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CHAPTER 800 FINANCES GENERALLY (71-261, 76-261, 80-157, 80-223, 83-218, 90-141, 92-108
92-126, 93-123, 95-109, 96-114, 96-137, 97-131, 2001-141, 2004-107, 2005-122, 2006-107, 2006-122,
2007-139, 2008-119, 2010-119, 2011-108, 2011-118, 2012-108, 2012-114, 2014-115, 2015-115,2017-
109, 2018-111, 2019-102, 2020-1010, 2020-1052, 2021-100, 2023-73, 2023-74, 2023-76, 2023-77)
800.0 Definitions.
800.01 Student Body Funds - the total of all money received from the Activity and Service Fees.
800.02 Activity & Service Fees – The student activity and service fees shall be expended for
lawful purposes to benefit the student body in general. This shall include, but shall not be
limited to, student publications and grants to duly recognized student organizations.
800.021 The membership of these organizations is open to all students at the university without
regard to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender
identity and expression, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations,
genetic information, veteran status or any other classification as provided by law.
800.022 The fund may not benefit activities for which an admission fee is charged to students,
except for student-government-association-sponsored concerts. The allocation and
expenditure of the fund shall be determined by the Student Government. [FL Statute
1000.24 (10)(6)].
800.03 Student Organization - Any organized student group registered with the University of
Florida Department of Student Activities and Involvement. This definition excludes
consideration of Student Government and Student Government agencies and auxiliaries
as being student organizations.
800.04 Budget - Plan of financial operation embodying an estimate of proposed expenditures for
a given period or purpose and the proposed means or sources for financing such.
800.05 Fund - A sum of money and/or other resources separated for the purpose of carrying on
specific activities as approved by the Student Senate.
800.06 Banquet – A meal honoring a particular guest or occasion at which food is served plated
to attendees.
800.07 Reserve Account – Student Government has an account that consists of funds left over at
the end of the year and revenues collected in excess of budget. This account is of a non-
recurring nature; therefore all expenditures from the account are for one time only
expenditures. In order to expend these funds a specific law must be drafted and approved
through the Student Senate.
800.08 Income - Student Activity fees constitute the income for Student Government. These fees
shall be collected by the Controller of the University upon registration of any student and
shall be held subject to allocation by the Student Senate.
800.09 Disbursements – The payment of money from a specified fund.
800.091 No funds shall be disbursed without the approval of the Student Body Treasurer.
800.10 Student Body Treasurer – The Fiduciary Agent for all organizations and the Chief
Financial Officer of the Student Body in accordance with the Constitution and Finance
800.11 Property Surveys - In accordance with policies established by Asset Management, the
Student Government Finance Manager shall be responsible for the inventory and control
of all property purchased under Activity and Service Fees. The Finance Manager shall
comply with all inventory requests, state law and university policy.
800.12 Carry Forward Funds - At the end of each fiscal year, all money remaining in ADA,
Student Government Copies line, Vehicle Maintenance, the Organizations budget line,
and Outside Revenue will carry forward to the next fiscal year.
800.13 Fiscal Year - The fiscal year of the Student Government of the University of Florida
shall be from July 1 to June 30.
800.14 Line Item Transfer - A transfer of Student Body Funds from one line item in an
operational, event, or travel request to another line item in the same operational, event, or
travel request.
800.15 Attendance – The total number of University of Florida students present at an event or
800.16 Active Members – Average number of enrolled University of Florida students that attend
general student organizational meetings, including cabinet meetings, as reported in
budget submission. (Normally the weekly meetings held to discuss organizational
activities/event.) This does not include how many people are on a listserv or how many
students attend the large events held by the student organization in question.
800.17 Finance Law – The rules and regulations contained in, Student Body Statutes 800 Codes,
UF Policy and Procedures and the governing laws and regulations as stipulated by the
State of Florida.
800.18 Sponsored Organizations – Any student organization which receives direct support from
another University entity. This includes, but is not limited to space, direct guidance from
paid university staff and/or faculty, resources, funding, etc. These may not be funded by
800.19 Fundraising- Any activity considered to be a form of solicitation, including but not
limited to letters of solicitation, alumni newsletters, or direct appeals for donations. Any
efforts to raise money or donations to charitable causes.
800.20 Travel – being reimbursed for expenses related to travel beyond UF’s campus. This does
not include programming events held off campus. Travel can be classified into the
following five (5) categories. Determination of category as to which proposed travel
shall be categorized will be at the discretion of the Student Senate Budget and
Appropriations Committee.
800.201 Competitive Travel – Representing the University of Florida at competitions where
awards are given for performance.
800.202 Conference/Convention Travel – Going to national or regional meeting to gather best
practices or current issues that impact the student organization.
800.2021 Conference/Convention Travel does not include travel that is solely for personal
growth/development. The conference must be primarily for the gathering of information
that can be shared with other UF students and cannot be simply a personal experience
for one individual or a representative group. Conference/Convention Travel can be used
for attendance at professional meetings that disseminate information for a given
professional student organization.
800.203 Developmental Travel – Travel with no registration fee. Travel is for a student
organization or individual representing that student organization to learn from their
experience. Most often, this entails group travel for the purpose of obtaining hands on
experience regarding a subject matter that pertains to the skillset of the attendee(s).
800.2031 The ticket price for an educational experience, such as a museum or an aquarium, is not
considered a registration fee under 800.203.
800.204 Relief Travel – Travel where an individual or a student organization does community
service or performs services to disenfranchised/economically oppressed people from
around the world. Provides aid and/or charitable services to residents of a community.
800.205 Retreat Travel – Travel off-campus for the purpose of furthering a student organization
or an individual member’s goals. This includes travel for experiences that cannot be
shared with others. Examples include, but are not limited to, religious spiritual retreats;
spiritual development, personal growth retreats.
800.21 Dual - Use Specialized Equipment – One-time purchases (non-recurring) of specialized
equipment that supports more than just the student organization making the purchase.
This includes, but is not limited to, equipment for the support of academic studies,
auxiliary use, or research (even though student organization usage can be justified). Has
to be listed on an event budget request.
800.22 Exclusive-Use Durable Goods – One-time purchases (non-recurring) that are used
exclusively by student organizations. Normally the item will either cost more than one
thousand dollars ($1,000) with a service life of three or more years or be considered
pilferable and thus must be inventoried per UF regulations. Has to be listed on an event
budget request.
800.23 Consumable Goods – Items that are consumed in support of the process for which they
were bought.
800.24 Promotional Items – Advertising items given to a person for the purpose of promoting an
event or organization.
800.241 If funded by Student Government, these items must have the SG logo on them, or the
phrase “Funded by Student Government” or “Funded by SG”. Further, no group may
charge any monetary amount in exchange for a promo item.
800.25 Off-Campus Recreational Activities – Any activity that requires a fee (entrance, usage,
rental) for a person to participate not located on UF property. This includes but is not
limited to rock climbing, camping, tubing, paintball, bowling, laser tag, etc.
800.26 Travel Grants – Those funds that are allocated to an organization as a lump sum travel
amount to pay for travel expenses. Travel Grants shall be allocated by the Travel Grant
Sub-Committee. All other funded travel is set by the Budget and Appropriations
Committee on a per trip basis.
800.27 Mass mailing- Identical mail exceeding 10 pieces.
800.271 Materials intended for mass mailing cannot be funded by Activity and Service Fees.
800.28 Annual Report – Effective expenditure rate of a given organization over a Fiscal Year
time period.
800.29 Student Government Sponsored Concerts – Only those concerts produced or co-
sponsored by Student Government Productions.
800.30 Personal-Use Consumable Items – Material that is inherently used by only one (1) person
and cannot be re-used by someone else.
800.31 Sport-Focused Organization – A student organization whose primary goal is to pursue a
physical recreational activity that includes, but is not limited to, organized or competitive
sporting events, any activity requiring physical conditioning, or physical activity.
800.32 Culinary-Focused Organization – A student organization whose primary goal is to pursue
educational activities within the culinary arts including, but not limited to, cooking
classes and event planning in the culinary industry.
800.33 Food Ingredients – Any food item that is combined with other food items to create a
specific meal or dish; these can be considered a part of the programs line of the
operational budget, but it will follow the same cap as other items in the programs line.
These items can also be placed in the food line of the operational budget.
800.34 Restrictive Activity- Any activity by a student organization that is meant to primarily
serve a particular segment of campus and would intrinsically limit all students from
800.35 PCard - A purchasing card that allows for goods and services to be obtained. This
procurement card is designed for designated offices: UF staff, faculty, graduate
assistants, and OPS employees to complete appropriate university business. All
transactions must be approved by the funding source.
800.351 PCard purchases made by non-Student Government UF departments are NOT allowed.
800.36 Blue slip - A form from SG Finance used in replacement of a PCard when completing
on campus transactions and purchases to approved local merchants.
800.37 Retroactive funding- The repayment of expenses or losses incurred.
800.371 The only permitted retroactive funding from Student Government is for outstanding
obligations of an organization which overspent SG funds and has an approved Payment
800.38 Payment Law- A signed agreement between a student organization and SG Finance that
ensures when a refund is due to Student Government because of the overspending of said
student organization’s budget, the student organization must pay the amount.
800.39 Honorarium- Any vendor or individual providing a service on or off of UF’s campus; a
stipend agreed upon by both parties to cover expenses. Can only be requested under an
Event Budget Request.
800.391 Requests for student body funds to pay for travel expenses related to bringing speakers or
performers to campus shall not be funded separately from the honorarium expenses.
800.40 Teaching Supplies- Supplies or aides required to demonstrate and provide experience in
the training of an individual with regards to an academic endeavor.
800.41 Decorations- Any item added to an object or place to make it look more attractive.
800.42 Organization Operational Budget- Annual budget approved by the Budget and
Appropriations Committee that allocates funds for Student Government Funded
Organizations for General Body Meetings, food for General Body Meetings, Awards,
and non-event related advertising.
800.43 General Body Meeting- A meeting held for the purpose of conducting official
organization business and sharing information about the organization. These meetings are
open to all student organization members.
800.44 Event Budget Request – A detailed proposal for the allocation of funds towards a student
organization’s events or programs excluding General Body Meetings, as well as all
equipment purchased by student organizations.
800.45 Overspending- Student organizations which receive operational budgets are solely
responsible for not overspending their line item amounts as allocated by the Budget and
Appropriations Committee.
800.46 Budget Cycle- Period in which student organizations receive funding. The dates for each
Budget Cycle are from January 1-June 30th, and July 1-December 31st.
800.47 Allocated Organizational Budget Hearings – Budget hearings conducted using funds
directly from the Organizations line from the A&S Fee Budget.
800.48 Carry Forward Organizational Budget Hearings – Budget hearings conducted using funds
that carried forward from the prior budget cycle.
ACCOUNTABILITY (95- 109, 98-128, 2006-122, 2008-119, 2010-119, 2011-118, 2013-115, 2014-
115, 2015-115, 2017-109, 2018-112, 2019-102).
801.1 For all organizational expenditures, the President and Treasurer, or designated Executive
Board member of each organization shall approve all requests submitted to the Student
Body Treasurer for expenditure of funds.
801.2 No individual shall be an authorizing agent on any form in which they will receive any
personal benefits.
801.3 All expenditures of Activity and Service Fees must have prior approval by the Student
Body Treasurer. Subject to available funding, the Student Body Treasurer shall approve
all expenditures unless deemed a violation of the 800 Codes.
801.31 If the Student Body Treasurer initiates any requisitions, the Student Body President must
be the sign off authority.
801.311 Any violation of statute 801.3 may be considered an Offense Against the Student Body
and a meeting of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution within the Dean of Students
Office may be called to determine if probable cause exists for immediate flagging of the
students’ records.
801.32 The Student Body President shall have approval authority over Student Government
Administrative expenditures except for expenditures from the Vice Presidential
Executive Cabinet, which shall be approved by the Student Body Vice President.
801.321 If the Student Body Treasurer refuses to approve a request, a majority vote of the Student
Senate shall compel the signature.
801.33 Any expenditure of Activity & Service Fee money that has not been approved by the
Student Body Treasurer shall not be considered a liability on the part of Student
Government. The payment responsibility will fall upon the individuals who made the
unauthorized purchase or request for service.
801.4 Any organization or individual that violates 801.3 by a purchase without prior approval
shall be required to submit a detailed written justification stating all circumstances
surrounding the occurrence.
801.41 All justification required by 801.4 must have documented acknowledgement of the
1. Organizational President and Treasurer,
2. In the absence of the organizational President or Treasurer, an organization is
permitted to have another Executive Board member’s signature.
801.42 If the Student Body Treasurer determines the expenditure is in violation of the 800 Codes,
the payment responsibility will fall upon the individuals who made the unauthorized
purchase or request for service.
801.43 After the first submitted and approved written justification each fiscal year, the Student
Body Treasurer shall have the discretion to accept or approve letters of justification for
additional violations of 801.3 only for extreme and extenuating circumstances.
801.5 In the event the Student Body Treasurer deems the justification as described in 801.4 as
inadequate; the student or student organization may appeal that decision to the Student
Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee. The Chair of the Budget and
Appropriations Committee shall preside over the appeal and may only vote in the case of
a tie. If the Chair is unavailable, the Vice-Chair shall assume the role of Chair for the
purposes of the appeal.
801.51 The Student Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee shall determine whether the
expenditure violates the 800 code. If the committee determines that the 800 code has
been violated it shall issue a written decision within 10 days, identifying the section that
was violated.
801.6 Funding policy for groups structured around charitable works, philanthropic events,
religious activities and lobbying efforts:
1. SG will fund these groups’ nominal amounts for publicizing their existence on
campus and in order for them to attract members. SG will NOT fund programming
activities of these groups that directly relate to fundraising, philanthropic initiatives,
or direct political lobbying efforts. Funding for programs that are designed to inform
the Student Body of the student organization view and aimed at recruitment of new
members is permitted.
3. Groups structured around religious activities may fund programming activities as
long as they are open to any student on campus.
4. This policy is based on a need to prevent the use of public funds being used for
fundraising, and or lobbying.
CHAPTER 802 LINE ITEM TRANSFERS (92-117, 92-142, 93-123, 95-109, 97-131, 98-128, 2006-
122, 2010-119, 2011-118, 2014-115, 2015-115, 2019-102, 2020-1052)
802.1 Line item transfers shall be subject to the following stipulations:
1. Up to fifteen hundred dollars ($1500) in line item transfers shall be approved
by the Student Body Treasurer per semester and once during the summer at the
written request of a student organization.
2. Any line item transfer over the amount of fifteen hundred dollars ($1500) or
that transfers any amount of money into a travel, awards, or food line requires
approval by the Budget and Appropriations Committee, which shall notify the
Senate of the approval within seventy-two hours. A Student Senator, with
signatures from twenty voting members of the Student Senate, reserves the
right to file a veto petition of any approved line item transfer if the Senator
believes the request violates a provision of the 800 Codes. The Senator must
cite the code being violated in the veto request and must submit the petition to
the Senate Secretary no later than seventy-two (72) hours after the Budget and
Appropriations Chairperson has made the Student Senate aware of the
approved request.
3. A veto of the line item transfer by the Student Senate would require a 2/3 vote
of the members of the Student Senate present and voting at a regular meeting.
4. All line transfers have to be approved by the Organizational President,
Treasurer or designated member of the Executive Board.
5. Funds from other line items cannot be transferred into the base funding line
802.2 Transfer of Activity and Service Fee funds to Outside Revenue is prohibited.
802.3 Minimum amount for a line item transfer is twenty-five ($25) dollars per line item.
802.4 Transfer of Activity and Service Fee to Awards, Food and Travel without Budget
Committee approval is prohibited.
CHAPTER 803 STUDENT GOVERNMENT COPY CENTER (92-126, 97-131, 2006-122, 2010-
104, 2010-119, 2104-115, 2015-115, 2020-1052)
803.1 All funds allocated to student organizations for the purpose of copies shall have a
copies line item in their budgets. Money shall be transferred by the Student
Government Finance Office from the organizational copies line to the Student
Government Copy Center at the beginning of each Budget Cycle. On the last day of the
fiscal year (June 30), all the money left in the Student Government Copy Center
Account will roll over into the next fiscal year’s copy center account.
803.2 Line item transfers out of this account are prohibited.
803.3 Expenditures from this line item may only be made to support the copy center.
803.4 No Activity & Service Fee money should be spent on copies made outside the Student
Government Copy Center unless the requirements exceed the capability of the Copy
Postconsumer Content Policy: Student Government shall, whenever practicable, purchase
paper supplies with postconsumer content.
CHAPTER 804 STUDENT GOVERNMENT PRINTING (71-120, 74-125, 74-177, 83-210, 90-141,
91130, 93-123, 95-109, 95-110, 95-127, 96-114, 97-131, 98-128, 2003-114, 2005-107, 2006-122, 2007-
121, 2010-119, 2011-118, 2014-115, 2015-115, 2016-120, 2019-102, 2020-1052, 2022-120, 2023-68,
804.1 Printed or publicity materials shall include, but not be limited to brochures, pamphlets,
posters, advertisements, programs, handbills, and stationery.
804.11 All student organizations using Student Body funds on printed or publicity material shall
include the SG logo or a phrase similar to “Funded by Student Government (or SG).”
This provision also applies to student organization events using student body funds.
804.12 Publication of any and all printed or publicity materials bearing the Student Government
logo do NOT necessarily reflect the views of Student Government or the Student Body.
804.13 Permission to invoke the endorsement of the Student Body and or Student Government
by any group must have written authorization by the Student Body President.
804.14 Any student organization not receiving funds from SG/Student Government that wishes
to invoke the Student Government logo, or a statement invoking the support or
endorsement of Student Government, on any printed or publicity materials must have
written authorization from the Student Body President.
804.15 A copy of all printed material shall be submitted to the Student Government Office upon
804.16 All student organizations using Student Body funds on recyclable printed or publicity
material shall include the universal recycling symbol or a phrase similar to “Please Recycle
804.17 All Student Government official bodies under the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial
Branches using Student Body funds on recyclable printed or publicity material shall
include the universal recycling symbol or a phrase similar to “Please Recycle Me”.
804.2 Upon the first violation of 804.11 and/or 804.15, and/or 804.16 the Student Government
Finance Office will notify the Organizational President and the Student Body Treasurer.
Upon the first violation in a fiscal year, the student organization's funds may be frozen
for fifteen (15) days under the authority and action of the Student Body Treasurer. Upon
the second violation in a fiscal year, funds may be frozen for thirty (30) days. Upon the
third violation in a fiscal year, Student Body funds may be closed to the student
organization for the remainder of the fiscal year. All notifications regarding violations
and actions toward the student organization's account must be made in writing and kept
on file in the Student Body Treasurer's office.
804.3 Upon the first violation of 804.17, the Student Government Finance Office will notify the
Entity Director/Chair/Head and the Student Body Treasurer. Upon the first violation in a
fiscal year, the entity’s funds dedicated to printed and publicity materials may be frozen
for fifteen (15) days under the authority and action of the Student Body Treasurer. Upon
the second violation in a fiscal year, funds dedicated to printed and publicity materials
may be frozen for thirty (30) days. Upon the third violation in a fiscal year, Student Body
funds dedicated to printed and publicity materials may be closed to the entity for the
remainder of the fiscal year and a notice to the Vice President of Student Life or
leadership of similar stature must be made of the non-compliance. All notifications
regarding violations and actions toward the student organization’s account must be made
in writing and kept on file in the Student Body Treasurer’s office.
804.4 All Student Government Organizations and Student Government official bodies shall
provide copies of printed materials in accordance with UF Americans with Disability Act
policy/rules and regulations upon request.
CHAPTER 806 MISUSE OF STUDENT BODY FUNDS (71-120, 83-219, 84-115, 90-141, 92-127,
95110, 96-137, 97-131, 2004-127, 2006-122, 2010-119, 2012-108, 2014-115, 2015-115, 2019-102,
806.1 Failure to comply with the provisions of the Finance Law may result in action by the
Student Body Treasurer to prevent further expenditures from the offending
organization's fund.
806.2 Misuse of Student Body Funds or property and willful disregard of the Finance Law by
the Organizational President (or equivalent), Treasurer, (or equivalent), or designated
Executive Board member shall be chargeable by either the Student Body Treasurer or
Student Senate acting upon recommendation of any of its members. Such individual(s)
upon recommendation of the Student Body Treasurer or a simple majority vote of the
membership of the Student Senate present and voting shall be tried by the Office of
Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution for violation of this section with the Student
Body Treasurer appearing as party plaintiff.
806.3 Should a group violate any law within the 800 Codes of the Student Body Statutes of the
University of Florida Student Government twice within a fiscal year, the Treasurer may
suspend the privileges of the individual or organization making the request by citing the
800 Codes that were violated.
806.4 No Activity and Service Fee money shall be expended for any student organization that
has been found responsible for misuse of Student Body Funds twice within one fiscal
year, for a period of up to one (1) calendar year from the date of the last violation. This
statute may be suspended by a four-fifths (4/5) vote of the membership of the Student
Senate present and voting.
806.41 Any group suspected of violating Finance Law shall be referred to the Student Senate
Rules and Ethics Committee upon vote of a simple majority of those Student Senators
present and voting or by written referral from the Student Body Treasurer, for an
investigation. The R&E Committee shall report to the Student Senate their findings and
should the group be found responsible for a misuse of Activity and Service Fee money,
the R&E Committee shall recommend a penalty. The Student Senate, by a majority vote
of those Student Senators present and voting, may accept, amend, or reject the R&E
Committee's findings and recommended penalty.
806.42 Upon an organization's first conviction in a given fiscal year, the penalty for a violation
which does not exceed one hundred dollars ($100) shall be a written reprimand. For
violations equal to or in excess of one hundred dollars ($100), the R&E Committee may
make a lawful recommendation for action which they deem adequate based on the
circumstances of the violation. This statute may be suspended by a four-fifths (4/5) vote
of the membership of the Student Senate present and voting.
120, 73-209, 77-191, 80-116, 80-223, 81-107, 81-118, 82-145, 83-223, 84-178, 84-200, 86-163, 87168,
90-141, 95-109, 96-114, 97-131, 97-139, 98-100, 2001-118, 2005-106, 2006-122, 2006-138, 2010-119,
2011-118, 2012-108, 2013-108, 2014-115, 2015-115, 2016-120, 2017-109, 2019-102, 2020-1052, 2023-
807.1 Travel Expense Regulations
1. Subject to available funding, the Student Body Treasurer shall approve all travel
expenses in compliance with the 800 Codes.
807.11 Students traveling are responsible for researching and choosing reasonable
accommodations and travel means at the lowest possible cost.
807.12 All travel partially or fully funded by Activity and Service Fees must be in the
performance of official duties of, or on behalf of the Student Body. A violation of this
statute will constitute an Offense against the Student Body.
807.2 Any travel approved through an SG funded travel grant or a registered student
organization should be reimbursed based on gas receipts. However, under no
circumstance can an individual be reimbursed for mileage in an amount that exceeds the
statutory limit for travel in the state of Florida.
807.3 Bus, rail, or airfare will be paid as established by common carriers--with an emphasis on
safe and efficient expenditure. Airfares shall be paid only for distances in excess of four
hundred (400) miles or in special cases approved by the Student Body Treasurer. (This
distance shall be calculated for this purpose for one way only).
807.4 Rules for compliance with recommendations for fiscal accountability on travel include:
1. All travel must have prior written approval from the Student Body Treasurer and
the Student Government Finance Manager.
2. Student Government cannot be held responsible for costs incurred on a trip if
prior written approval was not granted by the Student Body Treasurer.
3. All travel authorization forms (TARs) must be submitted and approved by the
student organization President and Treasurer on the online activity request system
at least ten (10) business days before the trip is to take place. Refer to 807.11 for
special requirements in regards to travel. Exceptions to this rule may only be
made in extreme circumstances as detailed in a letter of justification signed by the
organizational president or treasurer and the approval of the Student Body
4. The UF ID numbers and names of all students attending the trip are required for
reimbursement of group travel via a completed and signed Group Travel Form.
5. Receipts must be turned into SG Finance within thirty (30) days after completion
of travel.
807.5 If a student receives an SG funded travel grant, that student may not receive travel
funding from a different SG funded student organization for the same trip.
807.6 Travel Requirements.
807.61 The maximum amount reimbursed will not exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) per
person per trip. A student organization will not exceed two thousand dollars ($2000.00)
per trip. Each student organization may receive funding for up to five travel requests per
Budget Cycle.
807.62 Conference/Convention Travel.
807.621 Students going to the conference/convention as defined in Statute 800.202 are required to
share the information gathered with as many other students at UF as is practically
possible. This includes posting material online with regard to any research presented by
the traveler or any materials permitted to be openly disseminated from a conference.
Material that is protected by intellectual property data rights will not be publicly posted.
807.622 No student shall be funded for more than one (1) conference trip per academic year.
807.623 Only expenses made by UF students may be reimbursed on conference trips. No staff,
faculty, chaperone, non-student traveler, and/or advisor costs will be reimbursed under
any circumstance.
807.63 Developmental Travel
807.631 No student shall be funded for more than one (1) developmental trip (as defined in Code
800.203) per academic year.
807.632 Only expenses incurred by UF students on developmental trips may be reimbursed. No
staff, faculty, chaperone, non-student traveler, and/or advisor costs will be reimbursed
under any circumstances.
807.633 No more than five hundred dollars ($500) per person will be spent on developmental
807.64 Competitive Travel.
807.641 Only expenses made by UF students may be reimbursed on competitive travel trips. No
staff, faculty, chaperone, non-student traveler, and/or advisor costs will be allowed.
807.7 Students who use The Travel Grant Sub-Committee’s travel grants will post information
presented at the conference on a website for all UF students to access as maintained by
Graduate Student Council (GSC).
807.71 The Travel Grant Sub-Committee will allow undergraduate students to access travel
807.72 Travel Grants are limited to one (1) trip per student per fiscal year.
807.8 Travel Restrictions.
807.81 Any students traveling outside of the continental United States must register with the UF
International Center prior to the departure date of the trip.
807.82 Activity and Service Fee money may not be expended on retreat travel or relief travel.
80-223, 82-145, 87-152, 88-106, 88-125, 90-141, 92-123, 93-123, 95-110, 96-114, 97-103, 97-131, 97-
139, 98-128, 2002-140, 2004-119, 2004-107, 2005-101, 2005-106, 2005-122, 2005-142, 2006-106,
2006-107, 2006-122, 2007-113, 2008-150, Ballot Initiative 2009, 2009-113, 2009-128, 2010-119, 2011-
118, 2012-108, 2014-115, 2015-115, 2016-120, 2017-109, 2018-111, 2018-114, 2018-115, 2019-102,
2020-52, 2023-70, 2023-72)
808.0 All student organizations that act in accordance to code 810.3 will be eligible for a base
funding up to five hundred dollars ($500) per fiscal semester. This amount will be
allocated by the Budget and Appropriations committee before the regular hearing cycle
1. The base funding of five hundred dollars ($500) will be in a separate line item
in the organizations account.
2. Funds in other line items cannot be transferred into the base funding line.
3. These funds can be used for technology, general body meetings, advertising,
or events.
4. To apply for the base funding, an organizational treasurer must submit a
request through a process outlined and advertised by the active Budget and
Appropriations Chair. This application process will not be on a first come first
serve basis.
5. These requests will not require a Bill of Law, however the Budget and
Appropriations committee shall make the Student Senate aware of any
approved requests within seventy-two (72) hours.
6. The expenditure rate policy outlined in 801.7 does not apply to the base
funding line item.
808.01 In the event the total amount of base funding requested exceeds the amount available
during the Budget cycle, each student organization will receive a prorated base funding
amount. The prorated base funding amount will be equal for all student organizations.
808.02 In the event that funds are exhausted before all operational, travel, and event requests are
heard, and there are multiple requests submitted at the same second, the remaining funds
will be prorated between those requests. The amount given to each request will equal the
remaining funds multiplied by the total of the request’s approved amount divided by the
total of all the simultaneous requests’ approved amounts. The formula will be as follows:
Prorated funds for an organization= Remaining funds*(request’s approved amount/total
of all requests’ approved amounts)
808.1 External Control.
All proposed expenditures shall be in compliance with the approved budget and shall be
in accordance with the University Finance Services payment procedures, rules and
808.11 Student organizations can only receive student body funds if they are registered with the
University of Florida Department of Student Activities and Involvement and adhere to
Student Body Laws.
808.12 No Activity and Service Fee funds allocated to Student Government funded
organizations are to be expended on any of the following purchases:
1. Plated food for events except when specified in a contract of Student Government
or any of its agencies.
2. Tips/Gratuities.
3. Prizes, prize money, and scholarships.
4. Expenditures in support of or against a political party at any level.
5. Expenditures intended to enhance a philanthropic organization that's main
purpose is not serving the students at the University of Florida. Such items
include but not limited to promotional materials and copies.
6. Expenditures intended to directly influence federal, state and local legislation,
executive actions or judicial decisions.
7. Expenditures to subsidize in whole or in part any private corporation.
8. Rental of or expenditures towards functions hosted in private residences.
9. Postage.
10. Production of materials intended for mass mailing (see code 800.27 for
i. Email is highly encouraged.
11. Any Activity considered to be a form of solicitation, including but not limited to,
letters of solicitation, alumni newsletters, or resume mailings to potential
i. A&S fees may not be used to raise additional money.
12. Any materials given to, or donated to be used exclusively by non-UF students.
13. Payment to a member of a student organization for services rendered to the same
student organization.
i. If compensation is pursued, only Outside Revenue may be used.
14. Graduation Parties/Socials/Ceremonies/Items:
i. Social gatherings that, as the primary purpose, celebrate the
accomplishment(s) of graduating students.
ii. Graduation items include, but are not limited to, stoles, cords, etc.
iii. Any graduation Parties/Socials/Ceremonies/Items may be funded by
outside revenue.
15. Personal use consumable items – material that is inherently used by only one
person and cannot be reused by someone else— including, but not limited to
custom nametags with a student’s name engraved.
16. Awards for speakers or performers.
17. Bar rental, which the State of Florida deems to be a venue that earns more than
fifty percent (50%) of their profit from the sale of alcoholic drinks.
i. Student Activities and Involvement shall determine the proper
contractual arrangements for any venue that normally serves alcohol
during the hours of any student organization program.
18. Purchase or reimbursement for Gift Cards.
19. PCard purchases made by non-Student Government UF departments.
20. Teaching Supplies (see 800.43 for definition).
21. Food expenditures incurred on travel activities.
22. Relief Travel.
23. Retreat Travel.
24. Purchase or reimbursement for any products outside of the University of Florida
Beverage Contract.
25. Dues paid to National Organizations.
26. Items that the University of Florida does not authorize for P-Card purchases.
808.13 No Activity and Service Fee money shall be issued to a student organization until
their constitution is on file and approved by Student Activities and Involvement.
808.14 All activities that include spending on programs or food must be publicly advertised in
order to ensure foreknowledge by the student body.
808.2 Any ticket revenue money generated by Student Government Productions may only be
expended on Student Government Productions programs. These ticket revenue funds may
roll over from year-to-year.
808.3 All food expenditures shall be in compliance with the approved budget and shall be
properly encumbered in accordance with the University Financial Services.
808.5 Activity and Service Fee funding shall not be used to fund lobbying activities, lobbyists,
or lobbying firms as defined in 808.51.
808.51 Definitions:
1. Lobbyist- shall be any person registered on the Registered Legislative Lobbyist
Directory pursuant to Florida Statute 11.045 or Registered Executive Lobbyist
Directory pursuant to Florida Statute 112.3215.
2. Lobbying Firm- means a business entity, including an individual contract lobbyist
that receives or becomes entitled to receive any compensation for the purpose of
lobbying, where any partner, owner, officer, or employee of the business entity is
a lobbyist.
3. Lobbying Activities- Means influencing or attempting to influence legislative
action or nonaction through oral or written communication or an attempt to obtain
the goodwill of a member or employee of the Legislature.
808.6 ONLY students of the University of Florida enrolled at time of encumbrance may be
808.7 All off campus activities, as defined in 800.25, will only be half (1/2) funded under the
Programming Line under circumstances when there is an on-campus equivalent (or an on
campus alternative that serves similar purposes). Student organizations should be
encouraged to use on campus facilities for these activities.
808.71 Performance contracts may only be paid, in a lump sum, directly to the performer or
agency as earned income. Student government will not reimburse students for any
performance fees or travel.
808.72 Student organizations meeting the definition of 800.31, as determined by Student Senate
Budget and Appropriations Committee may only seek Activity and Service Fee funding
by application to Recreational Sport as a sport-focused organization.
808.73 Any fees for late cancellation of room reservations or no-shows must be paid from
outside revenues.
808.8 Funding Limits:
1. Student Government Funded Organization’s total Event Requests for a semester
budget cycle may not exceed twenty thousand dollars ($20,000), excluding
2. Student Government Funded Organizations may receive up to fifteen thousand
dollars ($15,000) per fiscal year for honorariums.
3. Clothing must not exceed fifteen dollars ($15) per item.
a. Clothing must be used for promotional purposes.
b. Groups may not charge recipient of the clothing.
4. Wet labs must not exceed four hundred ($400) each.
5. No more than one (1) banner/ personalized tablecloth each fiscal year not
exceeding two hundred dollars ($200).
6. Cost of DJ’s must not exceed two hundred dollars ($200).
7. Cost of decorations cannot exceed $500 per event.
8. Awards shall not exceed $40 per item and must be competition based.
9. A maximum of seven dollars and zero cents ($7.00) per head based on anticipated
University of Florida student attendance will be budgeted for food for a given
10. Student Organizational promotional items will be limited to two dollars ($2.00)
per item including setup and design charges (including having the SG logo or
“Funded by Student Government (or SG) ”), but excluding
shipping/delivery/freight charges.
11. The amount allocated for a travel activity shall be on a reimbursement basis only.
After completion of the travel activity, only Budget and Appropriations approved
and receipted travel expenditures (excluding food costs) of the approved attendees
may be refunded. The maximum amount reimbursed will not exceed five hundred
dollars ($500.00) per person per trip.
12. Maximum amount that may be spent on homecoming parade events is three
hundred dollars ($300) per student organization.
13. All off campus activities, as defined in 800.25, will only be half (1/2) funded
under the Programming Line under circumstances when there is an on-campus
equivalent (or an on campus alternative that serves similar purposes). Student
organizations should be encouraged to use on campus facilities for these
808.9 If any changes to the 800 Codes are enacted, student organizations shall be notified via
the student organization listserv of the changes within thirty (30) days of the changes
taking effect.
(71-120, 71-184, 74-140, 86-170, 87-171, 89-107, 90-141, 91-127, 2001-146, 2004-116, 2004-127,
2006-122, 2006-138, 2007-137, 2008-120, 2008-121, 2008-122, 2008-123, 2010-119, 2015-115)
809.1 Remuneration for salaried students within student organizations shall be established
annually by Student Senate as a part of the budget allocation. Student Body Funds not
specifically designated for Student Salaries will only be allocated through regular
procedures of the Student Senate with the approval of the Student Body President and
Student Body Treasurer. The exception being that no Student Government official,
either elected or appointed, shall be remunerated unless so established in the current
operating budget. This is not intended to prohibit the hiring of personnel through the
office of student employment and financial aid.
809.2 As the single exception of Section 809.1, the following officials shall be remunerated:
1. Student Body President
2. Student Body Vice-President
3. Student Body Treasurer
4. Senate President
5. Senate President Pro-Tempore
6. Student Government Productions Chairperson
7. Accent Chairperson
809.21 Remuneration for these officials shall be established as per Section 809.l. Salaries for
Student Government officials shall not be changed for a current term of office.
809.22 All remunerated officers listed above must spend a monthly average of ten (10) hours per
week, Monday through Friday, during the Department of Student Activities and
Involvement hours, in their respective office areas. The Student Body President, Student
Body Vice President, Student Body Treasurer and Senate President must spend a monthly
average of two (2) of the ten (10) hours per week that must be devoted to access to the
Student Body between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM.
809.23 The above officials may decline their remuneration in writing by filing a letter with the
Senate Secretary within thirty (30) days of being sworn into office. In this case, their
salaries shall be diverted to the SG reserve fund.
809.231 Officials may revoke the decision to decline their remuneration by submitting a second
letter to the Senate Secretary at any time during their tenure. Remuneration will not be
paid retroactively. Remuneration will restart based on the date of the second letter.
REGULATIONS (96-114, 97-139, 2006-122, 2010-119, 2011-118, 2014-115, 2015-115, 2017-109,
2018-116, 2019-102, 2020-1052, 2023-66, 2023-71, 2023-79)
810.0 As per Florida Statute and Student Body Law:
The Student Activity and Service Fee shall be expended for lawful purposes to benefit the
Student Body in general.
810.1 Pursuant to Florida Statute 1009, the Student Senate Budget and Appropriations
Committee shall recommend to the Student Senate the allocation of the Activity and
Service Fees for lawful purposes to benefit the Student Body in general, including but not
limited to grants to duly recognized student organizations, the membership of which is
open to all University students in compliance with the UF Non-Discrimination
Regulation (1.006), or any other classification as provided by law. The Big Three Budget
Proposal shall be presented to the Student Senate as a Bill of Law. The Student Senate
authorizes the Budget and Appropriations Committee to hear event, travel, and Student
Organization Operational Budget requests from Student Organizations. These requests
will not require a Bill of Law, however the respective committee shall make the Student
Senate aware of any approved requests within seventy-two (72) hours.
810.11 A Student Senator, with signatures from twenty voting members of the Student Senate,
reserves the right to file a veto petition of any approved travel, event, or Operational
Budget request from the Budget and Appropriations Committee if the Senator believes
the request violates a provision of the 800 Codes. The Senator must cite the code being
violated in the veto request and must submit the petition to the Senate Secretary no later
than seventy-two (72) hours after the Budget and Appropriations Chairperson has made
the Student Senate aware of the approved request.
810.12 A veto of the travel or event request by the Student Senate would require a 2/3 vote of
the members of the Student Senate present and voting at a regular meeting.
810.2 Student Organizations will receive funding on a first come first serve basis as determined
by the timestamp of submission to SG Finance. If multiple requests are submitted at the
same time, and funding is not available to fully fund the requests, the requests will be
pro-rated based on available funding. Available funding for each semester will be
determined based on the average total expenditures for all SG Funded Student
Organizations for the last five (5) fiscal years. An organization is not able to combine any
Operational, Event, or Travel Request submitted at a later timestamp into a request that
was submitted at an earlier timestamp for any reason. The Budget and Appropriations
Committee will only amend an organization’s budget request for compliance with the
800 Codes. The following guidelines will be used as evaluative criteria to provide
available funding for travel and events to organizations:
1. Student Organization requests in accordance with 808.86 will be funded provided
funding is available.
2. Organizations must be officially registered with the Department of Student
Activities and Involvement.
3. Organizations must re-register each year with the Department of Student
Activities and Involvement to complete eligibility requirements.
4. Organizations must allow SIX WEEKS (6) for contracted and travel requests, and
FOUR WEEKS (4) for all other events before receiving funds from the Budget
and Appropriations Committee.
5. All signature authorities receiving Student Government funds must complete the
annual Finance Training Class. Violations of this rule will result in organizational
funds being frozen until the organization comes into compliance.
6. Organizations must not charge membership fees.
7. Organizations must have at least ten (10) active members in order to receive SG
funding. Groups may be required to provide verification by means of a separate
list of member UFID’s and their email addresses. It is at the discretion of the
Student Government Finance Office to contact the active members shown on the
list by email to verify membership status.
9. If a group fails to be registered with the Department of Student Activities and
Involvement, they will no longer be eligible for funding and will forfeit any
operational budget they received for that fiscal year.
10. All expenditures shall be in accordance with the University of Florida Finance
Services payment procedures, rules, and regulations.
11. Student organizations can only receive student body funds if they are registered
with the University of Florida Department of Student Activities and Involvement
and adhere to Student Body Laws.
12. Student Organizations have not requested any expenditures in violation of 808.12.
13. All student organization expenditures requested meet the requirements of 808.8.
14. All student organizations shall adhere to the expenditure rate policy outlined in
810.3 Organizations will receive funding on a first come first serve basis as determined by the
timestamp of submission to SG Finance. If multiple requests are submitted at the same
time, and funding is not available to fully fund the requests, the requests will be pro-rated
based on available funding. The Budget and Appropriations Committee will only amend
an organization’s budget request for compliance with the 800 codes. The following
guidelines will be used as evaluative criteria to provide available funding for operational
budgets for organizations:
1. Organizations must be officially registered with the Department of Student
Activities and Involvement.
2. Organizations must re-register each year with the Department of Student
Activities and Involvement to complete eligibility requirements.
3. All signature authorities receiving Student Government funds must complete the
annual Finance Training Class. Violations of this rule will result in organizational
funds being frozen until the organization comes into compliance.
4. Organizations must not charge membership fees.
5. Organizations must have at least ten (10) active members in order to receive
operational funding. Groups may be required to provide verification by means of
a separate list of member UFID’s and their email addresses. It is at the discretion
of the Student Government Finance Office to contact the active members shown
on the list by email to verify membership status.
6. If a group fails to be registered with the Department of Student Activities and
Involvement, they will no longer be eligible for funding and will forfeit any
operational budget for that fiscal year.
7. No Operational budget will contain funding for website design that exceeds five
hundred dollars ($500). Website Design costs are excluded from the advertising
8. No operational budget will exceed three hundred and fifty dollars ($350) in
9. Under the Operational Budget, an organization is only funding Promotional Items
for Non-Events.
10. An organization can request food for General Body Meetings not to exceed seven
(7) dollars per head multiplied by the number of total active members.
11. No more than the following amounts of an operational budget can be used for
awards, recognition keys, etc. If the request totals $2,000 or less, the cap shall be
$100. If the request totals $2,000-$4,000, the cap shall be $200. If the request
totals $4,000-$6,000, the cap shall be $300. If the request totals more than $6,000,
the cap shall be $350.
12. The only items able to be funded under “Programs” for operational budgets are
plates, napkins, cups, utensils, and tablecloths. The cap on this is the number of
members multiplied by the number of General Body Meetings, up to six (6)
General Body Meetings per organizational budget hearing process.
13. The advertising line in an operational budget shall not exceed two (2) dollars per
active member multiplied by the number of General Body Meetings, up to six (6)
General Body Meetings per organizational budget hearing process. Items able to
be funded in the advertising line include T-Shirts, tabling supplies, stickers,
copies, posters, and banners.
14. Organizations adhere to the expenditure rate policy as defined in 801.7.
15. No Event Budget Request will contain funding for a photographer that exceeds
seven-hundred and fifty dollars ($750).
126, 2010-119, 2011-118, 2014-115, 2015-115, 2016-120, 2019-102, 2020-1052)
811.1 The Student Body Treasurer’s office will create a Finance Training course. The course
will adequately cover expenditure transactions, SG Finance Law, good business policies
and procedures. The course will be available at the beginning of each budget cycle.
Proof of acceptable completion will be recorded based on attendance by the student
organization’s President and Treasurer.
811.11 Student organization Presidents and Treasurers must attend one of the scheduled
trainings in order to have continued access to any approved SG Funding. Violation of this
rule will result in organizational funds being frozen for the remainder of the budgeted
811.12 Student organizations that conduct their executive board elections during the Spring must
ensure the completion of financial training prior to budget hearings taking place.
CHAPTER 820 STUDENT GOVERNMENT RESERVES (92-142, 93-123, 95-109, 2000-101,
2002-110, 2006-136, 2007-133, 2008-106, 2008-132, 2010-119, 2011-118, 2012-108, 2014-115,
2015-115, 2019-102)
820.1 Any transfer of funding from Student Government Reserves shall be passed by
the Student Government Executive Committee and then submitted to and passed
by the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee before being sent to the
Student Senate for final approval. This bill shall be passed by a majority approval
on two (2) readings and shall be subject to the Student Body Treasurer’s approval
or veto. If the bill is vetoed, it shall be placed on third reading and passed by a
two-thirds (2/3rds) vote of the Student Senate, to override a veto. The Student
Body Treasurer may only veto based on the 800 Codes that were violated by
citing the specific code.
820.2 A reasonable summary estimate and explanation of what is to be procured must
be contained in the bill. The bill will be supported by a breakdown of each item
to be purchased, including the estimated cost per item. This breakdown will also
be made available upon request. The sum total of each line item must equal the
total amount requested. Any money not spent will remain reserves.
820.3 SG Reserve transfers for the purpose of construction projects are for a
construction contract amount as a whole. While a breakdown of expenses for the
project will be made available upon request, sent out over the senate list-serve,
and posted on the Student Government website, it is an estimate of each cost and
not binding to the actual totals for each individual expense, so long as the total
does not exceed the budgeted amount for the construction contract. An estimated
completion date should be included in the attachment to the bill.
820.4 Following completion of a project details, including completion date and
expenditures, will be made available to the Student Senate Budget and
Appropriations Committee and will be made available to any student upon request.
820.5 The Student Government reserve account shall contain a cash reserve of seven
percent of the annual budget.
CHAPTER 821 BIG FIVE BUDGET PREPARATION LAW (69-156, 70-100, 73-106, 79-180,
80-223, 81-118, 82-113, 82-145, 83-210, 86-164, 87-127, 88-125, 89-142, 90-141, 92-108, 94-
111, 95-108, 95-110, 96-129, 96-137, 97-103, 97-131, 98-128, 2000-135, 2000-147, 2004-127,
2005-107, 2005-125, 2005-136, 2006-100, 2006-126, 2010-119, 2011-118, 2014-115, 2015-115,
2016-120, 2017-109, 2018-117, 2019-102, 2020-1052, 2023-65)
821.0 The Activity and Service Fee Budget Act.
821.1 The areas that comprise the Activity and Service Fee Budget—Recreational
Sports, J. Wayne Reitz Union, Student Activities & Involvement, Sorority &
Fraternity Affairs, and Student Government--shall submit their yearly budget
request to the Senate Budget and Appropriations Chairperson as directed by
written notification signed by the Chairperson. Tape recordings will be made of
the hearings for future references, and shall be kept for one year after the A&S
Fee Budget Act passes a second reading in the Student Senate.
821.21 The A&S Fee Budget hearings will begin Summer B term and end prior to Fall
term elections.
821.22 The Big Five entities will, upon request of the Budget and Appropriations
Committee, submit their budget request(s). The requests will be based on:
1. Percentage of the current budget OR;
2. Expenditure rate average of last three (3) years of expenditure rate history.
3. The percentage and base are to be determined by the Student Senate
Budget and Appropriations Committee in consultation with the Student
Body President and Student Body Treasurer.
821.23 The Big Five budget hearing process Annual Budget Hearings
1. The Budget and Appropriations Committee shall hold annual hearings to
determine the Big Five budget.
a. The Big Five consists of the J. Wayne Reitz Student Union,
Student Government, Student Activities & Involvement,
Sorority and Fraternity Affairs, and Recreational Sports. Prior
to the determination of the succeeding Big Five budget, the
prior budget shall be amended in a separate hearing.
b. All organizational hearings shall be held pursuant to the terms
of Chapters 821, 822, and 824 in the 800 codes of the Student
Body Statutes
2. The Budget and Appropriations Chairperson shall call the meeting to
order. In the Chair’s absence, the Vice-Chairperson shall assume this
a. The Chairperson shall begin introductions for the committee
and may ask for the introduction of any official in the room for
public record.
3. Following presentation, the Budget and Appropriations Committee shall
hold up to thirty minutes of discussion with the designated fiscal
a. Ex-officio members of the Budget and Appropriations may
speak during this time.
4. Pro/Con debate shall proceed discussion, consisting of three (3) rounds of
three (3) minutes each.
a. There shall be a fourth and final round consisting of con and
final privilege at four (4) minutes each.
5. The following shall serve as a template for a motion prior to a vote on a
budget: “Move to move (student/academic organization or Big Five entity)
request to (2nd or 3rd) hearings in the amount of “_____”.
6. During 3rd hearings, the template shall be adjusted as follows: “Move to
approve (student/academic organization or Big Five entity) for the (fiscal
year) in the amount of “_____”.
a. Ex-officio members may not vote. Following the vote, the
Chair shall call for the hearing’s adjournment.
821.231 A Big Five entity may request a supplemental budget in excess of the percentage
limits set by the committee, but it MUST submit the base request in accordance
with 821.22. The supplemental budget request must include a detailed explanation
for the additional funding requested.
821.24 Any allocations to the Big Five may not be re-appropriated to another department
without the express authorization of the Budget and Appropriations committee.
821.3 The proposed Activity and Service Fee (A&S) Budget shall be submitted to the
Student Senate for review at least six (6) calendar days before consideration as a
first reading. Amendments to the legislation must be submitted in writing to the
Student Senate Secretary and Budget and Appropriations Committee Chairperson
no later than six (6) calendar days after the affected legislation has been submitted
to the Student Senate. After this date, amendments to the bill of legislation may
not be adopted; however, amendments to the amendments may be made from the
Senate floor.
821.4 The Student Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee shall submit the
proposed A&S Fee Budget request with a line item breakdown, to the Senate
Secretary no later than ninety-six (96) hours after the final passage of the budget
during third hearings by the Student Senate Budget and Appropriations
821.41 The President of the Graduate Student Council, and the Gator Times will be
notified by email about the Big Five budget. A press release will also be sent
regarding the Big Five budget to local newspapers with significant campus
distribution. This notification will be sent twenty-four (24) hours preceding
Senate presentation. Students wanting changes to the bill must work with a
Senator and submit said changes in the form of a written amendment.
821.42 In the Activity and Service Fee Budget Act the passage of such a bill requires the
bill to be passed by majority vote of those Senators present and voting in
identical form at two (2) separate meetings of the Student Senate no closer than
twenty-four (24) hours of each other.
821.5 The Activity and Service Fee Budget must pass on final reading at least seven (7)
calendar days prior to the initial balloting of the fall election.
821.6 The Student Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee must submit the
proposed Activity and Service Fee Budget to the Local Fee Committee.
821.7 Each budget or line item removed from the Activity and Service Fee Budget by
the Student Body President or Student Body Treasurer by line item veto shall
recur on the floor of the Student Senate no later than fifteen (15) calendar days
after the last veto message has been submitted to the Senate President.
821.71 Any budget or line item failing to have its veto overridden may be submitted as a
Supplementary Appropriations Bill to the Student Senate Budget and
Appropriations Committee no later than fifteen (15) calendar days after the
override vote is taken on the Senate floor.
821.8 The Budget Act shall reflect all organizations requesting money even in the event
that none is granted.
(92-126, 95-110, 97-103, 98-128, 99- 120, 2000-135, 2000-136, 2001-116, 2004-103 2004-107,
2004-127, 2005-102, 2005-106, 2005-107, 2005-136, 2006-126, 2009-129, 2011-118, 2012-108,
2014-115, 2015-115, 2016-120, 2017-109, 2019-102, 2020-1010, 2020-1035, 2020-1052, 2021-
100, 2021-120)
822.1 Audio recordings will be made of the hearings for future references, and shall be
kept for one (1) year after the Student Government Organizational Budget passes
a second reading in the Student Senate.
822.2 The Budget and Appropriations Committee:
1. Membership of the Committee shall be composed of:
a. Eight members of the Student Senate, selected by the
Replacement and Agenda Committee and approved through
the Senate.
b. One member of the Student Senate, selected to serve as the
Budget and Appropriations Committee Chairperson by the
Replacement and Agenda Committee and approved through
the Senate.
2. The Budget and Appropriations Committee shall hear the following
a. Big Five Budget Proposals
b. Student Organization Operational Budgets
c. Student Organization Travel Requests
d. Student Organization Event Requests
e. Appeals stemming from decisions of the Budget &
Appropriations Committee.
f. Appeals stemming from decisions of the Travel Grant Sub-
g. Line Item Transfers.
3. The Travel Grant Sub-Committee will be recognized as a sub-committee
of the Budget and Appropriations Committee.
a. Membership of the Travel Grant Sub-Committee shall be
composed of:
i. The Graduate Student Council Executive Board
ii. Students trained by GSC to review grants.
b. The Travel Grant Sub-Committee shall hear the following requests:
i. Grants to students traveling domestically and internationally for
conferences and professional development. Individual students in
eligible departments may apply for the grants.
4. Appeals stemming from decisions of the Budget and Appropriations
Committee or the Travel Grant Sub-Committee will follow the following
a. The student organization President must submit an appeal to
the Chair of the Budget and Appropriations Committee via
email no later than seventy-two (72) hours after the decision of
the Budget and Appropriations Committee.
b. The student must submit an appeal to the Chair of the Budget
& Appropriations Committee via email no later than seventy-
two (72) hours after the decision of the Travel Grant Sub-
c. The appeal must state the specific 800 code that the individual
believes the Budget and Appropriations Committee or the
Travel Grant Sub-Committee did not follow.
d. The Budget and Appropriations Committee will schedule a
meeting no later than seven (7) days after receiving the appeal.
e. The Budget and Appropriations Committee will solely review
whether or not they believe the 800 code cited per
822.12(d)(iii) was violated. If the Budget and Appropriations
Committee deems the cited code was violated, the committee
can approve the appeal with the vote of two-thirds (2/3) of
committee members present and voting.
822.3 Organizational budget hearing process
1. The Budget and Appropriations Committee shall hold hearings as long as
funding is available per semester.
a. All organizational hearings shall be held pursuant to the terms
of Chapters 821, 822, and 824 in the 800 codes of the Student
Body Statutes.
2. The Budget and Appropriations Chairperson shall call the meeting to
order. In the Chair’s absence, the Vice-Chairperson shall assume this
a. The Chairperson shall introduce the committee and may ask
for the introduction of any official in the room for public
b. The Chairperson must conduct roll call anytime a member of
the committee leaves or enters the meeting, roll call does not
have to be called if there is no change in attendees.
3. The Budget and Appropriations Committee shall review the request and
amend it as necessary to comply with the 800 codes. The committee must cite
the code the request is in violation of when amending a request. Once the
request complies with the 800 codes, provided funding is available, a member
of the committee shall approve the request.
a. Ex-officio members may not vote. Following the vote, the
Chair shall call for the hearing’s adjournment.
4. The Budget and Appropriations Committee shall hear budget requests in the
order they were submitted.
5. Allocated Organizational Budget Hearings shall finish prior to the start of
finals week of the fall or spring semester correlating to when the budget
submission process started.
6. Carry Forward Organizational Budget Hearings shall start within two (2)
weeks of the first day of classes of the budget cycle.
a. The first request the committee shall hear in this period shall
be the last budget request heard before the organizational
funding ran out, if it was not fully funded. The committee may
amend this budget to its fully requested amount if funding is
822.4 No budget hearings will be held during finals week of any term.
822.5 All Organizational Budgets will be compiled using computer software,
which will be chosen by the SG Finance Office.
822.6 The previous year’s attendance and proof thereof from each of the
organization’s meetings shall be submitted within the organization’s
proposed budget.
822.7 The previous year’s actual attendance to proposed programs shall be
submitted within the organization’s proposed budget. If the previous
year’s attendance is impossible to attain, or if there was no corresponding
program during the previous year, then the estimated attendance of the
program may be submitted.
822.8 All requests by organizations for funds are to be submitted to the Student
Senate Budget and Appropriations Chairperson in the Spring semester of
the fiscal year by a date and time specified by their office after
advertisement of the deadline at least thirty (30) days in advance over
Docutraq and Gator Connect listservs.
822.9 The Student Government Finance Office will be responsible for notifying
all relevant organizations as to forthcoming deadlines by campus
advertisement and by e-mail. Organizations who have submitted budgets
to be reviewed by the committee will be notified of their hearings by
either electronic mail and/or phone at least forty-eight (48) hours before
their hearing. Electronic notification is to be sent to the Organizational
President and Treasurer e-mail address listed on the Department of
Student Activities and Involvement website listing of organizations.
822.10 Funds allocated for use by student organization but not spent over the course of
the Summer B/Fall budget cycle will carry forward to the overall available
funding for all student organizations in the next Summer B/Fall budget cycle.
822.101 Funds allocated for use by student organizations in the Spring/Summer A budget
cycle will carry forward to the overall available funding for all student
organizations in the next Spring/Summer A budget cycle.
822.11 Additional Provisions.
822.12 No student organization can buy software with A&S fee money unless it
is owned by and purchased through Student Government and installed on
a University of Florida owned asset.
822.13 All Student Organization Budgets will be compiled using computer
software, which will be chosen and approved by the SG Finance Office.
822.14 Both academic and student organizations will follow the same set of rules
and guidelines for budgeting and expenditure of A&S fee money.
CHAPTER 823 CHARITABLE DONATIONS (2012-108, 2015-115)
823.10 Student Government makes payments on behalf of student organizations to
charitable entities. In order to discharge this agency function in a responsible
manner, the following guidelines are to be applied:
1. Charitable donation must go directly to the charitable organization, which
must have 501(c) 3 statutes from the Internal Revenue Service. Charitable
donations/payments to individuals will not be allowed for the following
a. The funds become taxable income when paid to the individual,
as it is tied to their social security number. UF is not a
charitable entity and payment from UF does not mitigate the
tax situation. Accordingly, the funds are no longer a charitable
donation when dispensed to the individual and that individual
would receive the benefit of making the charitable donation,
not the student organization giving it.
b. UF has no established criteria or basis for making the decision
with regards to which individuals should receive charitable
c. UF does not have an established decision making process
based on specified criteria/requirement to make a payment to
an individual and the decision would be an arbitrary one.
Accordingly, that decision would not follow guidelines of good
practice with financial records as required by UF Finance and
Accounting and would be subject to challenge to the payment
by members within the group that raised the funds.
d. Finally, UF is at risk if the payments are later determined to be
inappropriate or in violation of our IRS status as an educational
2. Payments to charitable organizations must meet the following criteria;
a. The recipient organization has been established for at least
three (3) years; and
b. The recipient organization is listed on Charity Navigator; and
c. Not be listed on the Charity Navigator as ―10 Charities in
Deep Financial Trouble‖ or ―10 Charities Routinely in the
118, 2020-1052)
826.1 Student Government Budgets Placed Online. The Student Body Treasurer shall
ensure that the Activity and Service Fee Budget, Student Government-Funded
Organizational Budget, and Academic Organizations Budget, as defined in
chapters 821, 822, 823, and 824 of the Student Body Statutes, are placed online.
These posted budgets shall include all budgets used for the current fiscal year, and
all budgets adopted by the Senate for the following fiscal year, which shall be
posted within two weeks of their adoption. A link to the page containing these
budgets shall be placed on the Student Government website.
826.2 The Budget and Appropriations Committee and Student Body Treasurer’s Office
shall update the online finance training before the start of each fiscal year.
828.1 All events hosted by Student Government and Student Government Funded
Organizations must donate their unopened, non-perishable food items to the
Hitchcock Field & Fork Pantry.
828.2 Individuals may donate food by either leaving the food in designated drop
off bins or by bringing the food directly to the Hitchcock Field & Fork Pantry
during business hours.
828.3 The Audit and Compliance committee will coordinate with the
Director of the Hitchcock Field & Fork Pantry or their designee on a semesterly
basis to determine best practices for donating excess food items.
828.4 Student Government Officials and Student Organizations that fail to donate their
unopened, non-perishable food items may be issued a verbal or written warning
by the Student Government Treasurer or their designee.
829.1 To keep an outside revenue account, student organizations must: 1. Continue to be
actively funded through Student Government once per fiscal year 2. Have at least
$50.00 in the outside revenue account at the end of each fiscal year 3. Actively
use the outside revenue account, with at least one transaction within the last two
fiscal years.
829.2 Student organizations that fall below the $50.00 minimum in an outside revenue
account at the end of a fiscal year will have their outside revenue account closed.
829.21 A student organization that has their outside revenue account closed per 829.2
will not be able to reopen an outside revenue account with SG Finance for at least
one (1) fiscal year.
829.3 Any student organization that goes two (2) consecutive fiscal years without
spending any money in their outside revenue account will have their account
closed and the funds will be transferred into the Student Organization Support
Outside Revenue account.
829.4 Any remaining funds from a closed account will be transferred to the Student
Organization Support Outside Revenue account.