spacex / src /engines /
:zap: perf: several optimizations for improving the performance of the engine (#540)
991f3f5 unverified
//! The `startpage` module handles the scraping of results from the startpage search engine
//! by querying the upstream startpage search engine with user provided query and with a page
//! number if provided.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use reqwest::header::HeaderMap;
use reqwest::Client;
use scraper::Html;
use crate::models::aggregation_models::SearchResult;
use crate::models::engine_models::{EngineError, SearchEngine};
use error_stack::{Report, Result, ResultExt};
use super::search_result_parser::SearchResultParser;
/// A new Startpage engine type defined in-order to implement the `SearchEngine` trait which allows to
/// reduce code duplication as well as allows to create vector of different search engines easily.
pub struct Startpage {
/// The parser, used to interpret the search result.
parser: SearchResultParser,
impl Startpage {
/// Creates the Startpage parser.
pub fn new() -> Result<Self, EngineError> {
Ok(Self {
parser: SearchResultParser::new(
impl SearchEngine for Startpage {
async fn results(
query: &str,
page: u32,
user_agent: &str,
client: &Client,
_safe_search: u8,
) -> Result<Vec<(String, SearchResult)>, EngineError> {
// Page number can be missing or empty string and so appropriate handling is required
// so that upstream server recieves valid page number.
let url: String = format!(
page * 10,
// initializing HeaderMap and adding appropriate headers.
let header_map = HeaderMap::try_from(&HashMap::from([
("USER_AGENT".to_string(), user_agent.to_string()),
("REFERER".to_string(), "".to_string()),
("COOKIE".to_string(), "preferences=connect_to_serverEEE0N1Ndate_timeEEEworldN1Ndisable_family_filterEEE0N1Ndisable_open_in_new_windowEEE0N1Nenable_post_methodEEE1N1Nenable_proxy_safety_suggestEEE1N1Nenable_stay_controlEEE0N1Ninstant_answersEEE1N1Nlang_homepageEEEs%2Fnight%2FenN1NlanguageEEEenglishN1Nlanguage_uiEEEenglishN1Nnum_of_resultsEEE10N1Nsearch_results_regionEEEallN1NsuggestionsEEE1N1Nwt_unitEEEcelsius".to_string()),
let document: Html = Html::parse_document(
&Startpage::fetch_html_from_upstream(self, &url, header_map, client).await?,
if self.parser.parse_for_no_results(&document).next().is_some() {
return Err(Report::new(EngineError::EmptyResultSet));
// scrape all the results from the html
.parse_for_results(&document, |title, url, desc| {