video2music / dataset /
kjysmu's picture
add files
import os
import pickle
import random
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
from import Dataset
from utilities.constants import *
from utilities.device import cpu_device
from utilities.device import get_device
import json
class VevoDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, dataset_root = "./dataset/", split="train", split_ver="v1", vis_models="2d/clip_l14p", emo_model="6c_l14p", max_seq_chord=300, max_seq_video=300, random_seq=True, is_video = True):
self.dataset_root = dataset_root
self.vevo_chord_root = os.path.join( dataset_root, "vevo_chord", "lab_v2_norm", "all")
self.vevo_emotion_root = os.path.join( dataset_root, "vevo_emotion", emo_model, "all")
self.vevo_motion_root = os.path.join( dataset_root, "vevo_motion", "all")
self.vevo_scene_offset_root = os.path.join( dataset_root, "vevo_scene_offset", "all")
self.vevo_meta_split_path = os.path.join( dataset_root, "vevo_meta", "split", split_ver, split + ".txt")
self.vevo_loudness_root = os.path.join( dataset_root, "vevo_loudness", "all")
self.vevo_note_density_root = os.path.join( dataset_root, "vevo_note_density", "all")
self.max_seq_video = max_seq_video
self.max_seq_chord = max_seq_chord
self.random_seq = random_seq
self.is_video = is_video
self.vis_models_arr = vis_models.split(" ")
self.vevo_semantic_root_list = []
self.id_list = []
self.emo_model = emo_model
for i in range( len(self.vis_models_arr) ):
p1 = self.vis_models_arr[i].split("/")[0]
p2 = self.vis_models_arr[i].split("/")[1]
vevo_semantic_root = os.path.join(dataset_root, "vevo_semantic" , "all" , p1, p2)
self.vevo_semantic_root_list.append( vevo_semantic_root )
with open( self.vevo_meta_split_path ) as f:
for line in f:
self.data_files_chord = []
self.data_files_emotion = []
self.data_files_motion = []
self.data_files_scene_offset = []
self.data_files_semantic_list = []
self.data_files_loudness = []
self.data_files_note_density = []
for i in range(len(self.vis_models_arr)):
for fid in self.id_list:
fpath_chord = os.path.join( self.vevo_chord_root, fid + ".lab" )
fpath_emotion = os.path.join( self.vevo_emotion_root, fid + ".lab" )
fpath_motion = os.path.join( self.vevo_motion_root, fid + ".lab" )
fpath_scene_offset = os.path.join( self.vevo_scene_offset_root, fid + ".lab" )
fpath_loudness = os.path.join( self.vevo_loudness_root, fid + ".lab" )
fpath_note_density = os.path.join( self.vevo_note_density_root, fid + ".lab" )
fpath_semantic_list = []
for vevo_semantic_root in self.vevo_semantic_root_list:
fpath_semantic = os.path.join( vevo_semantic_root, fid + ".npy" )
checkFile_semantic = True
for fpath_semantic in fpath_semantic_list:
if not os.path.exists(fpath_semantic):
checkFile_semantic = False
checkFile_chord = os.path.exists(fpath_chord)
checkFile_emotion = os.path.exists(fpath_emotion)
checkFile_motion = os.path.exists(fpath_motion)
checkFile_scene_offset = os.path.exists(fpath_scene_offset)
checkFile_loudness = os.path.exists(fpath_loudness)
checkFile_note_density = os.path.exists(fpath_note_density)
if checkFile_chord and checkFile_emotion and checkFile_motion \
and checkFile_scene_offset and checkFile_semantic and checkFile_loudness and checkFile_note_density :
for i in range(len(self.vis_models_arr)):
self.data_files_semantic_list[i].append( fpath_semantic_list[i] )
chordDicPath = os.path.join( dataset_root, "vevo_meta/chord.json")
chordRootDicPath = os.path.join( dataset_root, "vevo_meta/chord_root.json")
chordAttrDicPath = os.path.join( dataset_root, "vevo_meta/chord_attr.json")
with open(chordDicPath) as json_file:
self.chordDic = json.load(json_file)
with open(chordRootDicPath) as json_file:
self.chordRootDic = json.load(json_file)
with open(chordAttrDicPath) as json_file:
self.chordAttrDic = json.load(json_file)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.data_files_chord)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
#### ---- CHORD ----- ####
feature_chord = np.empty(self.max_seq_chord)
feature_chordRoot = np.empty(self.max_seq_chord)
feature_chordAttr = np.empty(self.max_seq_chord)
key = ""
with open(self.data_files_chord[idx], encoding = 'utf-8') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
line_arr = line.split(" ")
if line_arr[0] == "key":
key = line_arr[1] + " "+ line_arr[2]
time = line_arr[0]
time = int(time)
if time >= self.max_seq_chord:
chord = line_arr[1]
chordID = self.chordDic[chord]
feature_chord[time] = chordID
chord_arr = chord.split(":")
if len(chord_arr) == 1:
if chord_arr[0] == "N":
chordRootID = self.chordRootDic["N"]
chordAttrID = self.chordAttrDic["N"]
feature_chordRoot[time] = chordRootID
feature_chordAttr[time] = chordAttrID
chordRootID = self.chordRootDic[chord_arr[0]]
feature_chordRoot[time] = chordRootID
feature_chordAttr[time] = 1
elif len(chord_arr) == 2:
chordRootID = self.chordRootDic[chord_arr[0]]
chordAttrID = self.chordAttrDic[chord_arr[1]]
feature_chordRoot[time] = chordRootID
feature_chordAttr[time] = chordAttrID
if "major" in key:
feature_key = torch.tensor([0])
feature_key = torch.tensor([1])
feature_chord = torch.from_numpy(feature_chord)
feature_chord =
feature_chordRoot = torch.from_numpy(feature_chordRoot)
feature_chordRoot =
feature_chordAttr = torch.from_numpy(feature_chordAttr)
feature_chordAttr =
feature_key = feature_key.float()
x = feature_chord[:self.max_seq_chord-1]
tgt = feature_chord[1:self.max_seq_chord]
x_root = feature_chordRoot[:self.max_seq_chord-1]
tgt_root = feature_chordRoot[1:self.max_seq_chord]
x_attr = feature_chordAttr[:self.max_seq_chord-1]
tgt_attr = feature_chordAttr[1:self.max_seq_chord]
if time < self.max_seq_chord:
tgt[time] = CHORD_END
tgt_root[time] = CHORD_ROOT_END
tgt_attr[time] = CHORD_ATTR_END
#### ---- SCENE OFFSET ----- ####
feature_scene_offset = np.empty(self.max_seq_video)
with open(self.data_files_scene_offset[idx], encoding = 'utf-8') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
line_arr = line.split(" ")
time = line_arr[0]
time = int(time)
if time >= self.max_seq_chord:
sceneID = line_arr[1]
feature_scene_offset[time] = int(sceneID)+1
feature_scene_offset = torch.from_numpy(feature_scene_offset)
feature_scene_offset =
#### ---- MOTION ----- ####
feature_motion = np.empty(self.max_seq_video)
with open(self.data_files_motion[idx], encoding = 'utf-8') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
line_arr = line.split(" ")
time = line_arr[0]
time = int(time)
if time >= self.max_seq_chord:
motion = line_arr[1]
feature_motion[time] = float(motion)
feature_motion = torch.from_numpy(feature_motion)
feature_motion =
#### ---- NOTE_DENSITY ----- ####
feature_note_density = np.empty(self.max_seq_video)
with open(self.data_files_note_density[idx], encoding = 'utf-8') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
line_arr = line.split(" ")
time = line_arr[0]
time = int(time)
if time >= self.max_seq_chord:
note_density = line_arr[1]
feature_note_density[time] = float(note_density)
feature_note_density = torch.from_numpy(feature_note_density)
feature_note_density =
#### ---- LOUDNESS ----- ####
feature_loudness = np.empty(self.max_seq_video)
with open(self.data_files_loudness[idx], encoding = 'utf-8') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
line_arr = line.split(" ")
time = line_arr[0]
time = int(time)
if time >= self.max_seq_chord:
loudness = line_arr[1]
feature_loudness[time] = float(loudness)
feature_loudness = torch.from_numpy(feature_loudness)
feature_loudness =
#### ---- EMOTION ----- ####
if self.emo_model.startswith("6c"):
feature_emotion = np.empty( (self.max_seq_video, 6))
feature_emotion = np.empty( (self.max_seq_video, 5))
with open(self.data_files_emotion[idx], encoding = 'utf-8') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
line_arr = line.split(" ")
if line_arr[0] == "time":
time = line_arr[0]
time = int(time)
if time >= self.max_seq_chord:
if len(line_arr) == 7:
emo1, emo2, emo3, emo4, emo5, emo6 = \
emoList = [ float(emo1), float(emo2), float(emo3), float(emo4), float(emo5), float(emo6) ]
elif len(line_arr) == 6:
emo1, emo2, emo3, emo4, emo5 = \
emoList = [ float(emo1), float(emo2), float(emo3), float(emo4), float(emo5) ]
emoList = np.array(emoList)
feature_emotion[time] = emoList
feature_emotion = torch.from_numpy(feature_emotion)
feature_emotion =
feature_emotion_argmax = torch.argmax(feature_emotion, dim=1)
_, max_prob_indices = torch.max(feature_emotion, dim=1)
max_prob_values = torch.gather(feature_emotion, dim=1, index=max_prob_indices.unsqueeze(1))
max_prob_values = max_prob_values.squeeze()
# -- emotion to chord
# maj dim sus4 min7 min sus2 aug dim7 maj6 hdim7 7 min6 maj7
# 0. extcing : [1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0]
# 1. fearful : [0,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0]
# 2. tense : [0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0]
# 3. sad : [0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
# 4. relaxing: [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]
# 5. neutral : [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
a0 = [0]+[1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0]*12+[0,0]
a1 = [0]+[0,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0]*12+[0,0]
a2 = [0]+[0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0]*12+[0,0]
a3 = [0]+[0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]*12+[0,0]
a4 = [0]+[1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]*12+[0,0]
a5 = [0]+[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]*12+[0,0]
aend = [0]+[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]*12+[1,0]
apad = [0]+[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]*12+[0,1]
a0_tensor = torch.tensor(a0)
a1_tensor = torch.tensor(a1)
a2_tensor = torch.tensor(a2)
a3_tensor = torch.tensor(a3)
a4_tensor = torch.tensor(a4)
a5_tensor = torch.tensor(a5)
aend_tensor = torch.tensor(aend)
apad_tensor = torch.tensor(apad)
mapped_tensor = torch.zeros((300, 159))
for i, val in enumerate(feature_emotion_argmax):
if feature_chord[i] == CHORD_PAD:
mapped_tensor[i] = apad_tensor
elif feature_chord[i] == CHORD_END:
mapped_tensor[i] = aend_tensor
elif val == 0:
mapped_tensor[i] = a0_tensor
elif val == 1:
mapped_tensor[i] = a1_tensor
elif val == 2:
mapped_tensor[i] = a2_tensor
elif val == 3:
mapped_tensor[i] = a3_tensor
elif val == 4:
mapped_tensor[i] = a4_tensor
elif val == 5:
mapped_tensor[i] = a5_tensor
# feature emotion : [1, 300, 6]
# y : [299, 159]
# tgt : [299]
# tgt_emo : [299, 159]
# tgt_emo_prob : [299]
tgt_emotion = mapped_tensor[1:]
tgt_emotion_prob = max_prob_values[1:]
feature_semantic_list = []
if self.is_video:
for i in range( len(self.vis_models_arr) ):
video_feature = np.load(self.data_files_semantic_list[i][idx])
dim_vf = video_feature.shape[1] # 2048
video_feature_tensor = torch.from_numpy( video_feature )
feature_semantic = torch.full((self.max_seq_video, dim_vf,), SEMANTIC_PAD , dtype=torch.float32, device=cpu_device())
if(video_feature_tensor.shape[0] < self.max_seq_video):
feature_semantic[:video_feature_tensor.shape[0]] = video_feature_tensor
feature_semantic = video_feature_tensor[:self.max_seq_video]
return { "x":x,
"semanticList": feature_semantic_list,
"key": feature_key,
"scene_offset": feature_scene_offset,
"motion": feature_motion,
"emotion": feature_emotion,
"tgt_emotion" : tgt_emotion,
"tgt_emotion_prob" : tgt_emotion_prob,
"note_density" : feature_note_density,
"loudness" : feature_loudness
def create_vevo_datasets(dataset_root = "./dataset", max_seq_chord=300, max_seq_video=300, vis_models="2d/clip_l14p", emo_model="6c_l14p", split_ver="v1", random_seq=True, is_video=True):
train_dataset = VevoDataset(
dataset_root = dataset_root, split="train", split_ver=split_ver,
vis_models=vis_models, emo_model =emo_model, max_seq_chord=max_seq_chord, max_seq_video=max_seq_video,
random_seq=random_seq, is_video = is_video )
val_dataset = VevoDataset(
dataset_root = dataset_root, split="val", split_ver=split_ver,
vis_models=vis_models, emo_model =emo_model, max_seq_chord=max_seq_chord, max_seq_video=max_seq_video,
random_seq=random_seq, is_video = is_video )
test_dataset = VevoDataset(
dataset_root = dataset_root, split="test", split_ver=split_ver,
vis_models=vis_models, emo_model =emo_model, max_seq_chord=max_seq_chord, max_seq_video=max_seq_video,
random_seq=random_seq, is_video = is_video )
return train_dataset, val_dataset, test_dataset
def compute_vevo_accuracy(out, tgt):
softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=-1)
out = torch.argmax(softmax(out), dim=-1)
out = out.flatten()
tgt = tgt.flatten()
mask = (tgt != CHORD_PAD)
out = out[mask]
tgt = tgt[mask]
if(len(tgt) == 0):
return 1.0
num_right = (out == tgt)
num_right = torch.sum(num_right).type(TORCH_FLOAT)
acc = num_right / len(tgt)
return acc
def compute_hits_k(out, tgt, k):
softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=-1)
out = softmax(out)
_, topk_indices = torch.topk(out, k, dim=-1) # Get the indices of top-k values
tgt = tgt.flatten()
topk_indices = torch.squeeze(topk_indices, dim = 0)
num_right = 0
pt = 0
for i, tlist in enumerate(topk_indices):
if tgt[i] == CHORD_PAD:
num_right += 0
pt += 1
if tgt[i].item() in tlist:
num_right += 1
# Empty
if len(tgt) == 0:
return 1.0
num_right = torch.tensor(num_right, dtype=torch.float32)
hitk = num_right / pt
return hitk
def compute_hits_k_root_attr(out_root, out_attr, tgt, k):
softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=-1)
out_root = softmax(out_root)
out_attr = softmax(out_attr)
tensor_shape = torch.Size([1, 299, 159])
out = torch.zeros(tensor_shape)
for i in range(out.shape[-1]):
if i == 0 :
out[0, :, i] = out_root[0, :, 0] * out_attr[0, :, 0]
elif i == 157:
out[0, :, i] = out_root[0, :, 13] * out_attr[0, :, 14]
elif i == 158:
out[0, :, i] = out_root[0, :, 14] * out_attr[0, :, 15]
rootindex = int( (i-1)/13 ) + 1
attrindex = (i-1)%13 + 1
out[0, :, i] = out_root[0, :, rootindex] * out_attr[0, :, attrindex]
out = softmax(out)
_, topk_indices = torch.topk(out, k, dim=-1) # Get the indices of top-k values
tgt = tgt.flatten()
topk_indices = torch.squeeze(topk_indices, dim = 0)
num_right = 0
pt = 0
for i, tlist in enumerate(topk_indices):
if tgt[i] == CHORD_PAD:
num_right += 0
pt += 1
if tgt[i].item() in tlist:
num_right += 1
if len(tgt) == 0:
return 1.0
num_right = torch.tensor(num_right, dtype=torch.float32)
hitk = num_right / pt
return hitk
def compute_vevo_correspondence(out, tgt, tgt_emotion, tgt_emotion_prob, emotion_threshold):
tgt_emotion = tgt_emotion.squeeze()
tgt_emotion_prob = tgt_emotion_prob.squeeze()
dataset_root = "./dataset/"
chordRootInvDicPath = os.path.join( dataset_root, "vevo_meta/chord_root_inv.json")
chordAttrInvDicPath = os.path.join( dataset_root, "vevo_meta/chord_attr_inv.json")
chordAttrDicPath = os.path.join( dataset_root, "vevo_meta/chord_attr.json")
chordDicPath = os.path.join( dataset_root, "vevo_meta/chord.json")
chordInvDicPath = os.path.join( dataset_root, "vevo_meta/chord_inv.json")
with open(chordRootInvDicPath) as json_file:
chordRootInvDic = json.load(json_file)
with open(chordAttrDicPath) as json_file:
chordAttrDic = json.load(json_file)
with open(chordAttrInvDicPath) as json_file:
chordAttrInvDic = json.load(json_file)
with open(chordDicPath) as json_file:
chordDic = json.load(json_file)
with open(chordInvDicPath) as json_file:
chordInvDic = json.load(json_file)
softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=-1)
out = torch.argmax(softmax(out), dim=-1)
out = out.flatten()
tgt = tgt.flatten()
num_right = 0
tgt_emotion_quality = tgt_emotion[:, 0:14]
pt = 0
for i, out_element in enumerate( out ):
all_zeros = torch.all(tgt_emotion_quality[i] == 0)
if tgt_emotion[i][-1] == 1 or all_zeros or tgt_emotion_prob[i] < emotion_threshold:
num_right += 0
pt += 1
if out_element.item() != CHORD_END and out_element.item() != CHORD_PAD:
gen_chord = chordInvDic[ str( out_element.item() ) ]
chord_arr = gen_chord.split(":")
if len(chord_arr) == 1:
out_quality = 1
elif len(chord_arr) == 2:
chordAttrID = chordAttrDic[chord_arr[1]]
out_quality = chordAttrID # 0:N, 1:maj ... 13:maj7
if tgt_emotion_quality[i][out_quality] == 1:
num_right += 1
if(len(tgt_emotion) == 0):
return 1.0
if(pt == 0):
return -1
num_right = torch.tensor(num_right, dtype=torch.float32)
acc = num_right / pt
return acc
def compute_vevo_correspondence_root_attr(y_root, y_attr, tgt, tgt_emotion, tgt_emotion_prob, emotion_threshold):
tgt_emotion = tgt_emotion.squeeze()
tgt_emotion_prob = tgt_emotion_prob.squeeze()
dataset_root = "./dataset/"
chordRootInvDicPath = os.path.join( dataset_root, "vevo_meta/chord_root_inv.json")
chordAttrInvDicPath = os.path.join( dataset_root, "vevo_meta/chord_attr_inv.json")
chordAttrDicPath = os.path.join( dataset_root, "vevo_meta/chord_attr.json")
chordDicPath = os.path.join( dataset_root, "vevo_meta/chord.json")
chordInvDicPath = os.path.join( dataset_root, "vevo_meta/chord_inv.json")
with open(chordRootInvDicPath) as json_file:
chordRootInvDic = json.load(json_file)
with open(chordAttrDicPath) as json_file:
chordAttrDic = json.load(json_file)
with open(chordAttrInvDicPath) as json_file:
chordAttrInvDic = json.load(json_file)
with open(chordDicPath) as json_file:
chordDic = json.load(json_file)
with open(chordInvDicPath) as json_file:
chordInvDic = json.load(json_file)
softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=-1)
y_root = torch.argmax(softmax(y_root), dim=-1)
y_attr = torch.argmax(softmax(y_attr), dim=-1)
y_root = y_root.flatten()
y_attr = y_attr.flatten()
tgt = tgt.flatten()
y = np.empty( len(tgt) )
for i in range(len(tgt)):
if y_root[i].item() == CHORD_ROOT_PAD or y_attr[i].item() == CHORD_ATTR_PAD:
y[i] = CHORD_PAD
elif y_root[i].item() == CHORD_ROOT_END or y_attr[i].item() == CHORD_ATTR_END:
y[i] = CHORD_END
chordRoot = chordRootInvDic[str(y_root[i].item())]
chordAttr = chordAttrInvDic[str(y_attr[i].item())]
if chordRoot == "N":
y[i] = 0
if chordAttr == "N" or chordAttr == "maj":
y[i] = chordDic[chordRoot]
chord = chordRoot + ":" + chordAttr
y[i] = chordDic[chord]
y = torch.from_numpy(y)
y =
y =
y = y.flatten()
num_right = 0
tgt_emotion_quality = tgt_emotion[:, 0:14]
pt = 0
for i, y_element in enumerate( y ):
all_zeros = torch.all(tgt_emotion_quality[i] == 0)
if tgt_emotion[i][-1] == 1 or all_zeros or tgt_emotion_prob[i] < emotion_threshold:
num_right += 0
pt += 1
if y_element.item() != CHORD_END and y_element.item() != CHORD_PAD:
gen_chord = chordInvDic[ str( y_element.item() ) ]
chord_arr = gen_chord.split(":")
if len(chord_arr) == 1:
y_quality = 1
elif len(chord_arr) == 2:
chordAttrID = chordAttrDic[chord_arr[1]]
y_quality = chordAttrID # 0:N, 1:maj ... 13:maj7
if tgt_emotion_quality[i][y_quality] == 1:
num_right += 1
if(len(tgt_emotion) == 0):
return 1.0
if(pt == 0):
return -1
num_right = torch.tensor(num_right, dtype=torch.float32)
acc = num_right / pt
return acc
def compute_vevo_accuracy_root_attr(y_root, y_attr, tgt):
dataset_root = "./dataset/"
chordRootInvDicPath = os.path.join( dataset_root, "vevo_meta/chord_root_inv.json")
chordAttrInvDicPath = os.path.join( dataset_root, "vevo_meta/chord_attr_inv.json")
chordDicPath = os.path.join( dataset_root, "vevo_meta/chord.json")
with open(chordRootInvDicPath) as json_file:
chordRootInvDic = json.load(json_file)
with open(chordAttrInvDicPath) as json_file:
chordAttrInvDic = json.load(json_file)
with open(chordDicPath) as json_file:
chordDic = json.load(json_file)
softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=-1)
y_root = torch.argmax(softmax(y_root), dim=-1)
y_attr = torch.argmax(softmax(y_attr), dim=-1)
y_root = y_root.flatten()
y_attr = y_attr.flatten()
tgt = tgt.flatten()
mask = (tgt != CHORD_PAD)
y = np.empty( len(tgt) )
for i in range(len(tgt)):
if y_root[i].item() == CHORD_ROOT_PAD or y_attr[i].item() == CHORD_ATTR_PAD:
y[i] = CHORD_PAD
elif y_root[i].item() == CHORD_ROOT_END or y_attr[i].item() == CHORD_ATTR_END:
y[i] = CHORD_END
chordRoot = chordRootInvDic[str(y_root[i].item())]
chordAttr = chordAttrInvDic[str(y_attr[i].item())]
if chordRoot == "N":
y[i] = 0
if chordAttr == "N" or chordAttr == "maj":
y[i] = chordDic[chordRoot]
chord = chordRoot + ":" + chordAttr
y[i] = chordDic[chord]
y = torch.from_numpy(y)
y =
y =
y = y[mask]
tgt = tgt[mask]
# Empty
if(len(tgt) == 0):
return 1.0
num_right = (y == tgt)
num_right = torch.sum(num_right).type(TORCH_FLOAT)
acc = num_right / len(tgt)
return acc