alistairmcleay's picture
Added dialogue system code
history blame contribute delete
No virus
26.2 kB
import copy
import json
import os
import re
import zipfile
from collections import OrderedDict
import spacy
from tqdm import tqdm
from crazyneuraluser.UBAR_code import ontology, utils
from crazyneuraluser.UBAR_code.clean_dataset import clean_slot_values, clean_text
from crazyneuraluser.UBAR_code.config import global_config as cfg
from crazyneuraluser.UBAR_code.db_ops import MultiWozDB
# value_set.json, all the domain[slot] values in datasets
def get_db_values(value_set_path):
processed = {}
bspn_word = []
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
with open(value_set_path, "r") as f: # read value set file in lower
value_set = json.loads(
with open("data/raw/UBAR/db/ontology.json", "r") as f: # read ontology in lower, all the domain-slot values
otlg = json.loads(
for (
) in value_set.items(): # add all informable slots to bspn_word, create lists holder for values
processed[domain] = {}
bspn_word.append("[" + domain + "]")
for slot, values in slots.items():
s_p = ontology.normlize_slot_names.get(slot, slot)
if s_p in ontology.informable_slots[domain]:
processed[domain][s_p] = []
for (
) in value_set.items(): # add all words of values of informable slots to bspn_word
for slot, values in slots.items():
s_p = ontology.normlize_slot_names.get(slot, slot)
if s_p in ontology.informable_slots[domain]:
for v in values:
_, v_p = clean_slot_values(domain, slot, v)
v_p = " ".join([token.text for token in nlp(v_p)]).strip()
for x in v_p.split():
if x not in bspn_word:
for domain_slot, values in otlg.items(): # split domain-slots to domains and slots
domain, slot = domain_slot.split("-")
if domain == "bus":
domain = "taxi"
if slot == "price range":
slot = "pricerange"
if slot == "book stay":
slot = "stay"
if slot == "book day":
slot = "day"
if slot == "book people":
slot = "people"
if slot == "book time":
slot = "time"
if slot == "arrive by":
slot = "arrive"
if slot == "leave at":
slot = "leave"
if slot == "leaveat":
slot = "leave"
# add all slots and words of values if not already in processed and bspn_word
if slot not in processed[domain]:
processed[domain][slot] = []
for v in values:
_, v_p = clean_slot_values(domain, slot, v)
v_p = " ".join([token.text for token in nlp(v_p)]).strip()
if v_p not in processed[domain][slot]:
for x in v_p.split():
if x not in bspn_word:
with open(value_set_path.replace(".json", "_processed.json"), "w") as f:
json.dump(processed, f, indent=2) # save processed.json
with open("data/preprocessed_gen_usr_utts/UBAR/multi-woz-processed/bspn_word_collection.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(bspn_word, f, indent=2) # save bspn_word
print("DB value set processed! ")
def preprocess_db(db_paths): # apply clean_slot_values to all dbs
dbs = {}
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
for domain in ontology.all_domains:
with open(db_paths[domain], "r") as f: # for every db_domain, read json file
dbs[domain] = json.loads(
# entry has information about slots of said domain
for idx, entry in enumerate(dbs[domain]):
new_entry = copy.deepcopy(entry)
for key, value in entry.items(): # key = slot
if type(value) is not str:
del new_entry[key]
key, value = clean_slot_values(domain, key, value)
tokenize_and_back = " ".join([token.text for token in nlp(value)]).strip()
new_entry[key] = tokenize_and_back
dbs[domain][idx] = new_entry
with open(db_paths[domain].replace(".json", "_processed.json"), "w") as f:
json.dump(dbs[domain], f, indent=2)
print("[%s] DB processed! " % domain)
class DataPreprocessor(object):
def __init__(self):
self.nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
self.db = MultiWozDB(cfg.dbs) # load all processed dbs
data_path = "data/preprocessed/UBAR/gen_usr_utt_experiment_data_with_span_full.json"
# archive = zipfile.ZipFile(data_path + ".zip", "r")
# self.convlab_data = json.loads("/")[-1], "r").read().lower())
self.convlab_data = json.loads(open(data_path, "r").read().lower())
self.delex_sg_valdict_path = "data/preprocessed_gen_usr_utts/UBAR/multi-woz-processed/delex_single_valdict.json"
self.delex_mt_valdict_path = "data/preprocessed_gen_usr_utts/UBAR/multi-woz-processed/delex_multi_valdict.json"
self.ambiguous_val_path = "data/preprocessed_gen_usr_utts/UBAR/multi-woz-processed/ambiguous_values.json"
self.delex_refs_path = "data/preprocessed_gen_usr_utts/UBAR/multi-woz-processed/reference_no.json"
self.delex_refs = json.loads(open(self.delex_refs_path, "r").read())
if not os.path.exists(self.delex_sg_valdict_path):
) = self.get_delex_valdict()
self.delex_sg_valdict = json.loads(open(self.delex_sg_valdict_path, "r").read())
self.delex_mt_valdict = json.loads(open(self.delex_mt_valdict_path, "r").read())
self.ambiguous_vals = json.loads(open(self.ambiguous_val_path, "r").read())
self.vocab = utils.Vocab(cfg.vocab_size)
def delex_by_annotation(self, dial_turn):
u = dial_turn["text"].split()
span = dial_turn["span_info"]
for s in span:
slot = s[1]
if slot == "open":
if ontology.da_abbr_to_slot_name.get(slot):
slot = ontology.da_abbr_to_slot_name[slot]
for idx in range(s[3], s[4] + 1):
u[idx] = ""
u[s[3]] = "[value_" + slot + "]"
except Exception:
u[5] = "[value_" + slot + "]"
u_delex = " ".join([t for t in u if t != ""])
u_delex = u_delex.replace("[value_address] , [value_address] , [value_address]", "[value_address]")
u_delex = u_delex.replace("[value_address] , [value_address]", "[value_address]")
u_delex = u_delex.replace("[value_name] [value_name]", "[value_name]")
u_delex = u_delex.replace("[value_name]([value_phone] )", "[value_name] ( [value_phone] )")
return u_delex
def delex_by_valdict(self, text):
text = clean_text(text)
text = re.sub(r"\d{5}\s?\d{5,7}", "[value_phone]", text)
text = re.sub(r"\d[\s-]stars?", "[value_stars]", text)
text = re.sub(r"\$\d+|\$?\d+.?(\d+)?\s(pounds?|gbps?)", "[value_price]", text)
text = re.sub(r"tr[\d]{4}", "[value_id]", text)
text = re.sub(
r"([a-z]{1}[\. ]?[a-z]{1}[\. ]?\d{1,2}[, ]+\d{1}[\. ]?[a-z]{1}[\. ]?[a-z]{1}|[a-z]{2}\d{2}[a-z]{2})",
for value, slot in self.delex_mt_valdict.items():
text = text.replace(value, "[value_%s]" % slot)
for value, slot in self.delex_sg_valdict.items():
tokens = text.split()
for idx, tk in enumerate(tokens):
if tk == value:
tokens[idx] = "[value_%s]" % slot
text = " ".join(tokens)
for ambg_ent in self.ambiguous_vals:
# ely is a place, but appears in words like moderately
start_idx = text.find(" " + ambg_ent)
if start_idx == -1:
front_words = text[:start_idx].split()
ent_type = "time" if ":" in ambg_ent else "place"
for fw in front_words[::-1]:
if fw in [
slot = "[value_arrive]" if ent_type == "time" else "[value_destination]"
text = re.sub(" " + ambg_ent, " " + slot, text)
elif fw in [
slot = "[value_leave]" if ent_type == "time" else "[value_departure]"
text = re.sub(" " + ambg_ent, " " + slot, text)
text = text.replace("[value_car] [value_car]", "[value_car]")
return text
def get_delex_valdict(
skip_entry_type = {
"taxi": ["taxi_phone"],
"police": ["id"],
"hospital": ["id"],
"hotel": [
"attraction": [
"train": ["price", "id"],
"restaurant": [
entity_value_to_slot = {}
ambiguous_entities = []
for domain, db_data in self.db.dbs.items():
print("Processing entity values in [%s]" % domain)
if domain != "taxi":
for db_entry in db_data:
for slot, value in db_entry.items():
if slot not in skip_entry_type[domain]:
if type(value) is not str:
raise TypeError("value '%s' in domain '%s' should be rechecked" % (slot, domain))
slot, value = clean_slot_values(domain, slot, value)
value = " ".join([token.text for token in self.nlp(value)]).strip()
if value in entity_value_to_slot and entity_value_to_slot[value] != slot:
# print(value, ": ",entity_value_to_slot[value], slot)
entity_value_to_slot[value] = slot
else: # taxi db specific
db_entry = db_data[0]
for slot, ent_list in db_entry.items():
if slot not in skip_entry_type[domain]:
for ent in ent_list:
entity_value_to_slot[ent] = "car"
ambiguous_entities = set(ambiguous_entities)
ambiguous_entities = list(ambiguous_entities)
for amb_ent in ambiguous_entities: # departure or destination? arrive time or leave time?
entity_value_to_slot["parkside"] = "address"
entity_value_to_slot["parkside, cambridge"] = "address"
entity_value_to_slot["cambridge belfry"] = "name"
entity_value_to_slot["hills road"] = "address"
entity_value_to_slot["hills rd"] = "address"
entity_value_to_slot["Parkside Police Station"] = "name"
single_token_values = {}
multi_token_values = {}
for val, slt in entity_value_to_slot.items():
if val in ["cambridge"]:
if len(val.split()) > 1:
multi_token_values[val] = slt
single_token_values[val] = slt
with open(self.delex_sg_valdict_path, "w") as f:
single_token_values = OrderedDict(
sorted(single_token_values.items(), key=lambda kv: len(kv[0]), reverse=True)
json.dump(single_token_values, f, indent=2)
print("single delex value dict saved!")
with open(self.delex_mt_valdict_path, "w") as f:
multi_token_values = OrderedDict(
sorted(multi_token_values.items(), key=lambda kv: len(kv[0]), reverse=True)
json.dump(multi_token_values, f, indent=2)
print("multi delex value dict saved!")
with open(self.ambiguous_val_path, "w") as f:
json.dump(ambiguous_entities, f, indent=2)
print("ambiguous value dict saved!")
return single_token_values, multi_token_values, ambiguous_entities
def preprocess_main(self, save_path=None, is_test=False):
""" """
data = {}
count = 0
self.unique_da = {}
ordered_sysact_dict = {}
for fn, raw_dial in tqdm(list(self.convlab_data.items())):
count += 1
# if count == 100:
# break
compressed_goal = {} # for every dialog, keep track the goal, domains, requests
dial_domains, dial_reqs = [], []
for dom, g in raw_dial["goal"].items():
if dom != "topic" and dom != "message" and g:
if g.get("reqt"): # request info. eg. postcode/address/phone
# normalize request slots
for i, req_slot in enumerate(g["reqt"]):
if ontology.normlize_slot_names.get(req_slot):
g["reqt"][i] = ontology.normlize_slot_names[req_slot]
compressed_goal[dom] = g
if dom in ontology.all_domains:
dial_reqs = list(set(dial_reqs))
dial = {"goal": compressed_goal, "log": []}
single_turn = {}
constraint_dict = OrderedDict()
prev_constraint_dict = {}
prev_turn_domain = ["general"]
ordered_sysact_dict[fn] = {}
for turn_num, dial_turn in enumerate(raw_dial["log"]):
# for user turn, have text
# sys turn: text, belief states(metadata), dialog_act, span_info
dial_state = dial_turn["metadata"]
if not dial_state: # user
# delexicalize user utterance, either by annotation or by val_dict
u = " ".join(clean_text(dial_turn["text"]).split())
# NOTE: Commenting out delexicalisation because it is not used and
# breaks when I use generated user dialogues for some reason
# if dial_turn["span_info"]:
# u_delex = clean_text(self.delex_by_annotation(dial_turn))
# else:
# u_delex = self.delex_by_valdict(dial_turn["text"])
single_turn["user"] = u
# single_turn["user_delex"] = u_delex
else: # system
# delexicalize system response, either by annotation or by val_dict
if dial_turn["span_info"]:
s_delex = clean_text(self.delex_by_annotation(dial_turn))
if not dial_turn["text"]:
s_delex = self.delex_by_valdict(dial_turn["text"])
single_turn["resp"] = s_delex
# get belief state, semi=informable/book=requestable, put into constraint_dict
for domain in dial_domains:
if not constraint_dict.get(domain):
constraint_dict[domain] = OrderedDict()
info_sv = dial_state[domain]["semi"]
for s, v in info_sv.items():
s, v = clean_slot_values(domain, s, v)
if len(v.split()) > 1:
v = " ".join([token.text for token in self.nlp(v)]).strip()
if v != "":
constraint_dict[domain][s] = v
book_sv = dial_state[domain]["book"]
for s, v in book_sv.items():
if s == "booked":
s, v = clean_slot_values(domain, s, v)
if len(v.split()) > 1:
v = " ".join([token.text for token in self.nlp(v)]).strip()
if v != "":
constraint_dict[domain][s] = v
constraints = [] # list in format of [domain] slot value
cons_delex = []
turn_dom_bs = []
for domain, info_slots in constraint_dict.items():
if info_slots:
constraints.append("[" + domain + "]")
cons_delex.append("[" + domain + "]")
for slot, value in info_slots.items():
if domain not in prev_constraint_dict:
elif prev_constraint_dict[domain] != constraint_dict[domain]:
sys_act_dict = {}
turn_dom_da = set()
for act in dial_turn["dialog_act"]:
d, a = act.split("-") # split domain-act
turn_dom_da = list(turn_dom_da)
if len(turn_dom_da) != 1 and "general" in turn_dom_da:
if len(turn_dom_da) != 1 and "booking" in turn_dom_da:
# get turn domain
turn_domain = turn_dom_bs
for dom in turn_dom_da:
if dom != "booking" and dom not in turn_domain:
if not turn_domain:
turn_domain = prev_turn_domain
if len(turn_domain) == 2 and "general" in turn_domain:
if len(turn_domain) == 2:
if len(prev_turn_domain) == 1 and prev_turn_domain[0] == turn_domain[1]:
turn_domain = turn_domain[::-1]
# get system action
for dom in turn_domain:
sys_act_dict[dom] = {}
add_to_last_collect = []
booking_act_map = {"inform": "offerbook", "book": "offerbooked"}
for act, params in dial_turn["dialog_act"].items():
if act == "general-greet":
d, a = act.split("-")
if d == "general" and d not in sys_act_dict:
sys_act_dict[d] = {}
if d == "booking":
d = turn_domain[0]
a = booking_act_map.get(a, a)
add_p = []
for param in params:
p = param[0]
if p == "none":
elif ontology.da_abbr_to_slot_name.get(p):
p = ontology.da_abbr_to_slot_name[p]
if p not in add_p:
add_to_last = True if a in ["request", "reqmore", "bye", "offerbook"] else False
if add_to_last:
add_to_last_collect.append((d, a, add_p))
sys_act_dict[d][a] = add_p
for d, a, add_p in add_to_last_collect:
sys_act_dict[d][a] = add_p
for d in copy.copy(sys_act_dict):
acts = sys_act_dict[d]
if not acts:
del sys_act_dict[d]
if "inform" in acts and "offerbooked" in acts:
for s in sys_act_dict[d]["inform"]:
del sys_act_dict[d]["inform"]
ordered_sysact_dict[fn][len(dial["log"])] = sys_act_dict
sys_act = []
if "general-greet" in dial_turn["dialog_act"]:
sys_act.extend(["[general]", "[greet]"])
for d, acts in sys_act_dict.items():
sys_act += ["[" + d + "]"]
for a, slots in acts.items():
self.unique_da[d + "-" + a] = 1
sys_act += ["[" + a + "]"]
sys_act += slots
# get db pointers
matnums = self.db.get_match_num(constraint_dict)
match_dom = turn_domain[0] if len(turn_domain) == 1 else turn_domain[1]
match = matnums[match_dom]
dbvec = self.db.addDBPointer(match_dom, match)
bkvec = self.db.addBookingPointer(dial_turn["dialog_act"])
# 4 database pointer for domains, 2 for booking
single_turn["pointer"] = ",".join([str(d) for d in dbvec + bkvec])
single_turn["match"] = str(match)
single_turn["constraint"] = " ".join(constraints)
single_turn["cons_delex"] = " ".join(cons_delex)
single_turn["sys_act"] = " ".join(sys_act)
single_turn["turn_num"] = len(dial["log"])
single_turn["turn_domain"] = " ".join(["[" + d + "]" for d in turn_domain])
prev_turn_domain = copy.deepcopy(turn_domain)
prev_constraint_dict = copy.deepcopy(constraint_dict)
if "user" in single_turn:
for t in single_turn["user"].split() + single_turn["resp"].split() + constraints + sys_act:
# NOTE: Commenting out delexicalisation because it is not used and
# breaks when I use generated user dialogues for some reason
# for t in single_turn["user_delex"].split():
# if "[" in t and "]" in t and not t.startswith("[") and not t.endswith("]"):
# single_turn["user_delex"].replace(t, t[t.index("[") : t.index("]") + 1])
# elif not self.vocab.has_word(t):
# self.vocab.add_word(t)
single_turn = {}
data[fn] = dial
# pprint(dial)
# if count == 20:
# break
with open("data/interim/gen_usr_utts/multi-woz-analysis/dialog_acts.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(ordered_sysact_dict, f, indent=2)
with open("data/interim/gen_usr_utts/multi-woz-analysis/dialog_act_type.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(self.unique_da, f, indent=2)
return data
if __name__ == "__main__":
db_paths = {
"attraction": "data/raw/UBAR/db/attraction_db.json",
"hospital": "data/raw/UBAR/db/hospital_db.json",
"hotel": "data/raw/UBAR/db/hotel_db.json",
"police": "data/raw/UBAR/db/police_db.json",
"restaurant": "data/raw/UBAR/db/restaurant_db.json",
"taxi": "data/raw/UBAR/db/taxi_db.json",
"train": "data/raw/UBAR/db/train_db.json",
dh = DataPreprocessor()
data = dh.preprocess_main()
if not os.path.exists("data/preprocessed_gen_usr_utts/UBAR/multi-woz-processed"):
with open("data/preprocessed_gen_usr_utts/UBAR/multi-woz-processed/data_for_ubar.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(data, f, indent=2)