allenk7's picture
d790ebb verified
import gradio as gr
import os
import re
from groq import Groq
groq_client = Groq(api_key=os.environ.get("GROQ_API_KEY"))
def call_groq_api(specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time_bound):
prompt = f"""
Act as a world-class professional consultant and SMART Goal writer.
Generate three distinct, well-written SMART goal statements in complete sentences by taking into account the SMART criteria provided.
Specific (S): {specific}
Measurable (M): {measurable}
Achievable (A): {achievable}
Relevant (R): {relevant}
Time-bound (T): {time_bound}
Format each option as a complete professional high-quality SMART goal in one sentence and number them as Option 1, Option 2, and Option 3.
chat_completion =
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": prompt}],
if chat_completion.choices:
generated_text = chat_completion.choices[0].message.content
print("LLM Response:", generated_text)
options = re.split(r'\n\s*\n', generated_text)
formatted_options = [opt for opt in options if opt.strip().startswith('**Option')]
return '\n\n'.join(formatted_options)
print("Error: No response from Groq API or API returned an unexpected format.")
return "Error: No response from Groq API."
smart_examples = {
"specific": [
"Increase quarterly sales revenue by focusing on upsells and expanding into the health segment",
"Raise customer satisfaction scores using targeted service improvements",
"Grow team productivity by implementing a new collaborative project management tool",
"Complete an advanced coding course on Coursera and contribute to a live project",
"Attend five key industry networking events to forge at least ten new strategic relationships"
"measurable": [
"Achieve a 15 percent increase in sales compared to the previous quarter",
"Improve customer satisfaction scores by 15 points on our satisfaction survey",
"Complete the Coursera coding course with a final project review score of 80 percent or higher",
"Connect with at least ten new potential partners or clients at each networking event",
"Increase the number of successful project deliveries by 20% within the next fiscal year"
"achievable": [
"Targeting existing customers with a proven 20 percent interest in health and wellness products",
"Introducing a customer feedback loop and response team within the next month",
"Leveraging existing resources and the new tool to streamline task management",
"Dedicating 5 hours per week to online learning and project work",
"Selecting events based on past success rates for networking and lead generation"
"relevant": [
"Aligning with the strategic goal to penetrate the health and wellness market",
"Directly addressing a key pain point identified in the last customer satisfaction audit",
"Supporting the company-wide initiative to enhance teamwork and efficiency",
"Complementing current role responsibilities with an upgraded skill set",
"Expanding business contacts in line with the growth strategy for the coming year"
"time_bound": [
"By the end of the second quarter",
"Within the next six months to coincide with the next customer review cycle",
"By the end of the current fiscal year",
"Within the next three months, in time to apply skills to Q4 projects",
"Over the next six months, strategically spaced to maintain momentum"
def smart_goal_interface(specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time_bound):
return call_groq_api(specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time_bound)
interface = gr.Interface(
gr.Dropdown(label="Specific (S)", allow_custom_value=True, choices=smart_examples['specific'], info="Select from an example or type out your specific goal"),
gr.Dropdown(label="Measurable (M)", allow_custom_value=True, choices=smart_examples['measurable'], info="Select from an example or type out how you will measure the goal"),
gr.Dropdown(label="Achievable (A)", allow_custom_value=True, choices=smart_examples['achievable'], info="Select from an example or type out how the goal is challenging yet achievable"),
gr.Dropdown(label="Relevant (R)", allow_custom_value=True, choices=smart_examples['relevant'], info="Select from an example or type out why this goal is important"),
gr.Dropdown(label="Time-bound (T)", allow_custom_value=True, choices=smart_examples['time_bound'], info="Select from an example or type out enter the deadline for the goal")
gr.Textbox(label="Generated SMART Goals", lines=10, placeholder="Generated content will appear here...")
title="SMART Goals Builder powered by Llama3 and Groq",
description="Fill out each field to generate SMART goals."
if __name__ == "__main__":