import unittest | |
import numpy as np | |
from aip_trainer import WordMatching | |
from tests.lambdas.test_lambdaSpeechToScore import set_seed | |
from tests import constants_wordmatching as const | |
class TestWordMatching(unittest.TestCase): | |
def test_get_word_distance_matrix(self): | |
words_estimated = ["hello", "world"] | |
words_real = ["hello", "word"] | |
expected_matrix = np.array([[0., 5.], [4., 1.], [5., 4.]]) | |
result_matrix = WordMatching.get_word_distance_matrix(words_estimated, words_real) | |
np.testing.assert_array_equal(result_matrix, expected_matrix) | |
def test_get_best_path_from_distance_matrix(self): | |
for word_distance_matrix, expected_result_indices in const.get_best_path_from_distance_matrix_constants: | |
set_seed() | |
result_indices = WordMatching.get_best_path_from_distance_matrix(word_distance_matrix) | |
np.testing.assert_array_equal(result_indices, expected_result_indices) | |
def test_get_best_path_from_distance_matrix_with_inf_values(self): | |
word_distance_matrix = np.array([[np.inf, 1, 2]]) | |
result_indices = WordMatching.get_best_path_from_distance_matrix(word_distance_matrix) | |
self.assertEqual(result_indices, []) | |
word_distance_matrix = np.array([[-1, np.inf, 3]]) | |
result_indices = WordMatching.get_best_path_from_distance_matrix(word_distance_matrix) | |
self.assertEqual(result_indices, []) | |
word_distance_matrix = np.array([[2, -1, np.inf]]) | |
result_indices = WordMatching.get_best_path_from_distance_matrix(word_distance_matrix) | |
self.assertEqual(result_indices, []) | |
word_distance_matrix = np.array([[np.inf, 1, 2], [1, np.inf, 3], [2, 3, np.inf], [-1, -np.inf, 1]]) | |
result_indices = WordMatching.get_best_path_from_distance_matrix(word_distance_matrix) | |
self.assertEqual(result_indices, []) | |
def test_get_resulting_string(self): | |
mapped_indices = np.array([0, 1]) | |
words_estimated = ["hello", "world"] | |
words_real = ["hello", "word"] | |
expected_words = ["hello", "world"] | |
expected_indices = [0, 1] | |
result_words, result_indices = WordMatching.get_resulting_string(mapped_indices, words_estimated, words_real) | |
self.assertEqual(result_words, expected_words) | |
self.assertEqual(result_indices, expected_indices) | |
def test_getWhichLettersWereTranscribedCorrectly(self): | |
real_word = "hello" | |
transcribed_word = "hxllo" | |
expected_result = [1, 0, 1, 1, 1] | |
result = WordMatching.getWhichLettersWereTranscribedCorrectly(real_word, transcribed_word) | |
self.assertEqual(result, expected_result) | |
def test_get_best_mapped_words(self): | |
words_estimated = ["hello", "world"] | |
words_real = ["hello", "word"] | |
expected_words = ["hello", "world"] | |
expected_indices = [0, 1] | |
result_words, result_indices = WordMatching.get_best_mapped_words(words_estimated, words_real) | |
self.assertEqual(result_words, expected_words) | |
self.assertEqual(result_indices, expected_indices) | |
expected_mapped_letters = ['e', 's', 's', 'e', 'n', '-'] | |
expected_mapped_words_indices = [np.int64(0), np.int64(1), np.int64(2), np.int64(3), np.int64(4), -1] | |
output_mapped_letters, output_mapped_words_indices = WordMatching.get_best_mapped_words("essen", "essen?") | |
assert output_mapped_letters == expected_mapped_letters | |
assert output_mapped_words_indices == expected_mapped_words_indices | |
def test_get_word_distance_matrix_with_empty_lists(self): | |
words_estimated = [] | |
words_real = [] | |
expected_matrix = np.arange(0).reshape((1, 0)) | |
result_matrix = WordMatching.get_word_distance_matrix(words_estimated, words_real) | |
np.testing.assert_array_equal(result_matrix, expected_matrix) | |
def test_get_word_distance_matrix_with_different_lengths(self): | |
words_estimated = ["hello"] | |
words_real = ["hello", "world"] | |
expected_matrix = np.array([[0., 4.], [5., 5.]]) | |
result_matrix = WordMatching.get_word_distance_matrix(words_estimated, words_real) | |
np.testing.assert_array_equal(result_matrix, expected_matrix) | |
def test_get_best_path_from_distance_matrix_with_empty_matrix_indexerror(self): | |
word_distance_matrix = np.array([]) | |
with self.assertRaises(IndexError): | |
try: | |
WordMatching.get_best_path_from_distance_matrix(word_distance_matrix) | |
except IndexError as e: | |
msg = "tuple index out of range" | |
assert msg in str(e) | |
raise e | |
def test_getWhichLettersWereTranscribedCorrectly_with_empty_strings(self): | |
real_word = "" | |
transcribed_word = "" | |
expected_result = [] | |
result = WordMatching.getWhichLettersWereTranscribedCorrectly(real_word, transcribed_word) | |
self.assertEqual(result, expected_result) | |
def test_getWhichLettersWereTranscribedCorrectly_with_different_lengths(self): | |
real_word = "hello" | |
transcribed_word = "hello oo" | |
expected_result = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1] | |
result = WordMatching.getWhichLettersWereTranscribedCorrectly(real_word, transcribed_word) | |
self.assertEqual(result, expected_result) | |
def test_getWhichLettersWereTranscribedCorrectly_wrong_number_elements_mapped_letters(self): | |
word_real = "ich" | |
mapped_letters=['i', 'c', 'h', "z"] | |
is_letter_correct1 = WordMatching.getWhichLettersWereTranscribedCorrectly(word_real, mapped_letters) # , mapped_letters_indices) | |
self.assertEqual(is_letter_correct1, [1, 1, 1]) | |
def test_getWhichLettersWereTranscribedCorrectly_wrong_number_elements_mapped_letters(self): | |
word_real = "ichh" | |
mapped_letters=['i', 'c', 'h'] | |
with self.assertRaises(IndexError): | |
try: | |
WordMatching.getWhichLettersWereTranscribedCorrectly(word_real, mapped_letters) # , mapped_letters_indices) | |
except IndexError as e: | |
msg = 'list index out of range' | |
assert msg in str(e) | |
raise e | |
def test_get_best_mapped_words_with_empty_lists(self): | |
expected_words = ["?"] | |
expected_indices = [0] | |
result_words, result_indices = WordMatching.get_best_mapped_words("?", "-") | |
self.assertEqual(result_words, expected_words) | |
self.assertEqual(result_indices, expected_indices) | |
expected_words = ['b', 'i', 'n', '-'] | |
expected_indices = [np.int64(0), np.int64(1), np.int64(2), -1] | |
result_words, result_indices = WordMatching.get_best_mapped_words("bin", "bind") | |
self.assertEqual(result_words, expected_words) | |
self.assertEqual(result_indices, expected_indices) | |
def test_get_best_mapped_words_with_different_lengths(self): | |
result_words, result_indices = WordMatching.get_best_mapped_words("bin", "") | |
self.assertEqual(result_words, []) | |
self.assertEqual(result_indices, []) | |
def test_get_best_mapped_words_with_word_estimated_empty_real_word_not_empty(self): | |
result_words, result_indices = WordMatching.get_best_mapped_words("", "bin") | |
self.assertEqual(result_words, ['', '-', '-']) | |
self.assertEqual(result_indices, [-1, -1, -1]) | |
def test_get_best_mapped_words_with_word_estimated_real_word_both_empty(self): | |
try: | |
with self.assertRaises(IndexError): | |
try: | |
WordMatching.get_best_mapped_words("", "") | |
except IndexError as ie: | |
print("raised IndexError...") | |
msg = "index -1 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 0" | |
assert msg in str(ie) | |
raise ie | |
except AssertionError: | |
# for some reason executing the test in debug mode from Visual Studio Code raises an AssertionError instead of an IndexError | |
print("raised AssertionError instead than IndexError...") | |
with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): | |
try: | |
WordMatching.get_best_mapped_words("", "") | |
except AssertionError as ae: | |
msg = "code object dtw_low at " | |
assert msg in str(ae) | |
raise ae | |
def test_get_best_mapped_words_survived(self): | |
set_seed() | |
word_real = "habe" | |
for word_estimated, expected_letters, expected_indices in [ | |
("habe", ["h", "a", "b", "e"], [0, 1, 2, 3]), | |
("hobe", ["h", "-", "b", "e"], [0, -1, 2, 3]), | |
("hone", ["h", "-", "-", "e"], [0, -1, -1, 3]), | |
("honi", ["h", "-", "-", "-"], [0, -1, -1, -1]), | |
("koni", ["k", "-", "-", "-"], [0, -1, -1, -1]), | |
("kabe", ["k", "a", "b", "e"], [0, 1, 2, 3]), | |
("kane", ["k", "a", "-", "e"], [0, 1, -1, 3]), | |
]: | |
result_words, result_indices = WordMatching.get_best_mapped_words(word_estimated, word_real) | |
self.assertEqual(result_words, expected_letters) | |
self.assertEqual(result_indices, expected_indices) | |
def test_inner_get_resulting_string(self): | |
error = 99999 | |
best_possible_combination = '' | |
best_possible_idx = -1 | |
position_of_real_word_indices = np.array([2, 3]) | |
word_idx = 2 | |
words_estimated = ['ich', 'bin', 'om', 'werbst', 'du', 'wille', 'freude', 'wo', 'no', 'wie', 'essen'] | |
words_real = ['Ich', 'bin', 'Tom,', 'wer', 'bist', 'du?', 'Viel', 'Freude.', 'Wollen', 'wir', 'essen?'] | |
best_possible_combination, best_possible_idx = WordMatching.inner_get_resulting_string( | |
best_possible_combination, best_possible_idx, error, position_of_real_word_indices, | |
word_idx, words_estimated, words_real | |
) | |
self.assertEqual(best_possible_combination, "om") | |
self.assertEqual(best_possible_idx, 2) | |
def test_inner_get_resulting_string_one_single_word(self): | |
error = 99999 | |
best_possible_combination = '' | |
best_possible_idx = -1 | |
position_of_real_word_indices = np.array([2, 3]) | |
word_idx = 2 | |
words_estimated = ['I', "hov-", 'inconsistencess'] | |
words_real = ['I', "have", 'inconsistencies'] | |
best_possible_combination, best_possible_idx = WordMatching.inner_get_resulting_string( | |
best_possible_combination, best_possible_idx, error, position_of_real_word_indices, | |
word_idx, words_estimated, words_real | |
) | |
self.assertEqual(best_possible_combination, "inconsistencess") | |
self.assertEqual(best_possible_idx, 2) | |
def test_inner_get_resulting_string_empty_args(self): | |
error = 99999 | |
best_possible_combination = '' | |
best_possible_idx = -1 | |
best_possible_combination2, best_possible_idx2 = WordMatching.inner_get_resulting_string( | |
best_possible_combination, best_possible_idx, error, np.array([2, 3]), 0, [], []) | |
self.assertEqual(best_possible_combination2, "") | |
self.assertEqual(best_possible_idx2, -1) | |
def test_get_resulting_string(self): | |
set_seed() | |
mapped_indices = np.array([0, 1]) | |
words_estimated = ["hollo", "uorld"] | |
words_real = ["hello", "word"] | |
expected_words = ['hollo', 'uorld'] | |
expected_indices = [0, 1] | |
result_words, result_indices = WordMatching.get_resulting_string(mapped_indices, words_estimated, words_real) | |
self.assertEqual(result_words, expected_words) | |
self.assertEqual(result_indices, expected_indices) | |
mapped_indices = np.array([1, 1]) | |
expected_words = ['-', 'uorld'] | |
expected_indices = [-1, 1] | |
result_words, result_indices = WordMatching.get_resulting_string(mapped_indices, words_estimated, words_real) | |
self.assertEqual(result_words, expected_words) | |
self.assertEqual(result_indices, expected_indices) | |
mapped_indices = np.array([0, 0]) | |
expected_words = ['hollo', '-'] | |
expected_indices = [0, -1] | |
result_words, result_indices = WordMatching.get_resulting_string(mapped_indices, words_estimated, words_real) | |
self.assertEqual(result_words, expected_words) | |
self.assertEqual(result_indices, expected_indices) | |
mapped_indices = np.array([0, -1]) | |
expected_words = ["hollo", "-"] | |
expected_indices = [0, -1] | |
result_words, result_indices = WordMatching.get_resulting_string(mapped_indices, words_estimated, words_real) | |
self.assertEqual(result_words, expected_words) | |
self.assertEqual(result_indices, expected_indices) | |
mapped_indices = np.array([-1, -1]) | |
expected_words = ["-", "-"] | |
expected_indices = [-1, -1] | |
result_words, result_indices = WordMatching.get_resulting_string(mapped_indices, words_estimated, words_real) | |
self.assertEqual(result_words, expected_words) | |
self.assertEqual(result_indices, expected_indices) | |
def test_get_resulting_string_with_empty_lists(self): | |
mapped_indices = np.array([]) | |
words_estimated = [] | |
words_real = [] | |
expected_words = [] | |
expected_indices = [] | |
result_words, result_indices = WordMatching.get_resulting_string(mapped_indices, words_estimated, words_real) | |
self.assertEqual(result_words, expected_words) | |
self.assertEqual(result_indices, expected_indices) | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
unittest.main() | |