import streamlit as st |
from streamlit.components.v1 import html |
import pandas as pd |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
import plotly.express as px |
from wordcloud.wordcloud import WordCloud |
from configs.db_configs import add_one_item |
from configs.html_features import set_image, HTML_WRAPPER |
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification |
import torch |
from torch.nn.functional import softmax |
from spacy import displacy |
import spacy |
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm') |
from collections import Counter |
import neattext as nt |
import neattext.functions as nfx |
from textblob import TextBlob |
import nltk |
nltk.download('brown') |
nltk.download('punkt') |
nltk.download('wordnet') |
nltk.download('averaged_perceptron_tagger') |
nltk.download('conll2000') |
nltk.download('movie_reviews') |
def get_tokens_analysis(text): |
doc_obj = nlp(text) |
tokens_stats = [(token.text, token.shape_, token.pos_, token.tag_, token.lemma_, token.is_alpha, token.is_stop) for token in doc_obj] |
tokens_stats_df = pd.DataFrame(tokens_stats, columns=['Token', 'Shape', 'Part-of-Speech', 'Part-of-Speech Tag', 'Root', 'IsAlpha', 'IsStop']) |
return tokens_stats_df |
def get_entities_tokens(text): |
doc_obj = nlp(text) |
html = displacy.render(doc_obj, style='ent') |
html = html.replace('\n\n', '\n') |
entities_tokens_html = HTML_WRAPPER.format(html) |
return entities_tokens_html |
def get_word_stats(text): |
text_frame_obj = nt.TextFrame(text) |
word_stats = text_frame_obj.word_stats() |
word_length_freq = text_frame_obj.word_length_freq() |
word_length_df = pd.DataFrame(word_length_freq.items(), columns=['word length', 'frequency']) |
word_length_df['word length'] = word_length_df['word length'].astype(str) |
word_length_df['word length'] = 'length ' + word_length_df['word length'] |
custom_color = px.colors.sequential.Blues_r |
figure = px.pie(word_length_df, names='word length', values='frequency', title='Word Percentage Frequency by length', width=400, height=400, color_discrete_sequence=custom_color) |
return word_stats, figure |
def plot_top_keywords_frequencies(text, n_top_keywords): |
preprocessed_text = nfx.remove_stopwords(text) |
blob = TextBlob(preprocessed_text) |
words = blob.words |
top_keywords = Counter(words).most_common(n_top_keywords) |
top_keywords_df = pd.DataFrame(top_keywords, columns=['words', 'frequency']) |
figure = px.bar(top_keywords_df, x='words', y='frequency', color='frequency', title=f'the frequency of {n_top_keywords} top keywords', width=400, height=400, color_continuous_scale='Blues') |
return figure |
def get_sentence_stats(text): |
blob = TextBlob(text) |
sentences = [str(sentence) for sentence in blob.sentences] |
noun_phrases = list(blob.noun_phrases) |
sentence_stats = { |
'Number of Sentences' : len(sentences), |
'Number of Noun Phrases' : len(noun_phrases) |
} |
sentence_stats_df = pd.DataFrame(sentence_stats, index=[0]) |
return sentences, noun_phrases, sentence_stats_df |
def plot_tokens_pos(tokens_stats_df): |
pos_df = tokens_stats_df['Part-of-Speech'].value_counts().to_frame().reset_index() |
pos_df.columns = ['Part-of-Speech', 'Frequency'] |
figure = px.bar(pos_df, x='Part-of-Speech', y='Frequency', color='Frequency', title=f'The Frequency of Tokens Part of speech', width=400, height=400, color_continuous_scale='Blues') |
return figure |
def get_sentiment_analysis_res(text): |
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('stevhliu/my_awesome_model') |
inputs = tokenizer(text, return_tensors='pt') |
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained('stevhliu/my_awesome_model') |
with torch.no_grad(): |
logits = model(**inputs).logits |
predicted_class_id = logits.argmax().item() |
model.config.id2label = {0:'Negative', 1:'Positive'} |
label = model.config.id2label[predicted_class_id] |
score = float(softmax(logits, dim=1)[0][predicted_class_id]) |
sentiment_df = pd.DataFrame([[label, score]], columns=['Text Polarity', 'Belonging Probability']) |
return sentiment_df |
def plot_word_frequency(text): |
wc = WordCloud(width=600, height=500).generate(text) |
fig = plt.figure() |
plt.imshow(wc, interpolation='bilinear') |
plt.axis('off') |
return fig |
def main(): |
st.title('Text Analyzer') |
im1, im2, im3 = st.columns([1, 5.3, 1]) |
with im1: |
pass |
with im2: |
url = "https://i.postimg.cc/jdF1hPng/combined.png" |
html(set_image(url), height=500, width=500) |
with im3: |
pass |
text = st.text_area('Text Analyzer', placeholder='Enter your input text here ...', height=200, label_visibility='hidden') |
n_top_keywords = st.sidebar.slider('n Top keywords', 5, 15, 5, 1) |
if st.button('Analyze it'): |
if text != '': |
with st.expander('Original Text'): |
st.write(text) |
add_one_item(text, 'Text Analyzer') |
with st.expander('Text Analysis'): |
tokens_stats_df = get_tokens_analysis(text) |
st.dataframe(tokens_stats_df) |
with st.expander('Text Entities'): |
entities_tokens_html = get_entities_tokens(text) |
html(entities_tokens_html, height=300, scrolling=True) |
col11, col12 = st.columns(2) |
with col11: |
with st.expander('Word Statistics'): |
word_stats_json, figure = get_word_stats(text) |
st.json(word_stats_json) |
st.plotly_chart(figure) |
with col12: |
with st.expander(f'The Frequency of {n_top_keywords} Top Keywords'): |
figure = plot_top_keywords_frequencies(text, n_top_keywords) |
st.plotly_chart(figure) |
col21, col22 = st.columns(2) |
with col21: |
with st.expander('Sentence Statistics'): |
sentences, noun_phrases, sentence_stats_df = get_sentence_stats(text) |
st.dataframe(sentence_stats_df) |
st.write('Sentences:\n', sentences) |
st.write('Noun Phrases:\n', noun_phrases) |
with col22: |
with st.expander('The Frequency of Tokens Part of speech'): |
figure = plot_tokens_pos(tokens_stats_df) |
st.plotly_chart(figure) |
col31, col32 = st.columns(2) |
with col31: |
with st.expander('Sentiment Analysis'): |
sentiment_df = get_sentiment_analysis_res(text) |
st.dataframe(sentiment_df) |
with col32: |
with st.expander('Word Frequency'): |
fig = plot_word_frequency(text) |
st.pyplot(fig) |
else: |
st.error('Please enter a non-empty text.') |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
main() |