad. See: https://matplotlib.org/3.1.0/gallery/color/named_colors.html
Each subsequent dyad is rotated 45° around the origin.
if dyad == 'love':
cmap = ['gold', 'olivedrab']
angle = -45 / 2
emos = ['joy', 'trust']
level = 1
elif dyad == 'submission':
cmap = ['olivedrab', 'forestgreen']
angle = (-45 / 2) + (-45)
emos = ['trust', 'fear']
level = 1
elif dyad == 'alarm':
cmap = ['forestgreen', 'skyblue']
angle = (-45 / 2) + (-90)
emos = ['fear', 'surprise']
level = 1
elif dyad == 'disappointment':
cmap = ['skyblue', 'dodgerblue']
angle = (-45 / 2) + (-135)
emos = ['surprise', 'sadness']
level = 1
elif dyad == 'remorse':
cmap = ['dodgerblue', 'slateblue']
angle = (-45 / 2) + (-180)
emos = ['sadness', 'disgust']
level = 1
elif dyad == 'contempt':
cmap = ['slateblue', 'orangered']
angle = (-45 / 2) + (-225)
emos = ['disgust', 'anger']
level = 1
elif dyad == 'aggressiveness':
cmap = ['orangered', 'darkorange']
angle = (-45 / 2) + (-270)
emos = ['anger', 'anticipation']
level = 1
elif dyad == 'optimism':
cmap = ['darkorange', 'gold']
angle = (-45 / 2) + (-315)
emos = ['anticipation', 'joy']
level = 1
elif dyad == 'guilt':
cmap = ['gold', 'forestgreen']
angle = -45
emos = ['joy', 'fear']
level = 2
elif dyad == 'curiosity':
cmap = ['olivedrab', 'skyblue']
angle = -90
emos = ['trust', 'surprise']
level = 2
elif dyad == 'despair':
cmap = ['forestgreen', 'dodgerblue']
angle = -135
emos = ['fear', 'sadness']
level = 2
elif dyad == 'unbelief':
cmap = ['skyblue', 'slateblue']
angle = -180
emos = ['surprise', 'disgust']
level = 2
elif dyad == 'envy':
cmap = ['dodgerblue', 'orangered']
angle = -225
emos = ['sadness', 'anger']
level = 2
elif dyad == 'cynism':
cmap = ['slateblue', 'darkorange']
angle = -270
emos = ['disgust', 'anticipation']
level = 2
elif dyad == 'pride':
cmap = ['orangered', 'gold']
angle = -315
emos = ['anger', 'joy']
level = 2
elif dyad == 'hope':
cmap = ['darkorange', 'olivedrab']
angle = 0
emos = ['anticipation', 'trust']
level = 2
elif dyad == 'delight':
cmap = ['gold', 'skyblue']
angle = (-45 / 2) + (-45)
emos = ['joy', 'surprise']
level = 3
elif dyad == 'sentimentality':
cmap = ['olivedrab', 'dodgerblue']
angle = (-45 / 2) + (-90)
emos = ['trust', 'sadness']
level = 3
elif dyad == 'shame':
cmap = ['forestgreen', 'slateblue']
angle = (-45 / 2) + (-135)
emos = ['fear', 'disgust']
level = 3
elif dyad == 'outrage':
cmap = ['skyblue', 'orangered']
angle = (-45 / 2) + (-180)
emos = ['surprise', 'anger']
level = 3
elif dyad == 'pessimism':
cmap = ['dodgerblue', 'darkorange']
angle = (-45 / 2) + (-225)
emos = ['sadness', 'anticipation']
level = 3
elif dyad == 'morbidness':
cmap = ['slateblue', 'gold']
angle = (-45 / 2) + (-270)
emos = ['disgust', 'joy']
level = 3
elif dyad == 'dominance':
cmap = ['orangered', 'olivedrab']
angle = (-45 / 2) + (-315)
emos = ['anger', 'trust']
level = 3
elif dyad == 'anxiety':
cmap = ['darkorange', 'forestgreen']
angle = (-45 / 2)
emos = ['anticipation', 'fear']
level = 3
elif dyad == 'bittersweetness':
cmap = ['gold', 'dodgerblue']
angle = 0
emos = ['joy', 'sadness']
level = 4
elif dyad == 'ambivalence':
cmap = ['olivedrab', 'slateblue']
angle = -45
emos = ['trust', 'disgust']
level = 4
elif dyad == 'frozenness':
cmap = ['forestgreen', 'orangered']
angle = -90
emos = ['fear', 'anger']
level = 4
elif dyad == 'confusion':
cmap = ['skyblue', 'darkorange']
angle = -135
emos = ['surprise', 'anticipation']
level = 4
raise Exception("""Bad input: '{}' is not an accepted name for a dyad.
Must be one of:
'love', 'submission', 'alarm', 'disappointment', 'remorse', 'contempt', 'aggressiveness', 'optimism',
'guilt', 'curiosity', 'despair', 'unbelief', 'envy', 'cynism', 'pride', 'hope',
'delight', 'sentimentality', 'shame', 'outrage', 'pessimism', 'morbidness', 'dominance', 'anxiety',
'bittersweetness', 'ambivalence', 'frozenness', 'confusion'
return emos, cmap, angle, level
def _rotate_point(point, angle):
Rotate a point counterclockwise by a given angle around a given origin.
Required arguments:
A two-values tuple, (x, y), of the point to rotate
The angle the point is rotated. The angle should be given in radians.
*(qx, qy)*:
A two-values tuple, the new coordinates of the rotated point.
ox, oy = 0, 0
px, py = point
angle = radians(angle)
qx = ox + cos(angle) * (px - ox) - sin(angle) * (py - oy)
qy = oy + sin(angle) * (px - ox) + cos(angle) * (py - oy)
return (qx, qy)
def _polar_coordinates(ax, font, fontweight, fontsize, show_ticklabels, ticklabels_angle, ticklabels_size, offset = .15):
Draws polar coordinates as a background.
Required arguments:
Axes to draw the coordinates.
Font of text. Default is Montserrat.
Font weight of text. Default is light.
Font size of text. Default is 15.
Boolean, wether to show tick labels under Joy petal. Default is False.
How much to rotate tick labels from y=0. Value should be given in radians. Default is 0.
Size of tick labels. Default is 11.
Central neutral circle has radius = .15, and coordinates must start from there.
The input Axes modified.
# Lines
for i in range(0, 110, 20):
c = plt.Circle((0, 0), offset + i/100, color = 'grey', alpha = .3, fill = False, zorder = -20)
# Tick labels
if show_ticklabels:
for x in np.arange(0.2, 1.2, .2):
a = round(x, 1)
x, y = _rotate_point((0, a + offset), ticklabels_angle) #-.12
ax.annotate(s = str(a), xy = (x, y), fontfamily = font, size = ticklabels_size, fontweight = fontweight, zorder = 8, rotation = ticklabels_angle)
return ax
def _neutral_central_circle(ax, r = .15):
Draws central neutral circle (in grey).
Required arguments:
Axes to draw the coordinates.
Radius of the circle. Default is .15.
The input Axes modified.
c = sg.Point(0, 0).buffer(r)
ax.add_patch(descartes.PolygonPatch(c, fc='white', ec=(.5, .5, .5, .3), alpha=1, zorder = 15))
return ax
def _outer_border(ax, emotion_score, color, angle, highlight, offset = .15, height_width_ratio = 1, normalize = False):
Draw a the outer border of a petal.
Required arguments:
Axes to draw the coordinates.
Score of the emotion. Values range from 0 to 1.
Color of the petal. See emo_params().
Rotation angle of the petal. See emo_params().
String. 'opaque' if the petal must be shadowed, 'regular' is default.
Central neutral circle has radius = .15, and petals must start from there.
Ratio between height and width of the petal. Lower the ratio, thicker the petal. Default is 1.
Either False or the highest value among emotions. If not False, must normalize all petal lengths.
if normalize:
emotion_score /= normalize
# Computing proportions.
h = 1*emotion_score + offset
x = height_width_ratio*emotion_score
y = h/2
r = sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
# Computing rotated centers
x_right, y_right = _rotate_point((x, y), angle)
x_left, y_left = _rotate_point((-x, y), angle)
# Circles and intersection
right = sg.Point(x_right, y_right).buffer(r)
left = sg.Point(x_left, y_left).buffer(r)
petal = right.intersection(left)
# alpha and color
alpha = 1 if highlight == 'regular' else .8
ecol = (colors.to_rgba(color)[0], colors.to_rgba(color)[1], colors.to_rgba(color)[2], alpha)
ax.add_patch(descartes.PolygonPatch(petal, fc=(0, 0, 0, 0), ec = ecol, lw= 1))
def _petal_shape_emotion(ax, emotion_score, color, angle, font, fontweight, fontsize, highlight, will_circle, offset = .15, height_width_ratio = 1, normalize = False):
Draw a petal.
A petal is the intersection area between two circles.
The height of the petal depends on the radius and the center of the circles.
Full details at http://www.github.com/alfonsosemeraro/plutchik/tutorial.ipynb
Required arguments:
Axes to draw the coordinates.
Score of the emotion. Values range from 0 to 1.
Color of the petal. See emo_params().
Rotation angle of the petal. See emo_params().
Font of text. Default is Montserrat.
Font weight of text. Default is light.
Font size of text. Default is 15.
String. 'opaque' if the petal must be shadowed, 'regular' is default.
Boolean. If three intensities will be plotted, then the lower petal must be pale.
Central neutral circle has radius = .15, and petals must start from there.
Ratio between height and width of the petal. Lower the ratio, thicker the petal. Default is 1.
Either False or the highest value among emotions. If not False, must normalize all petal lengths.
The petal, a shapely shape.
if normalize:
emotion_score /= normalize
# Computing proportions.
h = 1*emotion_score + offset
x = height_width_ratio*emotion_score
y = h/2
r = sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
# Computing rotated centers
x_right, y_right = _rotate_point((x, y), angle)
x_left, y_left = _rotate_point((-x, y), angle)
# Circles and intersection
right = sg.Point(x_right, y_right).buffer(r)
left = sg.Point(x_left, y_left).buffer(r)
petal = right.intersection(left)
# Alpha for highlighting
if highlight == 'regular':
if will_circle:
alpha = .3
alpha = .5
elif will_circle:
alpha = .0
alpha = .0
ax.add_patch(descartes.PolygonPatch(petal, fc='white', lw = 0, alpha=1, zorder = 0))
ax.add_patch(descartes.PolygonPatch(petal, fc=color, lw= 0, alpha=alpha, zorder = 10))
return petal
def _petal_shape_dyad(ax, emotion_score, colorA, colorB, angle, font, fontweight, fontsize, highlight, will_circle, offset = .15, height_width_ratio = 1, normalize = False):
Draw a petal.
A petal is the intersection area between two circles.
The height of the petal depends on the radius and the center of the circles.
Full details at http://www.github.com/alfonsosemeraro/plutchik/tutorial.ipynb
Required arguments:
Axes to draw the coordinates.
Score of the emotion. Values range from 0 to 1.
First color of the petal. See dyad_params().
Second color of the petal. See dyad_params().
Rotation angle of the petal. See dyad_params().
Font of text. Default is Montserrat.
Font weight of text. Default is light.
Font size of text. Default is 15.
String. 'opaque' if the petal must be shadowed, 'regular' is default.
Boolean. If three intensities will be plotted, then the lower petal must be pale.
Central neutral circle has radius = .15, and petals must start from there.
Ratio between height and width of the petal. Lower the ratio, thicker the petal. Default is 1.
Either False or the highest value among emotions. If not False, must normalize all petal lengths.
The petal, a shapely shape.
if emotion_score == 0:
return ax
if normalize:
emotion_score /= normalize
# Computing proportions.
h = 1*emotion_score + offset
x = height_width_ratio*emotion_score
y = h/2
r = sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
# Computing rotated centers
x_right, y_right = _rotate_point((x, y), angle)
x_left, y_left = _rotate_point((-x, y), angle)
# Circles and intersection
right = sg.Point(x_right, y_right).buffer(r)
left = sg.Point(x_left, y_left).buffer(r)
petal = right.intersection(left)
# Computing squares: left
A = _rotate_point((-2*x, 0), angle)
B = _rotate_point((-2*x, h), angle)
C = _rotate_point((0, h), angle)
D = _rotate_point((0, 0), angle)
square_left = sg.Polygon([A, B, C, D, A])
# Computing squares: right
A = _rotate_point((0, 0), angle)
B = _rotate_point((0, h), angle)
C = _rotate_point((2*x, h), angle)
D = _rotate_point((2*x, 0), angle)
square_right = sg.Polygon([A, B, C, D, A])
# Computing semipetals
petalA = petal.intersection(square_left)
petalB = petal.intersection(square_right)
# white petal underneath
ax.add_patch(descartes.PolygonPatch(petal, fc='white', lw = 0, alpha=1, zorder = 0))
# Draw each half-petal in alpha 0.7
alpha = .7
xs, ys = petalA.exterior.xy
ax.fill(xs, ys, alpha=alpha, fc= colorA, ec='none')
xs, ys = petalB.exterior.xy
ax.fill(xs, ys, alpha=alpha, fc=colorB, ec='none')
return ax
def _petal_spine_emotion(ax, emotion, emotion_score, color, angle, font, fontweight, fontsize, highlight = 'all', offset = .15):
Draw the spine beneath a petal, and the annotation of emotion and emotion's value.
The spine is a straight line from the center, of length 1.03.
Full details at http://www.github.com/alfonsosemeraro/plutchik/tutorial.ipynb
Required arguments:
Axes to draw the coordinates.
Emotion's name.
Score of the emotion. Values range from 0 to 1. if list, it must contain 3 values that sum up to 1.
Color of the petal. See emo_params().
Rotation angle of the petal. See emo_params().
Font of text. Default is Montserrat.
Font weight of text. Default is light.
Font size of text. Default is 15.
String. 'opaque' if the petal must be shadowed, 'regular' is default.
Central neutral circle has radius = .15, and petals must start from there.
# Diagonal lines and ticks
step = .03
p1 = (0, 0)
p2 = _rotate_point((0, 1 + step + offset), angle) # draw line until 0, 1 + step + offset
p3 = _rotate_point((-step, 1 + step + offset), angle) # draw tick
ax.plot([p1[0], p2[0]], [p1[1], p2[1]], zorder = 5, color = 'black', alpha = .3, linewidth = .75)
ax.plot([p2[0], p3[0]], [p2[1], p3[1]], zorder = 5, color = 'black', alpha = .3, linewidth = .75)
# Managing highlighting and transparency
if highlight == 'opaque':
alpha = .8
color = 'lightgrey'
alpha = 1
# Checking if iterable
_ = emotion_score[0]
iterable = True
iterable = False
if iterable:
# Label
angle2 = angle + 180 if -110 > angle > -260 else angle
p4 = _rotate_point((0, 1.40 + step + offset), angle)
ax.annotate(s = emotion, xy = p4, rotation = angle2, ha='center', va = 'center',
fontfamily = font, size = fontsize, fontweight = fontweight)
# Score 1
p5 = _rotate_point((0, 1.07 + step + offset), angle)
ax.annotate(s = "{0:.2f}".format(round(emotion_score[0],2)), xy = p5, rotation = angle2, ha='center', va = 'center',
color = color, fontfamily = font, size = fontsize, fontweight = 'regular', alpha = alpha)
# Score 2
p6 = _rotate_point((0, 1.17 + step + offset), angle)
ax.annotate(s = "{0:.2f}".format(round(emotion_score[1],2)), xy = p6, rotation = angle2, ha='center', va = 'center',
color = color, fontfamily = font, size = fontsize, fontweight = 'demibold', alpha = alpha)
# Score 3
p7 = _rotate_point((0, 1.27 + step + offset), angle)
ax.annotate(s = "{0:.2f}".format(round(emotion_score[2],2)), xy = p7, rotation = angle2, ha='center', va = 'center',
color = color, fontfamily = font, size = fontsize, fontweight = 'regular', alpha = alpha)
# Label
angle2 = angle + 180 if -110 > angle > -260 else angle
p4 = _rotate_point((0, 1.23 + step + offset), angle)
ax.annotate(s = emotion, xy = p4, rotation = angle2, ha='center', va = 'center',
fontfamily = font, size = fontsize, fontweight = fontweight)
# Score
p5 = _rotate_point((0, 1.1 + step + offset), angle)
ax.annotate(s = "{0:.2f}".format(round(emotion_score,2)), xy = p5, rotation = angle2, ha='center', va = 'center',
color = color, fontfamily = font, size = fontsize, fontweight = 'demibold', alpha = alpha)
def _petal_spine_dyad(ax, dyad, dyad_score, color, emotion_names, angle, font, fontweight, fontsize, highlight = 'all', offset = .15):
Draw the spine beneath a petal, and the annotation of dyad and dyad's value.
The spine is a straight line from the center, of length 1.03.
Full details at http://www.github.com/alfonsosemeraro/plutchik/tutorial.ipynb
Required arguments:
Axes to draw the coordinates.
Dyad's name.
Score of the dyad. Values range from 0 to 1. if list, it must contain 3 values that sum up to 1.
Color of the two emotions of the dyad. See dyad_params().
Name of the emotions the dyad is made of. See dyad_params().
Rotation angle of the petal. See dyad_params().
Font of text. Default is Montserrat.
Font weight of text. Default is light.
Font size of text. Default is 15.
String. 'opaque' if the petal must be shadowed, 'regular' is default.
Central neutral circle has radius = .15, and petals must start from there.
# Diagonal lines and ticks
step = .03
p1 = (0, 0) # 0, 0 + offset
p2 = _rotate_point((0, 1 + step + offset), angle) # draw line until 0, 1 + step + offset
p3 = _rotate_point((-step, 1 + step + offset), angle) # draw tick
ax.plot([p1[0], p2[0]], [p1[1], p2[1]], zorder = 5, color = 'black', alpha = .3, linewidth = .75)
ax.plot([p2[0], p3[0]], [p2[1], p3[1]], zorder = 5, color = 'black', alpha = .3, linewidth = .75)
# Managing highlighting and opacity
if highlight == 'opaque':
alpha = .8
color = 'lightgrey'
alpha = 1
## Drawing the two-colored circular arc over dyads
from matplotlib.patches import Arc
H = 3.2
pac1 = Arc((0, 0), width = H, height = H, angle = 90, theta2 = angle, theta1 = angle - 18, ec = color[1], linewidth = 3)
pac2 = Arc((0, 0), width = H, height = H, angle = 90, theta2 = angle + 18, theta1 = angle, ec = color[0], linewidth = 3)
# Labels over the arcs
angle2 = angle + 180 if -110 > angle > -260 else angle
p9 = _rotate_point((0, 1.7), angle - 9)
ax.annotate(s = emotion_names[1], xy = p9, rotation = angle2 - 8, ha='center', va = 'center', zorder = 30,
fontfamily = font, size = fontsize * .7, fontweight = 'demibold', color = color[1])
p10 = _rotate_point((0, 1.7), angle + 9)
ax.annotate(s = emotion_names[0], xy = p10, rotation = angle2 + 8, ha='center', va = 'center', zorder = 30,
fontfamily = font, size = fontsize * .7, fontweight = 'demibold', color = color[0])
# Dyad label must be grey
color = '#363636'
# Label
angle2 = angle + 180 if -110 > angle > -260 else angle
p4 = _rotate_point((0, 1.23 + step + offset), angle)
ax.annotate(s = dyad, xy = p4, rotation = angle2, ha='center', va = 'center',
fontfamily = font, size = fontsize, fontweight = fontweight)
# Score
p5 = _rotate_point((0, 1.1 + step + offset), angle)
ax.annotate(s = "{0:.2f}".format(round(dyad_score,2)), xy = p5, rotation = angle2, ha='center', va = 'center',
color = color, fontfamily = font, size = fontsize, fontweight = 'demibold', alpha = alpha)
def _petal_circle(ax, petal, radius, color, inner = False, highlight = 'none', offset = .15, normalize = False):
Each petal may have 3 degrees of intensity.
Each of the three sections of a petal is the interception between
the petal and up to two concentric circles from the origin.
This function draws one section.
Full details at http://www.github.com/alfonsosemeraro/plutchik/tutorial.ipynb
Required arguments:
Axes to draw the coordinates.
The petal shape. See petal().
Radius of the section.
Color of the section. See emo_params().
Boolean. If True, a second patch is drawn with alpha = 0.3, making the inner circle darker.
String. 'opaque' if the petal must be shadowed, 'regular' is default.
Central neutral circle has radius = .15, and petals must start from there.
Either False or the highest value among emotions. If not False, must normalize all petal lengths.
if radius:
if normalize:
radius /= normalize
# Define the intersection between circle c and petal
c = sg.Point(0, 0).buffer(radius + offset)
area = petal.intersection(c)
# Managing alpha and color
alpha0 = 1 if highlight == 'regular' else .2
ecol = (colors.to_rgba(color)[0], colors.to_rgba(color)[1], colors.to_rgba(color)[2], alpha0)
alpha1 = .5 if highlight == 'regular' else .0
# Drawing separately the shape and a thicker border
ax.add_patch(descartes.PolygonPatch(area, fc=color, ec = 'black', lw = 0, alpha=alpha1))
ax.add_patch(descartes.PolygonPatch(area, fc=(0, 0, 0, 0), ec = ecol, lw = 1.3))
# The innermost circle gets to be brighter because of the repeated overlap
# Its alpha is diminished to avoid too much bright colors
if inner:
alpha2 = .3 if highlight == 'regular' else .0
ax.add_patch(descartes.PolygonPatch(area, fc=color, ec = 'w', lw = 0, alpha=alpha2))
ax.add_patch(descartes.PolygonPatch(area, fc=(0, 0, 0, 0), ec = ecol, lw = 1.5))
def _draw_emotion_petal(ax, emotion, emotion_score, highlight_emotions, show_intensity_labels, font, fontweight, fontsize, show_coordinates, height_width_ratio, normalize = False):
Draw the petal and its possible sections.
Full details at http://www.github.com/alfonsosemeraro/plutchik/tutorial.ipynb
Required arguments:
Axes to draw the coordinates.
Emotion's name.
Score of the emotion. Values range from 0 to 1.
A list of main emotions to highlight. Other emotions will be shadowed.
A string or a list of main emotions. It shows all three intensity scores for each emotion in the list, and for the others cumulative scores. Default is 'none'.
Font of text. Default is Montserrat.
Font weight of text. Default is light.
Font size of text. Default is 15.
Central neutral circle has radius = .15, and petals must start from there.
A boolean, wether to show polar coordinates or not.
Either False or the highest value among emotions. If not False, normalize petal length.
color, angle, _ = emo_params(emotion)
# Check if iterable
_ = emotion_score[0]
iterable = True
iterable = False
# Manage highlight and opacity
if highlight_emotions != 'all':
if emotion in highlight_emotions:
highlight = 'regular'
highlight = 'opaque'
highlight = 'regular'
if not iterable:
if show_coordinates:
# Draw the line and tick behind a petal
_petal_spine_emotion(ax = ax, emotion = emotion, emotion_score = emotion_score,
color = color, angle = angle,
font = font, fontweight = fontweight, fontsize = fontsize,
highlight = highlight,
offset = .15)
# Draw petal
_petal_shape_emotion(ax, emotion_score, color, angle, font, fontweight, fontsize, height_width_ratio = height_width_ratio, highlight = highlight, will_circle = False, normalize = normalize)
# Draw border
_outer_border(ax, emotion_score, color, angle, height_width_ratio = height_width_ratio, highlight = highlight, normalize = normalize)
# Total length is the sum of the emotion score
a, b, c = emotion_score
length = a + b + c
# Show three scores or just the cumulative one?
label = emotion_score if ((show_intensity_labels == 'all') or (emotion in show_intensity_labels)) else length
if show_coordinates:
# Draw the line and tick behind a petal
_petal_spine_emotion(ax = ax, emotion = emotion, emotion_score = label,
color = color, angle = angle,
font = font, fontweight = fontweight, fontsize = fontsize,
highlight = highlight,
offset = .15)
# Draw petal
petal_shape = _petal_shape_emotion(ax, length, color, angle, font, fontweight, fontsize, height_width_ratio = height_width_ratio, highlight = highlight, will_circle = True, normalize = normalize)
# Draw inner petal section
_petal_circle(ax, petal_shape, a + b, color, False, highlight, normalize = normalize)
# Draw middle petal section
_petal_circle(ax, petal_shape, a, color, True, highlight, normalize = normalize)
# Draw border
_outer_border(ax, length, color, angle, height_width_ratio = height_width_ratio, highlight = highlight, normalize = normalize)
def _draw_dyad_petal(ax, dyad, dyad_score, font, fontweight, fontsize, show_coordinates, height_width_ratio, offset = .15, normalize = False):
Draw the petal and its possible sections.
Full details at http://www.github.com/alfonsosemeraro/plutchik/tutorial.ipynb
Required arguments:
Axes to draw the coordinates.
Dyad's name.
Score of the dyad. Values range from 0 to 1.
Font of text. Default is Montserrat.
Font weight of text. Default is light.
Font size of text. Default is 15.
Central neutral circle has radius = .15, and petals must start from there.
A boolean, wether to show polar coordinates or not.
Either False or the highest value among the dyads. If not False, normalize petal length.
emos, color, angle, _ = dyad_params(dyad)
colorA, colorB = color
if show_coordinates:
# Draw the line and tick behind a petal
_petal_spine_dyad(ax = ax, dyad = dyad, dyad_score = dyad_score,
emotion_names = emos,
color = color, angle = angle,
font = font, fontweight = fontweight, fontsize = fontsize,
highlight = 'all',
offset = .15)
# Draw petal (and get the modified ax)
ax = _petal_shape_dyad(ax, dyad_score, colorA, colorB, angle, font, fontweight, fontsize, height_width_ratio = height_width_ratio, highlight = 'all', will_circle = False, normalize = normalize)
# Draw border
_outer_border(ax, dyad_score, colorA, angle, height_width_ratio = height_width_ratio, highlight = 'all', normalize = normalize)
def _check_scores_kind(tags):
Checks if the inputed scores are all of the same kind
(emotions or primary dyads or secondary dyads or tertiary dyads or opposites).
No mixed kinds are allowed.
Required arguments:
List of the tags provided as 'scores'.
A boolean, True if `scores` contains emotions, False if it contains dyads.
kinds = []
for t in tags:
kinds += [emo_params(t)[2]]
kinds += [dyad_params(t)[3]]
unique_kinds = list(set(sorted(kinds)))
if len(unique_kinds) > 1:
unique_kinds_str = ', '.join([str(a) for a in unique_kinds])
unique_kinds_str = unique_kinds_str.replace('0', 'emotions')
unique_kinds_str = unique_kinds_str.replace('1', 'primary dyads')
unique_kinds_str = unique_kinds_str.replace('2', 'secondary dyads')
unique_kinds_str = unique_kinds_str.replace('3', 'tertiary dyads')
unique_kinds_str = unique_kinds_str.replace('4', 'opposite emotions')
unique_kinds_str = ' and'.join(unique_kinds_str.rsplit(',', 1))
error_str = "Bad input: can't draw {} altogether. Please input only one of them as 'scores'.".format(unique_kinds_str)
raise Exception(error_str)
kind = kinds[0]
if kind == 0:
return True
return False
def random_flower():
""" Draws a Plutchik's flower with random scores """
import random
emo = {'joy': random.uniform(0, 1),
'trust': random.uniform(0,1),
'fear': random.uniform(0,1),
'surprise': random.uniform(0,1),
'sadness': random.uniform(0,1),
'disgust': random.uniform(0,1),
'anger': random.uniform(0,1),
'anticipation': random.uniform(0,1)}
def plutchik(scores,
ax = None,
font = None,
fontweight = 'light',
fontsize = 15,
show_coordinates = True,
show_ticklabels = False,
highlight_emotions = 'all',
show_intensity_labels = 'none',
ticklabels_angle = 0,
ticklabels_size = 11,
height_width_ratio = 1,
title = None,
title_size = None,
normalize = False):
Draw the petal and its possible sections.
Full details at http://www.github.com/alfonsosemeraro/plutchik/tutorial.ipynb
Required arguments:
A dictionary with emotions or dyads.
For each entry, values accepted are a 3-values iterable (for emotions only) or a scalar value between 0 and 1.
The sum of the 3-values iterable values must not exceed 1, and no value should be negative.
See emo_params() and dyad_params() for accepted keys.
Emotions and dyads are mutually exclusive. Different kinds of dyads are mutually exclusive.
Axes to draw the coordinates.
Font of text. Default is sans-serif.
Font weight of text. Default is light.
Font size of text. Default is 15.
Central neutral circle has radius = .15, and petals must start from there.
A boolean, wether to show polar coordinates or not.
Boolean, wether to show tick labels under Joy petal. Default is False.
A string or a list of main emotions to highlight. If a list of emotions is given, other emotions will be shadowed. Default is 'all'.
A string or a list of main emotions. It shows all three intensity scores for each emotion in the list, and for the others cumulative scores. Default is 'none'.
How much to rotate tick labels from y=0. Value should be given in radians. Default is 0.
Size of tick labels. Default is 11.
Ratio between height and width of the petal. Lower the ratio, thicker the petal. Default is 1.
Title for the plot.
Size of the title. Default is font_size.
The input Axes modified.
scores = {key.lower(): val for key, val in scores.items()}
# Check if dyads or emotions, and what kind of dyads
score_is_emotions = _check_scores_kind(scores)
if score_is_emotions:
emotions, dyads = scores, None
emotions, dyads = None, scores
# Create subplot if is not provided as parameter
if not ax:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (8, 8))
# Managing fonts
if not font:
font = 'sans-serif'
# Draw coordinates (if needed) before any petal
if show_coordinates:
_polar_coordinates(ax, font, fontweight, fontsize, show_ticklabels, ticklabels_angle, ticklabels_size)
# Draw inner white circle
# Emotions and dyads are mutually exclusive
if emotions:
emotions = {key.lower(): val for key, val in emotions.items()}
for emo in emotions:
# Check correctedness of values
if hasattr(emotions[emo], '__iter__'):
if sum(emotions[emo]) > 1 or any([e < 0 for e in emotions[emo]]):
raise Exception("Bad input for `{}`. Emotion scores array should be between 0 and 1.".format(emo))
if emotions[emo] > 1 or emotions[emo] < 0:
raise Exception("Bad input for `{}`. Emotion scores array should sum to between 0 and 1.".format(emo))
# Draw emotion petal
_draw_emotion_petal(ax, emotion_score = emotions[emo], emotion = emo,
font = font, fontweight = fontweight, fontsize = fontsize,
highlight_emotions = highlight_emotions, show_intensity_labels = show_intensity_labels,
show_coordinates = show_coordinates, height_width_ratio = height_width_ratio, normalize = normalize)
elif dyads:
for dyad in dyads:
# Check correctedness of values
if dyads[dyad] > 1 or dyads[dyad] < 0:
print("Alert: {} = {}".format(dyad, dyads[dyad]))
raise Exception("Bad input for `{}`. Dyads scores array should sum to between 0 and 1.".format(dyad))
# Draw dyad bicolor petal
_draw_dyad_petal(ax, dyad_score = dyads[dyad], dyad = dyad,
font = font, fontweight = fontweight, fontsize = fontsize,
show_coordinates = show_coordinates, height_width_ratio = height_width_ratio,
normalize = normalize)
# Annotation inside the circle
_, _, _, level = dyad_params(list(dyads.keys())[0]) # get the first dyad level (they all are the same)
ll = level if level != 4 else 'opp.' # what to annotate
xy = (-0.03, -0.03) if level != 4 else (-0.13, -0.03) # exact center of '1' or 'opp' is slightly different
ax.annotate(s = ll, xy = xy, fontsize = fontsize, fontfamily = font, fontweight = 'bold', zorder = 30)
# Ghost dotted track that connects colored arcs
c = plt.Circle((0, 0), 1.60, color = 'grey', alpha = .3, fill = False, zorder = -20, linestyle = 'dotted' )
# Adjusting printable area size
lim = 1.6 if show_coordinates else 1.2
lim = lim + 0.1 if dyads else lim
ax.set_xlim((-lim, lim))
ax.set_ylim((-lim, lim))
# Default is no axis
# Title and title size
if not title_size:
title_size = fontsize
if title:
ax.set_title(title, fontfamily = font, fontsize = title_size, fontweight = 'bold', pad = 20)
return ax