first commit
history blame
No virus
2.81 kB
class CONFIG:
gpus = "0,1" # List of gpu devices
class TRAIN:
batch_size = 90 # number of audio files per batch
lr = 1e-4 # learning rate
epochs = 150 # max training epochs
workers = 12 # number of dataloader workers
val_split = 0.1 # validation set proportion
clipping_val = 1.0 # gradient clipping value
patience = 3 # learning rate scheduler's patience
factor = 0.5 # learning rate reduction factor
# Model config
class MODEL:
enc_layers = 4 # number of MLP blocks in the encoder
enc_in_dim = 384 # dimension of the input projection layer in the encoder
enc_dim = 768 # dimension of the MLP blocks
pred_dim = 512 # dimension of the LSTM in the predictor
pred_layers = 1 # number of LSTM layers in the predictor
# Dataset config
class DATA:
dataset = 'vctk' # dataset to use
Dictionary that specifies paths to root directories and train/test text files of each datasets.
'root' is the path to the dataset and each line of the train.txt/test.txt files should contains the path to an
audio file from 'root'.
data_dir = {'vctk': {'root': 'data/vctk/wav48',
'train': "data/vctk/train.txt",
'test': "data/vctk/test.txt"},
assert dataset in data_dir.keys(), 'Unknown dataset.'
sr = 48000 # audio sampling rate
audio_chunk_len = 122880 # size of chunk taken in each audio files
window_size = 960 # window size of the STFT operation, equivalent to packet size
stride = 480 # stride of the STFT operation
class TRAIN:
packet_sizes = [256, 512, 768, 960, 1024,
1536] # packet sizes for training. All sizes should be divisible by 'audio_chunk_len'
transition_probs = ((0.9, 0.1), (0.5, 0.1), (0.5, 0.5)) # list of trainsition probs for Markow Chain
class EVAL:
packet_size = 960 # 20ms
transition_probs = ((0.9, 0.1)) # (0.9, 0.1) ~ 10%; (0.8, 0.2) ~ 20%; (0.6, 0.4) ~ 40%
masking = 'gen' # whether using simulation or real traces from Microsoft to generate masks
assert masking in ['gen', 'real']
trace_path = 'test_samples/blind/lossy_singals' # must be clarified if masking = 'real'
class LOG:
log_dir = 'lightning_logs' # checkpoint and log directory
sample_path = 'audio_samples' # path to save generated audio samples in evaluation.
class TEST:
in_dir = 'test_samples/blind/lossy_signals' # path to test audio inputs
out_dir = 'test_samples/blind/lossy_signals_out' # path to generated outputs