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<tr><td class="play" align="center">The Second part of King Henry the Sixth
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| Act 4, Scene 8
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<H3>SCENE VIII. Southwark.</h3>
<i>Alarum and retreat. Enter CADE and all his rabblement</i>
<A NAME=speech1><b>CADE</b></a>
<A NAME=1>Up Fish Street! down Saint Magnus' Corner! Kill</A><br>
<A NAME=2>and knock down! throw them into Thames!</A><br>
<p><i>Sound a parley</i></p>
<A NAME=3>What noise is this I hear? Dare any be so bold to</A><br>
<A NAME=4>sound retreat or parley, when I command them kill?</A><br>
<p><i>Enter BUCKINGHAM and CLIFFORD, attended</i></p>
<A NAME=speech2><b>BUCKINGHAM</b></a>
<A NAME=5>Ay, here they be that dare and will disturb thee:</A><br>
<A NAME=6>Know, Cade, we come ambassadors from the king</A><br>
<A NAME=7>Unto the commons whom thou hast misled;</A><br>
<A NAME=8>And here pronounce free pardon to them all</A><br>
<A NAME=9>That will forsake thee and go home in peace.</A><br>
<A NAME=speech3><b>CLIFFORD</b></a>
<A NAME=10>What say ye, countrymen? will ye relent,</A><br>
<A NAME=11>And yield to mercy whilst 'tis offer'd you;</A><br>
<A NAME=12>Or let a rebel lead you to your deaths?</A><br>
<A NAME=13>Who loves the king and will embrace his pardon,</A><br>
<A NAME=14>Fling up his cap, and say 'God save his majesty!'</A><br>
<A NAME=15>Who hateth him and honours not his father,</A><br>
<A NAME=16>Henry the Fifth, that made all France to quake,</A><br>
<A NAME=17>Shake he his weapon at us and pass by.</A><br>
<A NAME=speech4><b>ALL</b></a>
<A NAME=18>God save the king! God save the king!</A><br>
<A NAME=speech5><b>CADE</b></a>
<A NAME=19>What, Buckingham and Clifford, are ye so brave? And</A><br>
<A NAME=20>you, base peasants, do ye believe him? will you</A><br>
<A NAME=21>needs be hanged with your pardons about your necks?</A><br>
<A NAME=22>Hath my sword therefore broke through London gates,</A><br>
<A NAME=23>that you should leave me at the White Hart in</A><br>
<A NAME=24>Southwark? I thought ye would never have given out</A><br>
<A NAME=25>these arms till you had recovered your ancient</A><br>
<A NAME=26>freedom: but you are all recreants and dastards,</A><br>
<A NAME=27>and delight to live in slavery to the nobility. Let</A><br>
<A NAME=28>them break your backs with burthens, take your</A><br>
<A NAME=29>houses over your heads, ravish your wives and</A><br>
<A NAME=30>daughters before your faces: for me, I will make</A><br>
<A NAME=31>shift for one; and so, God's curse light upon you</A><br>
<A NAME=32>all!</A><br>
<A NAME=speech6><b>ALL</b></a>
<A NAME=33>We'll follow Cade, we'll follow Cade!</A><br>
<A NAME=speech7><b>CLIFFORD</b></a>
<A NAME=34>Is Cade the son of Henry the Fifth,</A><br>
<A NAME=35>That thus you do exclaim you'll go with him?</A><br>
<A NAME=36>Will he conduct you through the heart of France,</A><br>
<A NAME=37>And make the meanest of you earls and dukes?</A><br>
<A NAME=38>Alas, he hath no home, no place to fly to;</A><br>
<A NAME=39>Nor knows he how to live but by the spoil,</A><br>
<A NAME=40>Unless by robbing of your friends and us.</A><br>
<A NAME=41>Were't not a shame, that whilst you live at jar,</A><br>
<A NAME=42>The fearful French, whom you late vanquished,</A><br>
<A NAME=43>Should make a start o'er seas and vanquish you?</A><br>
<A NAME=44>Methinks already in this civil broil</A><br>
<A NAME=45>I see them lording it in London streets,</A><br>
<A NAME=46>Crying 'Villiago!' unto all they meet.</A><br>
<A NAME=47>Better ten thousand base-born Cades miscarry</A><br>
<A NAME=48>Than you should stoop unto a Frenchman's mercy.</A><br>
<A NAME=49>To France, to France, and get what you have lost;</A><br>
<A NAME=50>Spare England, for it is your native coast;</A><br>
<A NAME=51>Henry hath money, you are strong and manly;</A><br>
<A NAME=52>God on our side, doubt not of victory.</A><br>
<A NAME=speech8><b>ALL</b></a>
<A NAME=53>A Clifford! a Clifford! we'll follow the king and Clifford.</A><br>
<A NAME=speech9><b>CADE</b></a>
<A NAME=54>Was ever feather so lightly blown to and fro as this</A><br>
<A NAME=55>multitude? The name of Henry the Fifth hales them</A><br>
<A NAME=56>to an hundred mischiefs, and makes them leave me</A><br>
<A NAME=57>desolate. I see them lay their heads together to</A><br>
<A NAME=58>surprise me. My sword make way for me, for here is</A><br>
<A NAME=59>no staying. In despite of the devils and hell, have</A><br>
<A NAME=60>through the very middest of you? and heavens and</A><br>
<A NAME=61>honour be witness, that no want of resolution in me.</A><br>
<A NAME=62>but only my followers' base and ignominious</A><br>
<A NAME=63>treasons, makes me betake me to my heels.</A><br>
<A NAME=speech10><b>BUCKINGHAM</b></a>
<A NAME=64>What, is he fled? Go some, and follow him;</A><br>
<A NAME=65>And he that brings his head unto the king</A><br>
<A NAME=66>Shall have a thousand crowns for his reward.</A><br>
<p><i>Exeunt some of them</i></p>
<A NAME=67>Follow me, soldiers: we'll devise a mean</A><br>
<A NAME=68>To reconcile you all unto the king.</A><br>
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