SecretLanguage / pages /1_πŸ“™_Dictionary_(Browse).py
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import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
# import gdown
import os
import pickle
from streamlit import session_state as _state
from PyDictionary import PyDictionary
dictionary = PyDictionary()
st.set_page_config(layout="wide", page_title="ACl23 Secret Language")
from streamlit_extras.switch_page_button import switch_page
from streamlit_extras.stateful_button import button
# for key in st.session_state.keys():
# del st.session_state[key]
# st.markdown(st.session_state)
# want_to_contribute = st.button("I want to contribute!")
# if want_to_contribute:
# # switch_page("dictionary (search)")
# switch_page("home")
# st.title("ACl23 Secret Language")
# sidebar
st.sidebar.header("πŸ“™ Dictionary (Browse)")
# title = st.sidebar.text_input(":red[Search secret languages given the following word]", 'Asian')
buttons = {}
# def call_back():
# for k in buttons:
# if buttons[k]:
# st.text(k)
with st.sidebar:
cols0 = st.columns(8)
for i in range(len(cols0)):
with cols0[i]:
buttons[chr(65 + i)] = st.button(chr(65 + i))
# buttons[chr(65 + i)] = button(chr(65 + i), key=chr(65 + i))
cols1 = st.columns(8)
for i in range(len(cols1)):
with cols1[i]:
buttons[chr(65 + 8 + i)] = st.button(chr(65 + 8 + i))
# buttons[chr(65 + 8 + i)] = button(chr(65 + 8 + i), key=chr(65 + 8 + i))
cols2 = st.columns(8)
for i in range(len(cols2)):
with cols2[i]:
buttons[chr(65 + 16 + i)] = st.button(chr(65 + 16 + i))
# buttons[chr(65 + 16 + i)] = button(chr(65 + 16 + i), key=chr(65 + 16 + i))
cols3 = st.columns(8)
for i in range(2):
with cols3[i]:
buttons[chr(65 + 24 + i)] = st.button(chr(65 + 24 + i))
# buttons[chr(65 + 24 + i)] = button(chr(65 + 24 + i), key=chr(65 + 24 + i))
cols4 = st.columns(2)
buttons['0-9'] = cols4[0].button('0-9')
buttons['Others'] = cols4[1].button('Others')
# select =
# "Select initial to browse.",
# [chr(i) for i in range(97, 123)] + ['0-9', 'Others'],
# key="nokeyjustselect",
# )
# if select == '0-9':
# st.title(select)
# file_names = ['num_dict.pkl']
# elif select == 'Others':
# st.title(select)
# file_names = ['other_dict.pkl']
# elif ord(select[0]) in list(range(97, 123)) + list(range(65, 91)):
# st.title(chr(ord(select)))
# file_names = [f'{ord(select[0]) - 32}_dict.pkl', f'{ord(select[0])}_dict.pkl']
# all_data = {}
# all_key = []
# for file_name in file_names:
# _data = pickle.load(open(f'all_secret_langauge_by_fist/{file_name}', 'rb'))
# all_data.update(_data)
# all_key.extend(sorted(list(_data.keys())))
# # st.markdown(file_name, unsafe_allow_html=True)
# # st.markdown(_data.keys(), unsafe_allow_html=True)
# all_key = sorted(list(set(all_key)))
# # st.markdown(','.join(all_key))
# for key in all_key:
# # if len(key) and key[0] != '"':
# # st.markdown(key, unsafe_allow_html=True)
# # st.change_page("home")
# # st.markdown(f'<a href="Dictionary_(Search)?word={key}" target="_self">{key}</a>', unsafe_allow_html=True)
# # print(key)
# # word_buttons.append(st.button(f'{key}', key=key))
# _button = st.button(f'{key}', key=key)
# if _button:
# st.session_state.click_word = key
# switch_page("dictionary (search)")
# st.markdown(st.session_state)
all_word_button = {}
# for key in all_word_button:
# if all_word_button[key]:
# st.session_state.click_word = key
# switch_page("dictionary (search)")
for k in st.session_state.keys():
if st.session_state[k]:
if 'button_' in k:
st.session_state.click_word = k.split('button_')[-1]
# st.markdown(k)
switch_page("dictionary (search)")
# all_condition = False
word_buttons = None
for k in buttons:
if buttons[k]:
# for _k in buttons:
# if _k != k:
# st.session_state[_k] = False
word_buttons = []
if k == '0-9':
file_names = ['num_dict.pkl']
elif k == 'Others':
file_names = ['other_dict.pkl']
elif ord(k[0]) in list(range(97, 123)) + list(range(65, 91)):
file_names = [f'{ord(k[0]) + 32}_dict.pkl', f'{ord(k[0])}_dict.pkl']
all_data = {}
all_key = []
for file_name in file_names:
_data = pickle.load(open(f'all_secret_langauge_by_fist/{file_name}', 'rb'))
# st.markdown(file_name, unsafe_allow_html=True)
# st.markdown(_data.keys(), unsafe_allow_html=True)
all_key = sorted(list(set(all_key)))
# st.markdown(','.join(all_key))
for key in all_key:
# if len(key) and key[0] != '"':
# st.markdown(key, unsafe_allow_html=True)
# st.change_page("home")
# st.markdown(f'<a href="Dictionary_(Search)?word={key}" target="_self">{key}</a>', unsafe_allow_html=True)
# print(key)
# word_buttons.append(st.button(f'{key}', key=key))
all_word_button[key] = st.button(f'{key}', key=f'button_{key}')
# all_word_button[key] = button(f'{key}', key=key)
# for _button in word_buttons:
# if _button:
# # st.session_state.click_word = key
# # st.markdown('asdfd')
# switch_page("home")
# with st.expander(key):
# st.markdown(':red[Secret Languages:' + ','.join(all_data[key]['secret languages']), unsafe_allow_html=True)