studies /
Roland Ding updated the and for including existing table extraction and remove anything from article after discussion session. updated the interface to allow unequal heights of components and added original tables in study page.
history blame
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import json
from application import *
from pdfminer.high_level import extract_text
from pdfminer.pdfparser import PDFParser
from pdfminer.pdfdocument import PDFDocument
following functions are for file manipulation
keyword_search = lambda kw, text: kw.lower() in text.lower()
list_or = lambda l: sum(l)>0
list_and = lambda l: sum(l)==len(l)
# read pdf file and return text
def read_pdf(file_path):
this function read the pdf file and return the text
# open the pdf file
if type(file_path) is str:
filename = file_path
pdfFileObj = open(file_path, 'rb')
# elif type(file_path) is tempfile._TemporaryFileWrapper:
filename =
pdfFileObj = open(, 'rb')
# # create a pdf reader object
# pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfReader(pdfFileObj)
# # get the number of pages in the pdf file
# num_pages = len(pdfReader.pages)
# # create an empty string
# text = ''
# # iterate through all the pages
# for page_num in range(num_pages):
# page_obj = pdfReader.pages[page_num]
# text += page_obj.extract_text ()
text = extract_text(pdfFileObj)
text = remove_symbols(text)
# meta = pdfReader.metadata
parser = PDFParser(pdfFileObj)
doc = PDFDocument(parser)
meta =
# close the pdf file object
return text, meta
following functions are for format standard response
# format standard response for status code and data
def format_response(code,data):
return {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"isBase64Encoded": False
following functions are for string manipulation
# format text output by removing excessive characters
def format_text(text,remove_char_ls = ["\\n--\\n","\\n\\n","\n"]):
for c in remove_char_ls:
text = text.replace(c,"")
return text
# function to remove symbols that are not in unicode
def remove_symbols(text):
# remove symbols that are not in unicode
text = text.encode("ascii", "ignore").decode()
# remove the break word new line return
text = text.replace('-\n', '')
return text
def str_to_tuple(s):
return tuple(s.replace("(","").replace(")","").split(","))
following functions are for dynamodb data manipulation
# convert dynamodb map to python dictionary
def db_map_to_py_dict(db_map):
py_dict = {}
for k,i in db_map.items():
for l,v in i.items():
if l == "M":
py_dict[k] = db_map_to_py_dict(v)
elif l == "S":
py_dict[k] = v
elif l == "N":
py_dict[k] = int(v) if float(v)%1 ==0 else float(v)
elif l == "L":
py_dict[k] = db_list_to_py_list(v)
elif l == "BS":
py_dict[k] = v
elif l == "BOOL":
py_dict[k] = v
elif l =="NULL":
py_dict[k] = None
py_dict[k] = v
return py_dict
# convert python dictionary to dynamodb map
def py_dict_to_db_map(py_dict):
db_map = {}
for key,value in py_dict.items():
key = str(key)
if type(value) is str:
db_map[key] = {"S":value}
elif type(value) is int or type(value) is float:
db_map[key] = {"N":value}
elif type(value) is dict:
db_map[key] = {"M":py_dict_to_db_map(value)}
elif type(value) is list:
db_map[key] = {"L":py_list_to_db_list(value)}
elif type(value) is bytes:
db_map[key] = {"BS":value}
elif type(value) is bool:
db_map[key] = {"BOOL":value}
elif value is None:
db_map[key] = {"NULL":True}
return db_map
# convert dynamodb list to python list
def db_list_to_py_list(db_list):
py_list = []
for d in db_list:
for t,v in d.items():
if t == "M":
elif t == "L":
elif t =="N" or t =="S" or t =="B" or t =="BOOL" or t =="NULL" or t =="SS" or t =="NS" or t =="BS":
return py_list
# convert python list to dynamodb list
def py_list_to_db_list(py_list):
db_list = []
for value in py_list:
if type(value) is str:
item = {"S":value}
elif type(value) is int or type(value) is float:
item = {"N":value}
elif type(value) is dict:
item = {"M":py_dict_to_db_map(value)}
# item = py_dict_to_db_map(value)
elif type(value) is list:
item = {"L":py_list_to_db_list(value)}
elif type(value) is tuple:
item = {"L":py_list_to_db_list(value)}
elif type(value) is bytes:
item = {"BS":value}
elif type(value) is bool:
item = {"BOOL":value}
elif value is None:
item = {"NULL":True}
return db_list
following functions are used for business logic. (to be moved to business logic layer)
# function to calculate the estimated cost of the translation
def est_cost(n_tokens,rate):
return round(rate*n_tokens/1000,4)
def replace_symbols(s):
this function replace symbols in the string to comply with file names
s : str
string to be replaced
replaced string
s = s.replace(" ","_")
s = s.replace(",","")
s = s.replace(".","")
s = s.replace("-","_")
s = s.replace("(","")
s = s.replace(")","")
s = s.replace("/","_")
s = s.replace(":","")
s = s.replace(";","")
s = s.replace("'","")
s = s.replace('"',"")
return remove_symbols(s)