alistairmcleay's picture
Added dialogue system code
history blame
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import json
import os
import sys
from tqdm import tqdm
from crazyneuraluser.user_model_code.analysis_sgd import DATA_SPLIT, collect_data
from crazyneuraluser.user_model_code.utils_sgd import (
"""pre-processing script for SGD
The annotations for a turn are grouped into frames, where each frame corresponds to a single service
The values of "slot_values" in user "state" is a list, where spoken variations are considered, e.g., tomorrow, 8/2
class DialMetaData:
def __init__(self, dial_id, dial):
self.dial_id = dial_id
self.turn_meta_list, self.scenario = self.parse(dial) # None for system turn
def parse(self, dial):
turn_meta_list = []
scenario = []
sys_turn = None # dummy sys turn for first usr turn
prev_intent = ""
prev_usr_turn, prev_usr_turn_meta = (
) # dummpy for tracing goal change at first turn
for turn_id, turn in enumerate(dial["turns"]):
if turn["speaker"] == "SYSTEM":
sys_turn = turn
# init turn meta
turn_meta = TurnMetaData(prev_intent, sys_turn, turn, self.dial_id)
# get goal change label
turn_meta.get_goal_change_label(prev_usr_turn, prev_usr_turn_meta)
# update previous goal
for prev_turn_meta in reversed(turn_meta_list):
if prev_turn_meta is None:
# record task (intent) in scenario
prev_intent = turn_meta.usr_intent
if turn_meta.usr_intent not in scenario:
prev_usr_turn, prev_usr_turn_meta = turn, turn_meta
assert len(turn_meta_list) == len(dial["turns"])
return turn_meta_list, scenario
def linearise_turns(self):
# linearise necessary meterials
for turn_meta in self.turn_meta_list:
if turn_meta is None:
class TurnMetaData:
def __init__(self, prev_intent, sys_turn, usr_turn, dial_id):
self.dial_id = dial_id
self.sys_turn, self.usr_turn = sys_turn, usr_turn
self.empty_token = "_Empty_"
assert self.empty_token in SPECIAL_TOKENS["additional_special_tokens"]
# intent
self.usr_intent, self.service = self._get_intent(usr_turn, prev_intent)
# utterances
self.utt = {}
self.utt["sys"], self.utt["usr"] = self._get_utt(sys_turn), self._get_utt(
# action
self.act2sv = {}
self.act2sv["sys"], _ = self._parse_action(sys_turn)
self.act2sv["usr"], self.usr_constraints = self._parse_action(usr_turn)
# task boundary
# req_alts
def _get_intent(self, turn, prev_intent):
"""manually set the `NONE` intent to the intent of previous turn"""
active_intent, service = get_turn_intent(
) # intent annotation (migt be `NONE`)
if active_intent == "NONE":
active_intent = prev_intent
return active_intent, service
def _get_utt(self, turn):
if turn is None:
return ""
return turn["utterance"]
def _parse_action(self, turn):
parse action annotation to collect turn level information
1) act to slot-value pairs, dict{act: {slot: value}}
2) turn level constraints, dict{'informable': dict{slot: value}, 'requestable': set(slot)}
# get mapping from act to slot-value pairs
act2sv = {}
info_req = {"informable": dict(), "requestable": set()} # constraints
if turn is None:
return None, info_req
for frame in turn["frames"]:
for action in frame["actions"]:
act, slot, values = action["act"], action["slot"], action["values"]
# deal with empty slot or value
if turn["speaker"] == "USER":
assert len(values) in [0, 1]
if slot == "":
slot = self.empty_token
value = values[0] if len(values) > 0 else self.empty_token
# act to slot-value pairs
if act not in act2sv:
act2sv[act] = {}
assert slot not in act2sv[act]
act2sv[act][slot] = value
# collect constraints
if slot in [
]: # only act but no constraints, e.g., AFFIRM, NEGATE
# turn level informalable and requestable info
if act == "REQUEST":
assert slot != ""
if turn["speaker"] == "USER":
assert act in [
] # not apply to system side
if (
act != "SELECT"
): # result offered by system is part of initial user goal
assert slot not in info_req["informable"]
info_req["informable"][slot] = value
return act2sv, info_req
def accumulate_constraints(self, new_turn_meta):
Add slot, slot-value pairs from a given following turn
This function is used to form user goal by accumulating constraints backward
# only accumulate constraints with the same task/intent
if new_turn_meta.usr_intent != self.usr_intent:
if (
): # if goal changes at a new turn, these constraints should not be put in previous turns
# only accumulate constraints without goal change
# if the value of a slot is changed (goal change) in a new turn,
# this slot-value pair is not part of initial goal and should not be added into the goal of previous turns
new_constraints = new_turn_meta.usr_constraints
self.usr_constraints["requestable"] = self.usr_constraints["requestable"].union(
for slot, value in new_constraints["informable"].items():
if slot not in self.usr_constraints["informable"]:
self.usr_constraints["informable"][slot] = value
def _get_new_task_label(self, prev_intent):
"""get a binary label indicating if a turn starts a new task (intent) in dialogue"""
assert prev_intent != "NONE" and self.usr_intent != "NONE"
if self.usr_intent != prev_intent:
self.start_new_task = True
self.start_new_task = False
def _get_req_alts_label(self, act2sv):
"""get a binary label indicating if usr requests alternatives"""
if "REQUEST_ALTS" in act2sv:
self.req_alts = True
self.req_alts = False
def get_goal_change_label(self, prev_usr_turn, prev_turn_meta):
"""check if goal changed (value of slot changes) between two turn states"""
if prev_usr_turn is None: # first usr turn
self.goal_change = False
if (
len(self.usr_turn["frames"]) == 1
and self.usr_turn["frames"][0]["state"]["active_intent"] == "NONE"
): # `NONE` intent
self.goal_change = False
if self.usr_intent != prev_turn_meta.usr_intent: # new task
self.goal_change = False
assert prev_usr_turn["speaker"] == "USER"
prev_state_sv, curr_state_sv = None, None
for frame in prev_usr_turn["frames"]:
if frame["state"]["active_intent"] == self.usr_intent:
prev_state_sv = frame["state"]["slot_values"]
# fix some weird cases (count very few, around 30 turns)
if prev_state_sv is None:
assert (
len(prev_usr_turn["frames"]) == 1
and prev_usr_turn["frames"][0]["state"]["active_intent"] == "NONE"
prev_state_sv = prev_usr_turn["frames"][0]["state"]["slot_values"]
for frame in self.usr_turn["frames"]:
if frame["state"]["active_intent"] == self.usr_intent:
curr_state_sv = frame["state"]["slot_values"]
assert prev_state_sv is not None and curr_state_sv is not None
self.goal_change = compare_slot_values_in_state(
prev_state_sv, curr_state_sv
) # True if goal changes
def _linearise(self, scenario):
self.linear_act = {}
self.linear_act["sys"] = self._linearise_act(self.act2sv["sys"])
self.linear_act["usr"] = self._linearise_act(self.act2sv["usr"])
self.linear_goal = self._linearise_goal(self.usr_constraints, scenario)
def _linearise_act(self, act2sv):
NOTE: 1) split slot/value if "_"; 2) special tokens of acts; 3) empty slot or empty value
NOTE: filer too many values (e.g., 10 movie names) but make sure the one the user chose is present
Return: ordered (slots sorted within act, acts sorted) linearised act sequence,
e.g., <ACT/> <INFORM> </ACT> <SLOT/> area </SLOT> <VALUE/> Cambridge </VALUE> ...
e.g., <ACT/> <REQUEST> </ACT> <SLOT/> _Empty_ </SLOT> <VALUE/> _Empty_ </VALUE>
res = ""
if act2sv is None:
return res
for act in sorted(act2sv.keys()): # sort act
sv = act2sv[act] # dict{slot: value}
act = "_{}_".format(act) # act is special token
assert act in SPECIAL_TOKENS["additional_special_tokens"]
act_wrap = wrap_element("ACT", act)
res = add_str(res, act_wrap)
sorted_sv = dict2list(sv) # sorted sv list, [slot=value]
for sv_pair in sorted_sv:
slot, value = sv_pair.split("=")
slot, value = self._basic_normalise_slot(
), self._basic_normalise_value(value, slot)
# slot
slot_wrap = wrap_element("SLOT", slot)
res = add_str(res, slot_wrap)
# value
value_wrap = wrap_element("VALUE", value)
res = add_str(res, value_wrap)
return res[1:] # remove first space
def _basic_normalise_value(self, value, slot):
# intent value
if slot == "intent":
value = split_intent(value)
return value
# special token value
if value in ["True", "False"]: # Empty is already in the form of "_Empty_"
value = "_{}_".format(value)
assert value in SPECIAL_TOKENS["additional_special_tokens"]
return value
return value
def _basic_normalise_slot(self, slot):
if slot not in SPECIAL_TOKENS["additional_special_tokens"]:
slot = slot.replace(
"_", " "
) # e.g., `date_of_journey` -> `date of journey`
return slot
def _linearise_goal(self, constraints, scenario):
linearise goal representation which consists of several parts:
scenario, task (intent), task description, constraints with informable and requestable
e.g., <SCENARIO/> task1 task2 .. </SCENARIO>
<TASK/> current task </TASK> <DESC/> task description </DESC>
<INFORM/> <SLOT/> slot1 </SLOT> <VALUE> value1 </VALUE> .. </INFORM>
<REQUEST/> <SLOT> slot1 </SLOT> <SLOT> slot2 </SLOT> .. </REQUEST>
res = ""
# scenario
assert isinstance(scenario, list) and len(scenario) > 0
scenario = " ".join(
[wrap_element("INTENT", split_intent(intent)) for intent in scenario]
scenario_wrap = wrap_element("SCENARIO", scenario)
res = add_str(res, scenario_wrap)
# task name
intent = split_intent(self.usr_intent)
assert intent in scenario
intent_wrap = wrap_element("TASK", intent)
res = add_str(res, intent_wrap)
# task description
description = SERVICE2META[self.service]["intents"][self.usr_intent][
description_warp = wrap_element("DESC", description)
res = add_str(res, description_warp)
# informable
informable = dict2list(
) # sorted sv pair list [slot=value]
res = add_str(res, "<INFORM/>")
for sv_pair in informable:
slot, value = sv_pair.split("=")
slot, value = self._basic_normalise_slot(slot), self._basic_normalise_value(
value, slot
# slot
slot_wrap = wrap_element("SLOT", slot)
res = add_str(res, slot_wrap)
# value
value_wrap = wrap_element("VALUE", value)
res = add_str(res, value_wrap)
res = add_str(res, "</INFORM>")
# requestable
requestable = sorted(
) # sorted slot list [slot]
res = add_str(res, "<REQUEST/>")
for slot in requestable:
slot = self._basic_normalise_slot(slot)
slot_wrap = wrap_element("SLOT", slot)
res = add_str(res, slot_wrap)
res = add_str(res, "</REQUEST>")
return res[1:] # remove first space
def collect_examples(dial_id, dial_meta, examples):
num = 0
examples[dial_id] = {}
for turn_meta in dial_meta.turn_meta_list:
if turn_meta is None: # sys turn
example_id = "{}-{}".format(dial_id, num)
example = {
"utterances": turn_meta.utt,
"actions": turn_meta.linear_act,
"goal": turn_meta.linear_goal,
"service": turn_meta.service,
"intent": turn_meta.usr_intent,
"goal_change": turn_meta.goal_change,
"start_new_task": turn_meta.start_new_task,
"req_alts": turn_meta.req_alts,
examples[dial_id][example_id] = example
num += 1
def prepare_data_seq(data, out_data_path):
for split in DATA_SPLIT:
examples = {}
for dial_num, dial_id in enumerate(tqdm(sorted(data[split].keys()))):
dial = data[split][dial_id]
dial_meta = DialMetaData(dial_id, dial)
collect_examples(dial_id, dial_meta, examples)
with open("{}/{}.json".format(out_data_path, split), "w") as f:
json.dump(examples, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
print("Done process {} {} dialogues".format(split, len(examples)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
print("wrong arguments!")
print("usage: python utils/ sgd-data-path")
# Set data path
data_path = sys.argv[1]
out_data_path = "./processed_data/sgd/"
os.makedirs(out_data_path, exist_ok=True)
# Load data and material as global var
SERVICE2META, INTENTS, SLOTS = load_schema(data_path)
SPECIAL_TOKENS = get_special_tokens()
data = collect_data(data_path, remove_dial_switch=True)
# Process data
prepare_data_seq(data, out_data_path)