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import enum
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
from skimage import img_as_ubyte
from skimage.transform import rescale, resize
from detectron2 import model_zoo
from detectron2.config import get_cfg
from detectron2.engine import DefaultPredictor
print("Detectron v2 is not installed")
from .countless.countless2d import zero_corrected_countless
class ObjectMask():
def __init__(self, mask):
self.height, self.width = mask.shape
(self.up, self.down), (self.left, self.right) = self._get_limits(mask)
self.mask = mask[self.up:self.down, self.left:self.right].copy()
def _get_limits(mask):
def indicator_limits(indicator):
lower = indicator.argmax()
upper = len(indicator) - indicator[::-1].argmax()
return lower, upper
vertical_indicator = mask.any(axis=1)
vertical_limits = indicator_limits(vertical_indicator)
horizontal_indicator = mask.any(axis=0)
horizontal_limits = indicator_limits(horizontal_indicator)
return vertical_limits, horizontal_limits
def _clean(self):
self.up, self.down, self.left, self.right = 0, 0, 0, 0
self.mask = np.empty((0, 0))
def horizontal_flip(self, inplace=False):
if not inplace:
flipped = deepcopy(self)
return flipped.horizontal_flip(inplace=True)
self.mask = self.mask[:, ::-1]
return self
def vertical_flip(self, inplace=False):
if not inplace:
flipped = deepcopy(self)
return flipped.vertical_flip(inplace=True)
self.mask = self.mask[::-1, :]
return self
def image_center(self):
y_center = self.up + (self.down - self.up) / 2
x_center = self.left + (self.right - self.left) / 2
return y_center, x_center
def rescale(self, scaling_factor, inplace=False):
if not inplace:
scaled = deepcopy(self)
return scaled.rescale(scaling_factor, inplace=True)
scaled_mask = rescale(self.mask.astype(float), scaling_factor, order=0) > 0.5
(up, down), (left, right) = self._get_limits(scaled_mask)
self.mask = scaled_mask[up:down, left:right]
y_center, x_center = self.image_center()
mask_height, mask_width = self.mask.shape
self.up = int(round(y_center - mask_height / 2))
self.down = self.up + mask_height
self.left = int(round(x_center - mask_width / 2))
self.right = self.left + mask_width
return self
def crop_to_canvas(self, vertical=True, horizontal=True, inplace=False):
if not inplace:
cropped = deepcopy(self)
cropped.crop_to_canvas(vertical=vertical, horizontal=horizontal, inplace=True)
return cropped
if vertical:
if self.up >= self.height or self.down <= 0:
cut_up, cut_down = max(-self.up, 0), max(self.down - self.height, 0)
if cut_up != 0:
self.mask = self.mask[cut_up:]
self.up = 0
if cut_down != 0:
self.mask = self.mask[:-cut_down]
self.down = self.height
if horizontal:
if self.left >= self.width or self.right <= 0:
cut_left, cut_right = max(-self.left, 0), max(self.right - self.width, 0)
if cut_left != 0:
self.mask = self.mask[:, cut_left:]
self.left = 0
if cut_right != 0:
self.mask = self.mask[:, :-cut_right]
self.right = self.width
return self
def restore_full_mask(self, allow_crop=False):
cropped = self.crop_to_canvas(inplace=allow_crop)
mask = np.zeros((cropped.height, cropped.width), dtype=bool)
mask[cropped.up:cropped.down, cropped.left:cropped.right] = cropped.mask
return mask
def shift(self, vertical=0, horizontal=0, inplace=False):
if not inplace:
shifted = deepcopy(self)
return shifted.shift(vertical=vertical, horizontal=horizontal, inplace=True)
self.up += vertical
self.down += vertical
self.left += horizontal
self.right += horizontal
return self
def area(self):
return self.mask.sum()
class RigidnessMode(enum.Enum):
soft = 0
rigid = 1
class SegmentationMask:
def __init__(self, confidence_threshold=0.5, rigidness_mode=RigidnessMode.rigid,
max_object_area=0.3, min_mask_area=0.02, downsample_levels=6, num_variants_per_mask=4,
max_mask_intersection=0.5, max_foreground_coverage=0.5, max_foreground_intersection=0.5,
max_hidden_area=0.2, max_scale_change=0.25, horizontal_flip=True,
max_vertical_shift=0.1, position_shuffle=True):
:param confidence_threshold: float; threshold for confidence of the panoptic segmentator to allow for
the instance.
:param rigidness_mode: RigidnessMode object
when soft, checks intersection only with the object from which the mask_object was produced
when rigid, checks intersection with any foreground class object
:param max_object_area: float; allowed upper bound for to be considered as mask_object.
:param min_mask_area: float; lower bound for mask to be considered valid
:param downsample_levels: int; defines width of the resized segmentation to obtain shifted masks;
:param num_variants_per_mask: int; maximal number of the masks for the same object;
:param max_mask_intersection: float; maximum allowed area fraction of intersection for 2 masks
produced by horizontal shift of the same mask_object; higher value -> more diversity
:param max_foreground_coverage: float; maximum allowed area fraction of intersection for foreground object to be
covered by mask; lower value -> less the objects are covered
:param max_foreground_intersection: float; maximum allowed area of intersection for the mask with foreground
object; lower value -> mask is more on the background than on the objects
:param max_hidden_area: upper bound on part of the object hidden by shifting object outside the screen area;
:param max_scale_change: allowed scale change for the mask_object;
:param horizontal_flip: if horizontal flips are allowed;
:param max_vertical_shift: amount of vertical movement allowed;
:param position_shuffle: shuffle
assert DETECTRON_INSTALLED, 'Cannot use SegmentationMask without detectron2'
self.cfg = get_cfg()
self.cfg.MODEL.WEIGHTS = model_zoo.get_checkpoint_url("COCO-PanopticSegmentation/panoptic_fpn_R_101_3x.yaml")
self.predictor = DefaultPredictor(self.cfg)
self.rigidness_mode = RigidnessMode(rigidness_mode)
self.max_object_area = max_object_area
self.min_mask_area = min_mask_area
self.downsample_levels = downsample_levels
self.num_variants_per_mask = num_variants_per_mask
self.max_mask_intersection = max_mask_intersection
self.max_foreground_coverage = max_foreground_coverage
self.max_foreground_intersection = max_foreground_intersection
self.max_hidden_area = max_hidden_area
self.position_shuffle = position_shuffle
self.max_scale_change = max_scale_change
self.horizontal_flip = horizontal_flip
self.max_vertical_shift = max_vertical_shift
def get_segmentation(self, img):
im = img_as_ubyte(img)
panoptic_seg, segment_info = self.predictor(im)["panoptic_seg"]
return panoptic_seg, segment_info
def _is_power_of_two(n):
return (n != 0) and (n & (n-1) == 0)
def identify_candidates(self, panoptic_seg, segments_info):
potential_mask_ids = []
for segment in segments_info:
if not segment["isthing"]:
mask = (panoptic_seg == segment["id"]).int().detach().cpu().numpy()
area = mask.sum().item() / np.prod(panoptic_seg.shape)
if area >= self.max_object_area:
return potential_mask_ids
def downsample_mask(self, mask):
height, width = mask.shape
if not (self._is_power_of_two(height) and self._is_power_of_two(width)):
raise ValueError("Image sides are not power of 2.")
num_iterations = width.bit_length() - 1 - self.downsample_levels
if num_iterations < 0:
raise ValueError(f"Width is lower than 2^{self.downsample_levels}.")
if height.bit_length() - 1 < num_iterations:
raise ValueError("Height is too low to perform downsampling")
downsampled = mask
for _ in range(num_iterations):
downsampled = zero_corrected_countless(downsampled)
return downsampled
def _augmentation_params(self):
scaling_factor = np.random.uniform(1 - self.max_scale_change, 1 + self.max_scale_change)
if self.horizontal_flip:
horizontal_flip = bool(np.random.choice(2))
horizontal_flip = False
vertical_shift = np.random.uniform(-self.max_vertical_shift, self.max_vertical_shift)
return {
"scaling_factor": scaling_factor,
"horizontal_flip": horizontal_flip,
"vertical_shift": vertical_shift
def _get_intersection(self, mask_array, mask_object):
intersection = mask_array[
mask_object.up:mask_object.down, mask_object.left:mask_object.right
] & mask_object.mask
return intersection
def _check_masks_intersection(self, aug_mask, total_mask_area, prev_masks):
for existing_mask in prev_masks:
intersection_area = self._get_intersection(existing_mask, aug_mask).sum()
intersection_existing = intersection_area / existing_mask.sum()
intersection_current = 1 - (aug_mask.area() - intersection_area) / total_mask_area
if (intersection_existing > self.max_mask_intersection) or \
(intersection_current > self.max_mask_intersection):
return False
return True
def _check_foreground_intersection(self, aug_mask, foreground):
for existing_mask in foreground:
intersection_area = self._get_intersection(existing_mask, aug_mask).sum()
intersection_existing = intersection_area / existing_mask.sum()
if intersection_existing > self.max_foreground_coverage:
return False
intersection_mask = intersection_area / aug_mask.area()
if intersection_mask > self.max_foreground_intersection:
return False
return True
def _move_mask(self, mask, foreground):
# Obtaining properties of the original mask_object:
orig_mask = ObjectMask(mask)
chosen_masks = []
chosen_parameters = []
# to fix the case when resizing gives mask_object consisting only of False
scaling_factor_lower_bound = 0.
for var_idx in range(self.num_variants_per_mask):
# Obtaining augmentation parameters and applying them to the downscaled mask_object
augmentation_params = self._augmentation_params()
augmentation_params["scaling_factor"] = min([
2 * min(orig_mask.up, orig_mask.height - orig_mask.down) / orig_mask.height + 1.,
2 * min(orig_mask.left, orig_mask.width - orig_mask.right) / orig_mask.width + 1.
augmentation_params["scaling_factor"] = max([
augmentation_params["scaling_factor"], scaling_factor_lower_bound
aug_mask = deepcopy(orig_mask)
aug_mask.rescale(augmentation_params["scaling_factor"], inplace=True)
if augmentation_params["horizontal_flip"]:
total_aug_area = aug_mask.area()
if total_aug_area == 0:
scaling_factor_lower_bound = 1.
# Fix if the element vertical shift is too strong and shown area is too small:
vertical_area = aug_mask.mask.sum(axis=1) / total_aug_area # share of area taken by rows
# number of rows which are allowed to be hidden from upper and lower parts of image respectively
max_hidden_up = np.searchsorted(vertical_area.cumsum(), self.max_hidden_area)
max_hidden_down = np.searchsorted(vertical_area[::-1].cumsum(), self.max_hidden_area)
# correcting vertical shift, so not too much area will be hidden
augmentation_params["vertical_shift"] = np.clip(
-(aug_mask.up + max_hidden_up) / aug_mask.height,
(aug_mask.height - aug_mask.down + max_hidden_down) / aug_mask.height
# Applying vertical shift:
vertical_shift = int(round(aug_mask.height * augmentation_params["vertical_shift"]))
aug_mask.shift(vertical=vertical_shift, inplace=True)
aug_mask.crop_to_canvas(vertical=True, horizontal=False, inplace=True)
# Choosing horizontal shift:
max_hidden_area = self.max_hidden_area - (1 - aug_mask.area() / total_aug_area)
horizontal_area = aug_mask.mask.sum(axis=0) / total_aug_area
max_hidden_left = np.searchsorted(horizontal_area.cumsum(), max_hidden_area)
max_hidden_right = np.searchsorted(horizontal_area[::-1].cumsum(), max_hidden_area)
allowed_shifts = np.arange(-max_hidden_left, aug_mask.width -
(aug_mask.right - aug_mask.left) + max_hidden_right + 1)
allowed_shifts = - (aug_mask.left - allowed_shifts)
if self.position_shuffle:
mask_is_found = False
for horizontal_shift in allowed_shifts:
aug_mask_left = deepcopy(aug_mask)
aug_mask_left.shift(horizontal=horizontal_shift, inplace=True)
prev_masks = [mask] + chosen_masks
is_mask_suitable = self._check_masks_intersection(aug_mask_left, total_aug_area, prev_masks) & \
self._check_foreground_intersection(aug_mask_left, foreground)
if is_mask_suitable:
aug_draw = aug_mask_left.restore_full_mask()
augmentation_params["horizontal_shift"] = horizontal_shift / aug_mask_left.width
mask_is_found = True
if not mask_is_found:
return chosen_parameters
def _prepare_mask(self, mask):
height, width = mask.shape
target_width = width if self._is_power_of_two(width) else (1 << width.bit_length())
target_height = height if self._is_power_of_two(height) else (1 << height.bit_length())
return resize(mask.astype('float32'), (target_height, target_width), order=0, mode='edge').round().astype('int32')
def get_masks(self, im, return_panoptic=False):
panoptic_seg, segments_info = self.get_segmentation(im)
potential_mask_ids = self.identify_candidates(panoptic_seg, segments_info)
panoptic_seg_scaled = self._prepare_mask(panoptic_seg.detach().cpu().numpy())
downsampled = self.downsample_mask(panoptic_seg_scaled)
scene_objects = []
for segment in segments_info:
if not segment["isthing"]:
mask = downsampled == segment["id"]
if not np.any(mask):
mask_set = []
for mask_id in potential_mask_ids:
mask = downsampled == mask_id
if not np.any(mask):
if self.rigidness_mode is RigidnessMode.soft:
foreground = [mask]
elif self.rigidness_mode is RigidnessMode.rigid:
foreground = scene_objects
raise ValueError(f'Unexpected rigidness_mode: {rigidness_mode}')
masks_params = self._move_mask(mask, foreground)
full_mask = ObjectMask((panoptic_seg == mask_id).detach().cpu().numpy())
for params in masks_params:
aug_mask = deepcopy(full_mask)
aug_mask.rescale(params["scaling_factor"], inplace=True)
if params["horizontal_flip"]:
vertical_shift = int(round(aug_mask.height * params["vertical_shift"]))
horizontal_shift = int(round(aug_mask.width * params["horizontal_shift"]))
aug_mask.shift(vertical=vertical_shift, horizontal=horizontal_shift, inplace=True)
aug_mask = aug_mask.restore_full_mask().astype('uint8')
if aug_mask.mean() <= self.min_mask_area:
if return_panoptic:
return mask_set, panoptic_seg.detach().cpu().numpy()
return mask_set
def propose_random_square_crop(mask, min_overlap=0.5):
height, width = mask.shape
mask_ys, mask_xs = np.where(mask > 0.5) # mask==0 is known fragment and mask==1 is missing
if height < width:
crop_size = height
obj_left, obj_right = mask_xs.min(), mask_xs.max()
obj_width = obj_right - obj_left
left_border = max(0, min(width - crop_size - 1, obj_left + obj_width * min_overlap - crop_size))
right_border = max(left_border + 1, min(width - crop_size, obj_left + obj_width * min_overlap))
start_x = np.random.randint(left_border, right_border)
return start_x, 0, start_x + crop_size, height
crop_size = width
obj_top, obj_bottom = mask_ys.min(), mask_ys.max()
obj_height = obj_bottom - obj_top
top_border = max(0, min(height - crop_size - 1, obj_top + obj_height * min_overlap - crop_size))
bottom_border = max(top_border + 1, min(height - crop_size, obj_top + obj_height * min_overlap))
start_y = np.random.randint(top_border, bottom_border)
return 0, start_y, width, start_y + crop_size