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DALL-E image generation example for openai>1.2.3, saves requested images as files
-- not a code utility, has no input or return
# example pydantic models returned by client.images.generate(**img_params):
## - when called with "response_format": "url":
images_response = ImagesResponse(created=1699713836, data=[Image(b64_json=None, revised_prompt=None, url='')])
pip install --upgrade openai
pip install pillow
import os
from io import BytesIO
import openai # for handling error types
from datetime import datetime # for formatting date returned with images
import base64 # for decoding images if recieved in the reply
import requests # for downloading images from URLs
from PIL import Image # pillow, for processing image types
from prompts import image_style_prompt
from dotenv import load_dotenv
api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = api_key
def old_package(version, minimum): # Block old openai python libraries before today's
version_parts = list(map(int, version.split(".")))
minimum_parts = list(map(int, minimum.split(".")))
return version_parts < minimum_parts
if old_package(openai.__version__, "1.2.3"):
raise ValueError(f"Error: OpenAI version {openai.__version__}"
" is less than the minimum version 1.2.3\n\n"
">>You should run 'pip install --upgrade openai')")
from openai import OpenAI
# client = OpenAI(api_key="sk-xxxxx") # don't do this, OK?
client = OpenAI() # will use environment variable "OPENAI_API_KEY"
def generate_DALLE_images(user_prompt, path, filename):
prompt = (
f"Subject: {user_prompt} " # use the space at end
f"Style: {image_style_prompt}" # this is implicit line continuation
image_params = {
"model": "dall-e-3", # Defaults to dall-e-2
"n": 1, # Between 2 and 10 is only for DALL-E 2
"size": "1024x1024", # 256x256, 512x512 only for DALL-E 2 - not much cheaper
"prompt": prompt, # DALL-E 3: max 4000 characters, DALL-E 2: max 1000
"user": "myName", # pass a customer ID to OpenAI for abuse monitoring
## -- You can uncomment the lines below to include these non-default parameters --
image_params.update({"response_format": "b64_json"}) # defaults to "url" for separate download
## -- DALL-E 3 exclusive parameters --
image_params.update({"model": "dall-e-3"}) # Upgrade the model name to dall-e-3
image_params.update({"size": "1792x1024"}) # 1792x1024 or 1024x1792 available for DALL-E 3
# image_params.update({"quality": "hd"}) # quality at 2x the price, defaults to "standard"
# image_params.update({"style": "natural"}) # defaults to "vivid"
print(f'Generating image {filename}')
images_response = client.images.generate(**image_params)
except openai.APIConnectionError as e:
print("Server connection error: {e.__cause__}") # from httpx.
except openai.RateLimitError as e:
print(f"OpenAI RATE LIMIT error {e.status_code}: (e.response)")
except openai.APIStatusError as e:
print(f"OpenAI STATUS error {e.status_code}: (e.response)")
except openai.BadRequestError as e:
print(f"OpenAI BAD REQUEST error {e.status_code}: (e.response)")
except Exception as e:
print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}")
# make a file name prefix from date-time of response
#images_dt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(images_response.created)
#img_filename = images_dt.strftime('DALLE-%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') # like 'DALLE-20231111_144356'
img_filename = file_path = os.path.join(path, f'{filename}.png')
# get the prompt used if rewritten by dall-e-3, null if unchanged by AI
revised_prompt =[0].revised_prompt
# get out all the images in API return, whether url or base64
# note the use of pydantic "" style reference and its model_dump() method
image_url_list = []
image_data_list = []
for image in
# Initialize an empty list to store the Image objects
image_objects = []
# Check whether lists contain urls that must be downloaded or b64_json images
if image_url_list and all(image_url_list):
# Download images from the urls
for i, url in enumerate(image_url_list):
while True:
print(f"getting URL: {url}")
response = requests.get(url)
response.raise_for_status() # Raises stored HTTPError, if one occurred.
except requests.HTTPError as e:
print(f"Failed to download image from {url}. Error: {e.response.status_code}")
retry = input("Retry? (y/n): ") # ask script user if image url is bad
if retry.lower() in ["n", "no"]: # could wait a bit if not ready
image_objects.append( # Append the Image object to the list
print(f"Saving image to {img_filename}")
elif image_data_list and all(image_data_list): # if there is b64 data
# Convert "b64_json" data to png file
for i, data in enumerate(image_data_list):
image_objects.append( # Append the Image object to the list
print(f"Saving image to {img_filename}")
print("No image data was obtained. Maybe bad code?")