from shortGPT.utils.requirements import Requirements |
class CLI: |
@staticmethod |
def display_header(): |
'''Display the header of the CLI''' |
CLI.display_green_text(''' |
.d88888b dP dP .88888. 888888ba d888888P .88888. 888888ba d888888P |
88. "' 88 88 d8' `8b 88 `8b 88 d8' `88 88 `8b 88 |
`Y88888b. 88aaaaa88 88 88 88aaaa8P' 88 88 88aaaa8P' 88 |
`8b 88 88 88 88 88 `8b. 88 88 YP88 88 88 |
d8' .8P 88 88 Y8. .8P 88 88 88 Y8. .88 88 88 |
Y88888P dP dP `8888P' dP dP dP `88888' dP dP |
''') |
CLI.display_green_text("Welcome to ShortGPT! This is an experimental AI framework to automate all aspects of content creation.") |
print("") |
CLI.display_requirements_check() |
@staticmethod |
def display_help(): |
'''Display help''' |
print("Usage: python shortGPT.py [options]") |
print("") |
print("Options:") |
print(" -h, --help show this help message and exit") |
@staticmethod |
def display_requirements_check(): |
'''Display information about the system and requirements''' |
print("Checking requirements...") |
requirements_manager = Requirements() |
print(" - Requirements : List of requirements and installed version:") |
all_req_versions = requirements_manager.get_all_requirements_versions() |
for req_name, req_version in all_req_versions.items(): |
if req_version is None: |
CLI.display_red_text(f"---> Error : {req_name} is not installed") |
print(f"{req_name}=={req_version}") |
print("") |
class bcolors: |
HEADER = '\033[95m' |
OKBLUE = '\033[94m' |
OKCYAN = '\033[96m' |
OKGREEN = '\033[92m' |
WARNING = '\033[93m' |
FAIL = '\033[91m' |
ENDC = '\033[0m' |
BOLD = '\033[1m' |
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' |
@staticmethod |
def display_error(error_message, stack_trace): |
'''Display an error message in the console''' |
print(CLI.bcolors.FAIL + "ERROR : " + error_message + CLI.bcolors.ENDC) |
print(stack_trace) |
print("If the problem persists, don't hesitate to contact our support. We're here to assist you.") |
print("Get Help on Discord : https://discord.gg/qn2WJaRH") |
@staticmethod |
def get_console_green_text(text): |
'''Get the text in green color''' |
return CLI.bcolors.OKGREEN + text + CLI.bcolors.ENDC |
@staticmethod |
def get_console_red_text(text): |
'''Get the text in red color''' |
return CLI.bcolors.FAIL + text + CLI.bcolors.ENDC |
@staticmethod |
def get_console_yellow_text(text): |
'''Get the text in yellow color''' |
return CLI.bcolors.WARNING + text + CLI.bcolors.ENDC |
@staticmethod |
def get_console_blue_text(text): |
return CLI.bcolors.OKBLUE + text + CLI.bcolors.ENDC |
@staticmethod |
def get_console_bold_text(text): |
return CLI.bcolors.BOLD + text + CLI.bcolors.ENDC |
@staticmethod |
def get_console_underline_text(text): |
return CLI.bcolors.UNDERLINE + text + CLI.bcolors.ENDC |
@staticmethod |
def get_console_cyan_text(text): |
return CLI.bcolors.OKCYAN + text + CLI.bcolors.ENDC |
@staticmethod |
def get_console_header_text(text): |
return CLI.bcolors.HEADER + text + CLI.bcolors.ENDC |
@staticmethod |
def get_console_text(text, color): |
return color + text + CLI.bcolors.ENDC |
@staticmethod |
def display_blue_text(text): |
print(CLI.get_console_blue_text(text)) |
@staticmethod |
def display_green_text(text): |
print(CLI.get_console_green_text(text)) |
@staticmethod |
def display_red_text(text): |
print(CLI.get_console_red_text(text)) |
@staticmethod |
def display_yellow_text(text): |
print(CLI.get_console_yellow_text(text)) |
@staticmethod |
def display_bold_text(text): |
print(CLI.get_console_bold_text(text)) |
@staticmethod |
def display_underline_text(text): |
print(CLI.get_console_underline_text(text)) |
@staticmethod |
def display_cyan_text(text): |
print(CLI.get_console_cyan_text(text)) |
@staticmethod |
def display_header_text(text): |
print(CLI.get_console_header_text(text)) |