alessandro trinca tornidor
feat: substitute sample table selection with direct input, update TestDataset tests
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<h1 id='main_title'> AI Pronunciation Trainer | |
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<p class="accuracy-text" style="font-size:1em; text-align: left; padding-top: 3px; padding-left: 5px;"> | |
Language: </p> | |
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style="font-size:1em; text-align: left; padding-top: 3px; padding-left: 0px;">German</button> | |
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<a href="javascript:changeLanguage('de',true)" class="accuracy-text" | |
style="padding-top: 3px; ">German</a> | |
<a href="javascript:changeLanguage('en',true)" class="accuracy-text ;" | |
style="padding-top: 3px; ">English</a> | |
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<p id="section_accuracy" class="accuracy-text" | |
style="text-align: left; color: black; font-size: larger;"> | |
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<a id="recordAudio" href="javascript:updateRecordingState()" class="round-button-mic disabled" | |
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position: absolute; top: 2%; "><i class="material-icons icon-text">play_arrow</i> | |
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style="color:white; text-align:center; position: absolute; top: 15%; "><i | |
class="material-icons icon-text">record_voice_over</i> | |
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- | |
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<p id="original_script" class=" bigger-text text-primary main-text">Click on the bar on the | |
right | |
to | |
generate a | |
new sentence (please use chrome web browser). | |
</p> | |
<p id="ipa_script" class="text-muted bigger-text ipa-text"> Before speaking, click on the mic button | |
below to start recording and then click again when you're done. | |
</p> | |
<p id="recorded_ipa_script" class="text-primary ipa-text">On the left bottom you can choose the | |
difficult. On the upper left you can choose the language. | |
</p> | |
<p id="translated_script" class="text-muted medium-text ipa-text"> The corresponding IPA reading of each | |
sentence will also be displayed. If you never heard from IPA, you can check out this | |
<a href="" | |
target=”_blank”>playlist</a>. Try to get at least 690 points a day. Don't be shy! You can do it | |
:) | |
</p> | |
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<div id="nextButtonDiv" style="position: absolute; left: 90%; top:0%; height: 100%;" class="flex-container"> | |
<button id="buttonNext" class="expanded button-next" onclick="javascript:getNextSample()"> | |
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<div id="div-field-filter-samples" style="position: absolute; width: 97%; margin: 1em;"> | |
<input id="field-filter-samples" type="search" class="form-control" placeholder="Write and press enter to filter"> | |
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<div id="radio-difficulty" class="radio" style="position: fixed; top: 95%; left: 2%;"> | |
<input label="Random" type="radio" id="lengthCat1" name='length' onclick="javascript:getNextSample()"> | |
<input label="Easy" type="radio" id="lengthCat2" name='length' checked onclick="javascript:getNextSample()"> | |
<input label="Medium" type="radio" id="lengthCat3" name='length' onclick="javascript:getNextSample()"> | |
<input label="Hard" type="radio" id="lengthCat4" name='length' onclick="javascript:getNextSample()"> | |
</div> | |
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style="align-items: center; text-align: center; vertical-align:middle; "> | |
<p id="single_word_ipa_pair" class="expand ipa-text-small" | |
style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;">Reference | Spoken | |
</p> | |
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<p class="credits-icon-div">By Thiago | |
Lobato.</p> | |
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