import L, { icon, Evented as LEvented, type LatLng, Map as LMap } from 'leaflet' |
import 'leaflet-providers' |
import { |
responseMessageLisaRef, |
responseMessageRef, |
waitingString, |
durationRef, |
numberOfPolygonsRef, |
numberOfPredictedMasksRef |
} from './constants' |
import { |
ExcludeIncludeLabelPrompt as excludeIncludeLabelPrompt, |
type ArrayNumber, |
type BboxLatLng, |
type ExcludeIncludeLabelPrompt, |
type IBodyLatLngPoints, |
type IPointPrompt, |
type IRectanglePrompt, type IRectangleTable, type IPointTable, type IBodyLatLngWithStringPoints |
} from './types.d' |
import type { Ref } from 'vue' |
export const getQueryParams = () => { |
const urlSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); |
const params = Object.fromEntries(urlSearchParams.entries()); |
const {source,...options} = params |
return {source, options} |
} |
export const applyFnToObjectWithinArray = (array: Array<IPointPrompt | IRectanglePrompt>): Array<IPointTable | IRectangleTable> => { |
let newArray = [] |
for (const el of array) { |
newArray.push(el.type === 'rectangle' ? getUpdatedRectangle(el) : getUpdatedPoint(el)) |
} |
return newArray |
} |
const getUpdatedPoint = (obj: IPointPrompt): IPointTable => { |
return { |
id: obj.id, |
data: obj.data, |
label: obj.label |
} |
} |
const getUpdatedRectangle = (obj: IRectanglePrompt): IRectangleTable => { |
return { |
id: obj.id, |
data_ne: obj.data.ne, |
data_sw: obj.data.sw, |
} |
} |
const getCustomIconMarker = ( |
iconUrlNoExt: string, |
shadowUrl = '/marker-shadow.png', |
iconSize: ArrayNumber = [25, 41], |
iconAnchor: ArrayNumber = [12, 41], |
popupAnchor: ArrayNumber = [1, -34], |
tooltipAnchor: ArrayNumber = [5, -25], |
shadowSize: ArrayNumber = [41, 41] |
): icon => { |
return icon({ |
iconUrl: `${iconUrlNoExt}.png`, |
iconRetinaUrl: `${iconUrlNoExt}-2x.png`, |
shadowUrl, |
iconSize, |
iconAnchor, |
popupAnchor, |
shadowSize, |
tooltipAnchor |
}) |
} |
const getCustomGeomanActionsObject = ( |
actionName: string, descriptionAction: string, arrayActions: Array<object>, customClassName: string |
) => { |
return { |
name: actionName, |
block: 'custom', |
className: customClassName, |
title: descriptionAction, |
actions: arrayActions |
} |
} |
export function setGeomanControls(localMap: LMap) { |
localMap.pm.addControls({ |
position: 'topleft', |
drawControls: false, |
rotateMode: false, |
cutPolygon: false, |
customControls: true |
}) |
const actionArray = [{ |
onClick(actionEvent: LEvented) { |
console.log('actionEvent:', typeof actionEvent, '|', actionEvent, '') |
}, |
name: 'actionName' |
}] |
const includeMarkerControl = localMap.pm.Toolbar.copyDrawControl('Marker', |
getCustomGeomanActionsObject( |
'IncludeMarkerPrompt', |
'Marker point that add recognition regions from SAM prompt requests', |
actionArray, |
'control-icon leaflet-pm-icon-marker-include' |
) |
) |
includeMarkerControl.drawInstance.setOptions({ |
markerStyle: { icon: getCustomIconMarker('/marker-icon-include') } |
}) |
const excludeMarkerControl = localMap.pm.Toolbar.copyDrawControl('Marker', |
getCustomGeomanActionsObject( |
'ExcludeMarkerPrompt', |
'Marker point that remove recognition regions from SAM prompt requests', |
actionArray, |
'control-icon leaflet-pm-icon-marker-exclude' |
) |
) |
excludeMarkerControl.drawInstance.setOptions({ |
markerStyle: { icon: getCustomIconMarker('/marker-icon-exclude') } |
}) |
localMap.pm.Toolbar.copyDrawControl('Rectangle', { |
actions: actionArray, |
block: 'custom', |
name: 'RectanglePrompt', |
title: 'Rectangular recognition regions for SAM prompt requests' |
}) |
localMap.pm.setPathOptions({ |
color: "green", |
fillColor: "green", |
fillOpacity: 0.15, |
}) |
} |
export const getSelectedRectangleCoordinatesBBox = (leafletEvent: LEvented): BboxLatLng => { |
const { _northEast, _southWest } = leafletEvent.layer._bounds |
return { |
ne: new L.LatLng(_northEast.lat, _northEast.lng), |
sw: new L.LatLng(_southWest.lat, _southWest.lng) |
} |
} |
export const getSelectedPointCoordinate = (leafletEvent: LEvented): LatLng => { |
return leafletEvent.layer._latlng |
} |
export const getExtentCurrentViewMapBBox = (leafletMap: LMap): BboxLatLng => { |
const boundaries = leafletMap.getBounds() |
return { ne: boundaries.getNorthEast(), sw: boundaries.getSouthWest() } |
} |
export const getGeoJSONRequest = async ( |
requestBody: IBodyLatLngPoints | IBodyLatLngWithStringPoints, |
urlApi: string |
) => { |
responseMessageRef.value = waitingString |
responseMessageLisaRef.value = waitingString |
console.log(`getGeoJSONRequest urlApi: ${urlApi} ...`) |
const data = await fetch(urlApi, { |
method: 'POST', |
body: JSON.stringify(requestBody), |
headers: { |
'Content-type': 'application/json' |
} |
}) |
try { |
console.log(`getGeoJSONRequest data.status: ${data.status} ...`) |
if (data.status === 200) { |
const output: Object = await data.json() |
try { |
const parsed = JSON.parse(output.body) |
const { geojson, n_predictions, n_shapes_geojson } = parsed.output |
try { |
console.log("getGeoJSONRequest parsed.output output_string:", parsed.output.output_string, "#") |
const { output_string } = parsed.output |
responseMessageLisaRef.value = output_string |
} catch(e) { |
console.log("getGeoJSONRequest parsed.output e:", e, "#") |
responseMessageLisaRef.value = 'error: check the logs' |
} |
const parsedGeojson = JSON.parse(geojson) |
durationRef.value = parsed.duration_run |
numberOfPolygonsRef.value = n_shapes_geojson |
numberOfPredictedMasksRef.value = n_predictions |
responseMessageRef.value = '' |
return parsedGeojson |
} catch (errParseOutput1) { |
console.error("errParseOutput1::", errParseOutput1) |
return String(errParseOutput1) |
} |
} else { |
const outputText = await data.text() |
console.error('getGeoJSONRequest => status not 200, outputText', outputText, '#') |
responseMessageRef.value = `error message response: ${outputText}...` |
} |
} catch (errorOtherData) { |
const statusText = data.statusText || 'no response or uncaught exception!' |
console.error( |
'getGeoJSONRequest => data', |
data, |
'statusText', |
statusText, |
'errorOtherData', |
errorOtherData, |
'#' |
) |
responseMessageRef.value = `error status response: ${statusText}...` |
} |
} |
export const getPointPromptElement = (e: LEvented, elementType: ExcludeIncludeLabelPrompt): IPointPrompt|IRectanglePrompt => { |
const currentPointLayer: LatLng = getSelectedPointCoordinate(e) |
return { |
id: e.layer._leaflet_id, |
type: 'point', |
data: currentPointLayer, |
label: elementType |
} |
} |
export const getRectanglePromptElement = (e: LEvented) => { |
return { |
id: e.layer._leaflet_id, |
type: 'rectangle', |
data: getSelectedRectangleCoordinatesBBox(e) |
} |
} |
const updateLayerOnCreateOrEditEvent = ( |
event: LEvented, |
getPopupContentPointFn: (arg0: LEvented, arg1: number) => HTMLDivElement, |
promptsArrayRef: Ref) => { |
responseMessageRef.value = '-' |
if (event.shape === 'IncludeMarkerPrompt' || event.shape === 'ExcludeMarkerPrompt') { |
const labelPoint = Number(excludeIncludeLabelPrompt[event.shape]) |
const div = getPopupContentPointFn(event, labelPoint) |
event.layer.bindPopup(div).openPopup() |
promptsArrayRef.value.push(getPointPromptElement(event, labelPoint)) |
} |
if (event.shape === 'RectanglePrompt') { |
event.layer.bindPopup(`id:${event.layer._leaflet_id}.`).openPopup() |
promptsArrayRef.value.push(getRectanglePromptElement(event)) |
} |
} |
export const updateMapData = ( |
localMap: LMap, |
getPopupContentPointFn: (arg0: LEvented, arg1: number) => HTMLDivElement, |
promptsArrayRef: Ref |
) => { |
localMap.on('pm:create', (e: LEvented) => { |
updateLayerOnCreateOrEditEvent(e, getPopupContentPointFn, promptsArrayRef) |
e.layer.on('pm:edit', function(newEvent: LEvented) { |
promptsArrayRef.value = removeEventFromArrayByIndex(promptsArrayRef.value, newEvent) |
updateLayerOnCreateOrEditEvent(e, getPopupContentPointFn, promptsArrayRef) |
}); |
}) |
localMap.on('pm:remove', (e: LEvented) => { |
responseMessageRef.value = '-' |
promptsArrayRef.value = removeEventFromArrayByIndex(promptsArrayRef.value, e) |
}) |
} |
const removeEventFromArrayByIndex = (arr: Array<LEvented>, e: LEvented) => { |
return arr.filter((el: LEvented) => { |
return el.id != e.layer._leaflet_id |
}) |
} |