Ask-ANRG / template_questions
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Q1: Give me a publication on neural network?
Expected answer: DEFER: Distributed Edge Inference for Deep Neural Networks (or any publication that is related to neural network, CNN, RNN, etc.)
Q2: Give me three publication on neural network?
Expected answer: DEFER: Distributed Edge Inference for Deep Neural Networks, Neural Networks for DDoS Attack Detection using an Enhanced Urban IoT Dataset, GCNScheduler: Scheduling distributed computing applications using graph convolutional networks
Q3: What are some publication of Bhaskar Krishnamachari?
Expected answer: Search and Rescue on the Line, Solving Math Word Problems Concerning Systems of Equations with GPT-3, etc.
Q4: Give me some publication by B. Krishnamachari?
Expected answer: Search and Rescue on the Line, Solving Math Word Problems Concerning Systems of Equations with GPT-3, etc.
Q5: What is the title of B. Krishnamachari?
Expected answer: he is a professor
Q6: Given me one recent publication in 2023
Expected answer: Search and Rescue on the Line (or any publication published in 2023)