deeplab2 / evaluation /
spaces demo
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2021 The Deeplab2 Authors.
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# limitations under the License.
"""Implementation of the Segmentation and Tracking Quality (STQ) metric."""
import collections
from typing import MutableMapping, Sequence, Dict, Text, Any
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
def _update_dict_stats(stat_dict: MutableMapping[int, tf.Tensor],
id_array: tf.Tensor):
"""Updates a given dict with corresponding counts."""
ids, _, counts = tf.unique_with_counts(id_array)
for idx, count in zip(ids.numpy(), counts):
if idx in stat_dict:
stat_dict[idx] += count
stat_dict[idx] = count
class STQuality(object):
"""Metric class for the Segmentation and Tracking Quality (STQ).
The metric computes the geometric mean of two terms.
- Association Quality: This term measures the quality of the track ID
assignment for `thing` classes. It is formulated as a weighted IoU
- Segmentation Quality: This term measures the semantic segmentation quality.
The standard class IoU measure is used for this.
Example usage:
stq_obj = segmentation_tracking_quality.STQuality(num_classes, things_list,
ignore_label, max_instances_per_category, offset)
stq_obj.update_state(y_true_1, y_pred_1)
stq_obj.update_state(y_true_2, y_pred_2)
result = stq_obj.result().numpy()
def __init__(self,
num_classes: int,
things_list: Sequence[int],
ignore_label: int,
max_instances_per_category: int,
offset: int,
"""Initialization of the STQ metric.
num_classes: Number of classes in the dataset as an integer.
things_list: A sequence of class ids that belong to `things`.
ignore_label: The class id to be ignored in evaluation as an integer or
integer tensor.
max_instances_per_category: The maximum number of instances for each class
as an integer or integer tensor.
offset: The maximum number of unique labels as an integer or integer
name: An optional name. (default: 'st_quality')
self._name = name
self._num_classes = num_classes
self._ignore_label = ignore_label
self._things_list = things_list
self._max_instances_per_category = max_instances_per_category
if ignore_label >= num_classes:
self._confusion_matrix_size = num_classes + 1
self._include_indices = np.arange(self._num_classes)
self._confusion_matrix_size = num_classes
self._include_indices = np.array(
[i for i in range(num_classes) if i != self._ignore_label])
self._iou_confusion_matrix_per_sequence = collections.OrderedDict()
self._predictions = collections.OrderedDict()
self._ground_truth = collections.OrderedDict()
self._intersections = collections.OrderedDict()
self._sequence_length = collections.OrderedDict()
self._offset = offset
lower_bound = num_classes * max_instances_per_category
if offset < lower_bound:
raise ValueError('The provided offset %d is too small. No guarantess '
'about the correctness of the results can be made. '
'Please choose an offset that is higher than num_classes'
' * max_instances_per_category = %d' % lower_bound)
def update_state(self, y_true: tf.Tensor, y_pred: tf.Tensor,
"""Accumulates the segmentation and tracking quality statistics.
y_true: The ground-truth panoptic label map for a particular video frame
(defined as semantic_map * max_instances_per_category + instance_map).
y_pred: The predicted panoptic label map for a particular video frame
(defined as semantic_map * max_instances_per_category + instance_map).
sequence_id: The optional ID of the sequence the frames belong to. When no
sequence is given, all frames are considered to belong to the same
sequence (default: 0).
y_true = tf.cast(y_true, dtype=tf.int64)
y_pred = tf.cast(y_pred, dtype=tf.int64)
semantic_label = y_true // self._max_instances_per_category
semantic_prediction = y_pred // self._max_instances_per_category
# Check if the ignore value is outside the range [0, num_classes]. If yes,
# map `_ignore_label` to `_num_classes`, so it can be used to create the
# confusion matrix.
if self._ignore_label > self._num_classes:
semantic_label = tf.where(
tf.not_equal(semantic_label, self._ignore_label), semantic_label,
semantic_prediction = tf.where(
tf.not_equal(semantic_prediction, self._ignore_label),
semantic_prediction, self._num_classes)
if sequence_id in self._iou_confusion_matrix_per_sequence:
self._iou_confusion_matrix_per_sequence[sequence_id] += (
tf.reshape(semantic_label, [-1]),
tf.reshape(semantic_prediction, [-1]),
self._sequence_length[sequence_id] += 1
self._iou_confusion_matrix_per_sequence[sequence_id] = (
tf.reshape(semantic_label, [-1]),
tf.reshape(semantic_prediction, [-1]),
self._predictions[sequence_id] = {}
self._ground_truth[sequence_id] = {}
self._intersections[sequence_id] = {}
self._sequence_length[sequence_id] = 1
instance_label = y_true % self._max_instances_per_category
label_mask = tf.zeros_like(semantic_label, dtype=tf.bool)
prediction_mask = tf.zeros_like(semantic_prediction, dtype=tf.bool)
for things_class_id in self._things_list:
label_mask = tf.logical_or(label_mask,
tf.equal(semantic_label, things_class_id))
prediction_mask = tf.logical_or(
prediction_mask, tf.equal(semantic_prediction, things_class_id))
# Select the `crowd` region of the current class. This region is encoded
# instance id `0`.
is_crowd = tf.logical_and(tf.equal(instance_label, 0), label_mask)
# Select the non-crowd region of the corresponding class as the `crowd`
# region is ignored for the tracking term.
label_mask = tf.logical_and(label_mask, tf.logical_not(is_crowd))
# Do not punish id assignment for regions that are annotated as `crowd` in
# the ground-truth.
prediction_mask = tf.logical_and(prediction_mask, tf.logical_not(is_crowd))
seq_preds = self._predictions[sequence_id]
seq_gts = self._ground_truth[sequence_id]
seq_intersects = self._intersections[sequence_id]
# Compute and update areas of ground-truth, predictions and intersections.
_update_dict_stats(seq_preds, y_pred[prediction_mask])
_update_dict_stats(seq_gts, y_true[label_mask])
non_crowd_intersection = tf.logical_and(label_mask, prediction_mask)
intersection_ids = (
y_true[non_crowd_intersection] * self._offset +
_update_dict_stats(seq_intersects, intersection_ids)
def result(self) -> Dict[Text, Any]:
"""Computes the segmentation and tracking quality.
A dictionary containing:
- 'STQ': The total STQ score.
- 'AQ': The total association quality (AQ) score.
- 'IoU': The total mean IoU.
- 'STQ_per_seq': A list of the STQ score per sequence.
- 'AQ_per_seq': A list of the AQ score per sequence.
- 'IoU_per_seq': A list of mean IoU per sequence.
- 'Id_per_seq': A list of sequence Ids to map list index to sequence.
- 'Length_per_seq': A list of the length of each sequence.
# Compute association quality (AQ)
num_tubes_per_seq = [0] * len(self._ground_truth)
aq_per_seq = [0] * len(self._ground_truth)
iou_per_seq = [0] * len(self._ground_truth)
id_per_seq = [''] * len(self._ground_truth)
for index, sequence_id in enumerate(self._ground_truth):
outer_sum = 0.0
predictions = self._predictions[sequence_id]
ground_truth = self._ground_truth[sequence_id]
intersections = self._intersections[sequence_id]
num_tubes_per_seq[index] = len(ground_truth)
id_per_seq[index] = sequence_id
for gt_id, gt_size in ground_truth.items():
inner_sum = 0.0
for pr_id, pr_size in predictions.items():
tpa_key = self._offset * gt_id + pr_id
if tpa_key in intersections:
tpa = intersections[tpa_key].numpy()
fpa = pr_size.numpy() - tpa
fna = gt_size.numpy() - tpa
inner_sum += tpa * (tpa / (tpa + fpa + fna))
outer_sum += 1.0 / gt_size.numpy() * inner_sum
aq_per_seq[index] = outer_sum
aq_mean = np.sum(aq_per_seq) / np.maximum(np.sum(num_tubes_per_seq), 1e-15)
aq_per_seq = aq_per_seq / np.maximum(num_tubes_per_seq, 1e-15)
# Compute IoU scores.
# The rows correspond to ground-truth and the columns to predictions.
# Remove fp from confusion matrix for the void/ignore class.
total_confusion = np.zeros(
(self._confusion_matrix_size, self._confusion_matrix_size),
for index, confusion in enumerate(
confusion = confusion.numpy()
removal_matrix = np.zeros_like(confusion)
removal_matrix[self._include_indices, :] = 1.0
confusion *= removal_matrix
total_confusion += confusion
# `intersections` corresponds to true positives.
intersections = confusion.diagonal()
fps = confusion.sum(axis=0) - intersections
fns = confusion.sum(axis=1) - intersections
unions = intersections + fps + fns
num_classes = np.count_nonzero(unions)
ious = (intersections.astype(np.double) /
np.maximum(unions, 1e-15).astype(np.double))
iou_per_seq[index] = np.sum(ious) / num_classes
# `intersections` corresponds to true positives.
intersections = total_confusion.diagonal()
fps = total_confusion.sum(axis=0) - intersections
fns = total_confusion.sum(axis=1) - intersections
unions = intersections + fps + fns
num_classes = np.count_nonzero(unions)
ious = (intersections.astype(np.double) /
np.maximum(unions, 1e-15).astype(np.double))
iou_mean = np.sum(ious) / num_classes
st_quality = np.sqrt(aq_mean * iou_mean)
st_quality_per_seq = np.sqrt(aq_per_seq * iou_per_seq)
return {'STQ': st_quality,
'AQ': aq_mean,
'IoU': float(iou_mean),
'STQ_per_seq': st_quality_per_seq,
'AQ_per_seq': aq_per_seq,
'IoU_per_seq': iou_per_seq,
'ID_per_seq': id_per_seq,
'Length_per_seq': list(self._sequence_length.values()),
def reset_states(self):
"""Resets all states that accumulated data."""
self._iou_confusion_matrix_per_sequence = collections.OrderedDict()
self._predictions = collections.OrderedDict()
self._ground_truth = collections.OrderedDict()
self._intersections = collections.OrderedDict()
self._sequence_length = collections.OrderedDict()