import os |
import time as reqtime |
import datetime |
from pytz import timezone |
import gradio as gr |
import numpy as np |
import os |
import random |
from collections import Counter |
from tqdm import tqdm |
import TMIDIX |
from midi_to_colab_audio import midi_to_colab_audio |
def Generate_Chords_Progression(total_song_length_in_chords_chunks, |
chords_chunks_memory_length, |
chord_time_step, |
melody_MIDI_patch_number, |
chords_progression_MIDI_patch_number, |
base_MIDI_patch_number |
): |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Req start time: {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}'.format(datetime.datetime.now(PDT))) |
start_time = reqtime.time() |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Requested settings:') |
print('Total song length in chords chunks:', total_song_length_in_chords_chunks) |
print('Chords chunks memory length:', chords_chunks_memory_length) |
print('Chord time step:', chord_time_step) |
print('Melody MIDI patch number:', melody_MIDI_patch_number) |
print('Chords progression MIDI patch number:', chords_progression_MIDI_patch_number) |
print('Base MIDI patch number:', base_MIDI_patch_number) |
print('=' * 70) |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Pitches Chords Progressions Generator') |
print('=' * 70) |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Chunk-by-chunk generation') |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Generating...') |
print('=' * 70) |
matching_long_chords_chunks = [] |
ridx = random.randint(0, len(all_long_chords_tokens_chunks)-1) |
matching_long_chords_chunks.append(ridx) |
max_song_len = 0 |
tries = 0 |
while len(matching_long_chords_chunks) < total_song_length_in_chords_chunks: |
matching_long_chords_chunks = [] |
ridx = random.randint(0, len(all_long_chords_tokens_chunks)-1) |
matching_long_chords_chunks.append(ridx) |
seen = [ridx] |
for a in range(16): |
schunk = all_long_chords_tokens_chunks[matching_long_chords_chunks[-1]] |
trg_long_chunk = np.array(schunk[-chunk_size:]) |
idxs = np.where((src_long_chunks == trg_long_chunk).all(axis=1))[0].tolist() |
if len(idxs) > 1: |
eidx = random.choice(idxs) |
tr = 0 |
while eidx in seen and tr < 5: |
eidx = random.choice(idxs) |
tr += 1 |
if eidx not in seen: |
matching_long_chords_chunks.append(eidx) |
seen.append(eidx) |
if chords_chunks_memory_length > 0: |
seen = seen[-chords_chunks_memory_length:] |
elif chords_chunks_memory_length == 0: |
seen = [] |
else: |
break |
else: |
break |
if len(matching_long_chords_chunks) > max_song_len: |
print('Current song length:', len(matching_long_chords_chunks), 'chords chunks') |
print('=' * 70) |
final_song = matching_long_chords_chunks |
max_song_len = max(max_song_len, len(matching_long_chords_chunks)) |
tries += 1 |
if tries % 500 == 0: |
print('Number of passed tries:', tries) |
print('=' * 70) |
if len(matching_long_chords_chunks) > max_song_len: |
print(len(matching_long_chords_chunks)) |
final_song = matching_long_chords_chunks |
f_song = [] |
for mat in final_song: |
f_song.extend(all_long_good_chords_chunks[mat][:-chunk_size]) |
f_song.extend(all_long_good_chords_chunks[mat][-chunk_size:]) |
print('Generated final song after', tries, 'tries with', len(final_song), 'chords chunks and', len(f_song), 'chords') |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Done!') |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Rendering results...') |
print('=' * 70) |
output_score = [] |
time = 0 |
patches = [0] * 16 |
patches[0] = chords_progression_MIDI_patch_number |
if base_MIDI_patch_number > -1: |
patches[2] = base_MIDI_patch_number |
if melody_MIDI_patch_number > -1: |
patches[3] = melody_MIDI_patch_number |
chords_labels = [] |
for i, s in enumerate(f_song): |
time += chord_time_step |
dur = chord_time_step |
chord_str = str(i+1) |
for t in sorted(set([t % 12 for t in s])): |
chord_str += '-' + str(t) |
chords_labels.append(['text_event', time, chord_str]) |
for p in s: |
output_score.append(['note', time, dur, 0, p, max(40, p), chords_progression_MIDI_patch_number]) |
if base_MIDI_patch_number > -1: |
output_score.append(['note', time, dur, 2, (s[-1] % 12)+24, 120-(s[-1] % 12), base_MIDI_patch_number]) |
if melody_MIDI_patch_number > -1: |
output_score = TMIDIX.add_melody_to_enhanced_score_notes(output_score, melody_patch=melody_MIDI_patch_number) |
midi_score = sorted(chords_labels + output_score, key=lambda x: x[1]) |
fn1 = "Pitches-Chords-Progression-Composition" |
detailed_stats = TMIDIX.Tegridy_ms_SONG_to_MIDI_Converter(midi_score, |
output_signature = 'Pitches Chords Progression', |
output_file_name = fn1, |
track_name='Project Los Angeles', |
list_of_MIDI_patches=patches |
) |
new_fn = fn1+'.mid' |
audio = midi_to_colab_audio(new_fn, |
soundfont_path=soundfont, |
sample_rate=16000, |
volume_scale=10, |
output_for_gradio=True |
) |
output_midi_title = str(fn1) |
output_midi = str(new_fn) |
output_audio = (16000, audio) |
output_plot = TMIDIX.plot_ms_SONG(output_score, plot_title=output_midi, return_plt=True) |
print('Done!') |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Generated chords progression info and stats:') |
print('=' * 70) |
chords_progression_summary_string = '=' * 70 |
chords_progression_summary_string += '\n' |
all_song_chords = [] |
for pc in f_song: |
tones_chord = tuple(sorted(set([p % 12 for p in pc]))) |
all_song_chords.append([pc, tones_chord]) |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Total number of chords:', len(all_song_chords)) |
chords_progression_summary_string += 'Total number of chords: ' + str(len(all_song_chords)) + '\n' |
chords_progression_summary_string += '=' * 70 |
chords_progression_summary_string += '\n' |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Most common pitches chord:', list(Counter(tuple([a[0] for a in all_song_chords])).most_common(1)[0][0]), '===', Counter(tuple([a[0] for a in all_song_chords])).most_common(1)[0][1], 'count') |
chords_progression_summary_string += 'Most common pitches chord: ' + str(list(Counter(tuple([a[0] for a in all_song_chords])).most_common(1)[0][0])) + ' === ' + str(Counter(tuple([a[0] for a in all_song_chords])).most_common(1)[0][1]) + ' count' + '\n' |
chords_progression_summary_string += '=' * 70 |
chords_progression_summary_string += '\n' |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Most common tones chord:', list(Counter(tuple([a[1] for a in all_song_chords])).most_common(1)[0][0]), '===', Counter(tuple([a[1] for a in all_song_chords])).most_common(1)[0][1], 'count') |
chords_progression_summary_string += 'Most common tones chord: ' + str(list(Counter(tuple([a[1] for a in all_song_chords])).most_common(1)[0][0])) + ' === ' + str(Counter(tuple([a[1] for a in all_song_chords])).most_common(1)[0][1]) + ' count' + '\n' |
chords_progression_summary_string += '=' * 70 |
chords_progression_summary_string += '\n' |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Sorted unique songs chords set:', len(sorted(set(tuple([a[1] for a in all_song_chords])))), 'count') |
chords_progression_summary_string += 'Sorted unique songs chords set: ' + str(len(sorted(set(tuple([a[1] for a in all_song_chords]))))) + ' count + '\n' |
chords_progression_summary_string += '=' * 70 |
chords_progression_summary_string += '\n' |
print('=' * 70) |
for c in sorted(set(tuple([a[1] for a in all_song_chords]))): |
print(list(c)) |
chords_progression_summary_string += str(list(c)) + '\n' |
chords_progression_summary_string += '=' * 70 |
chords_progression_summary_string += '\n' |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Grouped songs chords set:', len(TMIDIX.grouped_set(tuple([a[1] for a in all_song_chords]))), 'count') |
chords_progression_summary_string += 'Grouped songs chords set: ' + str(len(TMIDIX.grouped_set(tuple([a[1] for a in all_song_chords])))) + ' count' + '\n' |
chords_progression_summary_string += '=' * 70 |
chords_progression_summary_string += '\n' |
print('=' * 70) |
for c in TMIDIX.grouped_set(tuple([a[1] for a in all_song_chords])): |
print(list(c)) |
chords_progression_summary_string += str(list(c)) + '\n' |
chords_progression_summary_string += '=' * 70 |
chords_progression_summary_string += '\n' |
print('=' * 70) |
print('All songs chords') |
chords_progression_summary_string += 'All songs chords' + '\n' |
chords_progression_summary_string += '=' * 70 |
chords_progression_summary_string += '\n' |
print('=' * 70) |
for i, pc_tc in enumerate(all_song_chords): |
print('Song chord |
chords_progression_summary_string += 'Song chord # ' + str(i) + '\n' |
print(list(pc_tc[0]), '===', list(pc_tc[1])) |
chords_progression_summary_string += str(list(pc_tc[0])) + ' === ' + str(list(pc_tc[1])) + '\n' |
print('=' * 70) |
chords_progression_summary_string += '=' * 70 |
chords_progression_summary_string += '\n' |
print('-' * 70) |
print('Req end time: {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}'.format(datetime.datetime.now(PDT))) |
print('-' * 70) |
print('Req execution time:', (reqtime.time() - start_time), 'sec') |
return output_audio, output_plot, output_midi, chords_progression_summary_string |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
PDT = timezone('US/Pacific') |
print('=' * 70) |
print('App start time: {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}'.format(datetime.datetime.now(PDT))) |
print('=' * 70) |
soundfont = "SGM-v2.01-YamahaGrand-Guit-Bass-v2.7.sf2" |
print('Loading processed Pitches Chords Progressions dataset data...') |
print('=' * 70) |
long_tones_chords_dict, all_long_chords_tokens_chunks, all_long_good_chords_chunks = TMIDIX.Tegridy_Any_Pickle_File_Reader('processed_chords_progressions_chunks_data') |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Resulting chords dictionary size:', len(long_tones_chords_dict)) |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Loading chords chunks...') |
chunk_size = 4 |
src_long_chunks = np.array([a[:chunk_size] for a in all_long_chords_tokens_chunks]) |
print('Done!') |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Total chords chunks count:', len(all_long_good_chords_chunks)) |
print('=' * 70) |
app = gr.Blocks() |
with app: |
gr.Markdown("<h1 style='text-align: center; margin-bottom: 1rem'>Chords Progressions Generator</h1>") |
gr.Markdown("<h1 style='text-align: center; margin-bottom: 1rem'>Generate unique chords progressions</h1>") |
gr.Markdown( |
"\n\n" |
"This is a demo for Tegridy MIDI Dataset\n\n" |
"Check out [Tegridy MIDI Dataset](https://github.com/asigalov61/Tegridy-MIDI-Dataset) on GitHub!\n\n" |
"[Open In Colab]" |
"(https://colab.research.google.com/github/asigalov61/Tegridy-MIDI-Dataset/blob/master/Chords-Progressions/Pitches_Chords_Progressions_Generator.ipynb)" |
" for all options, faster execution and endless generation" |
) |
gr.Markdown("## Select generation options") |
total_song_length_in_chords_chunks = gr.Slider(5, 20, value=13, step=1, label="Total song length in chords chunks") |
chords_chunks_memory_length = gr.Slider(-1, 30, value=-1, step=1, label="Chords chunks memory length") |
chord_time_step = gr.Slider(100, 1000, value=500, step=50, label="Chord time step") |
melody_MIDI_patch_number = gr.Slider(0, 127, value=40, step=1, label="Melody MIDI patch number") |
chords_progression_MIDI_patch_number = gr.Slider(0, 127, value=0, step=1, label="Chords progression MIDI patch number") |
base_MIDI_patch_number = gr.Slider(0, 127, value=35, step=1, label="Base MIDI patch number") |
run_btn = gr.Button("generate", variant="primary") |
gr.Markdown("## Generation results") |
output_audio = gr.Audio(label="Output MIDI audio", format="wav", elem_id="midi_audio") |
output_plot = gr.Plot(label="Output MIDI score plot") |
output_midi = gr.File(label="Output MIDI file", file_types=[".mid"]) |
output_cp_summary = gr.Textbox(label="Generated chords progression info and stats") |
run_event = run_btn.click(Generate_Chords_Progression, |
[total_song_length_in_chords_chunks, |
chords_chunks_memory_length, |
chord_time_step, |
melody_MIDI_patch_number, |
chords_progression_MIDI_patch_number, |
base_MIDI_patch_number], |
[output_audio, output_plot, output_midi, output_cp_summary] |
) |
app.queue().launch() |