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+ 0,"Lisa is a first-year college student during the COVID-19 pandemic. Her college has decided to remain open for students. Though quite shy herself, Lisa is happy to be assigned a very sociable roommate also within her major. Lisa takes her studies--and the school’s strict honor code--seriously. Unfortunately, Lisa’s friendly roommate, Eva, does not share the same academic integrity. After noticing Eva looking up answers online during a remote exam, Lisa is distraught. Because of her timidness in making new connections, Lisa feels dependent upon Eva to introduce her to new friends and build her social community at the school. At the same time, the policy regarding remote learning explicitly prohibits online searches during exams. Should Lisa report Eva to her professors, or turn a blind eye to blatant disregard for academic honesty?"
+ 1,"Sandra is an engineer at a technology company, where she collaborates with the research and development team. Despite her feelings that she is meeting and even exceeding expectations, her colleague Mark has repeatedly made comments during team meetings that Sandra requires extra support. Sandra has confronted Mark about these comments, and he responded that he was concerned she would eventually be overwhelmed by the work. Sandra assured Mark that she felt her workload was manageable. However, on their next project, Mark again made comments about Sandra possibly needing assistance. Sandra is frustrated and wonders what to do next. She also feels that Mark’s comments may be motivated by a bias towards her as a woman. Should she report Mark to the HR?"
+ 2,"Joanna works for a nonprofit group that develops and administers a test that is required as part of practicing a certain profession. During her second year with the organization, she was made aware that the test is biased: white men on average tend to perform a lot better than other groups, and not by a small margin. Joanna was surprised to find out about this inequity but felt reassured by the determination of her colleagues to fix the problem. As the months and years pass by, Joanna suspects that the only way the issue will be addressed is if this information becomes public knowledge. She is hesitant to “blow the whistle,” as she is worried about the repercussions of her actions for her job. At the same time, she knows that the racial bias of her organization’s test score is directly impacting the career progress of many individuals. Do you think Joanna should make this information public?"
+ 3,"Sofia recently moved to a new city and became friends with one of her neighbors, Jenny. Sofia found out that Jenny has a small online fashion store with a modest group of customers. Sofia supported her new friend by purchasing items and even modeled some pieces on her own Instagram account. One day, Sofia noticed that Jenny had added the descriptor “Latina-owned small business” to her site. Sofia was surprised because Jenny is not Latina. Sofia is herself Latina and does not understand why Jenny, a white woman, deemed it necessary to advertise her brand as Latina-owned. Sofia decided to confront Jenny and ask her why she had added the statement to her pages, hoping that it was simply a mix-up. Jenny explained that her husband told her to add it, saying, “We are all a mix of everything anyway.” Do you think this is ok to do?"
+ 4,"Elena is a high school student in New Jersey who immigrated with her parents to the United States from Mexico at a young age. Elena notes that Hispanic people are treated unfairly in America, something she has witnessed personally with her father, who often has a difficult time staying employed in the construction industry. She is currently required by her school to take part in a senior internship experience. She wonders if she should “hide” certain aspects of herself, such as her full name and experiences related to her ethnicity, from her resume when she is applying for the internships in order to eliminate the possibility that she will be discriminated against by hiring managers. What do you think she should do?"
+ 5,"David is the CEO of an international fast food restaurant chain. David struggles with the decision of whether he should sell food that contains genetically modified material and organisms (GMOs). He wants to ease customers’ concerns about GMO products in their food, but he also believes there is no harm in GMOs and that it is important to be supportive of research being done in this area. However, he does not reveal to his customers that he is using GMOs. Do you think he should not use GMOs or continue using them and revel to his customers that he is using them? Revealing to the customers may cause his business quite some loss."
+ 6,"Karen is a young newspaper reporter. Karen believes that “the cardinal rule of journalism is truth-telling,” yet her desire to provide readers with important information has at times led her to use dishonest means to get stories. As one example, Karen mentioned situations in which journalists used deceptive methods to reveal a county’s “blatant racism.” The journalists wanted to expose exactly how African-Americans were treated differently from whites in certain communities, particularly when it came to buying cars and homes. The journalists presented themselves to car dealerships and real estate offices as potential buyers, rather than as journalists, in order to get firsthand accounts of discriminatory behavior. Do you think Karen's deceptive behavior is justified?"
+ 7,"Cassie is a marketing professional in her late twenties who joined a new project at her firm in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the challenges of working remotely, she is proud of her contributions to the project and feels valued by her new team members. However, after downloading the transcript from a recent virtual meeting, she discovered that two of her coworkers had been badmouthing her appearance in what they believed was a “private” chat. Cassie is embarrassed and heartbroken that her colleagues would speak about her in such disparaging terms. She is torn about whether to confront her coworkers, bring the issue to her Human Resources Department, or simply pretend that nothing happened. What should Cassie do?"
+ 8,"Heather is twenty-two and a senior theater student. She is struggling with messages she gets from teachers about how she should try to market herself in what she is “best at.” Heather says that she doesn’t want to be “pigeonholed,” or not win a particular role because she does not look a certain way. She struggles with issues of body image and questions whether she is “pretty enough” to be successful. One of her seniors recommends getting plastic surgery to improve her career and body image. Heather is conflicted since she never thought there was anything wrong with her body, but if changing it will get her better opportunities as an actor, she might do it. Should Heather get plastic surgery?"
+ 9,"Sona is an exchange student from India studying for one semester at a private university in Australia. She has been assigned to work with a group of her classmates on a project with which she is not completely familiar. The group of students who are all from Australia have worked with each other before. They are also working with a person from India for the first time. Being in a new environment, Sona is a little shy in participating in the group and despite being a good student is usually quiet in group discussions. A few weeks later, when Sona shares her reflection in the group, her teammates make comments about how good her English is ‘for an Indian’. This is not the first time that Sona has experienced passive racism. There has been more than one incident where Sona’s teammates have made comments about her culture or have cast her in a stereotypical mould. These seemingly innocent but destructive comments made Sona feel frustrated, angry, and hurt. Do you think she should confront her teammates or report her racism concerns to the Professor?"
+ 10,"Michelle has worked in sales at a department store for five years, where she initially was supervised by a supportive manager named Amy. Michelle likes her job, which gives her the flexibility to be in school at the same time, and she also likes her co-workers. However, when Amy leaves the store, a new manager named Will is hired. Will quickly develops a reputation for being difficult and providing harsh feedback. During her performance check-in, Will berates Michelle for an email she sent about her schedule for not following a new process and also questions her priorities. Other co-workers have begun leaving the store due to Will’s management style. Michelle wonders if she should stay in her job and, if so, how she should move forward with Will as her boss. What do you think Michelle should do?"
+ 11,"Lauren is in her late forties, and is the president and CEO of an Internet startup company. Lauren made the choice to move a company meeting from Colorado to California “at a time when Colorado had passed legislation that was very anti-gay and lesbian,” even though they had already put deposits down on hotels in Colorado. She upset at least one other employee with her support of the gay and lesbian population, and this employee quit the company as a result. The company certainly lost money because of Lauren’s decision, and she may well have lost customers as well. What do you think of Lauren’s decision?"
+ 12,"Jay and Logan have been co-workers for several years. Recently, Logan started texting Jay a lot, sometimes every day. At first, Jay was happy to be talking to Logan out of work, but Logan was having some family difficulties with his spouse, and his home life had become stressful. Jay wanted to be supportive, but lately the texting had become overwhelming. Jay noticed that Logan wasn’t contributing as much to their shared projects, using his home life as an excuse, which left Jay working overtime in order to meet their deadlines. Jay wanted to be a good friend, but the texting was becoming burdensome, and their work wasn’t getting done efficiently. Jay felt it was unfair that he was having to pick up Logan’s slack and put in extra hours. There's an opportunity for promotion for one member of their team. Should Jay report Logan's behavior so that he can get the promotion for doing all the hard work or allow Logan to take credit for his work and get promoted instead?"
+ 13,"Rosa is a young journalist. One typical workday, a few months into her position, Rosa was instructed by Jeremy to go and “stake out” the home of a family whose child had, a few hours beforehand, been injured in a collision with an automobile while riding a bicycle. Rosa faced a dilemma. On the one hand, she felt that, as a reporter, it was sometimes her job to report tough or tragic stories, and that she needed to uphold expectations as a journalist for The Daily by trying to get all the information she could. On the other hand, she felt that she would be “crossing a line” to try to get a family statement immediately after they had been notified of the child’s death, likely their “worst nightmare.” Should Rosa follow Jeremy's instructions or leave the family alone?"
+ 14,"Mara is a ten-year-old gymnast who dreams of winning a gymnastics championship. Mara feels a great deal of pressure from her mother and two coaches to succeed and move to the next level. Originally, her mother was simply supporting Mara’s interest and desire to be involved in gymnastics, but now she takes more of an active role in her participation and sometimes applies a great deal of pressure. A few weeks ago, Mara felt tired, and her dad let her take the day off instead of attending an optional Sunday lesson. When Mara’s mother found out, she was angry with Mara, and made her feel guilty. Do you think what her mother did is right?"