auto-draft / utils /
Bug fix.
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# Each `paper` is a dictionary containing:
# (1) paper_id (2) title (3) authors (4) year (5) link (6) abstract (7) journal (8) embeddings
# Generate references:
# `Reference` class:
# 1. Read a given .bib file to collect papers; use `search_paper_abstract` method to fill missing abstract.
# 2. Given some keywords; use Semantic Scholar API to find papers.
# 3. Generate bibtex from the selected papers. --> to_bibtex()
# 4. Generate prompts from the selected papers: --> to_prompts()
# A sample prompt: {"paper_id": "paper summary"}
# todo: (1) citations & citedby of provided papers:
# load the pre-defined papers; use S2 to find all related works
# add all citations to `bib_papers`
# add all citedby to `bib_papers`
# use Semantic Scholar to find their embeddings
# (2) separate references:
# divide references into different groups to reduce the tokens count
# for generating different paragraph of related works, use different set of references
import requests
import re
import bibtexparser
import random
from scholarly import scholarly
from scholarly import ProxyGenerator
# Some basic tools
def remove_newlines(serie):
# This function is applied to the abstract of each paper to reduce the length of prompts.
serie = serie.replace('\n', ' ')
serie = serie.replace('\\n', ' ')
serie = serie.replace(' ', ' ')
serie = serie.replace(' ', ' ')
return serie
def search_paper_abstract(title):
pg = ProxyGenerator()
success = pg.ScraperAPI("921b16f94d701308b9d9b4456ddde155")
if success:
# input the title of a paper, return its abstract
search_query = scholarly.search_pubs(title)
found_paper = next(search_query)
raise RuntimeError("ScraperAPI fails.")
return remove_newlines(found_paper['bib']['abstract'])
def load_papers_from_bibtex(bib_file_path):
with open(bib_file_path) as bibtex_file:
bib_database = bibtexparser.load(bibtex_file)
if len(bib_database.entries) == 0:
return []
bib_papers = []
for bibitem in bib_database.entries:
# Add each paper to `bib_papers`
paper_id = bibitem.get("ID")
title = bibitem.get("title")
if title is None:
journal = bibitem.get("journal")
year = bibitem.get("year")
author = bibitem.get("author")
abstract = bibitem.get("abstract")
if abstract is None:
abstract = search_paper_abstract(title)
result = {
"paper_id": paper_id,
"title": title,
"link": "",
"abstract": abstract,
"authors": author,
"year": year,
"journal": journal
return bib_papers
# Semantic Scholar (SS) API
def ss_search(keywords, limit=20, fields=None):
# space between the query to be removed and replaced with +
if fields is None:
fields = ["title", "abstract", "venue", "year", "authors", "tldr", "embedding", "externalIds"]
keywords = keywords.lower()
keywords = keywords.replace(" ", "+")
url = f'{keywords}&limit={limit}&fields={",".join(fields)}'
# headers = {"Accept": "*/*", "x-api-key": constants.S2_KEY}
headers = {"Accept": "*/*"}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=30)
return response.json()
def _collect_papers_ss(keyword, counts=3, tldr=False):
def externalIds2link(externalIds):
# Sample externalIds:
# "{'MAG': '2932819148', 'DBLP': 'conf/icml/HaarnojaZAL18', 'ArXiv': '1801.01290', 'CorpusId': 28202810}"
if externalIds:
# Supports ArXiv, MAG, ACL, PubMed, Medline, PubMedCentral, DBLP, DOI
# priority: DBLP > arXiv > (todo: MAG > CorpusId > DOI > ACL > PubMed > Mdeline > PubMedCentral)
dblp_id = externalIds.get('DBLP')
if dblp_id is not None:
dblp_link = f"{dblp_id}"
return dblp_link
# arXiv
arxiv_id = externalIds.get('ArXiv')
if arxiv_id is not None:
arxiv_link = f"{arxiv_id}"
return arxiv_link
return ""
# if this is an empty dictionary, return an empty string
return ""
def extract_paper_id(last_name, year_str, title):
pattern = r'^\w+'
words = re.findall(pattern, title)
# return last_name + year_str + title.split(' ', 1)[0]
output = last_name + year_str + words[0]
except IndexError:
output = last_name + year_str + title[:4]
return output
def extract_author_info(raw_authors):
authors = [author['name'] for author in raw_authors]
authors_str = " and ".join(authors)
last_name = authors[0].split()[-1]
last_name = last_name.replace("'", "")
except IndexError:
last_name = "ma"
# pattern = r'^\w+'
# last_name = re.findall(pattern, authors[0])
return authors_str, last_name
def parse_search_results(search_results_ss):
if len(search_results_ss) == 0:
return []
# turn the search result to a list of paper dictionary.
papers_ss = []
for raw_paper in search_results_ss:
if raw_paper["abstract"] is None:
authors_str, last_name = extract_author_info(raw_paper['authors'])
year_str = str(raw_paper['year'])
title = raw_paper['title']
# some journal may contain &; replace it. e.g. journal={IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting}
journal = raw_paper['venue'].replace("&", "\\&")
if not journal:
journal = "arXiv preprint"
paper_id = extract_paper_id(last_name, year_str, title).lower()
link = externalIds2link(raw_paper['externalIds'])
if tldr and raw_paper['tldr'] is not None:
abstract = raw_paper['tldr']['text']
abstract = remove_newlines(raw_paper['abstract'])
# some papers have no embeddings; handle this case
embeddings_dict = raw_paper.get('embedding')
if embeddings_dict is None:
embeddings = raw_paper['embedding']['vector']
result = {
"paper_id": paper_id,
"title": title,
"abstract": abstract,
"link": link,
"authors": authors_str,
"year": year_str,
"journal": journal,
"embeddings": embeddings
return papers_ss
raw_results = ss_search(keyword, limit=counts)
if raw_results is not None:
search_results = raw_results.get("data")
if search_results is None:
search_results = []
search_results = []
results = parse_search_results(search_results)
return results
# References Class
class References:
def __init__(self, title, load_papers):
if load_papers is not None:
self.papers = {}
self.papers["customized_refs"] = load_papers_from_bibtex(load_papers)
self.papers = {}
self.title = title
def load_papers(self, bibtex, keyword):
self.papers[keyword] = load_papers_from_bibtex(bibtex)
def generate_keywords_dict(self):
keywords_dict = {}
for k in self.papers:
keywords_dict[k] = len(self.papers[k])
return keywords_dict
def collect_papers(self, keywords_dict, tldr=False):
{"machine learning": 5, "language model": 2};
the first is the keyword, the second is how many references are needed.
for key, counts in keywords_dict.items():
self.papers[key] = _collect_papers_ss(key, counts, tldr)
def to_bibtex(self, path_to_bibtex="ref.bib", max_num_refs=50):
Turn the saved paper list into bibtex file "ref.bib". Return a list of all `paper_id`.
# todo:
# use embeddings to evaluate; keep top k relevant references in papers
# send (title, .bib file) to evaluate embeddings; recieve truncated papers
papers = self._get_papers(keyword = "_all")
papers = papers[:max_num_refs]
# clear the bibtex file
with open(path_to_bibtex, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
bibtex_entries = []
paper_ids = []
seen = set()
for paper in papers:
if paper["paper_id"] in seen:
bibtex_entry = f"""@article{{{paper["paper_id"]},
title = {{{paper["title"]}}},
author = {{{paper["authors"]}}},
year = {{{paper["year"]}}},
url = {{{paper["link"]}}}
# Save the generated BibTeX entries to a file
with open(path_to_bibtex, "a", encoding="utf-8") as file:
return paper_ids
def _get_papers(self, keyword = "_all"):
if keyword == "_all":
papers = []
for k, v in self.papers.items():
papers = papers + v
papers = self.papers["keyword"]
return papers
def to_prompts(self, keyword = "_all"):
# `prompts`:
# {"paper1_bibtex_id": "paper_1_abstract", "paper2_bibtex_id": "paper2_abstract"}
# this will be used to instruct GPT model to cite the correct bibtex entry.
papers = self._get_papers(keyword)
prompts = {}
for paper in papers:
prompts[paper["paper_id"]] = paper["abstract"]
return prompts
def to_json(self, keyword = "_all"):
papers = self._get_papers(keyword)
papers_json = {}
for paper in papers:
papers_json[paper["paper_id"]] = paper
return papers_json
if __name__ == "__main__":
# testing search results
r = ss_search("Deep Q-Networks", limit=1) # a list of raw papers
if r['total'] > 0:
paper = r['data'][0]
# print(paper)
# resting References
refs = References()
# keywords_dict = {
# "Deep Q-Networks": 5,
# "Actor-Critic Algorithms": 4,
# "Exploration-Exploitation Trade-off": 3
# }
# refs.collect_papers(keywords_dict, tldr=True)
# for k in refs.papers:
# papers = refs.papers[k] # for each keyword, there is a list of papers
# print("keyword: ", k)
# for paper in papers:
# print(paper["paper_id"])
# refs.to_bibtex()
# papers_json = refs.to_json() # this json can be used to find the most relevant papers
# with open("papers.json", "w", encoding='utf-8') as text_file:
# text_file.write(f"{papers_json}")
# prompts = refs.to_prompts()
# print(prompts)
bib = "test.bib"
refs.load_papers(bib, "variance-reduction rl")
prompts = refs.to_prompts()
for k in prompts:
print(f"{k}: {prompts[k]}\n")
# for paper in papers:
# print(paper)